Coms 103 Study guide.

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Explain the methods a speaker can use to fulfill the functions of a conclusion.

-End the speech with a quotation -Make a dramatic statements -Refer to the introduction -Signal the ending -Sample conclusion with commentary

Explain the five-step method presented in the chapter for practicing extemporaneous speech

-Go through prep. outline aloud -Prepare speaking outline -Practice speech aloud -Polish, refine delivery -Give dress rehearsal

Apply the six guidelines for informative speaking discussed in this chapter.

1. Don't overestimate what the audience know. 2. Relate the subject directly to the audience. 3. Don't be too technical 4. Avoid distractions 5. Personalize your ideas 6. Be creative

What are the four objectives of a speech introduction?

1. gains attention and interest of audience 2. reveal topic 3. establish credibility and goodwill 4. preview body

Explain seven methods that can be used to gain attention in an introduction.

1. relate topic to audience 2. state importance of topic 3. tell story 4. startle audience 5. arouse curiosity 6. question audience 7. begin with quotation

Explain informative speeches about concepts and provide an example.

A belief, theory, idea. notion, principle, or the like. Ex: Numerology

Define a question of fact and give an example of a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact.

A question about the truth or the falsity of an assertion.

Define a question of value and give an example of a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of value.

A question about the worth, rightness, morality, and so forth of an idea or action

Define a question of policy and the two types of conclusions

A question about whether a specific course of action should or should not be taken.

Clarify the differences between an informative speech and a persuasive speech and explain why speaking to persuade is especially challenging.

An informative speech is telling an audience about a subject they may not be familiar with. You do the same thing with a persuasive speech, but the goal of the persuasive speech is to get your audience to agree with you. That can be challenging if you have a stubborn audience or you aren't very good with supporting your claims with evidence.

Define persuasion and explain why it is an important subject.

The process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions.

Discuss the concept of target audience and its role in persuasive speaking.

The target audience is the portion of the audience that the speaker most wants to persuade. With this target audience in mind, the speaker can arrange their whole speech with enough evidence to persuade that particular portion of the audience.

Explain what it means to say that audiences engage in a mental dialogue with the speaker as they listen to a persuasive speech.

While they listen, they assess the speaker's credibility, delivery, supporting materials, language, reasoning, and emotional appeals. You must anticipate objections and answer them in your speech.

What are the major functions of a speech conclusion?

signals the end of the speech, reinforce central idea

Identify the three general criteria for judging informative speeches.

-Is the information communicated accurately -Is the information communicated clearly -Is the information made meaningful and interesting to the audience.

Discuss the four aspects of physical action that are most important to a public speaker

-Personal Appearance -Movement -Gestures -Eye contact

Identify the four methods of delivering a speech.

-Reading verbatim from a manuscript -Reciting memorized text -Speaking impromptu -Speaking extemporaneously

Explain the major characteristics of effective speech delivery.

-Speaking intelligibly, -avoid distractions and mannerisms -establish eye contact

Discuss the steps covered in the chapter for presenting an effective online speech.

-Understand the special nature of the online environment. -Know your technology -Control the visual environment -Adapt your nonverbal communication -Adjust your pacing for the online environment -Manage Q&A -Rehearse -Have a back up plan.

Explain the eight aspects of voice usage that are crucial to public speaking

1. Volume: The loudness or softness of the speaker's voice. 2. Pitch: The highness or lowness of the speaker's voice. 3. Rate: The speed at which a person speaks. 4. Pauses; A momentary break in the vocal delivery of a speech. 5. Vocal variety: Changes in a person's rate, pitch, and volume that give the voice and expressiveness. 6. Pronunciation: The accepted standard of sound and rhythm for words in a given language. 7. Articulation: The physical production of particular speech sounds. 8. Dialect: A variety of a language distinguished by variations of accent, grammar, or vocabulary.

Explain informative speeches about processes and provide an example

A systematic series of actions that leads to a specific result or product Ex: to inform my audience how flash floods develop

Explain informative speeches about events and provide an example.

Anything that happens or is regarded as happening. Ex: Boston Marathon

Explain informative speeches about objects and provide an example

Anything that is visible, tangible, and stable in form. Ex: service dogs

Explain why good delivery is important to successful speaking.

Conveys the speaker's ideas in a clear and interesting manner without distracting the audience

Explain why meeting ethical obligations can be especially challenging in persuasive speaking and identify the ethical responsibilities of persuasive speakers.

This can be challenging because you want to persuade them to agree with you even if what you believe doesn't have sufficient evidence to be believed by others. They are responsible for making sure everything they say is true so that they don't mislead their audience and trick them.

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