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INTERPOL'S NOTICE SYSTEM: THE EIGHT NOTICES To collect additional information about a person's identity or activities in relation to a crime. -


INTERPOL'S NOTICE SYSTEM: THE EIGHT NOTICES To seek information on unidentified bodies. -


An expression used to point out increasing global interdependence; or the intensification of worldwide social relationships. It may also mean the incorporation of worlds society or world the inhabitants into a single deteritorialization of human relations and of economy and production, and the emergence of broad and wide-reaching cultural, political, social and financial flows.


- A dynamic organization that serves as the professional voice of law enforcement. IACP is a comprehensive professional organization that supports the law enforcement leaders of today and develops the leaders of tomorrow.


- Established in 1981 and became the premier regional platform for all the heads of Asian national police force to interact as well as to discuss, exchange views and update each other on the latest development in law enforcement and transnational issues in their respective countries - After 24 years, it has grown from 5 police chiefs to a solid force of the ASEAN TEN, signaling the emergence of a regional alliance that is determined to secure not only our own individual sovereignties but also the peace and progress of our community


A broad range of global databases, incorporating key information such as names of fingerprints, criminals and suspected individuals, photographs, DNA profiles, requests for wanted persons, lost and stolen travel documents, stolen vehicles, and weapons related to criminal cases. Main Database: - Stolen and Lost Travel Documents - Child sexual exploitation images - Stolen Works of Art - Firearms - DNA Profiles - Fingerprints - Notices - Stolen Motor Vehicles


A fundamental condition for successful international police cooperation. It is essential for police forces to be able to communicate with each other, worldwide, in 'real time, and in a secure way.


A network that enables investigators to access INTERPOL'S range of criminal databases. The -24/7 system was created in January 2003, and is an enhanced communication service and an innovative, user-friendly tool for international law enforcement. Information about suspected individuals and groups and their activities is exchanged between INTERPOL's member countries and its General Secretariat in a fast, reliable and secure manner. It provides a creative, modern and sophisticated way to make international law enforcement efforts more effective, and easier to perform.


A subfield of the study of Criminal Justice that compares justice systems worldwide. Such study can take a descriptive, historical, or political approach. It studies the similarities and differences structure, in goals, punishment and emphasis on rights as well as the history and political stature of different systems. It is common to broadly categorize it's function into policing, adjudication and corrections, although other categorization schemes exist. It's task is to compare and contrast our ways of responding to crime With those practiced elsewhere. It also often involves, even if it does not necessarily have to do so, borrowing from, or atleast trying to learn from, what is done in other places. It would seem obvious therefore that, if it is to be at all helpful comparison requires understanding and interpreting what those in other places are actually trying to do. "Comparativists" study the four different types of societies, their methods of enforcement and their different types of punishment such as capital punishment, and imprisonment. Within these societies they study different types of legal tradition and analyze the issues they solve and create


INTERPOL'S NOTICE SYSTEM: THE EIGHT NOTICES To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who are unable to identify themselves. -


INTERPOL'S NOTICE SYSTEM: THE EIGHT NOTICES To provide information on modi operandi, procedures, objects, devices and concealment methods used by criminals -

/ Home Affairs Ministry / Royal Brunei Police ( Polis Dihara) / Inspector General / Lance Corporal


/ Interior / Cambodian National Police / Brigadier General / Officer Corporal


/ Internal Affairs / Indonesian Natl. Police (Polri) / Police General / Second Bhayangkara


/ Public Security / Laos National Police / General / Constable


/ Home Affairs / Royal Malaysian Police / Inspector General / Constable


/ Home Affairs / Myanmar Police Force / Police Major General / Private


/ DILG / Philipine National Police / Police General / Patrolman/woman


/ Home Affairs / Singapore Police Force / Commissioner of Police / Police Constable


/ Not available / Thailand National Police / Police General / Not available


/ Public Security / People's Police of Vietnam / General / Patrolman


1)Manila, Philippines 2)ASEANAPOL Conference 3)rotational 4)Kuala Lumpur 5)1st January 2010

ASEAN CHIEFS OF POLICE (ASEANAPOL) - Established in 1981 and became the premier regional platform for all the heads of Asian national police force to interact as well as to discuss, exchange views and update each other on the latest development in law enforcement and transnational issues in their respective countries - After 24 years, it has grown from 5 police chiefs to a solid force of the ASEAN TEN, signaling the emergence of a regional alliance that is determined to secure not only our own individual sovereignties but also the peace and progress of our community MEMBER COUNTRIES Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Laos People Democratic Republic (Laos) Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam The first formal meeting of the Chiefs of ASEAN Police was held in __1__, on the 21 to 23 October 1981 - To discuss matters of law enforcement and crime control. - This annual meeting was called __2__ - The basic requirement for a country to become a member of ASEANAPOL is that the country shall first be a member of ASEAN and the application shall be tabled at the conference for approval The members of ASEANAPOL were originally Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. - 1984, Royal Brunei Police joined the conference for the 1st time. - 1996, The Republic of Vietnam Natioal Police joined the conference - 1998, Laos General Department of Police and Myanmar police force joined the conference - 2000, Cambodia National Połice joined the conference ASEANAPOL PERMANENT SECRETARIAT - The Secretariat of ASEANAPOL was on a __3__ basis with member countries taking turns and to host the ASEANAPOL Conference automatically assume the role of the secretariat for the Current year. The 25th Joint Communique signed by the ASEAN Chiefs of Police during the 25th ASEANAPOL Conference held in Bali, Indonesia, expressly stated the need to establish a Permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat. - During the 29th ASEANAPOL Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2009, the Terms of Reference on the establishment of ASEANAPOL Secretariat was endorsed. __4__was made the pemanent seat for the Secretariat. - The ASEANAPOL Secretariat was fully operational from the __5__.

1)Prefectural Police 2)National Police Agency or NPA 3)NATIONAL POLICE AGENCY 4)commissioner general 5)NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION (NPSC) 6)tiny 7)KOBAN 8)CHUZAISHO 9)IMPERIAL GUARD 10)KIDOTAI 11)SPECIAL ASSAULT TEAM (SAT) 12)Keishi-sokan 13)Junsa 14)Commissioner-General of the NPA 15)60 16)

ASIAN SELECTED POLICE MODELS JAPAN POLICE SYSTEM Law enforcement in Japan is provided by the __1__ under the oversight of the __2__. __3__ The central coordinating body for the entire police system. It determines general standards and policies, detailed direction of operations is left to the lower echelons. It is headed by a __4__ who is appointed by the National Public Safety Commission ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE -National public safety commission - National police agency - Regional police bureaus - Prefectural police headquarters - Local and city police station - Local police post __5__ A civilian commission which supervises the National Police Agency with respect to most aspects of police organization and administration including training equipment, recruitment, communications and criminal statistics. It guarantees the neutrality of the police by insulating the force from political pressure and to ensure the maintenance democratic methods in police administration. Futher, it has the authority to appoint or dismiss senior police officers THE KOBAN AND CHUZAISHO: JAPANESE Police distinctive features The Koban and the Chuzaisho is the large network of local police post that makes the Japanese Police distinctive. They are __6__ police posts which constitute the heart of the Japanese police operation. __7__ is a police post located in urban neighborhood. In large cities, it can be found in every few blocks. The officers account for about 40% of the total police strength in Japan. For the most part, it functions as a community safety center __8__ is the rural equivalent of the urban Koban. Rural police officers are known as "chuzaishan" who lives with his family in a small house provided by the government that also serves as an office for conducting police business. __9__ It provides personal security for the Emperor, Crown Prince and other members of the Imperial Family of Japan, as well as protection of imperial properties, including the Tokyo Imperial Palace, Kyoto Imperial Palace, Katsura Imperial Villa, Shugakuin Imperial Villa (both in Kyoto), Shosoin Imperial Repository in Nara and the imperial villasas Hayama, Kanagawa and Nasu, Tochigi. __10__ (SPECIAL RIOT POLICE) They are used in crowd control during festival periods, times of natural disaster, and to reinforce regular police when necessary. The overwhelming majority of officers are bachelors who live in dormitories within riot police compounds. Training is constant and focuses on physical conditioning, mock battles, and tactical problems. __11__- It is the official paramilitary anti-terrorist unit under the Japanese National Police Agency. RANKS OF JAPANESE POLICE Police officers are divided into nine ranks, namely: - __12__ (Superintendent General of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department) - Keishi-kan (Superintendent Supervisor) - Keishi-cho (Chief Superintendent) - Keishi-sei (Senior Superintendent) - Keishi (Superintendent) - Keibu (Police Inspector) - Keibu-ho (Assistant Police Inspector) - Junsa-bucho (Police Sergeant) and - __13__ (Policeman) The __14__ also has the status of a police officer and functionally holds the highest position in the Japanese police forces but he does not have a police rank. RECRUITMENT and TRAINING Education is highly stressed in police recruitment and promotion. Entrance to the force is determined by examinations administered by each prefecture. Examinees are divided into two groups: upper secondary-school graduates and university graduates. Recruits underwent rigorous training one year for upper-secondary school graduates and six months for university graduates-at the residential police academy attached to the prefectural headquarters. On completion of basic officers are assigned to local training, most local police boxes. RETIREMENT - police officers of Japan are considered government employees thereby they are mandatorily retired at THE AGE OF __15__.


According to Manwong, et. al. (2011), it is the process of outlining the similarities and differences of one police system to another in order to discover insights in the field of international policing. Delos Santos (2012) further defined it as the science and art of investigating and Comparing the police system of nations. It covers the study of police organizations, trainings and methods of policing of various nations.

1)62 2)President 2.2)National Police Commission 3)Executive Director 4)shared central database 5)anti transnational crime 6)central 7)strategic 8)combating 9)exchanges 10)select 11)enlist 12)perform

Addendum: EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. __1__ CREATING THE PHILIPPINE CENTER ON TRANSNATIONAL CRIME TO FORMULATE AND IMPLEMENT A CONCERTED PROGRAM OF ACTION OF ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT, INTELLIGENCE AND CONTROL OF TRANSNATIONAL CRIME WHEREAS, organized transnational crime, such as illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substance, money laundering, terrorism, arms smuggling, trafficking in persons, and piracy, have created a significant impact on the political, economic and socio-cultural stability and security of the country; WHEREAS, the mission, function and responsibilities of government agencies such as the National Action Committee on Anti-Hijacking and Anti-Terorism (NACAHT) Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF),Presidential Anti-Smuggling Task Force (PASTF), Philippine National Police (PNP), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Finance (DOF),. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC), Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), Bureau of Custom (BOC), Bureau of Immigration (BI), Economic Intelligence and Investigation Bureau (ElB), and other concerned offices need to be linked, coordinated and complemented to affectivity combat transnational crime WHEREAS, the growing sophistication of transnational crime demands a concerted, synchronized and focused effort from all law enforcement, intelligence and other concerned agencies of the government, WHEREAS, the establishment of a presidential body is necessary to concretize cooperation, concerted operations and data resource sharing between and among local agencies and with foreign countries and international organizations involved in the crusade against said menace WHEREAS, the Administrative Code of 1987 empowers the President with the continuing authority to reorganize the office of the President and to transfer functions from one department or agency to another, NOW, THEREFORE, I JOSEPH EJERCITO ESRADA, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order: SECTION 1. ORGANIZATION. The Philippine Center on Transnational Crime (PCTC) is hereby created under the office of the __2__ to formulate and implement a concerted of action of all law enforcement, intelligence and other government agencies for the prevention and control of transnational crime. It shall be placed under the general supervision and control of the __2.2__. SECTION 2. COMPOSITION AND LEADERSHIP. The Center shall be headed by the __3__ to be appointed by the President and shall have the following Directorates: 1. Directorate for Operations; 2. Directorates for Plans and Programs 3. Directorate for Research; 4. Directorate for technology Management 5. Directorate for Administration and Finance; and 6. Other Directorates that may be created as the situation demands. SECTION 3. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS. The Center shall have the following powers and functions; 1. To establish, through the use of modern information and telecommunications technology, a __4__ among government agencies for the information on criminals; methodologies, arrests and convictions on the following transnational crime. a. illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and sychotropic substances b. money laundering c. Terrorism. d. arms and smuggling e. trafficking in persons f. piracy: and g. other crimes that have an impact on the stability and security of the country, 2. To supervise and control conduct of __5__ operation of all government agencies and instrumentalities; 3. To establish a __6__ database on national as well on national as well as international legislation and jurisprudence on transnational crime, with the end in view of recommending measures to provide and strengthen responses and provide immediate intervention for the prevention, detection and apprehension of criminals operating in the country; 4. To established a center for __7__ research on the structure and dynamics of transnational organized crime in all its predict trends and analyze forms, relationships of given factors for the formulation of individual and collective strategies for the prevention and detection of transnational organized crime and for the apprehension of criminal elements involved 5. To design programmes and projects aimed at enhancing national capacity-building in __8__ transnational crime, related as well as supporting the related programmes and projects of other ASEAN and international centers. 6. To explore and coordinate information __9__ and training with order government agencies, foreign countries and international organizations involved in the combat against international crime 7. To __10__ personnel from within the NAPOLCOM, PNP and other government agencies for details with the PCTC enlist 8. To __11__ the assistance of any department, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of the government- owned or controlled corporations, to cary out its functions, including the use of the irrespective personnel, facilities and resources, and 9. To __12__ such function and carry out such activities as may be directed by the President. SECTION 4. OFFENSE RECOVERED. The PCTC shall have the authority to take cognizance of the following transnational crimes: a. Illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and sychotropic substances b. money laundering c. terrorism, d. arms smuggling e. trafficking in persons f. piracy, and g. other crimes that have an impact on the stability and security of the country SECTION 5. ASSISTANCE FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. The PCTC shall be assisted by the following government agencies and instrumentalities: a. Philippine National Police (PNP): b. National Bureau of Investigation (NBl): c. National Action Committee on Anti-Hijacking and Anti-Terrorism (NACAHT): d. Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF); e. Presidential Anti-Smuggling Task Forcee. (PASTF) f. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) g. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG); h. Department of Justice (DOJ); i. Department of Finance (DOF); j. Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) k. Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB); l. National Protection Service (NPS); m. Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID): n. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR); o. Economic Intelligence and Investigation Bureau (EllB); p. Bureau of Custom (BOC) q. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA): r. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). s. Land Transportation Office (LTO) t. National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) u. National Statistics and Census Office (NSCO); and v. Other government agencies which the PCTC may find necessary to implement its mandate. SECTION 6. COMMAND AND CONTROL. The command and control of the PCTC shall be as follows a. The PCTC Executive Director shall report and be responsible to the President through Secretary of Interior and Local Government; b. The PCTC Executive Director shall have immediate supervision and control over all units of the PCTC. He is authorized to designate duties and functions of all units and personnel of the PCTC; c. The PCTC Executive Director shall have direct operational and Supervisory authority over personnel and resource detailed with the PCTC from government agencies concerned. SECTION 7. OPERATING GUIDELINES. The PCTC shall adopt, in coordination with other concerned agencies, such operating guidelines as may be necessary to implerment this Executive Order, subject to the approval of the President. It shall submit to the President reports of its activities with appropriate recommendations for the infomation and consideration of the President. SECTION 8. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS. The intent of this issuance is to put strong and intensified focus against organized transnational crime which will be addressed by the PCTC in the course of the government's anti- crime campaign, while the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall continue to be the primary general law enforcement agency of the country pursuant to Republic Act NO. 6975, as amended. Accordingly, close coordination and cooperation shall be undertaken by the Executive Director of PCTC, the Chief, PNP and the heads of other concerned government agencies, to insure synergy in the over all anti-transnational crime campaign. Vertical and lateral coordination among operating units, consistent with the security need to prevent Compromise in police operations, is hereby enjoined. SECTION 9. FUNDING. Subject to government accounting and auditing procedures, the PCTC shall be provided with an initial allocation of ONE HUNDRED MILLION PESOS (100,000,000.00) for CY 1999, to be drawn from the President's Contingency Fund and from government savings. Appropriations for the succeeding years shall be incorporated in the budget proposal of the Office of the President.


INTERPOL'S NOTICE SYSTEM: THE EIGHT NOTICES To provide warnings and criminal Intelligence about persons who have committed criminal offences and are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries. -

comparative police system

As distinguished from comparative criminal justice system, _________ is more specific, besides it is a fraction of the former. It only focuses on law enforcement- the police and the system of enforcement. The former is more Complex as it incorporates the constituents of the Justice system as a whole


INTERPOL'S NOTICE SYSTEM: THE EIGHT NOTICES To warn police, public entities and other about international organizations about potential threats from disguised weapons ,parcel bombs and other, dangerous materials. -

1)ROYAL BHUTAN POLICE 2)Gagpoen 3)Gagpa

BHUTAN - __1__ - MINISTRY OF HOME AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS RANKS - __2__, the Chief of Police - Thrimdang Chichhab, the Aditional and Deputy Chiefs of Police - Thrimdag Gongma, the Senior Superintendents of Police, Field and Special Divisions - Thrimdag Wogma, the Superintendents of Police, Field and Special Divisions - Dungda, the Additional Superintendents of Police, Field and Special Divisions - Yongzin, Officer Commanding, Police Stations (commissioned officer) - Dechhab, Officer Commanding, Police Stations (commissioned officer) - Gopoen Lopjongpa, Officer Probationer - Jugpoen Gongma, ficer In charge/lin charge (junior commissioned or non-commissioned officer) - Jugpoen, Officer In charge/In charge junior commissioned or non-commissioned officer) - Jungpoen Wogma, Officer In charge/ln charge (junior commissioned or non-commissioned officer) - Juglop Gongma, In charge (junior commissioned or non-commissioned officer) - Juglop, In charge (junior commissioned or non commissioned officer) - Quilop Gongma - Quilop - Denkul - Gopa - __3__ (constables)


INTERPOL'S NOTICE SYSTEM: THE EIGHT NOTICES. To seek the arrest or provisional arrest of wanted persons with a view to extradition. -

1)CAMBODIAN NATIONAL POLICE 2)General 3)Staff Seargent

CAMBODIA - __1__ - Ministry of Interior Ranks CNP - __2__ - Lieutenant General - Major General - Brigadier General - Colonel - Lieutenant Colonel - Major - CaptainO - 1st Lieutenant - 2nd Lieutenant - Chief Warrant Officer - Warrant Officer - Seargent Major - First Seargent - __3__

1)ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE(RCMP) 1.1. provinces 2)Regular Member (Police Officers) 3)Civilian Members 4)Public Service Employees 5)Commissioner 7)Constables

CANADA: __1__ The national police force of Canada and one of the most recognized of its kind in the world. It is unique in the world as a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. The RCMP provides federal policing service to all of Canada and policing services under contract to the three territories, eight of Canada's provinces. As the national police force of Canada, It is primarily responsible for enforcing federal laws throughout Canada, while general law and order including the enforcement of the Criminal Code and applicable provincial legislation is constitutionally the responsibility of the __1.1__ and territories. This responsibility is sometimes further delegated to municipalities which can form their own municipal police departments. This is common in the largest cities The RCMP employs three categories of employees to handle the wide scope of its responsibilities: Regular Members (Police Officers), Civilian Members and Public Service Employees ____2____ are responsible for preserving the peace, upholding the law and providing quality service in partnership with Our communities. Working in the RCMP offers a variety of dynamic and meaningful challenges, opportunities to be posted across Canada and a competitive salary and benefits package. A Career Nowhere Near Ordinary is waiting for you to l discover. __3__ Hired for their specialized scientific, technical or analytical skills, in areas such as human resources forensics, computer programming and project management, Civilian Members provide support to front-line policing operations. __4__ in areas such as Administration, Communications and internet technology provide the additional support to the business management of the RCMP. POLICE RANKS IN THE RCMP __5__ Senior Deputy Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Chief Superintendent Superintendent Inspector Corps Sergeant Major Sergeants Major Staff Sergeants Major Staff Sergeants Sergeants Corporals __6__

1)State Security Police 2)Prison Police 3)Judicial Police 4)Public Security Police 5)Ministry of Public Security 6)General Superintendent 7)Deputy General 8)Officer (1st, 2nd grade)

CHINA POLICE SYSTEM POLICE ORGANIZATION - Laid down in the Police Law of 1995 - Chinese police consists of five components. ✓Public Security Police ✓ State Security Police ✓Prison Police ✓Judicial Police of the people's court ✓ Judicial Police of people's procuratorates __1__ - Protecting national security and preventing and detecting foreign espionage, sabotage, and conspiracies against the state. - Under the Ministry of State Security __2__ - Responsible for supervising incarcerated offenders - Under the Ministry of Justice - Bureau of Prison Management, supervises the overall administration and operation of the country's prison system. __3__ - Organic Law of the Peoples Court and People's Procuratorate gives the authority for the foregoing agency to establish their own judicial police. __4__ - The largest and most visible component of the Chinese Police that perfoms a wide range of ordinary police functions. __5__ - In practice, is responsible in setting professional standards, making rules and regulations, directing and coordinating major criminal investigations and providing assistance such as crime detection and forensic analyses to local police agencies. RECRUITMENT As set by the Police Law of 1995, to become a police officer, a candidate must have the following 1. At least 18 years of age but not more than 25 years old. As a preferential treatment for candidates from ethnic minority groups, the regulation extends the maximum age limit to 30 2. Must support the constitution 3. Must be of Good moral character 4. Be in good health 5. Education level no less than high school graduate 6. Be willing to serve as a police officer 7. No criminal records and must not have been expelled from public employment Disqualifications: 1. Criminally punished either as adults or juveniles 2. Suspected of crime 3. Discharged from public employment 4. Bad moral character 5. With family members or relatives sentenced todeath or are still serving sentences 6. With family members or relatives who have been engaged in overthrowing the Chinese gov't. RANKS - __6__ (Govenment Minister) and __7__ Superintendent Deputy Government Minister) - Superintendent (1st ,2nd, 3rd grade) - Inspector (1st, 2nd, 3rd grade) - Sergeant (1st, 2nd 3rd grade) - __8__

1)President 2)NATIONAL Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC)

COMPOSITION OF THE INTERPOL-MANILA The Interpol National Central Bureau was originally composed of the following members: The first four were designated by the __1__, and the last four were unanimously chosen by members of the __2__ as authorized by the President thru NALECC Resolution 93-10 dated 21 July 1993. A significant change in its membership however was noted following the dissolution of EllB in 1999. The Executive Director of PCTC was chosen to replace the Commissioner, ElIB pursuant to NALECC Resolution No.02-2000 dated 26 March 2002 and was subsequently designated as Head, NCB Secretariat. The NCB Secretariat was transferred to PCTC pursuant to Executive Order No.100 dated 7 May 1999. Subsequently, the Central Management Office of the Department of Finance (DOF).The Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, the Anti-Money Laundering Council and the Department of Finance become a member of the NALECC Sub-Committee on Interpol pursuant to NALECC Resolutions. The member agencies of the NALECC Sub-Committee on Interpol also serve as Functional Sub-agencies of the NALECC Sub-Committee on Interpol also serve as Functional Sub-Committee on Interpol also serve as Functional Sub-Bureaus of Interpol NCB Manila

1)Director General Philippine National Police 2)Director, National Bureau of Investigation 3)Commissioner, Bureau of Customs 4)Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue 5)Commissioner, Bureau of Immigration 6)Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 7)Executive Director, Dangerous Drug Board 8)PCTC Exec. Dir

COMPOSITION OF THE INTERPOL-MANILA The Interpol National Central Bureau was originally composed of the following members: . __1__ -Chairman . ___2__ -Member . __3__ -Member .__4__ -Member .__5__ -Member .__6__ -Member .__7__ - Member Commissioner, EllB - Member replaced by __8__.)


SECURE GLOBAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES A fundamental condition for successful international police cooperation. It is essential for police forces to be able to communicate with each other, worldwide, in 'real time, and in a secure way. Realizing the dire need for improved means of communication in today's highly technical world, INTERPOL subsequently designed and implemented a state-of-the-art global communications system for the law enforcement community, called ____. "I" stands for INTERPOL, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Recent development includes the I-link.

1)outsourced 2)labor 3)insecurity 4)access 5)pollution 6)universal 7)affecting 8)propaganda 9)HlV/AIDS 10)foreign 11)sustain 12)trafficking 13)political

EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION (Manwong, Opponents of globalization point out to its negative effects. Some of them are listed below. - Developed nations have __1__ manufacturing and white collar joe bs. That means less-jobs for their people. This has happened because manufacturing work is outsourced to developing nations like China where the cost of manufacturing goods and wages are lower. Programmers, editors, scientists and accountants have lost their jobs due to outsourcing to cheaper locations like India. -Globalization has led to exploitation of __2__. Prisoners and child workers are used to work in inhumane conditions. Safety standards are ignored to produce cheap goods - Job __3__. Earlier people had stable, permanent jobs. Now people live in constant dread of losing their jobs to competition. Increased job competition hasled to reduction in wages and consequently lower standards of living. - Terrorists have __4__ to sophisticated weapons enhancing their ability to inflict damage. Terrorists use the Internet for communicating among themselves. - Companies have set up industries causing __5__ in countries with poor regulation of pollution. Fast food chains like McDonalds and KFC are spreading in the developing world. People are consuming more junk food from these joints which has an adverse impacton their health. - The benefits of globalization are not __6__. The rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer. - Bad aspects of foreign cultures are __7__ the local cultures through TV and the Internet. - Enemy nations can spread __8__ through the Internet. - Deadly diseases like __9__ are being spread by travelers to the remotest corners of the globe. - Local industries are being taken over by __10__ multinationals. - The increase in prices has reduced the government's ability to __11__ social welfare schemes in developed countries. - There is increase in human __12__. - Multi-National Companies and corporations which were previously restricted to commercial activities are increasingly influencing __13__ decisions.

1)INTERPOL 2)800 3)Hague, the Netherlands 4)28 5)arrest

EUROPOL (EUROPEAN POLICE) - The counterpart of __1__ in Europe. - Europol is the European Union's law enforcement agency whose main goal is to help achieve a safer Europe for the benefit of all EU citizens. - Almost __2__ staff at Europol headquarters in The __3__, works closely with law enforcement agencies in the __4__ EU Member States and in other non-EU partner states such as Australia, Canada, the USA and Norway. - Like INTERPOL, Europol officers have no direct powers of __5__ but support EU law enforcement colleagues by gathering, analyzing and disseminating Information and coordinating operations. Our partners use the input to prevent, detect and investigate offences, and to track down and prosecute those who commit them. Europol experts and analysts take part in Joint Investigation Teams which help solve criminal cases on the spot in EU countries.

1)20,000 2)89 3)Chicago 4)1893 5)services 6)Develop 7)Foster 8)qualified

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE (LACP) - A dynamic organization that serves as the professional voice of law enforcement. IACP is a comprehensive professional organization that supports the law enforcement leaders of today and develops the leaders of tomorrow. - The World's oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of police executives, with over __1__ members in over __2__ different countries. IACP's leadership consists of the operating chief executives of international, federal, state and local agencies of all sizes. - It was founded in __3__ in __4__ as the National Chiefs of Police Union. The primary goal of this organization was to apprehend and return criminals who had fled the agency jurisdictions in which they were wanted. The organization has expanded over the years with the goals of advancing the science and art of police work, promoting improved practices throughout the law enforcement community and foster cooperation and infomation exchange among police administrators. IACP's stated mission includes the following: - Advance the science and art of police __5__. - __6__ and disseminate improved administrative, technical and operational practices and promote their use in police work - __7__ police cooperation and the exchange of information and experience police among administrators throughout the world; - Bring about recruitment and training in the police profession of __8__ persons Encourage adherence of all police officers to high professional standards of performance and conduct.


EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. __1__ RENGTHENING THE OPERATIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND INFORMATION SUPPORT SYSTEM OFTHE PHILIPPINE CENTER ON TRANSNATIONAL CRIME WHEREAS, pursuant to Executive Order No. 62 dated 15 January 1999, the Philippine Center on Transnational Crime(PCTC) has been created to formulate and implement a concerted program of action of all law enforcement, intelligence and other agencies for the prevention and control of transnational crime; WHEREAS, in implementation Executive Order No. 246 dated 18 May 1995, the National Action Committee on Anti-Hijacking and Anti-Terrorism (NACAHT) has created and activated the Loop Center whose primary mission is to assista and support NACAHT in integrating and orchestrating the efforts of all law enforcement agencies against international and domestic terrorism WHEREAS, pursuant to the Office of the President (OP) Memorandum Order No. 92 dated 15 February 1993, the INTERPOL National Central Bureau for the Philippines (INTERPOL NCB-Manila) has been reconstituted to serve as the national liaison office and main coordinating body for international police cooperation against transnational crime WHEREAS, positions for Police Attaches under the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Political Attaches/Counselors for Security Matters under the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) have been authorized under existing laws and regulations to be established in selected Philippine Diplomatic Mission abroad With the primary mission of, among others, monitoring and collecting information of strategic value to the national interest and national security of the Philippines, particularly on transnational crime; WHEREAS, participation in international training activities,seminars and conferences pertaining to or having to do with transnational crime needs to be streamlined and systematized in order to optimize the benefits to be delivered therefrom WHEREAS, there is a compelling need to strengthen the operational, administrative and information support system on the PCTC in order that the Center can successfully and effectively cary out its mission and functions. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby order Section 1. The following agencies/offices/instrumentalities are hereby placed under the general supervision and control of the PCTC: a. Loop Center of the NACAHT b. INTERPOL NCB-Manila c. Police Attaches of the PNP; and d. Political Attaches/Counsellor for Security Matters of the DILG. Section 2. The participation of government personnel in international training activities, seminars and conferences pertaining to or having to do with transnational crime shall have the proper endorsement by the PCTC. Section 3. The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, who is the concurrent Chairman of the National Police Commission, shall issue detailed guidelines to implement this Order. Section 4. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

1)Information Exchange 2)Intelligence Analysis 3)Forensics 4)Operational Center 5)Operational Statistics 6)Joint Investigation Team

EXPERTISE that EUROPOL can cater to member countries: (lIF-OOJ) 1. __1__ - The Secure Information Exchange Network Application (SIENA) is a state-of-the-art tool designed to enable swift secure and user-friendly communication and exchange of operational and strategic crime-related information and intelligence between Europol, Member States and third parties that have cooperation agreements with Europol. 2. __2__ - It includes Operational and Strategic Analysis - Europol Analysis System (EAS) the operational information system hosting Europol's contributed databy stakeholders. 3 __3__ - Europol provides distance and on-the-spot forensic and technical support to EU investigators in the following areas - Payment card fraud - Cybercrime - Euro counterfeiting, production of counterfeit goods and forged documents illicit drug - Dismantling of production, storage and dumpsites. A variety of forensic analysis tools are available to assist EU law enforcement authorities including, for example, the Universal Forensic Extraction Device(UFED). This is a standalone mobile forensic kit that can extract data from 95% of all mobile phones and PDA devices. Extracted data can then be brought back to the forensic lab for review and verification using the reporting and analysis tool. 4. __4__ - Europol's 24/7 operational center is the hub for data exchange between Europol, EU Member States and third parties All Europol's operational and ICT services are continuously available to Member States. A mobile office is additionally available for on-the-spot support to Member States' operations, providing alive connection to Europol's databases and platfoms for experts. 5. __5__ To support Member States' investigations Europol produce: - hit notifications - cross match reports - knowledge products - operational analysis reports 6. __6__ - An investigation team set up for a fixed period, based on an agreement between two or more EU Member States and/or competent authorities, for a specific purpose. Non EU Member States mayparticipate in a JIT with the agreement of all other parties. - The aim of a JIT is per definition to investigate specific cases, it is not possible establish a generically to competent task force for a certain type of crime, nor is it possible to set up a permanent operational team by using the JIT setup and concept

1)Islamic system 2)Socialist justice 3)Civil or Roman law 4)Common justice

FOUR MAJOR TYPES OF LEGAL TRADITIONS BEING COMPARED (ISCC) An __1__, also known as Arabic or Muslim justice, incorporates the teachings of the Koran into justice. __2__ rules in communist countries. __3__ is the justice system used in most countries. __4__ is prevalent in most English-speaking societies.



White (UN) + ICPO logo

For UN WANTED: Issued for groups and individuals who are the targets of UN sanctions against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

1)largest 2)second 3)first 4)32 5)Queen Elizabeth Il 6)Commissioner of Police (CP) 7)Police Constable (PC)

HONG KONG POLICE FORCE The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) is the __1__ disciplined service under the Security Bureau of HongKong. It is the world's __2__, and Asia's __3__, police agency to operate with a modern policing system. It was formed on 1 May 1844, with strength of __4__ officers. __5__ granted the Royal Charter to the Hong Kong Police Force in 1969 for their handling of the Hong Kong 1967 riots- renaming them: the Royal Hong Kong Police Force. Following the transfer of sovereignty, the Force is once again named: the Hong Kong Police Force. RANKS - __6__ - Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) - Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP) - Assistant Commissioner of Police(ACP) - Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) - Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) - Superintendent of Police (SP) - Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) - Senior Inspector of Police (SIP) - Inspector of Police (IP) - Probationary Inspector of Police (PI) - Station Sergeant (SSGT) - Sergeant (SGT) - Senior Constable (SPC) - __7__

1)POLRI 2)MARKAS BESAR/MABES 3)(Kepolisian Daerah or Polda) 4)Kepolisian Wilayah or Polwil 5)Kepolisian Resort or Polres 6)Kepolisian Sektor or Polsek 7)Brigade Mobil or Brimob (mobile brigade) 8)Polisi Udara or Air Police, Polisi Air or Marine Police, Forensics and Detachment 88 9)METROPOLITAN Jakarta 10)Police General I Jenderal Polisi (Jend. Pol. 11)Second Bhayangkara / Bhayangkara Dua (Bharada)-

INDONESIA POLICE SYSTEM KEPOLISIAN NEGARA REPUBLIK INDONESIA (POLRI) .__1__ (Indonesian National Police) is the official police force for Indonesia. . Under the Direct Supervision of the office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia __2__ Headquarter which is located in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Indonesia. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE - POLRI has a centralized command and divided into territorial forces - provincial police (__3__) - regional police (__4__), - city or regency police (__5__) - and sub-district police (__6__) SPECIAL BRANCHES __7__ - Which have paramilitary role to conductoperations and security stabilizationproviding security protection for VIP orvital facilities. - __8__, specially trained for anti-terrorist operations. __9__ - Polda Metrojaya - subdivided into precincts, sections, and police posts It was commonly referred to as the Jakarta Raya Metropolitan Regional Police RANKS OF THE POLRI High ranking officers - __10__ -equivalent General in the army - Police Commissioner General I Komisaris Jenderal Polisi (Komjen Pol.) - equivalent Lieutenant General - Police Inspector General/Inspektur Jenderal Polisi(lrjen Pol.) - equivalent Major General - Police Brigadier General/Brigadir Jenderal Polisi (Brigjen Pol.) - equivalent Brigadier General Mid rank officers - Police Grand Commissioner / Komisaris Besar Polisi (Kombespol) - equivalent Colonel - Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant/ Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi (AKBP) - equivalent Lieutenant Colonel - Police Commissioner/Komisaris Polisi (Kompol) - equivalent Major Low rank officers - Police Commissioner Adjutant / Ajun Komisanis Polisi (AKP) - equivalent Captain - First Police Inspector/ Inspektur Polisi Satu (lptu) equivalent First Lieutenant - Second Police Inspector/ Inspektur Polisi Dua (Ipda) equivalent Second Lieutenant Warrant officers - First Police Inspector Adjutant / Ajun Inspektur Polisi Satu (Aiptu) - equivalent Chief Warant Officer - Second Police Inspector Adjutant/Ajun Inspektur Polisi Dua (Aipda) equivalent Warrant Officer Non-commissioned officers - Chief Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi Kepala (Bripka)- equivalent Sergeant Major - Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi (Brigadir) equivalent Chief Sergeant - First Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi Satu (Briptu) - equivalent First Sergeant -Second Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi Dua(Bripda)- equivalent Second Sergeant Enlisted - Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun Brigadir Polisi(Abrip)- equivalent Chief Corporal - First Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun Brigadir Polisi Satu (Abriptu) - equivalent First Corporal - Second Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun Brigadir Polisi Dua (Abripda) - equivalent Second Corporal Chief Bhayangkara/ Bhayangkara Kepala (Bharaka)- equivalent Chief Private - First Bhayangkara/Bhayangkara Satu (Bharatu) - equivalent Private First Class - __11__ equivalent Private RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING Police recruits were volunteers. Applicants were required to have at least a sixth-grade education and to pass a competitive examination. Other qualifications included physical fitness and good moral character. After three years service as ordinary police, personnel with junior secondary school diplomas could enter training to become NCOs. Those with three years' experience as NCOs were eligible for further training to enable them to become candidate officers and eventually enter the officer corps. Most higher ranking officers entered the force as graduates of the Police Division of Akabri

1)INTERPOL 2)190 3)Vienna 4)1914 5)Monacco 6)14 7)1923 8)Johannes Schober

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL POLICE ORGANIZATION (ICPO) - It is famously known telegraphically as the __1__. So far, it is the world's largest international police organization with a total of __2__ member countries as of 2012. - Founded in __3__ in 1923 and reconstituted in 1946. - It primarily facilitates cross-border police cooperation, and supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime. - lNTERPOL was First conceptualized way back __4__ during the First lnternational Criminal Police Congress held in __5__ wherein police officers, lawyers and magistrates from __6__ countries meet to discuss arrest procedures, identification techniques, centralized international records and extradition proceedings. It was only in __7__ that the lnternational Criminal Police Commission (Now INTERPOL) was established with __8__ as the first president.

1)Philippine Center on Transnational Crimes (PCTC) 2)National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee - Sub Committee on International Law Enforcement Cooperation 3)INTERPOL Manila 4)Office of the President 5)English 6)transnational 7)operations center 8)Sub Committee

INTERPOL-NATIONAL CENTRAL BUREAU MANILA What Agency Houses the NCB of the Philippines? The contact point (NCB) of Interpol's Secretariat in the Philippines can be found at the __1__. This agency maintains the NCB which is refered to as "NALECC-SCILEC (____2_____). ___3__ is an integral part of the PCTC. The National Central Bureau (NCB) for the Philippines is an inter-ministerial entity which is not part of the Philippine National Police but instead is directly attached to the __4__. As such it benetfits from direct to the services of all law enforcement agencies in the Philippines. INTERPOL Manila works around the clock and uses __5__ as its main working language Its mission is to serve as the liaison office and main coordinating body for international police cooperation on behalf of all law enforcement agencies in the Philippines. Its main duties include: - Monitoring and coordinating law enforcement activities relating to __6__ crimes affecting the Philippines; - Operating and maintaining an __7__ to serve as the focal point for international cooperation on transnational crime for all law enforcement agencies in the Philippines, - Acting as a NALECC __8__ in the monitoring of crime and activities which threaten national security and the economy.


It involves efforts such as making available INTERPOL's know-how, expertise and best practices to all authorities, services and organizations world-wide. Support Services also include the collection, analysis and evaluation of information which INTERPOL's headquarters receives from its member countries.


It is the national law enforcement agency which carries investigations beyond the borders of the Philippines and coordinates all transnational crime operations carried out by other government agencies of the Philippines.


It is the study of the social occurrences of crime among Societies, in order to identify differences and Similarities in the patterns of cime. It is a discipline in the field of behavioral sciences

1)ROYAL THAI POLICE 2)Bangkok 3)Border Patrol Police Division 4)Metropolitan Police Division, Bangkok 5)Central Investigation Bureau 6)Provincial Police Division 7)191 Special Branch Police 8)Tourist Police 9)Police General (phon tamruat ek) (COMMISSIONER GENERAL) 10)Policeman/Constable (phon tamruat)

LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THAILAND __1__ - Formerly the Thailand National Police Department (TNPD) - Charged with performing police functions throughout the entire country subdivision of the Ministry of interior. MAJOR OPERATIONAL UNITS OF THE FORCE - Provincial Police, - the Border Patrol Police (BPP), - the Metropolitan Police, - and smaller specialized units supervised by the Central Investigation Bureau Royal Thai Police Headquarters - __2__ __3__ - Special Operations Unit "Naraesuan 261"has the responsibility of counter-terrorism and resulting criminal cases __4__ - Responsible for providing all law enforcement services for the capital city of Bangkok and its suburbs. __5__ - National coordinating headquarters which assist provincial and metropolitan components in preventing and suppressing criminal activity and in minimizing threats to national security. Office of Immigration Bureau Narcotics Suppression Bureau Office Of Logistics Office of Royal Court Security Police __6__ Provincial Police formed the largest of the TNPD Operational components in both manpower and geographic responsibility __7__ -Arintharat 26, special operation unit __8__ - uniformed personnel who lack police powers and are largely responsible for writing out reports for insurance companies for victims of theft RANKS of RTP Commissioned officers - __9__ - Police Lieutenant General (phon tamruat tho) - Police Major General (phon tamuat tri) - Police Brigadier General (not in use now) (phontamruat jattawa) - Police Senior Colonel (equivalent to Police Brigadier General) (phan tamruat ek phiset) - Police Colonel (phan tamruat ek) - Police Lieutenant Colonel (phan tamruat tho) - Police Major (phan tamruat tri) - Police Captain (roi tamruat ek) - Police Lieutenant (roi tamruat tho) - Police Sub-Lieutenant (roi tamruat tri) Non-commissioned officers - Police Senior Sergeant Major (dap tamruat) - Police Sergeant Major (ja sip tamruat) - Police Sergeant (sip tamruat ek) - Police Corporal (sip tamruat tho) - Police Lance Corporal (sip tamruat tri) - __10__


MAIN BODIES OF THE UN STRUCTURE (GE-IS) __1__ is the main deliberative organ of the UN and is composed of representatives of all Member States. The work of the United Nations year-round derives largely from the mandates given by the this. A revitalization of the Assembly is under way to enhance its role, authority, effectiveness and efficiency. __2__ , established by the UN Charter, is the principal organ to coordinate the economic, social and related work of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and Institutions. Voting in the Council is by simple majority; each member has one vote. __3__ located at The Hague in the Netherlands, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It settles legal disputes between states and gives advisory opinions to the UN and its specialized agencies. Its Statute is an integral part of the United Nations Charter. __4__ has primary responsibility, under the UN Charter, for the maintenance of international peace and security. A reform of this, including its membership is under consideration.

1)Royal Malaysian Police or Polis Diraja Malaysia 2)Inspector General of Police [IGP]: 3)Constable

MALAYSIA - __1__(PDRM) - Home Affairs Ministry - Fomerly: Civil Affair Police Force, Royal Federation of Malayan Police RMP RANK STRUCTURE Inspector General Grade - __2__ National Chief Police. - Deputy Inspector General of Police [DIG]: Deputy National Chief Police. - Commissioner of Police [CP] Department Chief Police - Deputy Commissioner of Police [DCP]: State Chief Police Officer [CPO] - Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police - Assistant Commissioner of Police [ACP]: District Chief Police. Superintendent Grade - Superintendent of Police [SUPT] - Deputy Superintendent of Police [DSP]: District Division Chief - Assistant Superintendent of Police [ASP]: Station Chief Police Inspector Grade - Inspector [INSP] - Probationary Inspector [P/INSP] Enlisted Grade - Sub-Inspector [S/INSP] - Sergeant Major [SM] - Sergeant [SGT] - Corporal [CPL] - Lance Corporal [L/CPL] - __3__

1)13 2)General Assembly 3)three 4)nine 5)three 6)different 7)4 8)3 9)Governance 10)JOHANNES SCHOBER 11)JOLLYR. BUGARIN 12)MIREILLE BALLESTRAZZI

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE This __1__-member committee is elected by the __2__ and comprises the president, __3__ vice presidents and __4__ delegates. The Executive Committee is INTERPOL's select deliberative organ which meets __5__ times a year, usually in March, July and immediately before the General Assembly. In accordance with Article 15 of (their) Constitution, the Executive Committee has 13 members comprising the: president of the organization, 3 vice-presidents and 9 delegates. These members are elected by the General Assembly and should belong to __6__ countries. The president is elected for __7__ years, and vice-presidents for __8__, They are not immediately eligible for reelection either to the same posts, or as delegates to the Executive Committee. Note: *The Genera/Assembly and the Executive Committee form the organization's __9__. TRIVIAL INFORMATION ON INTERPOL'S EXECOM - __10__ -The first president of lnterpot EXECOM (1923-1932) - __11__- The first FILIPINO president of interpol EXECOM (1980-1984) - __12__ - The first FEMALE president of lnterpol EXECOM (2012-2016)

1) Chief PNP 2)National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee 3)serves

NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE (NALECC) NALECC SUB-COMMITTEE ON INTERPOL STRUCTURE OF NCB-MANILA Chairman INTERPOL-NCB MANILA (_____1____) NCB Secretariat PCTC Director (PDEA). Comsr (BOC) Comsr (BIR) Governor (BSP) Comsr (BI) Director (DPL, PNP) Director (DPL,PNP) Chief (DOB) Exec Dir,(PCTC) Chief(CMIO,DOF). DES(PAOCC) Exec Dir, (PDEA) Exec Dir,(AMLC) Sec, (DFA) A coordinating mechanism for all Government agencies with a role in formulating law enforcement policies that are currently being implemented, providing inputs and recommendations, and enabling the passage of important legislations affecting the country's peace and order, it's economy and it's environment. For the effective enforcement and application of the Anti-Money Laundering (AMLA), as amended, the Anti-Money Laundering Committee (AMLC) has joined NALECC. NALECC consists of 42 member-government agencies/offices (including AMLC) and 15 sub-committees, some of which focus on: Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism; Dangerous Drugs; Financial Fraud, Tax Evasion, and Currency Violation; Firearms and Explosives Control;, Intelligence Coordination; Interpol, etc. NALECC section is under the Law Enforcement Division (LED) of the Office of the Director of Directorate for Operations Which aims is to assist the Chief, PNP in exercising command, control, direction, coordination and supervision of the wide expanse of police operational activities especially in the fields of crime prevention, law enforcement, internal security, and delivery of public safety services including employment and deployment of the PNP The ___2___ plays an important role in taking appropriate actions and combating the transnational crime, money laundering, and illegal drug trade, organized and financial crime. Since the country lacks of basic set of anti-money laundering regulations such as customer identification and record keeping and does not yet have a financial intelligence unit, NALECC __3__ as an information-sharing network tor intelligence and law enforcement agencies.


OPERATIONAL POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES It involves efforts such as making available INTERPOL's know-how, expertise and best practices to all authorities, services and organizations world-wide. Support Services also include the collection, analysis and evaluation of information which INTERPOL's headquarters receives from its member countries. :Response teams a. __1__ -Disaster -Crimes b. __2__ - For large sporting events etc.


ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE INTERPOL's activities are driven by member countries, within a clear framework of governing bodies and statutory meetings. INTERPOL structure is comprised of the following: General Assembly Executive Committee General Secretariat Interpol. National Central Bureaus Advisers The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files


Other Countries. / DEPARTMENT/MINISTRY / POLICE FORCE. / HIGHEST RANK / LOWEST RANK / Citizen Protection / Hellenic / Chief of Police / Not available


Other Countries. / DEPARTMENT/MINISTRY / POLICE FORCE. / HIGHEST RANK / LOWEST RANK / Home Affairs / Australian Federal Police / Commissioner / Probationary Constable/


Other Countries. / DEPARTMENT/MINISTRY / POLICE FORCE. / HIGHEST RANK / LOWEST RANK / Interior / National Police Force / General Commander / Not available


Other Countries. / DEPARTMENT/MINISTRY / POLICE FORCE. / HIGHEST RANK / LOWEST RANK / Public Security / People's Police Force / Brigadier General / Constable 2nd Class

Operations and Support Dept. / Hongkong Police Force /Commissioner of Police / Constable


/ Interior / Afghanistan National Police / Police General / 2nd Patrolman


/ Interior and Justice / Iranian National Police / Not available / Not available


/ Interior / Iraqi Police Service / Chief of Police / Patrolman


/ Internal / Israeli Police / Commissioner / Constable


/ Natl. Public Safety Comm. / Keisatsu - Cho / Commissioner General / Police officer


/ Interior / International Security Forces / Director General / Gendarme


/ Home Affairs / Nepal Police force / Inspector General / Constable


/ Public Security / National Police Agency / DaeWonsu / Chonsa (Private)




1)62 2)Joseph E. Estrada

PHILIPPINE CENTER ON TRANSNATIONAL CRIME (PCTC) The PCTC came into being by virtue of Executive Order __1__ issued by then former President __2__ in 1999. It is the national law enforcement agency which carries investigations beyond the borders of the Philippines and coordinates all transnational crime operations carried out by other government agencies of the Philippines. Further, it designs new projects to strengthen the country's combined response and ensures the efficient exchange of information. Furthermore, the PCTC recommends ways to better prevent transnational crime and to detect and apprehend criminals operating across borders. A central database of national and international legislation underpins these recommendations. Activities are reinforced through training programs delivered in cooperation with national government agencies, other countries and international organizations. The PCTC is mandated to undertake investigations and take actions on the following - Illicit trafficking of Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances - Money laundering - Terrorism, - Arms smuggling; - Trafficking in persons; - Piracy - Any crime which impacts the stability and security of the Philippines.

1)Member 2)governing body 3)once 4)elects

THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is composed of "delegates" appointed by the governments of __1__ countries. As INTERPOL's supreme __2__. It meets __3__ a year and takes all the major decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international co-operation, Working methods, finances and programs of activities. It also __4__ the Organization's Executive committee.

1)one 2)AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE 3)Home Affairs Ministry 4)Deputy Commissioner 5)Probationary Constable

SELECTED POLICE MODELS A. U.S. and other EUROPEAN MODEL AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE Australia is a federal state; it has only __1__ police force for each of its six states as well as for the Northern territory. There is also a commonwealth agency known as the __2__ which provides police services for the Australian Capital Territory.Consequently, there are eight separate police forces namely New South Wales Victoria Queens land Western Australia South Australia Tasmania Northern Territory Federal Police this also is involved in preventing and investigating crimes against the commonwealth. It was established by the Federal Police Act of 1979 and is under the __3__ a responsibility of the minister for Home Affairs. DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE AFP .Investigate crimes against the Commonwealth law which occurs throughout the nation .Responsible for a community policing role in Commonwealth territories .Provide liaison officers to various overseas post .Australia's international law enforcement and policing representative. (AOCC-Interpol NCB) RANKS Commissioned Ranks - __4__ (two crossed batons below a pip) - Assistant Commissioner (two crossed batons) - Commander (three pips in a triangular pattern below a crown) - Superintendent (one pip below a crown) - Inspector (three pips) Senior Non-Commissioned Ranks - Senior Sergeant (three chevrons, crown and Surmounted by a laurel wreath) - Sergeant (three chevrons) Non-Commissioned Ranks - Senior Constable (two chevrons) - Constable (one chevron) - __5__ (blank epaulette)

1)states 2)INTERIOR MINISTRY 3)Schutzpolizei (Schupo) 4)Kriminalpolizei (Kripo) 5)Bereitschaftspolizei (Bepo) 6)FEDERAL BORDER POLICE (Bundesgrenzschutz or BGS) 7)Special Group 9 (BGS-9) 8)FEDERAL CRIMINAL POLICE OFFICE

SELECTED POLICE MODELS A. U.S. and other EUROPEAN MODEL GERMAN POLICE SYSTEM POLICING in Gemany is constitutionally vested in the __1__. Each of the sixteen states (laender) of Germany has its own police organization. Police forces for each laender are controlled by the __2__. Within each laender are several kinds of police such as: __3__ which is equivalent to municipal police. They are the first to arrive at the crime scene of most cimes and handle all general law enforcement and simple investigation. __4__ who are plainclothes police who handle serious crime investigations and situations that require developing a case against a suspect. __5__ who are actually officers-in-training living in barracks, but they serve as civil order police when the situation arises. The German federal gov't also has some police agencies as its disposal. __6__ under the Interior Ministry which is in charge for border control, sea patrol, airport and railroad security. They may also assist in major civil disturbances beyond the scope of the Laender police Included in the BGS is a special task force called __7__, which handles terrorist incidents. __8__ Acts as a clearing house for criminal records and provides support to the Laender relative to criminal investigations, forensics and research. It also serves as the National Central Bureau for the Interpol. RECRUITMENT - An individual who aspires to a career of policing usually joins the German police at the young age of sixteen or seventeen (16-17) - First 2 1/2 - 3 year are spent living in the barracks and undergoing basic training. A large part of this training focuses on riot control, the rest involves conventional school subjects, the law and the law enforcement. - After years of basic training and civil disorder control work, the Bepo officers spend about six months in general law enforcement training prior to beginning street patrol work.


SELECTED POLICE MODELS A. U.S. and other EUROPEAN MODEL THE U.S. POLICE DEPARTMENT (FSCP) Policing in the United States (U.S.) is divided into four broad categories: Federal, State, County and Municipal agencies. Each branch of law enforcement has been created to enforce a __1__ set of laws within a specific geographical area. ___2__ Police officers that work for the national government . These police officers enforce criminal federal laws that are passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by the president. They have the authority to arrest anyone who commits violation of federal criminal laws within the specific area they are hired to protect. __3__ Is probably the best known of the federal law enforcement agencies It is under the U.S. DOJ. This agency is not a police agency, instead it investigates matters involving violations of federal law including civil rights Violations, espionage, treason, bank robbery of federally insured institution, serious crimes that crosses state lines, and terrorism. __4__ is the nation's oldest federal law enforcement agency. Marshals serve to protect federal judicial officials, maintain security in federal court houses, and protect the satety of the witnesses in federal trials who are endangered by testifying. The U.S. Marshals also track down fugitives from justice from across the world, transport federal prisoners who needs to be moved across jurisdictions, and maintain detention facilitiesfor unsentenced pisoners. __5__ Two primary missions a. Protecting all living curent and former U.S. president and their families b.Controlling counterfeiting __6__ - Assist in controlling the sale of untaxed liquor and cigarettes, illegal fireams, and explosives __7__ - The federal agency that enforces federal drug laws. - Agents primarily carry out their responsibilities by assisting local and state authorities in investigating illegal drug use and drug trafficking. They also work with foreign governments to reduce the amount of illegal drugs entering the United States, as well as operate independent investigations into drugcrime STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES All 50 states have state police agencies. Generally, there are two models of state police agencies. Some states like New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan have a __8__ State Police Department that is responsible for both traffic and criminal investigative responsibilities. One unit is responsible for patrolling state tumpikes and highways. The second unit is responsible for investigating criminal offenses. The second model of policing used by state agencies has been adopted by state such as California, Florida, Georgia, and Kansas. These states have __9__ separate state police agencies. One agency is called the Highway Patrol. The __10__ monitors state turnpikes and highways. The second state level policing agency is assigned the responsibility for state level criminal investigations. The names of these agencies are varied and include the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and Kansas Bureau of Investigation. In addition __11__ may be responsible for running state law enforcement training academies, providing emergency medical services maintaining a crime lab, and providing other services that are support local level law enforcement efforts. __12__ where third level of policing occurs and typically involves an elected sheriff and appointed deputies. A few states may forego the title of the sheriff and maintain a county police department The duty of the sheriff's department varies according to the size and population of the county. Nearly all sheriffs office provides basic law enforcement services to areas outside incorporated municipalities. These duties include routine patrol, responding to citizen calls for service and investigating crimes. They are authorities to enforce laws within their county as well as enforcing county level laws including traffic enforcement and in many counties, animal control. In addition, sheriffs' departments are usually responsible for county jail or detention facility. Although some states still maintain separate local detention facilities in every city and town, most have consolidated this function into a single county are facility utilized by all municipalities within the county. Detention duties may be rotated among all appointed deputies, or deputies may be hired for the single purpose of staffing and monitoring the detention facility. Finally, the sheniff's department is typically assigned duties associated with court services. These duties include serving civil court summons, providing court security, providing courthouse security, and dealing with criminal warrants. __13__ are those police departments created to serve an incorporated city, town, village or borough. The primary reason municipalities establish a police department is to maintain order. The American Bar Association (ABA) outlines the function of the municipal police officer to include a broad range of activities. Municipal police officers are expected to: - Identify criminal offenders and criminal activity and where appropriate, apprehend offenders and participate in subsequent court proceedings. - Reduce the opportunities for the commission of some crimes through preventive patrol and other measures. - Aid individuals who are in danger of physical harm. - Protect constitutional guarantees - Facilitate the movement of people and vehicles. - Assist those who cannot care for themselves. - Resolve conflict. - Identify problems that are potentially serious law enforcement and governmental problems. - Create and maintain a feeling of security in the Community. - Promote and preserve civil order - Provide other services on an emergency basis. RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Specific requirements for being accepted to a law enforcement training academy vary from department. The general requirements are the applicant - Is a U.S. citizen - Is at least 21 years of age - Has at least 20/20 vision uncorrected; ( or 20/20 corrected by glasses) - Is able to distinguish colors - Is physically and mentally healthy. - Applicants who have served in the military must have been honorably discharged. - May not have been convicted of driving while intoxicated and must hold a valid license for at least three years prior to application and have a driving record - Applicants should have no criminal conviction, although some misdemeanor crimes may bar applicants from a law enforcement position. - All applicants are expected to be free from drug use, be of good moral character, and have personal integrity. - No applicant should have any history of criminal or improper conduct, have a poor employment record, or have an irresponsible financial history. - Generally, applicants should at least have a GED equivalency or a high school diploma, however, some departments, such as that in Dallas, Texas, are requiring 60 or more hours of completed college coursework.

1)SINGAPORE POLICE SYSTEM 2)Neighborhood Police Centers(NPC) 3)Senior Assistant Commissioner 4)Constable

SINGAPORE 1__ - The main agency tasked with maintaining law and order in the city-state. - Formerly known as the Republic of Singapore Police - Parent agency, Ministry of Home Affairs - It has with it the __2__, the counterpart of Koban and Chuzaisho in Japan MANPOWER .Regulars (uniformed, full-time officers) . .Police national servicemen (usually serve up to two years typically from age 18) .Volunteers (Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) .Civilian staff (deployed in areas such as logistics, human resource and technology administrative and finance services as well as planning and intelligence) .Staff Welfare ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (Regular) Police officers - normal fitness levels, - good eyesight, and - at least five passes in the GCE Ordinary level or a NITEC from the Institute of Technical Education Singaporean or Singapore Pemanent Resident Senior police officers - pass degree in any discipline - Male Singaporeans must have completed their Full-Time National Service and have a PES A or B. - Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident. TRAINING POLICE OFFICERS - 6-month Police Officer Basic Course at the Home Team Academy - All newly appointed officers will be placed on a one-year probation period SENIOR POLICE OFFICERS - 9-month basic residential training program at the Home Team Academy The trainees would also undergo a 6-week leadership program which consist of 2 main components: a) 3 weeks training in Singapore to develop core leadership skills and to prepare for the overseas training stint. b) 3 weeks overseas training to further develop and assess trainees' leadership potential RANKS of SPF SENIOR POLICE OFFICER - __3__ - Assistant Commissioner - Deputy Assistant Commissioner - Superintendent - Deputy Superintendent - Assistant Superintendent - Inspector POLICE OFFICERS - Senior Station Inspector (2) - Senior Station Inspector - Station Inspector - Senior Staff Sergeant - Staff Sergeant - Sergeant -Corporal - Special Constable - __4__

1)widest 2)institutions 3)forbidden

Some of the important provisions of the interpol constitution provide for the following: - To ensure and promote the __1__ possible mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities, within the limits of the laws existing in the different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and - To establish and develop all __2__ likely to contribute effectively to the prevention and suppression of ordinary law crimes. - It is strictly __3__ for the Organization to undertake any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character".

1)NATIONAL POLICE AGENCY 2)Police Supervisor General 3)Police Rank Four

TAIWAN - __1__ (ROC) - MINISTRY OF INTERIOR RANKS - __2__ - Police Supervisor Rank One - Police Supervisor Rank Two - Police Supervisor Rank Three - Police Supervisor Rank Four - Police Officer Rank One - Police Officer Rank Two - Police Officer Rank Three - Police Officer Rank Four - Police Rank One - Police Rank Two - Police Rank Three - __3__

1)complies 2)advise 3)process

THE COMMISSION FOR THE CONTROL OF INTERPOL'S FILES (CCF) This is an independent body whose mandate is three fold: (1) To ensure that the processing of personal information by INTERPOL __1__ with the Organization's regulations, (2) To __2__ INTERPOL on any project, operation, set of rules or other matter involving the processing of personal information and (3) To __3__ requests concerning the information contained in INTERPOL's files

1)Lyon, France 2)coordinates 3)library 4)organizes 5)Secretary General 6)RONALD K. NOBLE

THE GENERAL SECRETARIAT .The general secretariat, based in __1__, is the pemanent administrative headquarters. It __2__ the international activities of member countries, holds a __3__ of international criminal records, and __4__ regular meetings at which delegates can exchange information on police work. The General Secretariat operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is run by the __5__. The Secretariat has seven regional offices across the world; in Argentina, Cameroon, Cote d 'lvoire, El Salvador, Kenya, Thailand and Zimbabwe, along with Special Representatives at the United Nations in New York and at the European Union in Brussels. Currently headed by the secretary general, __6__ (term will expire in 2015), the secretary general sitting for the THIRD term since 2000. Four official languages used by the INTERPOL: -Spanish , -Arabic - French - English


THE INTERPOL'S CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS (CIA) The identification of and provision of insight into the relationship between crime data and other potentially relevant data with a view to police and judicial practice. DIVISION OF THE C.I.A. __1__ - aims to achieve a specific law enforcement outcome. It has a more immediate benefit. This might be arrest, seizure or forfeiture of assets or money gained from criminal activities, or the disruption of a criminal group. __2__ - intended to inform higher level decision making and the benefits are realized over the longer term. It is usually aimed at managers and policy-makers rather than to support senior decision-makers in setting priorities to prepare their organization to be able to deal with emerging criminal issues.


THE INTERPOL'S FOUR CORE FUNCTIONS (SOOT) - Secure Global Police Communications Services - Operational Data Services and Databases for Police - Operational Police Support Services - Training and Development


THE INTERPOL's CRIME PRIORITY AREAS (DFF-PTC) - Drugs and criminal organizations - Financial and High-Tech Crimes - Fugitives - Public Safety and Terrorism - Trafficking in human beings - Corruption

1)maintains 2)body 3)The National Central Bureau of the ICP-lnterpol: Policy 4)Collects 5)carried 6)Receives 7)Transmits 8)implemented 9)General Secretariat

THE NATIONAL CENTRAL BUREAUS (NCB) The NCB is the designated contact point for the General Secretariat, regional offices and other member countries requiring assistance with overseas investigations and the location and apprehension of fugitives. Each INTERPOL member country __1__ a National Central Bureau staffed by national law enforcement officers. The ICPO Interpol Constitution calls for the appointment by each member country of a __2__ to serve as the Nationals Central Bureau (NCB). Recognizing the importance of the role of the NCBs in the context of international police cooperation and believing that for an NCB to be effective and meet the needs of international police cooperation, the document entitled "__3__", was adopted as set of policy guidelines for the NCBs. The NCBs activities can be summarized as follows: - __4__ documents and criminal intelligence, which have a direct bearing on international police co-operation from sources in that own countries, and pass this material on to the other NCBs and the General Secretariat. - Ensures that police action or operations requested by another country's NCBs are __5__ out on their territory; - __6__ requests for information, checks. etc. from another NCBs and reply to such request. - __7__ request for international co-operation made by their own courts or police departments to the NCBs of other countries; and - The Heads of the NCB: attend Interpol General Assembly sessions as members of their countries delegations, and subsequently ensure that the Assembly's resolutions are __8__. The NCBs communicate directly among themselves. However, they keep the __9__ informed of their investigations so that the latter can perform its task of centralizing information and coordinating cooperation.

1)1945 2)largest 3)193

THE UNITED NATIONS (UN) The United Nations is an international organization founded in __1__ after the Second World War by 51 countries Committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. It holds the title as the __2__ world organization with its Current __3__ member countries.


The PCTC is assisted by the Philippines 22 national enforcenment agencies . Philippine National Police . National Bureau of Investigation . Department of Justice . Anti-Money Laundering Counsil . Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Philippine Central Bank) . Bureau of Customs . Bureau of Immigration . Bureau of Internal Revenue . Dangerous Drugs Board . Department of finance . Department of Foreign Affairs . Department of Tourism . Philippine Coast Guard . Philippine Center on Transnational Crime . Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency . Optical Media Board . Philippine Overseas Employment Administration . Philipine Ports Authority . Philipine Postal Corporation . Presidential Anti Organized Crime Commission . Securities and Exchange Commission . Office for Transportation Security

1)peace 2)friendly 3)improve 4)conquer 5)center

The UN has 4 main purposes: - To keep __1__ throughout the world - To develop __2__ relations among nations - To help nations work together to __3__ the lives of poor people, - to __4__ hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms; - To be a __5__ for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.


The cluster of activities that help Officials in INTERPOL's 190 member countries to improve their operational effectiveness, enhance their skills and build their capacity to address the increasingly globalised and sophisticated nature of criminality today.


These are experts in a purely advisory capacity, who may be appointed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the General Assembly.

1)PNP DPL 2)Written Examination which covers Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Report Writing 3)Driving Proficiency Test 4)Firing Proficiency Test 5)25, 53 6)Police Senior Inspector Police Chief Inspector, or Police Superintendent 7)Police Officer 3 to Senior Police Officer 4 8)5 9)Computer Literacy Requirement 10)Driving Proficiency Requirement 11)recommended 12)(1)

UN Special Action Team (UNSAT) COVERAGE of the UNSAT Pre-Qualifying Exam (conducted by the __1__) ✓1st Stage - __2__ ✓2nd Stage- __3__ ✓3rd Stage- __4__ QUALIFICATIONS AGE REQUIREMENT - Applicant must not be less than __5__ years old or more than __5__ years old upon actual deployment. An applicant shall be considered 25 years of age on his/her actual 25th birthday, or more than fifty three 53 years of age on his/her actual 54th birthday. RANK REQUIREMENT - For Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs): Only those with the rank of __6__ are allowed to apply - For Police Non-commissioned Officers (PNCOs)Only those within the rank bracket of __7__ are allowed to apply. - All applicants must have been appointed in permanent status in their respective present ranks. SERVICE REQUIREMENT - All applicants must have attained a minimum of __8__ years of active police service (excluding cadetship,officer orientation/trainee course, and police basic course) PHYSICAL REQUIREMENT - All applicants must have passed the latest Physical Fitness Test (PFT) conducted by the PNP Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development, as well as medical, dental, and neuropsychiatric examinations. SPECIAL SKILLS NEEDED - __9__ - All applicants must be knowledgeable of basic computer operations, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and use of the Internet. - __10__ - All applicants must have at least one (1) year of recent driving experience and must possess a valid national or international driver's license issued at least one (1)year to the application UNIT RECOMMENDATION REQUIREMENT All applicants must be __11__ by Unit Commanders (Command Group or Directors of their respective Directorial Staff, National Support Units, or Police Regional Offices) OTHER REQUIREMENTS - All applicants must hold a Performance Evaluation Rating (PER) with a minimum Very Satisfactory evaluation for two (2) consecutive rating semesters prior to the UNSAT examinations. - All applicants must not have been repatriated from any previous UN mission for disciplinary reasons. - All applicants must not have been convicted of any administrative or criminal offense; have no pending administrative/criminal cases in anybody/tribunal/court - No applicant should be a witness to any administrative/criminal case, especially those covered by Republic Act 9165, or a summary hearing officer with unresolved cases. TERM OF DEPLOYMENT - All PNP personnel who are deployed as part of the UN Peacekeeping Mission shall have one __12__ year tenure, extendable to 6 months.

1)PEOPLES PUBLIC SECURITY OF VIETNAM 2)Dai tuóng Công an - Police General 3)Binh Nhi (Private, Constable )

VIETNAM - __1__ - MINISTRY OF SECURITY RANKS Commissioned officers - Highest Rank - __2__ - Thuong tu óng Công an - Police Colonel General - Trung tuóng Cong an - Police Lieutenant GeneralThiêu tuóng Công an - Police Major General Middle Rank - Dai tá Cong an - Police Brigadier - Thuong tá Công an - Police Colonel - Trung tá Công an - Police Lieutenant Colonel - Thieu tá Công an - Police Major Low Rank - Dai úy Công an - Police Captain - Thuong úy Cong an - Police First Lieutenant - Trung úy Công an - Police Lieutenant -Thiéu úy Công an - Police Sub-Lieutenant - Non-commissioned officers - Thuong Sī (sergeant major) - Trung Si (sergeant) - Ha Sí (Corporal) Enlisted personnel - Binh Nhât (Private First Class, Senior Constable) - __3__

1)Secure global communication systems INTERPOL 2)24/7 support to policing and law enforcement 3)Capacity building 4)Assisting member countries in the identification of crimes and criminals 5)Ensure Organizational Health and Sustainability 6)Institutional and Legal Support

What are the Priorities of INTERPOL? INTERPOL has amended its strategic framework for the years 2011-2013 during the 81st session of the General Assembly (2012), to provide an enhanced, focused and effective direction for our programs and activities during this period. These priorities are - Four strategic priorities and - Two corporate priorities. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES (SCA-24) 1. __1__ designs a secure global police communications and support system (known as 24/7) that connects all 190 National Central Bureaus (NCBs), along with other authorized law enforcement agencies and strategic partners, allowing them to instantly access, request and submit vital data. 2. __2__ - Providing of round-the-clock support and a wide range of operational assistance to member countries, including emergency and crisis response. - investigative expertise - deployment of teams specialized in incident response - security issues at major events and the identification of disaster victims. 3 __3__ Enhancing the tools and services in the area of law enforcement training and raising standards in international policing and security infrastructures. Working with partners stakeholders in order to build the capacity of police services in countries in need and to empower them to respond effectively to the challenges of transnational crime. 4. __4__ Delivery of high quality database services, analytical capabilities and other innovative tools to assist in preventing crime. Aimed at further improving criminal infomation databases and better support their integration, along with analytical/investigative methods and mechanisms. CORPORATE PRIORITIES (EI) 1. __5__ Strengthening core infrastructure, improving business model and communicating long-term relevance in terms of policing and law enforcement leadership and support. Other objectives will focus on human resources and staff well-being, communications strategies, and building support for our strategic priorities. 2. __6__ Focusing efforts on enhancing the legal stability and foundation for international activities, innovative solutions to complement INTERPOL' s funding, including ensuring compliance with INTERPOL rules and regulations. One of the overriding considerations is to enhance the Organization's neutrality and independence.

GLOBAL POLICE COOPERATION International Police Organization

With the new faces of criminality nowadays, police officers are put in a situation wherein they were outdated and that fighting it alone makes all effort futile. With the advent of modern technologies, commission of crimes has been also constantly improved close to perfection. This had challenged law enforcement communities leading to the forging of ties with international police organizations to bridge the gap in fighting crimes in the global arena.


Working Principle: INTERPOL is not a police force. It is the ____ for international police cooperation and communication. The principles on which lnterpol's functioning is based have stood the best time. It has become clear that the organization cannot have teams of detectives with supranational powers Who travel around investigating cases in different countries. lnternational police cooperation is the coordinated action of the member countries' police forces, all of which supply and request information and services.


is a unique and dynamic operational system that centralizes and continually enhances database features. It will also help make connections between , by identifying seemingly unrelated investigations, by identifying common threads. Officers in National Central Bureaus (NCBs) and other authorized users are able to access this through the I-24/7 network.


is the European Union's law enforcement agency whose main goal is to help achieve a safer Europe for the benefit of all EU citizens.


is the designated contact point for the General Secretariat, regional offices and other member countries requiring assistance with overseas investigations and the location and apprehension of fugitives

Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)

is the largest disciplined service under the Security Bureau of HongKong. It is the world's second, and Asia's first, police agency to operate with a modern policing system. It was formed on 1 May 1844, with strength of 32 officers

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