Contemporary Social Probs Ch. 4

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A crime is​ a. any violation of a community's standards. b. a violation of a federal, state, or local criminal law. c. a disagreement between two or more parties. d. the same as a felony.


According to Merton, explains the high rate of crime by uneducated and poor Americans. a. conformity b. innovation c. retreatism d. rebellion


According to conflict theory, what is criminal and what is not reflects a. moral standards of society. b. interests of the ruling class. c. interests of future generations. d. what is harmful and not harmful to members of society.


Conflict theorists point out that the difference between gambling, which is frequently illegal, and investing in the stock market is a. the amount of money involved. b. who makes the wager. c. how many people are involved. d. the motivation of the participant.


Countries with relatively high homicide rates tend to be those with a. high levels of development and standards of living. b. higher levels of income inequality and lower levels of development. c. low levels of economic inequality. d. low rates of other violent crime.


Crimes committed by individuals in the course of their employment are referred to as a. vice crimes b. occupational crimes c. employee crimes d. status crimes


Feminist sociologists suggest that a cause of the higher arrest rates of female than male runaways is a. females are more likely than males to be emotionally affected by dysfunctional family environments. b. police with paternalistic attitudes are more likely to arrest female runaways than male runaways. c. male runaways are better able to conceal the fact that they have run away from their parents. d. male runaways are less likely than female runaways to travel outside of the community in which they live.


Identity theft, internet fraud, and hacking are examples of a. corporate violence b. computer crime c. technology crime d. status crime


If a company produces toys for children that knowingly contain lead paint, it is an example of a. organized crime. b. corporate violence. c. occupational crime. d. vice crime.


In 2009, property crimes were highest in which region of the United States? a. Northeast b. South c. Mid-West d. West


In Hirschi's control theory, all of the following are elements of social bonds that constrain individuals from committing crimes except a. attachment to significant others. b. fear of formal punishments. c. involvement in conventional activities. d. belief in the moral standards of society.


Josh was arrested for shoplifting. His mother was very angry and screamed at him that he would turn out just like his criminal father. If Josh does engage in further stealing, which theory does this fit?​ a. conflict b. ​labeling c. ​strain d. conflict


Juveniles account for roughly a. 5% of all arrests. b. 11% of all arrests. c. 25% of all arrests. d. 50% of all arrests.


One of the four core functions of Interpol is to a. subdue and arrest individuals engaged in transnational crime. b. operate a worldwide police communication network. c. arrest and punish transnational organized crime organizations. d. advise countries in the development of international law conventions.


Opponents to capital punishment argue all of the following EXCEPT a. death sentences are racially discriminatory. b. most homicide offenders consider the consequences of their actions before they commit the offense. c. since 1989, there have been 239 post-conviction exonerations using DNA evidence. d. the murder rate in the United States is higher than in many Western European nations that do not practice capital punishment.


Restorative justice emphasizes a. the need for an adversarial criminal justice system. b. crime prevention by repairing the victim-offender-community relation. c. "getting tough on crime" by mandatory punishments. d. federal aid enabling local communities to hire more police.


Some argue that changes in female criminality over the last decade are a result of a. increased gender profiling. b. increased economic marginalization. c. get-tough policies that target women. d. increased economic equality.


The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), published annually by the FBI, contain crime data from a. victimization surveys. b. sheriff and police departments. c. self-report offender surveys. d. U.S. Census household surveys.


The higher homicide rate in the South is linked to all of the following EXCEPT a. high rates of poverty. b. high urban populations. c. a southern "subculture of violence." d. higher rates of gun ownership.


The term "racial profiling" refers to the practice of a. rapists targeting victims on the basis of race. b. law enforcement targeting suspects on the basis of race. c. targeting minorities for violent crimes to instill fear in minority populations. d. sentencing criminals based on race.


Victimization surveys ask a. criminal offenders how many people they have victimized. b. individuals about their experiences as crime victims. c. criminal offenders how they selected their victims. d. criminal offenders their motivations for committing violent personal crimes.


Which of the following is an early childhood intervention program designed to cut down on crime? a. Prison University Project b. Perry Preschool Project c. Indiana Canine Assistant and Children's Network d. MAD DADS


Which of the following terms refers to the use of privileged information by an employee of an organization that gives that employee an unfair advantage in buying, selling, and trading stocks or other securities?​ a. identity theft b. insider trading c. recidivism d. status offense


the Sandy Hook Elementary School killings in which 20 first grade students and six staff members were killed was an example of a. serial murder. b. mass murder. c. aggravated assault. d. acquaintance murder.


According to the structural-functional theorist Emile Durkheim, crime a. can strengthen group cohesion. b. usually leads to negative social change. c. reflects the social inequalities in society. d. is dysfunctional to all members of society.


Acquaintance rape a. is committed by someone the victim knows. b. involves use of a weapon and results in serious bodily injury. c. is the kind of rape most likely to be reported by the victim. d. is the easiest kind of rape to prosecute.


Both rape and aggravated assault are more likely to a. involve offenders and victims of the same race. b. occur in winter months. c. be committed by someone who is a stranger to the victim. d. occur less frequently than homicide.


Capital punishment refers to​ a. the state or federal government taking the life of a person as punishment for a crime. b. any physical type of punishment. c. any punishment by federal authorities. d. monetary fines as a type of punishment.


Clearance rates measure the percentage of cases in which a. an arrest and official charge have been made and turned over to the courts. b. an arrest has been made but the prosecutor decided not to officially charge the suspect. c. the offender has been found guilty by a jury verdict. d. the individual officially charged with a crime has been found not guilty by a judge or jury.


High crime rates in large urban areas are a. linked to large concentrations of poor, unemployed, and minority individuals. b. a new phenomenon. c. a myth. d. explained by the higher number of women in cities.


In recent decades, gangs and gang membership have a. increased due to increased availability of guns and the expanding drug trade. b. increased due to increased urbanization. c. decreased due to stricter gun control laws. d. decreased due to successful outcomes of the war on drugs.


Over the last decade, rates of female criminality have a. increased dramatically. b. increased slightly. c. stayed the same. d. decreased slightly.


Proponents of ________ think that recidivism can best be reduced by placing offenders in prison so that they are unable to commit further crimes.​ a. incapacitation b. parole c. capital punishment d. rehabilitation


The most common crime in all countries is a. homicide. b. rape. c. theft. d. arson.


Victims of crime are disproportionately a. young white females b. older white females c. young minority males d. older white males


A shortcoming of the statistics in the Uniform Crime Reports is that a. many incidents of crime are not reported to police. b. they provide more information about crime victims than offenders. c. individuals may exaggerate the number of crimes they have committed. d. it is difficult to distinguish criminals from non-criminals because virtually every adult has engaged in some type of criminal activity.


According to labeling theory, one way the label of deviant causes further deviance is the labeled person. a. is often denied opportunities for engaging in nondeviant behavior. b. adopts the crime-promoting attitudes and values of the society. c. rejects society's cultural goals of material achievement. d. rejects a deviant self-concept.


According to strain theory, the mode of adaptation most associated with criminal behavior is a. innovation. b. retreatism. c. rebellion. d. ritualism.


Self-report offender surveys compensate for some shortcomings of official statistics because self- report offender surveys a. include crimes that were committed but may not have resulted in arrest or conviction. b. provide detailed information about crime victims. c. focus only on prisoners. d. may reflect what police are doing rather than what criminals are doing.


Subcultural theories explain criminal behavior by a. the promotion of attitudes conducive to crime. b. blocked opportunities. c. family disruption. d. low educational attainment.


The "gettough" measures to combat crime are based on the principle of​ a. deterrence. b. rehabilitation. c. recidivism. d. social programming.


The 2006 Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act a. created a national registry of substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect. b. created community policing. c. mandates prison time for child sexual abuse. d. mandates the removal of children from an abusive home.


The Yakuza of Japan a. is a network of 22 gangs divided into competing factions. b. is one of the largest gun manufacturers in the world. c. is a large banking organization that loans money worldwide. d. has been accused of providing campaign contributions to American politicians.


The highest arrest rates are for people a. under age 25. b. age 25-34. c. age 36-45. d. age 45 and over.


The majority of Americans favor which type of approach to dealing with crime? a. resolving social problems b. increased police presence c. increased incarceration rates d. mandatory minimum sentences


The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for commercial sex or labor service is called​ a. human trafficking. b. chattel slavery. c. indenture. d. vice crime.


The term "classic rape" includes all of the following characteristics EXCEPT a. more than one rapist. b. use of a weapon, or the threat of use of a weapon. c. a rapist who is a stranger. d. serious bodily injury.


Tom was released from prison before the completion of his sentence but remained under supervision. Which term does this example illustrate?​ a. probation b. ​recidivism c. ​parole d. incapacitation


Victims of homicide are more likely to be a. female. b. elderly. c. young. d. non-Hispanic white.


Which country in the world has the highest incarceration rate? a. United States b. Mexico c. Russia d. Saudi Arabia


Which of the following is a vice crime? a. prostitution b. arson c. robbery d. rape


Which of the following is an example of a status offense? a. truancy b. shoplifting c. computer hacking d. credit card fraud


Which of the following is one of the eight "index offenses" the FBI identifies as the most serious U.S. crimes? a. burglary b. illegal drug use c. gambling d. prostitution


Which of the following refers to the crime of attacking a person with the intent to cause serious bodily injury? a. aggravated assault b. vice crime c. acquaintance injury d. frustration aggression


Which of the following statements is true? a. Men are more likely to commit crimes than women. b. Women are more likely to commit crimes than men. c. Men and women commit crimes at about the same rate. d. At younger ages, women commit more crimes and at older ages, men commit more crimes.


"Secondary deviance" refers to deviant behavior that a. is committed by adults, rather than by juveniles. b. most members of society do not view as wrong or harmful. c. results from being caught and labeled as an offender. d. occurs only in industrialized societies.


A status offense is a criminal violation that a. is committed by someone in organized crime. b. is committed by a government official. c. can only be committed by a juvenile. d. carries no legal penalty.


According to conflict theory, rape myths originated to serve the interests of a. children. b. single women. c. men. d. married women.


According to differential association theory, individuals a. internalize the criminal label when others believe they are criminal. b. become criminal when they are blocked from achieving their goals legitimately. c. learn the techniques and motivations for criminal behavior from others. d. who have internalized society's moral standards are unlikely to be criminal.


Advocates of rehabilitation argue a. recidivism can best be reduced by placing the offender in prison so she or he is unable to commit further crimes. b. research shows incarceration deters crime. c. criminal behavior can be reduced by changing the criminal. d. incarceration is more cost effective than probation or parole.


All of the following characterize organized crime in the U.S. EXCEPT a. it is conducted by members of a hierarchically arranged structure. b. it is devoted primarily to making money through illegal means. c. it is conducted by officially organized corporations. d. it often uses coercive techniques.


Americans have a disproportionate concept of crime rates. Their inflated fear of victimization constitutes a a. fight or flight instinct b. social reality c. psychological cost d. functionalist approach


Arthur began to abuse alcohol after his business went bankrupt. Strain theory would explain his alcohol abuse as a. conformity. b. innovation. c. retreatism. d. rebellion.


Criminal activity may be more prevalent among younger rather than older people because a. younger people are more likely to be employed. b. younger people have less mobility than older people, which increases opportunity for criminal behavior. c. juveniles are insulated from many legal penalties of criminal behavior. d. juveniles today are exposed to crime on television.


Due to shortcomings of the data, are doing. a. self-report offender surveys b. self-report arrest and release surveys c. official crime statistics d. victimization surveys


Many white-collar crimes go unpunished because a. the 2002 Sabanes-Oxley Act decreased penalties for white collar offenders. b. less than 10% of the U.S. population are victimized by white-collar crime. c. government priorities and resources have shifted to homeland security. d. white-collar crime results in a much smaller cost to society than street crime.


Strain theory suggests that criminal activity is more prevalent among individuals in their teens and early 20s because younger individuals a. have fewer attachments to others. b. are influenced by the deviant youth subculture. c. have less access to legitimate means for acquiring material goods. d. are unaware of the law.


The FBI identifies all of the following as "index offenses" except a. forcible rape. b. robbery. c. drug use. d. arson.


The FBI identifies eight_________ as the most serious crimes in the United States. These are also called street crimes. a. vice crimes b. status offenses c. index offenses d. misdemeanors


The research finding that retaliatory homicide is a response to group norms of violence in some neighborhoods supports _ theory. a. strain b. control c. subcultural d. labeling


The single best predictor of gun ownership is​ a. political party. b. income. c. gender. d. education level.


Vice crimes are illegal activities that a. most of the public do not believe are morally wrong. b. include the legal requirement of malicious intent. c. are victimless in that they have no complaining party. d. people engage in for recreation or sex, not profit.


Victimization surveys indicate that, in 2011, there were approximately how many violent crimes? a. 1 million b. 2 million c. 6 million d. 23 million


Which of the following is an example of a transnational crime? a. A father who lost custody of his child abducts the child and takes him or her to another country. b. A citizen of Mexico illegally crosses the U.S. border in search of employment. c. An international child pornography ring offers online videos of children being sexually abused. d. A U.S. criminal flees to South America to avoid arrest and criminal prosecution.


Which of the following is an example of occupational crime? a. price fixing b. antitrust violations c. pilferage d. security fraud


Which of the following is classified as a violent crime? a. arson b. larceny c. robbery d. burglary


Which of the following sociological evidence has been cited in favor of the death penalty? a. The murder rate in the United States is less than in most countries that do not allow executions. b. Most homicides are rationally planned by the offenders. c. Evidence exists that each execution in the United States results in eight fewer homicides. d. Evidence shows death sentences are not racially discriminatory.


______________ accounts for more than two-thirds of all property arrests. a. Burglary b. Arson c. Larceny d. Robbery


property values tend to go down in high-crime neighborhoods. This reflects which of these costs of crime? a. ​controlling crime b. transferring property c. illegal expenditures d. prevention and protection


A criminal offender is "funneled" out of the criminal justice system if he or she a. evades arrest. b. escapes from prison. c. gets out of prison on parole. d. receives probation instead of a prison sentence.


A minority female suffered so much discrimination in her struggle to achieve her goals, she gave up her goals for personal wealth and became a social activist opposing the materialism of American society. According to strain theory, her actions illustrate a. conformity. b. innovation. c. retreatism. d. rebellion.


About percent of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows. a. 20 b. 40 c. 60 d. 80


About__________percent of the victims of human trafficking are women and girls. a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 80


According to Robert Merton, most people react to inconsistencies between culturally defined goals and the means to achieve them by a. innovation. b. retreatism. c. rebellion. d. conformity.


According to ______ theory, crime is likely to occur when legitimate means of acquiring culturally defined goals are limited by the structure of society. a. differential association b. labeling c. conflict d. strain


According to conflict theory, the more in a society, the greater the crime rate in that society. a. wealth b. industrialization c. social change d. inequality


All of the following are examples of corporate crime except a. security fraud. b. antitrust violations. c. embezzlement. d. price fixing.


All of the following are true about crime throughout the world except a. There is no country where crime does not exist. b. Most countries have police, courts, and prisons. c. Worldwide, adult males make up the largest category of crime suspects. d. Violent crime is a relatively common event in all countries.


An American who accepts a lifestyle of hard work but rejects the cultural goal of monetary rewards is engaged in a. conformity. b. innovation. c. retreatism. d. ritualism.


An example of corporate violence is a. an employee who murders another employee. b. an employee who embezzles at least $100,000 from a corporation. c. the unlawful exchange of corporate stock information. d. intentional violations of health, safety, and environmental regulations.


Compared to traditional crime organizations, transnational crime organizations a. are more hierarchically arranged. b. are more likely to operate through legitimate businesses. c. tend to concentrate on only one type of crime, narcotics. d. pose a threat to national security.


Feminist criminology focuses on all of the following EXCEPT a. the relationship between women's subordinate position in society and their criminal behavior. b. the relationship between women's subordinate position in society and their crime victimization. c. public policy changes that can help reduce female victimization. d. crimes that women commit against other women.


In 2009 a Chinese court sentenced two men to death and one to life in prison for knowingly endangering public safety by producing and selling contaminated dairy products. The actions of these men is considered a. a vice crime b. a status crime c. an occupational crime d. corporate violence


It is difficult to estimate the frequency and nature of arson because of the legal requirement of a. premeditation. b. total damage to a property structure. c. nonmovable property. d. maliciousness.


Self-report surveys reveal that a. most adults have never engaged in any type of criminal activity. b. about 25% of adults have engaged in some type of criminal activity. c. about 50% of adults have engaged in some type of criminal activity. d. virtually every adult has engaged in some type of criminal activity.


Sociologists believe that the relationship between race and crime may be due to all of the following except a. racial profiling. b. the fact that nonwhites are overrepresented in the lower classes. c. more and earlier contact with the criminal justice system. d. the proportion of whites to nonwhites in a community.


The crime prevention event which brings together local groups in outdoor events to bring awareness to neighborhood problems is a. The Perry Preschool Project. b. Weed and Seed. c. MAD DADS. d. National Night Out.


The economic cost of corporate crimes is higher than the economic costs of a. larceny. b. robbery c. burglary. d. all of the crime index offenses combined.


The principle of deterrence is based on the assumption that a. offenders act spontaneously when committing crime. b. individuals who commit crimes will continue to commit more crimes, even after serving time in prison. c. "gettough" policies will result in other social problems. d. potential offenders weigh the costs and benefits of their actions.


Which of the following is NOT classified as larceny? a. shoplifting. b. purse-snatching. c. bicycle theft. d. gambling.


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