Cortez Process Hazard

Réussis tes devoirs et examens dès maintenant avec Quizwiz!

A confined space requires a work permit when?

All the above

How can you be notified if there is an emergency evacuation?

All the above

What are the minimum PPE requirements?

All the above

What does it mean when there is a RED lighting alert?

All the above

What should you do when you hear a TONE OUT come across the radio?

All the above

When crane is in operation?

All the above

Whenever a fall hazard exist?

All the above

What are the areas where cyanide is located at Cortez?

Assay Lab, Mill, Area 30 & 34

What information will you find on the daily blast board?

Date, Time, Area

If you come across an area barricaded with RED "Do Not Enter" tape, you should?

Do not enter the area and contact the barricade established for permission to enter

If you are on the pipeline side of the mine, you must be on radio channel 2


You can use equipment lights to establish positive communication?


If you need an open pit drivers license, who needs to approve you for the training?

General Supervisor

Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out (LOTOTO) does what?

Isolates energy with a systematic procedure to protect (4 p's) from an accidental release of energy

What conveyor belts have high potential for?

Pinch Points

All the vehicles must?

Reverse park, set park brake and be in a parking ditch or choked

All personnel working in or around a conveyor must have?

Sites and conveyor training completed

What should you do when you hear MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY announced over the radio?

Stop all activity and maintain radio silence

You must use 3 points of contact when going up and down stairs?


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