Cortright Quizzes for Exam 1

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Which of the following statements would appear in the procedures part of the method section of a research report?

Participants in the experimental group exercised three days per week for 30 minutes per day for 10 weeks

What is the first step if the Scientific Method of Problem Solving?

developing the problem

What is the term that denotes using ideas, writings, or drawings of others as your own?


What does Cohen (1990) mean when he recommends that "less is more"?

Study the number of independent and dependent variables that are practically and theoretically important

When a researcher chooses to study only 12 to 14 year old girls, she has stated:

a delimitation

The primary sources of a literature review are

research journal article

For a group of normally distributed scores with a mean of 30 and a standard deviation of 6, the middle 68% of the scores will be between:

24 and 36

What is (are) the mode(s) for the following set of numbers? (5, 10, 4, 1, 4, 5, 12, 8, 9, 4 )


Which of the following is information that should be found in the section on design and analysis of the data

An ANOVA was used to compare the three groups.

In evaluating the method section of a research report, which is a very important question to keep in mind?

Did the author provide enough information that the study could be repeated?

Which one of the following statements about dual publication is not true?

Dual publication is permissible if the two journals are in different languages (e.g., published in different countries).

Which type of research examines the distribution of health and disease conditions in populations?

Epidemiologic research

How could a researcher be sure that the instrument she wishes to use to measure physical activity will work well on 10-year-old children?

Pilot test the instrument on other 10-year-old children.

Why is it desirable to carry out a pilot study prior to the actual research study?

because it permits a thorough check of the planned data collection and analysis procedures

What is the term for a variable that a research purposely keeps out of the study because it could potentially influence the results?

control variable

Which statistic tells the degree of relationship between two variables?


What are terms used in computer searches that are used to locate sources on a topic of interest?


In which part of the Method section is a researcher most likely to state that the study was quasi-experimental?

design and analysis

The determining factor in the order of authorship of a research publication is that the first author is the person who:

develops the idea and plans the research

What is the only type of research that can manipulate treatments and establish a cause and effect?


To what type of validity does the generalizability of the results pertain?


Which of the following is not an important purpose for reviewing the literature?

identifying and defining the problem developing the method developing the research hypothesis (all of the above)

What type of validity is defined as the extent to which the results of a study can be attributed to the treatments used in the study?


What section of a thesis presents the rationale for the problem to be studied?


Which section of the review of literature should provide the purpose of the review of literature and explain how it is organized?


A research hypothesis

is directly testable

Recognizing that grade point average may not completely reflect success in school is an example of a:


In which section of a thesis are the procedures described?


In describing participants in the method section of a research report, which of the following should be included?

number of participants pertinent descriptive characteristics of participants

Which of the following is not a concept considered regarding fair use of published documents?

plagiarism of the use of the published document

What is it called when an author states a prediction of the study's outcome?

research hypothesis

In the example in chapter 1 of the experiment that compared aerobic dance with jogging, what was the dependent variable?

skinfold-measured fat

After a population of 1,000 high school seniors is divided by sex and size of school attended, the random selection of a sample to represent these proportions of the population is called:

stratified random sampling

A researcher wishes to survey student opinions on a proposed increase in fees at her university. She decides to select a sample for telephone interviewing by selecting every 20th name in the student directory. What is this type of sampling called?


Which statistic is used to test whether two groups differ on average?


How should a graduate student go about selecting a major professor?

talk with other graduate students talk with professors in your area of study select a professor with an interest in the same area as the student (all of the above)

Which method of problem solving is characterized by sticking with a specific belief even if there is no evidence that this belief is correct?


What does "completeness" mean when referring to the review of literature?

that the student has demonstrated to his or her committee that he or she has located, read, and understood the related literature

A researcher examined the influence of a 10-week resistance training program vs. a 10-week aerobic training program on physical self-efficacy in overweight 14 to 16 year old girls. Which of the following represents the independent variable?

type of training program

An important principle set forth by the American Psychological Association is the right of informed consent, which states that the researcher is obligated to:

explain the major features of the study to the participants before the beginning of the study so that they have the opportunity to decline to take part.

What is the term for a variable that is not studied by the resercher that is not controlled by the researcher and that could affect the outcome of the study?

extraneous variable

What is the overriding guide to ethics and ethical decisions?


To ensure confidentiality, the researcher should:

make certain no unauthorized individuals have access to the research data. inform the participants about the people who will have access to the data. remove names from data-collection instruments and replace them with a code. (all of the above)

Which of the following terms least belongs with the others?


The larger group from which participants in a study are selected is called the:


Which of the following is the most important to include in the review of literature?

primary sources

In which part of the method section should you expect to find information about how the participants were tested?


Which of the following is not considered an appropriate way to relate studies in a review of literature?

relate studies from the same journal

What is the term for the subjects actually measured in a research study?


Which of the following is an operational definition of human intelligence?

score on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

Which of the following is not a characteristic of qualitative research?

stating hypotheses before the study

In the instruments part of the method section, the author should include a description of the:

test characteristics of validity and reliability

What is an Impact Factor for a journal?

The average number of times journals are cited during one year.

What is the term for the statement that is tested statistically by the researcher?

null hypothesis

What does "telling participants who will have access to the original data" refer to?

right to confidentiality

After receiving approval from the university committee on the use of humans as research participants (Institutional Review Board), the researcher

should include an indication of this compliance in the method section of the thesis or dissertation.

What does the standard deviation represent?

spread of scores about the mean

At the end of a well-written introduction, the reader should be able to predict the:

statement of the problem (purpose of the study)

In a study designed to assess the comparative effectiveness of two workbooks used in teaching students about laboratory procedures, what would be the independent variable of the study?


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