Computer Class FA20_BUS115.01

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If a City field displays the value "Chicago" for a new record, that means the Default Value property for the City field has been set. Select one: True False


Which of the following elements can you add to a chart to display a line representing the general direction in a data series? a.Axes b.Legend c.Gridlines d.Trendline

d. Trendline

Adam is creating a table with an AmtSold field for storing the number of items sold. He should assign the Currency data type to the AmtSold field. Select one: True False


Resize a picture proportionally by dragging a top sizing handle. Select one: True False


When you switch rows and columns in a chart, Excel updates the legend at the same time. Select one: True False


Use ALT to select multiple nonadjacent headings in a document. Select one: True False


Which of the following chart types shows the distribution of data grouped in bins? a.Bin chart b.Waterfall chart c.Treemap chart d.Histogram chart

Histogram chart

Aniyah needs to insert the date and time in her document. She should do which of the following? a.Click the Insert Date and Time button and select the desired option. b.Click the Cross-reference button. c.Click the Table button and select the desired option. d.Click the Link button and select the desired option.


Jeremiah inserted a table and needs to fill it with data. After entering a value, he should do which of the following to move the insertion point to the next cell in the row? a.Press TAB. b.Press ENTER. c.Press ESC. d.Press INSERT.


To import data from Excel to Access, you would begin by clicking the ____. a.Edit Relationships button b.Property Sheet button c.Relationships tab d.External Data tab

d. External Data tab

When you move a chart to a new worksheet, you must also move the data source. Select one: True False


A _____ is the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters. a.symbol b.font c.point d.keyword


You typically increase the decimal places from 1 to 2 for a(n) _____ field. a.Currency b.AutoNumber c.Long Text d.Money

a. currency

Ben moved a chart to a chart sheet, but now the axis labels are too small. What can he do to make them easier to read? a.Add a border. b.Apply a shape effect. c.Decrease the decimal places shown on each axis. d.Increase the font size.

Increase the font size.

In a formal, professional document, which of the following can you apply to make a word stand out? a.italic formatting b.preset text effect c.paragraph style border

Italic formating

Which of the following elements uses colors to identify how the data is represented in a chart? a.Gridlines b.Legend c.Chart TitleIncorrect d.Data label


To rotate cell contents to an exact value, you change its _____. a.Font b.Width c.Indent d.Orientation


Caleb created a column chart that lists numbers from $50,000 to $0 on the left. What can he add to the chart to indicate that these are monthly revenue amounts? a.Vertical axis title b.Horizontal axis c.Data table d.New data series

Vertical axis title

You need to add another product to your inventory worksheet, which shows product names in row A. Which of the following should you add? a.a rowIncorrect b.a column c.a button d.conditional formatting

a column

To switch between two open windows, do which of the following? a.Point to the Word icon on the taskbar and then click a document. b.Click the Split button on the View tab. c.Click the Switch button on the status bar. d.Reduce the zoom to display both windows at the same time.

a. Point to the Word icon on the taskbar and then click a document.

Which of the following are good candidates for a primary key field for a Customer table? Select all the options that apply. a.CustomerNumber b.LastName c.CustomerID d.IdentificationNumber

a; c; d

Isaiah needs to insert a copyright symbol (©). He should do which of the following? a.Insert a citation. b.Insert a symbol from the Symbol gallery. c.Insert a cross-reference. d.Insert a footnote.


To change the starting and ending values on a chart axis, use the _____ pane. a.Chart b.Format AxisCorrect c.Format Shape d.Labels

b. Format Axis

To delete a worksheet column, you can first select it by _____. a.clicking the column headingCorrect b.double-clicking the column heading c.clicking anywhere in the column d.double-clicking anywhere in the column

clicking the column heading

Clicking the Increase Decimal button in the Number group would change the displayed cell value 14.54 to 14.5. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is '


To rename a worksheet, you change the text on the _____. a.sheet columns b.sheet rows c.sheet header d.sheet tab

sheet tab

Jack wants to show sparklines with symbols for positive and negative values in a range. He should insert Win/Loss sparklines. Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is


To create a list of sources cited in your document, insert which of the following? a.index cited c.appendixIncorrect d.table of contents

work cited

A workbook template has which of the following file extensions? a..xltx b..xls c..xlsxIncorrect d..xlst Feedback The correct answer is: .xltx


Which of the following chart elements identifies the purpose of a chart? a.Legend b.Gridlines c.Vertical axis d.Chart title

Chart title

Which view most closely resembles how your document will look when printed? a.Web Layout b.Read Mode c.Print Layout d.Page Layout

Print Layout

When you click a chart element such as a legend, it displays sizing handles to indicate it is selected. Select one: True False


Which of the following is true about deleting a worksheet row? a.After you delete a row, the rows below it shift down one row. b.To delete a row, you can select the row, then press the DELETE key on the keyboard. c.To delete a row, you can select the row, then use the Delete button in the Cells group. d.If you select a row and click the Delete list arrow, you can select Delete Sheet to delete the row.

To delete a row, you can select the row, then use the Delete button in the Cells group.

Juana needs to open a document. To access the Open dialog box, which tab should she use? a.Home tab b.View tab c.File tab d.Review tab

File Tab

Which type of chart would you create to compare expenses in each department as a percentage of all expenses? a.Column chart b.Line chart c.Pie chartCorrect d.Area chart

c.Pie chartCorrect

_ is a set of Access rules that governs data entry and helps ensure data accuracy. a.A one-to-many relationship b.A common field c.Referential integrity d.Data redundancy

c.Referential integrity

The goal of building one-to-many relationships between tables is to minimize _____ data. a.misspelled b.rarely used c.numeric d.redundant

d. redundant

To insert information that appears at the bottom of every worksheet page, you can use a command on the Insert tab. Select one: True False


To make your workbooks usable by people with disabilities, you can use the Accessibility Checker in Excel. Select one: True False


To move a chart to another location on the same worksheet, drag it to the location you want. Select one: True False


Jessica encounters text in a document that appears blue and underlined. When she presses CTRL and clicks the text, she is taken to a website. She wants the text to appear and behave like normal text. Which of the following should she do? a.Right-click the text and select Remove Hyperlink. b.Change the font color and remove the underline using buttons in the Font group of the Home tab. c.Delete the text and then retype it. d.Leave the text as is; it will appear normal when the document is printed.

. Right-click the text and select Remove Hyperlink.

To combine multiple cells into one combined cell, which of the following do you use? a.Column Width command b.Center button c.Merge and Center button d.Increase Indent button

Merge and Center button

Which of the following will you select as X in the following series of clicks to apply a shape style: Shape > Format tab > Shape Styles > X> Style (of your choice)? a.Shape Fill b.Shape Effects c.Shape Outline d.More button

More button

You can use the _____ to quickly move to a specific page in the document. a.Research pane b.Document Inspector c.Page Manager d.Navigation pane

Navigation pane

Click Save As in the File tab to save a document with a new name. Select one: True False


A worksheet named Income (2) is most likely which of the following? a.a deleted worksheet b.a worksheet with no calculations c.a repositioned worksheet d.a copy of another worksheet named Income

a copy of another worksheet named Income

To create a duplicate copy of a picture in a document, which of the following should be done? Select all that apply. a.Select the picture, click Copy, then click Paste. b.Select the picture, then click and drag the picture to the desired location. c.Select the picture, click Cut, then click Paste. d.Select the picture, press CTRL+C then press CTRL+V.

a, d-correct

To have a shape appear at the top and center of a page, which of the following should be done? a.Click the Position button and select Position in Top and Center with Square Text Wrapping. b.Click the Wrap Text button and select Square. c.Click the Align button and select Top. d.Click the Align button and select Distribute Vertically.

a- correct

To copy a section of text, which of the following do you do? Select all that apply. a.Press the Cut button in the Clipboard group of the Home tab. b.Select the desired text and press CTRL+X. c.Select the desired text and press CTRL+C. d.Press the Copy button in the Clipboard group of the Home tab.

c.Select the desired text and press CTRL+C. d.Press the Copy button in the Clipboard group of the Home tab.

To format a range so that all values greater than $500 appear in red, which of the following can you use? a.conditional formattingCorrect b.cell formatting c.cell styles d.Quick Access toolbar

conditional formatting

Joanne needs each page in her document to be numbered. She should do which of the following? a.Manually enter the page number at the bottom of each page. b.Use the Insert Footnote button. c.Use the Cross-reference button. d.Use the Page Number button.Correct


Gabrielle opened a document that has a large number of tab stops in undesired locations. She wants the tab stops removed. She should do which of the following? a.Remove all tab characters from the document. b.Remove all paragraph characters from the document. c.Insert new tab stops in the document. d.Clear all tab stops from the document.


Joseph needs to remove the formatting from a selection of text. He should do which of the following? a.Select the text and press DEL. b.Select the text and press ESC. c.Select the text and click Cut. d.Select the text and click Clear All Formatting.


Your worksheet contains confidential information in column C; to prevent others who use your worksheet from seeing the data, you can _____ column C. a.delete b.conditionally format c.edit d.hide


Which of the following methods is the best way to find a word in a document? a.Open the Navigation pane and then enter the search text.Correct b.Scroll through the document manually looking for the word. c.Enter the word in the Go To box, then press ENTER. d.Open the Clipboard pane and then enter the search text.

.Open the Navigation pane and then enter the search text.Correct

Which of the following can you apply to a data series to change its appearance? a.Series layout b.Data callouts c.Shape highlighting d.Shape style

Shape style

Alexis needs the text after a tab character to be moved further to the right. She should do which of the following? a.Move the appropriate tab stop to the right. b.Remove the tab stop. c.Insert space characters to move the text to the right. d.Insert tab characters to move the text to the right.


Alexandra wants text to appear within a circle shape in her document. After selecting the shape, she should do which of the following? a.Change the Text Wrapping to In Front of Text. b.Convert the shape to a pull quote. c.Start typing the desired text. d.Apply a shape style that includes text.

a-is not correct

Dana created a column chart showing four quarters of data, but she no longer wants to display the Quarter 1 data series. How can she quickly remove it? a. Switch the rows and columns. b. Apply a Quick Layout. c. Select the data series and then press DEL. Correct d. Right-click the data series and then click Hide.

c. Select the data series and then press DEL. Correct

Eric wants to rearrange the legend, title, gridlines, and other elements in a bar chart. Which of the following tools can he use to change many chart elements at the same time? a.Select Chart Element button b.Change Colors button c.Quick Layout buttonCorrect d.Shape Styles gallery

. Quick Layout button

Dawn wants to make a column chart look three dimensional. How can she do so? a.Apply a chart style. b.Change the Chart Layout. c.Modify the chart data. d.Change the chart type.Correct Feedback The correct answer is: Change

Change the chart type.

Bertie wants to show data labels inside a text bubble shape. Which option can she click on after clicking on the arrow next to Data labels under Chart Elements? a.Axis TitlesIncorrect b.Chart Titles c.Legend d.Data Labels

Data Labels

Walter selected data on a worksheet to show in a chart. Which button on the Insert tab can he click to display charts appropriate for the selected data? a.PivotChart button b.Illustrations button c.Recommended Charts button d.Appropriate Charts button

Recommended Charts button

Charlie created a pie chart that displays number values in data labels. How can he change the values to show dollar amounts? a.Change the number format of the data labels to Currency.Correct b.Change the number format of the source data to Currency. c.Change the placement of the data labels to Best Fit. d.Change the Value setting to Currency.

a. Change the number format of the data labels to Currency.

Which process is most like copying and pasting? a.importing b.relating c.querying d.linking

a. importing

Which of the following can you apply to change the fill of a data series? Select all the options that apply. a.Texture b.Color c.WordArt d.Shape style

a.Texture b.Color d.Shape style

What data type should you assign to a WeeklySalary field? a.Currency b.Salary c.Number d.Date/Time


You can right-click the status bar to display the _____. a.number of records in a table b.Quick Access Toolbar shortcut menu c.Database Views shortcut menu d.Customize Status Bar shortcut menu

d. Customize Status Bar shortcut menu

Maria has a line chart that shows expense amounts on the vertical axis. What can she do to display the values as dollar amounts? a.Change the starting and ending values of the vertical axis. b.Change the number format of the vertical axis.Correct c.Add a vertical axis title. d.Add a data table with a legend.

b. Change the number format of the vertical axis.

What property would you set for a field with a Yes/No data type that usually stores a Yes value? a.Field Size b.Default Value c.Caption d.Required

b.Default Value

You can use the _____ to copy data from Excel to Access. a.Linking Spreadsheet Wizard b.Import Spreadsheet Wizard c.Edit Relationships dialog box d.Copy Data dialog box

b.Import Spreadsheet Wizard

If most records will contain "NY" in the State field, enter _____ as the _____ property for the State field. a.NY; Default Value b.State; Default Value c.NY; Input Mask d.State; Field Size

b.State; Default Value

Characteristics, such as Field Name and Data Type, are_____ that define a field. a.descriptions b.definitions d.formats

c. properties

A relational database can best be described as a collection of related _____ designed to minimize redundant data. b.links c.tables d.keys

c. tables

With a _____, you can emphasize one data point by exploding it. a.Column chart b.Line chart c.3-D Pie chartCorrect d.3-D Area chart

c.3-D Pie chartCorrect

Changing the _____ property for a field does not change the actual data stored in the field. a.Short Text b.Primary Key c.Decimal Places d.Number

c.Decimal Places

After selecting a range of data, what can you click to display common chart types based on the range you selected? a.Chart Options button b.Paste Options button c.Flash Fill button d.Quick Analysis button

d. Quick Analysis button

What happens if you delete a field from a table that contains data? a.Access stores the deleted data in a new table. b.Access stores the deleted data in a new field in the same table. c.You can append the deleted data to an existing table. d.You delete all the data in the field.

d. You delete all the data in the field.

The common field between two tables in a one-to-many relationship is the primary key field on the "one" side of the relationship and the _____ on the "many" side of the relationship. a.sorting field b.junction field c.orphan field d.foreign key field

d. foreign key field

The _____ key field is the linking field on the "many" side of the relationship. a.primary b.referential c.AutoNumber d.foreign

d. foreign

What data type should you assign to a CourseHours field that stores the hours required to complete a course? a.AutoNumber b.Short Text c.Hours d.Number

d. number

Cameron needs to insert a citation, but he does not have the source information. Which of the following should he do? a.Add a new citation placeholder.Correct b.Insert a footnote. c.Insert an endnote. d.Add an existing citation.

Add a new citation placeholder.

How can you add a drop shadow to a picture? a.Apply a Picture Effect. b.Apply a Picture Border. c.Change the Picture Layout. d.Apply an Artistic Effect.

Apply a Picture Effect.

To ensure a document is free of typos, always do which of the following before publishing the document. a.Check the document for accessibility by clicking the Check Accessibility button. b.Check the document for spelling and grammar errors by clicking the Spelling & Grammar button.Correct c.Use Smart Lookup by clicking the Smart Lookup button. d.Check the document for compatibility by clicking the Check Compatibility button

Check the document for spelling and grammar errors by clicking the Spelling & Grammar button.Correct

Jasmine is working on a research paper that needs to be in MLA format. To ensure her bibliography is formatted properly, she should do which of the following? a. b.Use the Source Manager to edit the sources as needed. c.Inspect the document to make sure it meets the style requirements. d.Insert a bibliography as a Works Cited list.

Check to ensure the bibliography style is MLA in the Citations & Bibliography group of the References tab.Correct

To calculate the number of words in a document, do which of the following? a.Click the Word Count button.Correct b.Click the Thesaurus button. c.Click the Translate button. d.Click the Check Accessibility button.

Click the Word Count button.

Joan has a redundant source in her bibliography. What is the best way for her to remove this redundant source from the bibliography? a.Remove all text from the redundant source by editing it in the Source Manager, then update the bibliography.Incorrect b.Manually delete the source from the bibliography. c.Delete the redundant source in the Source Manager, then update the bibliography. d.Edit the citation using the source.

Delete the redundant source in the Source Manager, then update the bibliography.

To have text appear at the bottom of each page in a document, do which of the following? a.Double-click the footer region of the page and enter the desired text.Correct b.Manually enter the desired text at the bottom of each page. c.Double-click the header region of the page and enter the desired text. d.Insert an endnote with the desired text.

Double-click the footer region of the page and enter the desired text.

To change conditional formatting that applies a red fill color to one that applies a green fill color, which of the following can you do? a.Delete the conditional formatting rule. b.Edit the conditional formatting rule.Correct c.Format the range in the Font dialog box. d.Format the range as a table.

Edit the conditional formatting rule.

Brianna needs to correct the year of publication in one of her sources. She should do which of the following? a.Add a new placeholder citation. b.Create a new source with the correct year in the Source Manager. c.Edit the source to correct the error in the Source Manager.Correct d.Delete the incorrect citation in the Source Manager.

Edit the source to correct the error in the Source Manager.

Tom took a photo using his webcam and saved it to his desktop. To insert the file in a Word document, he can use the Online Pictures button. Select one: True False


Aamir is preparing a research paper. He needs to insert a parenthetical reference that gives credit to the source of a quotation. What is the best way for him to achieve this? a.Enter the parenthetical reference manually. b.Insert a footnote with the source information. c.Insert an endnote with the source information. d.Insert a citation.Corre

Insert a citation.Corre

Jada needs to create a note at the bottom of a page that references text in the body of the document. She should do which of the following? a.Insert a comment. b.Insert an endnote. c.Insert a footnote.Correct d.Insert a header.

Insert a footnote.

Andrew accidentally misspelled a word. To correct the error, he can do which of the following? a.Right-click the word and select the desired suggested spelling.Correct b.Right-click the word and select Smart Lookup. c.Right-click the word and select Link. d.Right-click the word and select Translate.

Right-click the word and select the desired suggested spelling.Correct

Ashley needs to find an underlined word in a 100-page document. Which of the following is the most efficient way to find the word? a.Search for underline formatting.Correct b.Scroll through the document looking for the underlined word. c.Use Go To to locate the word. d.Underline the word in the Find and Replace dialog box.

Search for underline formatting.

To resize a shape nonproportionally, which of the following should be done? a.Click and drag the corner sizing handle. b.Lock the aspect ration and then change the Width value. c.Click and drag a middle sizing handle. d.ALT+SHIFT-Click and drag the corner sizing handle.


Jane has created a new document and entered some text. What should she do to ensure she does not lose her work? a.Save the document. b.Protect the document. c.Inspect the document. d.Close the document.

a. Save the document.

Hannah wants to position a picture in the middle and center of a page and let the text wrap around the picture. She should do which of the following? a.Click Align and select Align Middle. b.Click the Wrap Text button and select Top and Bottom. c.Click Align and select Align Center. d.Click the Position button and select Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping.


Brian needs to view the paragraph marks in a document. Which of the following should he do? a.Enter Web Layout view b.Enter Read Mode c.Click the checkbox to show Gridlines d.Select the Show/Hide ¶ button.

d. Select the Show/Hide ¶ button.

When you double-click the right border of a column heading, which of the following occurs ? a.The column is deleted. b.AutoFit resizes the column to 8.43 characters wide. c. A column is added to the right of the current column. d.AutoFit resizes the column to the widest cell entry.

d.AutoFit resizes the column to the widest cell entry.

Ben has added a source for a quotation. To insert a citation using this source, he can click the Insert Citation button and then click which option? a.the desired source in the list of sources b.Add New SourceIncorrect c.Add New Placeholder d.the desired citation style in the list of citations

the desired citation style in the list of citations

Joe accidentally deleted a paragraph. Which of the following is the fastest way to restore the paragraph? a.Undo the action. b.Redo the action. c.Repeat the action. d.Reenter the text manually.

undo the action

Jared wants to add space between each line of text in a paragraph. Which of the following is the best method to use for this action? a.Drag the Zoom slider to increase the line spacing. b.Press ENTER at the end of each line to add space between lines. c.Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group, then select the desired amount of spacing. d.Open the Paragraph dialog box and increase the value in the After box.

. Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group, then select the desired amount of spacing.

Anna needs to leave a message for a collaborator about a specific paragraph in a document. Which of the following methods is the best way for her to communicate with her collaborator? a.Enter the desired message in a comment attached to the paragraph.Correct b.Enter the desired message in the header of the document. c.Enter the desired message in a text box placed next to the paragraph. d.Enter the desired message as a document property.

.Enter the desired message in a comment attached to the paragraph.Correct

A _____ is a point on the horizontal ruler that indicates where to align text. a.alignment indicator stop leader d.ruler

C-Not correct

To select nonadjacent cells or ranges on a worksheet, you can press and hold _____ while selecting each one. a.CTRLCorrect b.ALT c.SHIFT d.ESC


Aliya needs her footnotes to be listed as I, II, III... instead of as 1,2,3... She should do which of the following to achieve this? a.Change the Number Format in the Footnote and Endnote dialogue box.Correct b.Manually replace the footnote numbering as needed. c.Leave the numbering as is. Word does not support Roman numeral numbering in footnotes. d.Change the proofing language of the document.

Change the Number Format in the Footnote and Endnote dialogue box.Correct

To indent the first line of every paragraph in a document, do which of the following? a.Create a right tab stop. b.Create a left tab stop. c.Create a hanging indent. d.Create a first line indent

Create a first line indent

Dan needs to view his document as it will appear after being printed. Which view should he use? a.Read Mode b.Print Layout c.Web Layout d.Outline View

Print Layout

Shane is reading through a document that has comments from his editor. He needs to respond to one of the comments. He should do which of the following? a.Delete the comment. b.Resolve the comment. c.Reply to the comment.Correct d.Accept the commen

Resolve the comment.

Which of the following is a way to format a paragraph? a.Screenshot b.Footnote c.Header d.Shading


To change the document margins, you can click the Margins button and then click Custom Margins. Select one: True False


To check your workbook for features that assist people with disabilities, you can use the Ability Checker. Select one: True False


To remove space after a paragraph, do which of the following? a.Click the Decrease Indent button b.Delete the last line of text in the paragraph. c.Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button and then select Remove Space After Paragraph.Correct d.Click the Justify button.

Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button and then select Remove Space After Paragraph. Correct

After editing sources using the Source Manager, do which of the following to ensure the bibliography reflects the changes? a.Click the Update Citations and Bibliography button in the content control tab for the bibliography.Correct b.Inspect the document. c.Check the document for spelling and grammar errors. d.Check the document for accessibility.

Click the Update Citations and Bibliography button in the content control tab for the bibliography.

Sydney has created a table with two columns to store the name and address of clients. She needs to add additional information about phone numbers. She should do which of the following? a.Add a column. b.Add a row. c.Create a new table. d.Add comments to the tabl


To clear all formatting from a picture, which of the following should be done? a.Click Reset Picture. b.Select the picture and press DELETE. c.Select the picture and press ESC. d.Click Corrections and select the desired option.


To create a cycle diagram in a document, which of the following should be done? a.Click SmartArt and select the desired option. b.Click Chart and select the desired option. c.Click Shapes and select the desired option. d.Click Table and select the desired option.


Which of the following returns formatted text to the default format? Select all the options that apply. a.Clear All Formatting button b.Default Formatting button c.No Spacing style d.Format Painter button


Kyle needs the same text to appear at the top of each page in a document. Which of the following is the best method to achieve this? a.Edit the document header.Correct b.Manually enter the desired text at the top of each page. c.Modify the Document Properties. d.Add a comment at the top of each page.

a.Edit the document header.Correct

The _____ number format adds dollar signs and two decimal places to numeric data. a.Data b.AccountingCorrect c.Percentage d.General


Before you can align pictures with each other, what do you need to do? a.Select two or more pictures. b.Group the pictures. c.Position the pictures so that they overlap. d.Bring all the pictures to the front.


Brianna needs the rows in a table to alternate colors. She should do which of the following? a.Apply a pattern to the table. b.Apply a table style that includes banded rows. c.Modify the table border style. d.Distribute the rows.


Caleb needs to copy a picture from one document and paste it in another document in such a way that it retains the original appearance. He should use which of the following paste options? a.Use Destination Theme b.Keep Source Formatting c.Keep Text Only d.Paste as Picture


Chloe notices that when she inserts a tab character, her insertion point moves to the right side of the page and the text she enters is right-justified. She does not want tab characters to behave this way. She should do which of the following? a.Change the paragraph justification. b.Remove the tab stop. c.Remove the paragraph. d.Change the paragraph spacing.


Nathan is creating a document that needs to be accessible to people with visual impairment. He should do what to the pictures in the document? a.Reset the pictures. b.Add appropriate alt text to each of the pictures. c.Add an artistic effect to each of the pictures. d.Set the text wrapping to In Front of Text.


One of the pictures in Destiny's document is covered up by another picture. To make the obscured picture visible, she should do which of the following? a.Set the text wrapping of the obscured picture to In Front of Text. b.Set the text wrapping of the obscured picture to Behind Text. c.Send the obscured picture to the back. d.Bring the obscured picture to the front.


A document contains a list of items that appear in no particular order. Which of the following is the best way to format the list? a.Apply numbering to the list. b.Apply bullets to the list. c.Apply multilevel numbering to the list. d.Manually enter a ">" character at the beginning of each item in the list.

b. Apply bullets to the list.

Alyssa needs to center the text of a paragraph on the page. Which of the following can she do? a.Click the Middle button in the Paragraph group. b.Click the Center button in the Paragraph group. c.Click the Align button in the Paragraph group. d.Click the Justify button in the Paragraph group.

b. Click the Center button in the Paragraph group.

Kate needs to insert 10 text boxes in a document. After inserting the first text box, how can she easily repeat the action nine more times? a.Right-click the text box border and select Repeat nine times. b.Click the Repeat button nine times. c.Cut the text box and then paste it. d.Press CTRL+R nine times.

b. Click the Repeat button nine times.

Karen has a document with a list of five priorities in separate paragraphs. The priorities are listed in order from most important to least important. Which of the following options is the best way to format this list? a.Bulleted list b.Numbered list c.Multilevel bulleted list d.Paragraph shading

b. Numbered list

Which of the following methods copies an existing worksheet within the same workbook? a.Drag its sheet tab to a new location. b.Press and hold CTRL and drag its sheet tab to a new location.Correct c.Press and hold SHIFT and drag its sheet tab to a new location. d.Press and hold ALT and drag its sheet tab to a new location.

b. Press and hold CTRL and drag its sheet tab to a new location.

Susan typed a long title using lowercase text, but needs to change the title to uppercase text. Which of the following is the best way to change the title? a.Delete the text and retype it using all uppercase. b.Select the text, click the Change Case button in the Font group, then select UPPERCASE. c.Change the font to a font that only has uppercase letters. d.Select the text, then press the Bold button in the Font group

b. Select the text, click the Change Case button in the Font group, then select UPPERCASE.

Kennedy needs to rotate a horizontal picture so it appears in a vertical orientation. She should click the Rotate button then select which of the following options? a.Flip Horizontal b.Flip Vertical c.Rotate Left 90° d.Rotate Vertical


To ensure that a document can be read by people with visual impairment, which of the following should be done? a.Check the document for accessibility. b.Check the document for spelling and grammar errors. c.Inspect the document. d.Check the document for compatibility.


Tom clicked and dragged the rotation handle above a picture. This resulted in which of the following? a.Flipped the shape vertically. b.Flipped the shape horizontally. c.Rotated the shape to an exact value. d.Rotated the shape to an approximate value.


Tom needs to make the font size of selected text larger. He should do which of the following? Select all the options that apply. a.Change the Zoom level. b.Click the Font arrow in the Font group, and then click a font. c.Click the Font Size arrow in the Font group, and then click a font size. d.Click the Increase Font Size button in the Font group.

c. Click the Font Size arrow in the Font group, and then click a font size.

Tiana needs each line after the first line in a paragraph to be indented. She should do which of the following? a.Create a left tab stop. b.Create a first line indent. c.Create a hanging indent.Correct d.Create a right tab stop.

c.Create a hanging indent.Correct

Use the Application Checker feature to check for formats that could prevent people with disabilities from interacting with data or Excel. Select one: True False


You receive a worksheet in which the row numbers are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. This means that row 4 is _____. a.deleted b.hiddenCorrect c.cut d.conditionally formatted


You double-click the Format Painter button when you want to _____. a.copy a cell's data to another cell b.paste the same format multiple times c.paste conditional formatting only d.clear a cell's formatting

paste the same format multiple times

If you want to change all occurrences of "Radio" to "TV" in a worksheet, you can use the _____ command. a.Replace b.Find c.Select d.Paste


Clicking the Percentage style in the Number Format list applies _____ decimal places by default. b.twoCorrect c.three d.four


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