Coronal Polishing: T & F
Polishing is effective in removing intrinsic stain from the tooth surfaces
False, does not remove intrinsic stains
The most common and easiest grasp the handpiece is called the "palm grasp"
Following application of a topical fluoride, the patient should be instructed not to eat or drink anything at least 1 hour after treatment
False; 30 MINUTES
Intrinsic stains include coffee, tea, and tobacco
Fluoride should be applied before etching solution to support the retention of bonding material
False; Fluoride should NOT be used
Fluoride is most effective for children and has little benefit on adults
False; HAS benefit on adults
Phenol added to prophy paste helps to remove green stain the scaling will not remove
False; IODINE added
Coarse prophy paste is recommended for all adults since that are more apt to have extrinsic stains
False; coarse prophy paste is not for everyone
Flossing orthodontic appliances is not recommended
False; it IS recommended
Air-powder polishing is advisable for patients with respiratory conditions and patients on sodium-restricted diets
False; it is NOT advisable
The presence of bacteria in the circulating bloodstream is called contamination
False; it is called BACTERIMIA
Running a rubber prophy cup full of paste should polish all the teeth in one arch
False; should polish only 2-3 TEETH
Dry polishing agents should be used to remove stubborn extrinsic stains
False; they should be mixed with water
A pre-procedural mouth rinse may be used in preoperatively to enhance the removal of extrinsic stain
A factor in producing abrasion to the enamel surface is using a prophylaxis paste that is too coarse
A fulcrum minimizes the chances of an instrument slipping in the patient's mouth, possibly injuring the oral tissue
A material composed of particles which may scratch a softer material when drawn across its surface is called an abrasive
A patient with exposed root is a good candidate for selective polishing
Bacterimia, the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream may be produced during the course of simple procedures such as brushing, flossing, and polishing
Disclosing solution should be used when explaining plaque removal & brushing techniques to a patient
If a high whine is heard from the hand piece when polishing, the hand piece is running too fast
Polishing is performed primarily for cosmetic affect
Polishing with a coarse prophy paste can harm newly-erupted teeth in a child
The abrasive agent commonly used in commercial prophylaxis paste is silicon dioxide
The concept of polishing only specific areas of the mouth of specific patients is called "selective polishing"