Comp Organization

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0xFABC is the hexadecimal representation of the binary string ________.


110001 is the 6-bit unsigned representation for decimal value of ________.


With 16 bits, we can uniquely represent ________ distinct elements.


Every ASCII code corresponds to a key on the keyboard that can produce a character on the screen of the monitor.


If numbers are to be represented with 10 bits, we can represent more unique numbers if we use an unsigned integer representation than if we use signed integer representations.


The ASCII code for semicolon is formed by adding the ASCII codes for period and comma.


The character ? does not have an ASCII code.


The exponent of an IEEE Floating point number is encoded in 2's complement representation.


If A is false, the ________ of A is true.


A XOR B is true if one of A,B is true and one of A,B is false.


Hexadecimal numbers are represented with radix 16.


The 2's complement representation for -2 is 111111111110, if we have 12 bits available to represent signed integers. Correct!


The floating point data type allows us to represent both much larger and much smaller numbers than is possible with 2's complement integers.


The logical NOT function is a unary function, because it has only one source operand. Correct!


00100100 is the ASCII code for ________.


110001 is the 6-bit 2's complement representation for decimal number _______


If the radix is 16, each digit can have a value in the range: You Answered


What values does hexadecimal use?

0-9 and A- F; A-F == 10-15

The decimal digit 5 can be represented as a bit string:

0000000000000101 00000101 10101

Inside a computer, the ________ performs both arithmetic and logical operations.


The ________ function produces the value false, unless both sources are true.


Most keys on the keyboard have at least two corresponding ________ codes, depending on whether or not the SHIFT key is also simultaneously depressed.


If we add the 2's complement representation of k to the 2's complement representation of -k, the result will be

All 0's, plus a carry

An operator requiring two source operands is called a ________ operator.


0x________ is the hexadecimal representation of the binary string 0000111100101010.


If A is true, and B is false, the expression NOT(A) OR B is


A AND B is true if at least one of the two variables A, B is true.


The operation ADD is

a binary operator because it requires TWO operands

A data type is:

a representation of information for which there are operations in the computer that can operate on the information encoded in that representation.

For the value of A OR B to be true

at least one of the two values A, B is true

Decimal numbers have a ________ of ten.


We use the term ________ as a shortened form of binary digit.


AND and NOT are examples of ________ operators.


A ________ is a representation of information, for which an operator exists that can operator on that representation.

data type

With 12 bits, we can represent uniquely:

exactly 4096 distinct items

A floating point representation is comprised of

exponent, sign, fraction

The ________ data type allows the representation of much larger and much smaller values than 2's complement integer representation.

floating point

The digits 0,1,...9,A,B,C,D,E,F are used in ________ notation.


Using 8 bits, the unsigned integer representation of -13 is

not possible to represent

When two positive integers produce a negative result, we know a/an ________ has occurred.


In 2's complement arithmetic, an overflow occurs if:

two positive numbers produce a negative result & two negative numbers produce a positive result

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