Correct Tense-Mixed Tenses

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(2) *Are you thinking / Do you think* of having one ? Have you ever wondered about the origin of the term ? According to jeff Smith, author of The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American, the term barbecue is not strictly an American one, but Americans (3) *barbecue/are barbecuing*.

Are you thinking / barbecue

According to Smith, by1733 the process had become a party. People (15) *stood/have stood* around the fire and (16) *drank/had drunk* until the food (17) *was/had been* ready.


EXERCISE 5-----I (1)........*?*......(be) in the U.S. now. I (2)............(live) here for one year.


EXERCISE 7---A: Hi, I, (1) ........*?*......(be) Matt Rotell, a friend of Alice`s


I (14)....*?*........(start) work next Monday. I (15).............(probably/phone) you some time next week if I (16)................(have) time. Wish me luck.

am going to start / am starting

This month I (7).......*?*..... (look) for a job, but I (8)..............(not/find) one yet.

am looking

I (10)*need*(need) to buy a new sign. My mother(11)*wants*(want) me to call the shop 'Rose', but I (12)......*?*........(still/think) about it. Anyway, I just hope the local people(13)...........(like) it.

am still thinking

EXERCISE 1--I (1).......*?*....... (write) to tell you my good news. I (2)................... (save) enough money from my part-time job and, at last, I (3)................(open) a flower shop.

am writing

However, my visits (7)......*?*........(be) now much less frequent than they (8)............(be)


B: But, according to Alice you (13)........*?*......(attend) law school nowadays.

are attending

Since they (10)*can`t be able to*(not/can) sleep in the balloon, they (11)..........*?*.........(need) tents and camping equipment. All of them (12)...........(look) forward to their adventure in the sky.

are going to need

Since they (10)*can`t be able to*(not/can) sleep in the balloon, they (11)*are going to need*(need) tents and camping equipment. All of them (12).....*?*.......(look) forward to their adventure in the sky.

are looking

He (20)........*?*......(ask) us to turn the music down. We (21)..........(obey), of course. And although the party (22)...........(get) a little quieter, we still (23)................(have) just as much fun.


When I .....*?*..... (ask) him what he (12)..........(do), he.........(show) me the parcel.


He (4)......*?*.....(begin) his diet a week ago and first he (5)...........(write) a long list of all the foods which (6).............(be) forbidden.


Other researchers (11) *believe/are believing* that the origin of the term is the French phrase barbe a queue,


Five years ago, he (3)*had made*(make) arrangements to go to his five-year high school reunion, but two days before that reunion he (4)......*?*.........(break) his leg.


Al and Marta (10)*got*(get) married about a year and a half ago and they (11)*hadn`t been*(be,not) married long when some of Al`s high school friends(12)...*?*...........(come) to visit them last year.


My life (3)*has changed*(change) a lot since I (4)......*?*......(come) to the U.S. for example, in my country I (5)...............(work), but I (6)...............(not/have) a job now.


Since they (10).......*?*..........(not/can) sleep in the balloon, they (11)...................(need) tents and camping equipment. All of them (12)...........(look) forward to their adventure in the sky.

cant/ won`t be able to

I (17)*went*(go) to answer it, and (18)*discovered*(discover) our neighbor, who (19)......*?*........(complain) about the noise.


Smith (6) *continues/is continuing* : Some researchers (7) *claim/are claiming* that the world (8) *comes/is coming* from Spanish, and Haitian origins,


Since then, she (3)*has rented*(rent) videos about ballooning to learn more about it. She (4)......*?*.......(convince) her friends to go on a trip with her.


The rest of the world simply (4) *cooks/is cooking* meals over a fire.


My friend, Herbert, (1)*has always been*(always/be) fat, but things (2)*have get*(get) so bad recently that he (3).........*?*...........(decide) to go on a diet.

decided / decided

B: Tell me, how (5)....*?*..... you .......*?*.....(decide) to become an undercover cop?

did / decide

He (5)*was painting*(paint) his house on a tall ladder when he (6) *lost*(lose) his balance. So he (7).......*?*........(go, not) to his five year reunion.

did not go

My roommate (1)*had*(have) a dance party last Friday night. I (2)*was working*(work) that Friday night, so I (3)......*?*.......(not get) home until 10:00.

didn`t get

I (15).......*?*......(not mind) being on the police force when I (16)...............(be) single, but ever since I (17)...................(meet) Nicole -that`s my wife- I (18).............(want) to do something less dangerous.

didn`t mind

I (17)*went*(go) to answer it, and (18)......*?*.......(discover) our neighbor, who (19).............(complain) about the noise.


People (5) *dispute/are disputing* the origin of the name.


B: Oh, yes. Alice (2)*mentioned*(mention) you the other day. Gee, you (3).....*?*.....(not look) like a detective.

don`t look

My life (3)*has changed*(change) a lot since I (4)*came*(come) to the U.S. for example, in my country I (5)*worked*(work), but I (6)......*?*.........(not/have) a job now.

dont have

They (5)*have decided*(decide) to go after they (6).....*?*.......(finish) the semester.


My father(4)*owned*(own) a shop years ago and he (5)......*?*.......(give) me some advice and suggestions.


A: Right. I (14)............*?*........(get) married last month.


Al and Marta (10).......*?*......(get) married about a year and a half ago and they (11)..............(be,not) married long when some of Al`s high school friends(12)..............(come) to visit them last year.


By the time (4)..........*?*......(get) there, everyone (5)...............(start) dancing.


He (20)*asked*(ask) us to turn the music down. We (21)*obeyed*(obey), of course. And although the party (22)......*?*......(get) a little quieter, we still (23)................(have) just as much fun.


Some people attend all their high school reunions, but Al(1)*hasn`t gone*(go,not) back to his high school since he (2)......*?*........(graduate) ten years ago.


(10)..............(know) then that I (11)*would go*(go) into law enforcement when I (12).......*?*.........(grow up).

grew up

A: Well, that`s good, I (4).....*?*......(guess)


EXERCISE 3------My roommate (1)..........*?*.........(have) a dance party last Friday night. I (2)............(work) that Friday night, so I (3).........(not get) home until 10:00.


He (20)*asked*(ask) us to turn the music down. We (21)*obeyed*(obey), of course. And although the party (22)*got*(get) a little quieter, we still (23)......*?*..........(have) just as much fun.


In my country, I (9)........*?*......(have) a lotf of friends, but here I am alone. So far I (10)..........(meet) several nice people, but I don`t consider any of them my friends. It takes time to make friends.


I (14)*am starting*(start) work next Monday. I (15)*will probably phone*(probably/phone) you some time next week if I (16)........*?*........(have) time. Wish me luck.


Since I (5)*moved*(move) to Berkeley, I (6).....*?*........(visit) Golden Gate Park several times.

have visited

Yesterday, when I (9)*visited*(visit) him in his office, he hurriedly (10)......*?*........(hide) a large parcel under his desk.


The list (7).........*?*.....(include) most of the things Herbert (8).............(love).


EXERCISE 8---One of my favorite places in San Francisco (1) ....*?*.......(be) Golden Gate Park.


Native Americans, too, used this method of cooking outdoors. Whatever the origin of the term, a barbecue (14) *is/has been* now not only a means of cooking, but an event.


The shop isn`t ready yet. My brother (8)*has already painted*(already/paint) the inside of the shop and tomorrow(9)......*?*.........(paint) the outside.

is going to paint

When I (6)*walked*(walk) into the room everybody (7)*shouted*(shout) 'welcome home!' because I (8)*had just arrived*(just arrive), but they (9).....*?*.....(keep) dancing.


I (10)........*?*......(know) then that I (11).............(go) into law enforcement when I (12)................(grow up).


We (13)*talked*(talk) and (14).....*?*.......(laugh) for a while. Just when I (15...........(be) about ready to start dancing myself, there (16)..............(be) a knock at the door.


Noriko and her friends (1)*have planned*(plan) to go ballooning for months. She first (2)....*?*.......(learn) about this sport from a TV program.


Two years ago, I (3)......*?*......(live) only two blocks from that beautiful park.

lived / used to live

He (5)*was painting*(paint) his house on a tall ladder when he (6) .....*?*........(lose) his balance. So he (7)...............(go, not) to his five year reunion.


The list (7)*included*(include) most of the things Herbert (8)......*?*.......(love) most.


They (7)*has already selected*(select/already) the balloon rental company. They (8)*met*(meet) with the owner and (9)........*?*..........(make) transportation and camping arrangements.


which (12) *means/is meaning* from whisker (barbe) to tail queue.


B: Oh, yes. Alice (2).......*?*.....(mention) you the other day. Gee, you (3)..........(not look) like a detective.


I (15)*didn`t mind*(not mind) being on the police force when I (16)*was*(be) single, but ever since I (17)..........*?*.........(meet) Nicole -that`s my wife- I (18).............(want) to do something less dangerous.


They (7)*has already selected*(select/already) the balloon rental company. They (8).......*?*......(meet) with the owner and (9)..................(make) transportation and camping arrangements.


Since I (5)........*?*......(move) to Berkeley, I (6).............(visit) Golden Gate Park several times.


I (10)......*?*......(need) to buy a new sign. My mother(11).............(want) me to call the shop 'Rose', but I (12)..............(still/think) about it. Anyway, I just hope the local people(13)...........(like) it.


He (20)*asked*(ask) us to turn the music down. We (21).....*?*......(obey), of course. And although the party (22)...........(get) a little quieter, we still (23)................(have) just as much fun.


My father(4)........*?*........(own) a shop years ago and he (5).............(give) me some advice and suggestions.


and barbaco (9) *refers/is referring* to a framework of sticks set upon posts.


In the eighteenth century, people (13) *roasted/have roasted* whole animals outdoors as well as indoors.


When I (6)*walked*(walk) into the room everybody (7).......*?*........(shout) 'welcome home!' because I (8)....................(just arrive), but they (9)........(keep) dancing.


That, with the addition of barbecue sauce, (18) *sounds/is sounding* pretty much like what a barbecue (19) * is/has been* today.

sounds / is

During that time I (4)......*?*......(spend) some time in the park every week.

spent / used to spend

We (13).......*?*....(talk) and (14)...........(laugh) for a while. Just when I (15...........(be) about ready to start dancing myself, there (16)..............(be) a knock at the door.


He(6)........*?*.......(think) that my shop (7)............. (be) a success, because there isn`t another flower shop in the are.


B: I (19)........*?*.....(understand). By the way, (20) .....*?*...... you ....*?*.....(have) any luck yet with those counterfeiters?

understand / did you have

In the past, people (10) *used/were using* this rack to roast meat or simply dry it.


Yesterday, when I (9).......*?*.....(visit) him in his office, he hurriedly (10)..............(hide) a large parcel under his desk.


When I (6)......*?*.....(walk) into the room everybody (7)...............(shout) 'welcome home!' because I (8)....................(just arrive), but they (9)........(keep) dancing.


I (10)*need*(need) to buy a new sign. My mother(11).....*?*........(want) me to call the shop 'Rose', but I (12)..............(still/think) about it. Anyway, I just hope the local people(13)...........(like) it.


I (15)*didn`t mind*(not mind) being on the police force when I (16).......*?*........(be) single, but ever since I (17)...................(meet) Nicole -that`s my wife- I (18).............(want) to do something less dangerous.


We (13)*talked*(talk) and (14)*laughed*(laugh) for a while. Just when I (15)*was*(be) about ready to start dancing myself, there (16).......*?*.......(be) a knock at the door.


We (13)*talked*(talk) and (14)*laughed*(laugh) for a while. Just when I (15......*?*......(be) about ready to start dancing myself, there (16)..............(be) a knock at the door.


A: Well, when I (6).......*?*.......(be) a kid, I (7)......*?*........(love) to read detective novels.

was / loved

He (5).......*?*......(paint) his house on a tall ladder when he (6) .............(lose) his balance. So he (7)...............(go, not) to his five year reunion.

was painting

My roommate (1)*had*(have) a dance party last Friday night. I (2).....*?*.......(work) that Friday night, so I (3).........(not get) home until 10:00.

was working

By the time I (8).......*?*.......(be) ten , I(9)......*?*.....(read) every book in the Hardy Boys series.

was/ read

I (10)........*?*....(go) into the kitchen to find something to eat. There(11).........(be) several other people in the kitchen. They (12)........(sit) by an open window.


I (17)......*?*.......(go) to answer it, and (18).............(discover) our neighbor, who (19).............(complain) about the noise.


He (4)*began*(begin) his diet a week ago and first he (5)*wrote*(write) a long list of all the foods which (6).......*?*......(be) forbidden.


However, my visits (7)*are*(be) now much less frequent than they (8)......*?*......(be).


I (10)*went*(go) into the kitchen to find something to eat. There(11)......*?*......(be) several other people in the kitchen. They (12)........(sit) by an open window.


I (10)*went*(go) into the kitchen to find something to eat. There(11)*were*(be) several other people in the kitchen. They (12).....*?*....(sit) by an open window.

were sitting

He(6)*thinks*(think) that my shop (7).....*?*........ (be) a success, because there isn`t another flower shop in the are.

will be/ is going to be

I (10)............(need) to buy a new sign. My mother(11).............(want) me to call the shop 'Rose', but I (12)*am still thinking*(still/think) about it. Anyway, I just hope the local people(13)....*?*.......(like) it.

will like

I (14)*am starting*(start) work nest Monday. I (15)....*?*.........(probably/phone) you some time next week if I (16)................(have) time. Wish me luck.

will probably phone

My life (3)*has changed*(change) a lot since I (4)*came*(come) to the U.S. for example, in my country I (5)........*?*.......(work), but I (6)...............(not/have) a job now.


A: Well, I (21)*have been following*(follow) them for more than a month now, but so far I (22)*haven`t been able to*(not be able to) catch them in the act. Sometimes I (23)....*?*.......(worry) that by the time they are caught, I`ll have my law degree.


I (10)*knew*(know) then that I (11)......*?*.......(go) into law enforcement when I (12)................(grow up).

would go / was going to go

He (4)*began*(begin) his diet a week ago and first he (5)......*?*.....(write) a long list of all the foods which (6).............(be) forbidden.


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