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bureaucratic agencies can benefit from...

- focusing on policies a president wants to address - addressing the concerns of voters important to members of congress

civil servants are prohibited from doing which of the following?

- negotiating salaries - striking to get what they want

what are characteristics of job specialization in a bureaucracy?

- a precise division of labor within the bureaucracy - the explicit definition of duties for each position

which of the following are ways in which accountability is encouraged within bureaucracies?

- administrative law judges - senior executive service - whistleblower protections

which of the following social regulations originated in the 1960s or later?

- automobile safety - a cleaner environment

which of the following monitor the federal bureaucracy's actions?

- the president - congress - the court system

the excise tax on gasoline is an example of a tax based on the...

benefits recieved

which committees in congress are responsible for reviewing the president's budget and for recommending overall spending and revenue levels?

budget committees

bureaucrats are powerful because they...

do work that directly impacts the lives of americans

the system of production and transactions by which goods and services are distributed in the marketplace is known as the...


the shifting of taxes to citizens in other states is known as tax _______


efforts to manage the economy through taxing and spending decisions by the government are known as...

fiscal policy

Who was appointed Fed chair in 2018?

jerome powell

according to supply-side economics, which of the following should the government do?

lower taxes on businesses and high-income taxpayers

the final authority of approving budgets for federal agencies rests with the...

members of congress

to pay for the services a state government must provide, states rely on _______ sources


The federal government's fiscal year starts on...

october 1

taxes on natural gas and oil production in texas...

- are likely to rise over the long term - are based on the dollar value of what is extracted

the three items that consume the majority of the budget in most states are which of the following?

- education - health and welfare - transportation

government regulation in part helps to promote economic...

- efficiency - equity

in which of the following areas has the environmental protection agency been successful?

- energy efficiency has increased - toxic waste emissions have been halved - polluted lakes and rivers have been revitalized - food supplies are safer

virginia gray's liberalism index uses which of the following policy indicators?

- gun control laws - abortion laws - conditions for TANF benefits - tax progressivity - right-to-work laws

the administrative law system is designed to be _____ than the regular federal court system

- less formal - faster - less expensive

if congress is displeased with a bureaucracy's performance or behavior, what are some actions it can take?

- modify its authority - cut its budget

which of the following statements about taxes based on an individual's ability to pay are accurate?

- most taxes at the state level are not based on ability to pay - the federal income tax is a tax based on an individual's ability to pay

the government's provision of national security is an example of...

- nonexcludability - nonrivalrous consumption

which of the following describe the common-pool goods?

- nonexclusive - exhaustive

what are the two primary ways to attain a merit-based civil service job?

- performing well on a competitive exam - having specialized training

which of the following are stages of james anderson's "policy cycle"?

- problem identification and agenda setting - policy formulation - policy adoption - policy implementation - policy evaluation

the clientele groups for the department of education include...

- public school students and their parents - public school teachers - the national education association

in past financial crises, revenue shortfalls in texas have been resolved by which of the following?

- raising sales taxes - raising gasoline taxes - increasing fees

the earmarking of revenues limits the ability of the legislature to...

- react to emergency situations that may need money - change budget priorities

most units of the US federal bureaucracy fall into which of the following forms?

- regulatory agency - independent agency - presidential commission - government corporation - cabinet department

the third wave of regulatory reforms, carried out in the 1960s and the 1970s, differed from predecessors in what way?

- the agencies established have a broader mandate - the agencies established are less likely to be influenced by a single industry

which of the following accurately describes the demographic representativeness of the US federal bureaucracy?

- the bureaucracy as a whole come close to being representative of the US population - at the top levels, white males still dominate the federal bureaucracy - women are better represented among the top ranks of administrators than they are in congress of the judiciary

which of the following are examples of regulatory agencies?

- the environmental protection agency - the securities and exchange commission

which of the following criticisms have been leveled against the fed since its inception in 1913?

- the fed isn't accountable to voters - the fed represents the banking sector rather than the public

which of the following are among the most significant contributors that government makes to businesses?

- the nation's airports - the nation's highway system - college and university funding

what are some ways bureaucrats have expertise in their areas?

- they have scientific, technical, or other types of training - they have spent years working with particular policies

which of the following accurately describe members of the federal reserve board?

- they serve for fixed terms - they are relatively insulated from political pressure - they are appointed by the president

the government pays benefits to farmers in part because...

- this assistance helps to stabilize farmers' income - external conditions can hurt crops and farm prices

congress passed the whistleblower protection act for which of the following reasons?

- to provide whistleblowers with financial reward for reporting misdeeds - to protect employees from retaliation if they report their supervisors' misdeeds

which of the following are consequences that scientists attribute to global warming?

- water shortages - rising sea levels - extreme heat waves

in terms of total dollars in the state budget, the various service charges and fees in texas provide _______ percent of total state revenue


by state law, the local sales tax is fixed at no more than _____ percent of the value of the sale


In promoting their agency's goals, bureaucrats rely on...

all of these: their expert knowledge, the backing of the president and congress, and the support of clientele groups

most of the government's current environmental policies...

are the legacies of policies from the 1960s and 1970s

which of the following statements about an administrative agency's implementation of policy is correct?

bureaucrats can only spend money appropriated by congress

the largest portion of federal aid to texas goes to medicare/medicaid and welfare payments. what does the next largest share go to?

business and economic development

since congress authorizes bureaucratic agencies, the agencies...

can be sued in court if a party does not feel that the agency carried out the law properly

if the language in a law, rule, or regulation is clear and precise, the law, rule, or regulation...

can still be interpreted in an unintended manner

a state's potential to tax is call its tax ______


thanks to _____, public policy analyses in an out of government seek to figure out the effectiveness, efficacy, and economics of a policy

computers and analytic software

for its estimates on government spending and revenues, congress relies mainly on what organization?

congressional budget office

according to the SPI and gray indices, texas is one of the most ______ states in the country


after 9/11 President Bush sought to streamline the intelligence bureaucracy and thus make it more efficient by...

consolidating all of the intelligence services under a single director

The cabinet department with the largest number of full-time civilian employees is the Department of...


to improve efficiency, sometimes congress removes legislation affecting certain industries. this process is called...


(T/F) keynes's theory is based on supply-side economics and the theory that when the economy is sluggish, the government needs to increase spending


in financial terms, a federal agency must prove that its proposed regulation...

has benefits that outweigh the costs

why did governor perry veto a version of a bill restricting texting while driving?

he didn't want to restrict texans due to public policy

The Department of ________ was created in 2002.

homeland security

during the budgetary process, federal agencies follow guidelines that...

include limits on the amount of money they can request

taxes that rise and fall quickly relative to changes in economic conditions are...


according to monetarists, too much money in circulation contributes to _________ because too many dollars are chasing too few goods


as compared to 50 years ago, federal employment today...

is roughly at the same level

how has the environmental protection act of 1970 protected the environment?

it allows government to hold businesses accountable for the pollution that they create

what aspect of texas's governmental structure helps it to avoid the legislative problem of making a hasty decision due to pressure from constituents?

its biennial structure

minimum wage laws, maximum hour laws, and worker safety regulations are examples of ways that government promotes _________ interests


one condition that decreases the efficiency of markets by ensuring that there is little to no competition is a...


as compared to the national average, a texas family in the lowest 20 percent of income pays _______ of their income in taxes


in contrast to a budget surplus, a budget deficit means that the government has spent...

more money than it collected

the idea behind making the federal bureaucracy more demographically representative of the nation as a whole is that it will make the bureaucracy...

more responsive to the people it serves

bill clinton campaigned on the issue of "reinventing government" and, once elected, put that promise into action through the...

national performance review

service charges, fees, and the lottery are sources of...

nontax revenue

what is the only kind of tax that cannot be shifted to others?

personal income taxes

_________ _________ is a common measure of state policy ideology that can be used to compare the 50 states

policy liberalism

a person's answer to the question, "what should governments do?" is influenced by their _____, which is their belief about political processes and the role that government should play in society

political values

what is/are the most important and most difficult step in the policy-making process?

problem identification and agenda setting

low-income people pay the highest percentage of their income through a(n) _______ tax regime


what kind of government agencies make and enforce public policy with regard to a specific type of economic activity?


presidential appointees to which type of federal agency will likely have the most influence?

regulatory agencies

what is the chief way of administrative agencies exercise control over policy?

rule-making for legislation

an agency that is trying to retain or increase its funding would be well advised to...

seek support where it can be found, regardless of politics

for most taxes, showing direct benefit is problematic. benefit received is more applicable to which of the following?

service charges or fees

which book by author rachel carson is largely credited with beginning the american conservation movement with its publication in 1962?

silent spring

through local sales taxes and local property taxes, local governments collect and pay _______ of the total taxes in texas

slightly over half

free public education is an example of a ______ good


all items that are subject to tax make up a state's ______ ______

tax base

which entity of the national government is most responsible for monetary policy?

the federal reserve system (the fed)

inflation became a major issue in the US at what point in history?

the last years of the vietnam war

bureaucrats tend to follow...

their own agency's point of view

which of the following statements about presidential commissions is true?

they provide advice to the president on specific issues

as of 2017, where did the franchise fee rate in terms of revenue sources for texas?

third-largest source of tax revenue

_________ goods are often nonexhaustive only to a certain point (think about toll roads and public beaches)


an important way in which US governments have supported businesses is by...

training workers through the nation's system of public colleges and universities

(T/F) most taxes in texas are paid by consumers and not by businesses


(T/F) some federal agencies function as independent agencies rather than within a cabinet-level department, because putting the agencies in a department would make their missions subordinate to the department's primary mission


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