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"Global" consciousness and brain states "Consciousness is "modulated rather than generated by the senses" Llinas et al., 1998


Split brain patients and "split consciousness" Chicken foot to left hemi: Points to chicken Winter scene to right hemi: Points to shovel Better performance than unitary Confabulates: "The shovel is used To clean the chicken coop"


These 40 Hz osc are generated by thalamocortical loops Damage to this loop can cause lethargy and coma Low frequency events and sleep Relationship to stimulus binding?


SLIDE 14 Anesthesia and brain state -*Anesthetics drastically affect brain state, and produce sleep-like states* -*Anesthetics affect different areas of brain in different ways* -One notable site of decreased activity is thalamus (may relate to cortical inactivation) -Changes in global network connectivity


Language and consciousness What is consciousness for? Why did it evolve?is language necessary for full self-consciousness? -the importance of social cognition and deception for the evolution of consciousness


Are these "microconsciousnesses" really conscious? E..g. for fast-moving stimuli, V5 can activate sooner than V1 (due to a direct projection from pulvinar?), implying the ability to form a conscious percept of motion in isolation (from V1). Problems: Major problem: all human subjects are conscious (although animal correlates use anesthetized How are microconsciousness integrated into a unified whole?


Searle, JR (2000) "Consciousness" Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 23: 557 Resistance to the problem 1. Not an ________ question for neuroscience 2. ________ 3. Problem in ________ the problem

appropriate premature defining

Binocular rivalry and gestalt switching: Constant stimuli with _______ ______ percepts Rivalry: present _______ stimuli to each eye: only _____ is perceived

differing conscious different one

What is consciousness? Opinions and definitions vary 3. ______ ______ mental states about other mental states (i.e. a pain is not a conscious state, but worrying about a pain is) 4. _______ (perceptual consciousness)

second order awareness

What is consciousness? Opinions and definitions vary 2. States of _____ ________ (sense of self as agent)

self consciousness

Pathways for visual information to cortex Retina->_______ ______->pulvinar (thalamus)->______ _____

superior colliculus extrastriate cortex

"Microconsciousness": the building block model "Consciousness is not a _____ faculty, consists of many micro-consciousnesses." "Activity at each stage of node of a processing-perceptual system has a conscious _______. Binding cellular activity at different nodes is therefore _____ a process preceding or even facilitating conscious experience, but rather bringing different conscious experiences together." (Bartels & Zeki, 1998)

unitary correlate not

What are the 3 Essential features of consciousness? 1. _______ (all states have their own "feel") 2. ________ 3. _____ (single point of view)

Qualitativeness Subjectivity Unity

What is consciousness? Opinions and definitions vary 1. " Consciousness consists of inner, qualitative, subjective states and processes of sentience or awareness." (Searle, 2000) Is this a good definition?

inner subjective awareness no

Feature Binding and synchrony A bound stimulus can exhibit ______ ______ in the gamma band than a ____-______

more synchrony non bound

Blindsight Patients with damage to ______ ______ ______ perceive stimuli without _______ awareness of them. -behavior -______ ______ (color, motion, etc) -emotion

primary visual cortex conscious stimulus detection

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