Consumer Behavior-Chapter 4

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as marketers attempt to communicate value, many factors influence what a consumer comprehends in a given situation: these factors can be divided into three categories:

1. characteristics of message 2. characteristics of message receiver 3. characteristics of the environment (information processing situation)

three factors that help summarize key points in comprehension:

1. internal factors within the consumer powerfully influence the comprehension process 2. includes both cognitive and affective elements 3. every message sends signals

4 mental processes help consumers remember things, this process consists of:

1. repetition 2. dual coding 3. meaningful encoding 4. chunking

consumers prefer objects the are consistent with the ____________ ______________. This refers to a ratio of dimensions of about 1.62

Golden Section

PMG means?

Price Matching Guarantee

level of a stimulus to which a consumer has become accustomed

adaptation level

network of mental pathways linking knowledge within memory; sometimes referred to as a semantic network

associative network

refers to the phenomenon of hemispheric lateralization. Some people tend to be either right-brain or left-brain dominant

brain dominance

unlike sensory memory, workbench memory has limited ___________. generally the ________ limit for workbench memory is between three and seven units of information. this fact is sometimes called MILLER LAW.


single memory unit


process of grouping stimuli by meaning so that multiple stimuli can become a single memory unit


notion that everything else that the consumer is exposed to while trying to remember something is also vying for processing capacity and thus interfering with memory and comprehension

cognitive interference

the way people cognitively assign meaning to things they encounter


whether or not we are thinking about something using a concrete or an abstract mindset

construal level

thoughts that contradict a message


extent to which a source is considered to be both are expert in a given area and trustworthy


cognitive components that represent facts

declarative knowledge

Russian word that can be roughly translated as "acquiring things with great difficulty"


process in which two different sensory "traces" are available to remember something. As we shall see, a trace is a mental path by which some thoughts becomes active

dual coding

the term "short-term" is often used when describing workbench memory because this memory storage area, like sensory memory, has limited ______________. The ___________ is not nearly as limited as sensory memory, but stimuli that enter short-term memory may stay there approximately 30 seconds or so without some intervention


storage of auditory information in sensory memory

echoic storage

extent to which a consumer continues processing message even after an initial understand is achieved


process by which information is transferred from workbench memory to long-term memory for permanent storage


memory for past events in ones life

episodic memory

concept within a schema that is the single best representative of some category; schema for something that really exists


beliefs about what will happen in some future situation


refers to the amount of knowledge that a source is perceived to be about a subject


what are the components of the consumer information processing

exposure -> Attention -> comprehension -> elaboration -> Memory

use of expressions that send a nonliteral meaning

figurative language

object that is intended to capture a persons attention, the focal part of any message


notion that each message can be separated into the focal point (figure) and the background (ground)

figure-ground distinction

a phenomenon in which the meaning of something is influenced by the information environment Put in a situation that gives you a choice, which would you choose?


the background in a message


this is the process by which continuous exposure to a stimulus affects the comprehension of, and response to, the stimulus


interpretations created by the way some object feels (touch)

haptic perception

storage of visual information in sensory memory and the idea that things are stored with a one-to-one representation with reality

iconic storage

consumers are more apt to remember an ad that has ____________ material surrounding it


amount of information available for a consumer to process within a given environment

information intensity

environmental characteristics consists of: (4)

information intensity framing construal level theory timing

message receiver characteristics consists of: (7)

intelligence/ability prior knowledge involvement familiartiy/habituation expectations physical limits brain dominance

physical characteristics that can contribute to effective communication consists of: (6)

intensity color font numbers spacing shape

the capacity of workbench memory expands and contracts based on the level of a consumers ____________ the more involved a consumer is with a message, the greater will be the capacity of his workbench memory.


five sources that influence comprehension to varying degrees based upon characteristics like:

likability attractiveness expertise trustworthiness congruence

repository for all information that a person has encountered. unlimited capacity, unlimited duration

long-term memory

process that occurs when preexisting knowledge is used to assist in storing new information

meaningful encoding

psychological process by which knowledge is recorded


mental path by which some thought becomes active

memory trace

this is the extent to which a message is internally consistent and fits surrounding information

message congruity

in a consumer context, an ad claim that is not literally true but figuratively communicates a message is called what?


theory that explains memory as utilizing three different storage areas within the human brain; sensory, workbench, and long-term

multiple-store theory memory

concepts found in an associative network


a yearning to relive the past that can produce lingering emotions


representations of the association between nodes in an associative network


process by which people imagine themselves somehow associated with a stimulus that is being processed

personal elaboration

tangible elements or the parts of a message the can be sensed

physical characteristics

characteristics of the "message" consists of: (5)

physical characteristics message congruity figure and ground message source simplicity-complexity

cognitive process in which context or environment activates concepts and frames thoughts and therefore affects both value and meaning


theory that suggests that a decision, or argument, can be framed in different ways and that the rating affects wish assessments consumers make

prospect theory

schema that is the best representative of some category but that is not represented by an existing entity; conglomeration of the most associated characteristics of a category


process in which a thought is held in short-term memory by mentally repeating the thought


reconstruction of memory traces into a formed recollection of information

response generation

process by which information is transferred back into workbench memory for additional processing when needed


unintentional but recurrent memory of long-ago events that are spontaneously triggered


a portion of an associative network that represents a specific entity and thereby provides it with meaning


schema representing an event


type of coding wherein stimuli are converted to meaning that can be expressed verbally information stored in long-term memory

semantic coding

area in memory where a consumer stores things exposed to one of the five senses

sensory memory

this theory explains ways in which communications convey meaning beyond the explicit or obvious interpretation

signal theory

the idea that ones individual identity is defined in part by the social groups to which one belongs

social identity

cognitive representation that gives a specific type of person meaning

social schema

another word for social schema

social stereotype

way cognitive activation spreads from one concept to another

spreading activation

thoughts that further support a message

support arguments

small piece of coded information that helps with the retrieval of knowledge


refers to how honest and unbiased a source is perceived to be.


storage area in the memory system where information is stored while it is being processed and encoded for later recall

workbench memory

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