CompTIA A+ 220-1101 - Core 1 - Intro into IP
What protocols use TCP
FTP - SSH - Telnet - HTTP - HTTPS POP3 - IMAP4 - SMB - LDAP - RDP NetBios (session service)
What is FTP?
File Transfer Protocol - tcp/20 (active mode data) - tcp/21 (control) - Transfers files from one device to another - Authenticates with a username and password - Some systems use a generic/anonymous login - Full-featured functionality - List, add, delete, etc.
What is HTTP?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol - tcp/80 - used for transmitting web pages.
What is HTTPS?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure - secure version of HTTP. - tcp/443
What is IMAP4?
Internet Message Access Protocol v4 - tcp/143 • RECEIVE emails from an email server - Email inbox management from multiple client
What is IP?
Internet Protocol - An addressing system that finds paths to distant computers
What is LDAP?
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - tcp/389 - Store and retrieve information in a network directory - Commonly used in Microsoft Active Directory
What is NetBios?
Network Basic Input/Output System - udp/137- NetBIOS name services (nbname) - tcp/139 - NetBIOS session service (nbsession)
What is POP3?
Post Office Protocol 3 - tcp/110 • RECEIVE emails from an email server - Authenticate and transfer - Not built for multiple email clients - Basic mail transfer functionality - In order to synchronize all these clients we use IMAP4
What is RDP?
Remote Desktop Protocol - tcp/3389 • Remotely access another computer
What is SSH?
Secure Shell - tcp/22 - Secure terminal connection - Looks and acts the same as Telnet
What is SMB?
Server Message Block - tcp/445 - Protocol used by Microsoft Windows - File sharing, printer sharing - Also called CIFS (Common Internet File System)
What is SNMP?
Simple Network Management Protocol • Gather statistics from network devices - udp/161 Queries - udp/162 Trap
What is DHCP?
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol • Automated configuration of IP address, subnet mask and other options - udp/67 - udp/68
What protocols use UDP
DNS - DHCP SNMP Query - SNMP Trap NetBIOS (name service)
What is DNS?
Domain Name System - udp/53 - Converts names to IP addresses - =
What is Telnet?
Telecommunication Network - tcp/23 - Login to devices remotely - Insecure terminal connection - Not the best choice for production systems
What is TCP?
Transmission Control Protocol - Connection-oriented (open/close to the connection) - "Reliable" delivery - Recovery from errors - Flow control
What is UDP?
User Datagram Protocol • Connectionless (No open/close to the connection) - "Unreliable" delivery (doesn't mean it doesn't work) - No error recovery - No reordering of data or retransmissions - No flow control
What is the difference between static/reserved and dynamic/pooled DHCP?
When a device is assigned a static/reserved IP address, the address does not change. Most devices use dynamic/pooled IP addresses, which are assigned by the network when they connect and change over time.
What is SMTP?
• SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Server to server email transfer - tcp/25 • Also used to SEND mail from a device to a mail server - Commonly configured on mobile devices and email clients