Counter Terrorism

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Which of the following was a major issue that negatively impacted disaster relief

All of the above

After Hurricane Katrina

All of these

Counterterrorism is

All of these

The Special Activities Division is a group of paramilitary officers within the


The enhanced interrogation techniques that involves exposure to cold weather, water boarding and grabbing and poking are

Category 3

Over this many New York police officers are assigned to various counterterrorism units


The C in CBRNE stands for


The CIA was established in 1947 to deal with the then current enemies of the US, which included Russia, North Korea, Iran and


The discovery and shutting down of fake charities that were diverting contributions to al-queda and Hamas is the anti-terrorist work of this agency

Department of Treasury's Office for Terrorism and Financial intelligence

The US Dept. maintain a highly trained CBRNE rapid response team that uses various specialists from all branches of the military

Dept. Of Defense

Creating a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazard, where american interests, aspirations, and way of life can thrive is the vision statement of which agency

Dept. Of Homeland Security

This agency was given the responsibility for domestic intelligence inside the US but now is the primary criminal investigative body on any terrorist attack against the US both domestically and internationally


President Carter created this single agency to have jurisdiction over natural and environmental disasters


This agency is responsible for training firefighters, and state and local first responders on handling and responding to weapons of mass destruction


This agency's mission can be summarized as supporting our citizens and emergency first responders to ensure that the country can work together to build, sustain, and improve the capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover form, and mitigate hazards including terrorist attacks


"Policy" and "strategy" can be used synonymously


All anti-terrorism activities are carried out by units of local and state governments as well as non-military organizations of the federal government and private contractors


America's anti terrorism program is geographically limited to the US


An emergency causes serious disruption of the functioning of an entity and produces widespread losses that exceed the ability of a community to cope with it using just its own resources


Applications of intelligence are always time sensitive


Dissemination is the first step in the intelligence cycle and involves the distribution of raw or finished intelligence.


Edward Snowden was invited of multiple charges and is serving 35 years in a federal prison


FEMA only prepares the federal governmental agencies and employees on how to response to natural catastrophes and emergencies


Federal Assistance during a disaster is intended to substitute state, local, and private assistance so as to not drain the reserves.


Fusion center blend tactical training with book training.


In regards to intelligence collection of potential terrorists and investigation of individual terrorist groups and the USA PATRIOT Act the 1st, 4th, and 13th Amendment of the constitution are most often tested


Information is nothing more than data


It was the 13th amendment which freed the slaves that led to the creation of the US Border Patrol in 1924


NIMS is a response plan that is only used during large-scale incidents


Only the US has counterterrorism military branches


State and local law enforcement agencies do not have a role in anti-terrorism


Stock markets closed for 7 days after 9/11 but did reopen with a bit of an increase


TSA only has a responsibility to screen airports


The 75th Ranger Regiment has a strong counterterrorism mission


The Anti-Terrorism Commission found that overly restrictive guidelines and laws hindered the effective use of informants and intelligence gathering on terrorists.


The EPA carries out large multi-agency and whole community simulations in effort to prepare for large scale events


The NYPD's counterterrorism program is very effective


The National Clandestine Service is a part of the FBI


The USA PATRIOT Act was only reauthorized in 2006 and those revision stand today


The military branches such as the Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy are not part of the Intelligence community


The movie Blackhawk down is about the US Army Green Beret in Somalia


The number of deaths and injuries is the only way to measure the severity of an incident


The six key missions for FEMA are: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, Recovery, and Retaliate


There is always more presidential determined emergencies than there are major disasters declared


US Army Special Forces wear green berets because it aids in camouflage


The allowance of holding an alien for 7 days because they are certified as a suspected terrorist without an initial charge appears to be a blatant violation of this Constitutional Amendment

Fifth Amendment

This commission was created to assess the domestic response of the federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies against terrorism between 1999 and 2003

Gilmore Commission

This is a vital part of NIMS and represents a standardized, all-hazards incident management approach that allows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure

Incident Command System

The strategic integration of intelligence with an emphasis on predictive analysis derived real data defines a new style of policing called

Intelligence-led policing

Mista'arvim is a counterterrorism unit located in


The mission of this agency is to investigate, detect, interdict, prosecute and remove terrorists and dismantle their organization

Joint Terrorism Task Force

FEMA's template of best all-hazards incident management practices is called


This agency bills itself as the nation's preeminent "cryptologic organization"


This center serves as the nation's "hub" for intelligence activity both domestically and internationally, coordinating information derived by individual members of the intelligence community

National Counterterrorism Center

This agency funds the intelligence activities of the entire federal government

National Intelligence Program

The slogan "the only easy day was yesterday" belongs to

Navy SEALs

The 1930s stock market crash and severe drought led President Roosevelt to create

New Deal Programs

In response to the problems identified by the Gilmore Commission and the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, this office was established:

Office Of the Director of National Intelligence

The USA PATRIOT act expanded the ability of the military to assist with Domestic intelligence and security after 9/11 and thereby challenged the validity of the

Posse Comitatus Act

This president ordered the creation of armed sky marshals to thwart airplanes from being hijacked

President Kennedy

The "P" is the USA PATRIOT Act stands for


The National Reconnaissance Office is the government agency responsible for designing, building, launching, maintaining, and monitoring America's intelligent:

Satellite system

Drones have been used to carry out military-type strikes against combatants and as key weapon in the fight against al-queda in Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and


The President is authorized by this act to issue emergency and fire management declarations which enable federal agencies to provide assistance to state and local unites of government overwhelmed by catastrophes

Stafford Act

The moving of the Vietnam Cong prisoners of war camps is an example of needing this type of intelligence

Tactical intelligence

The use of sarin in Tokyo subway system is an example of this category of threats/hazards


using the 1900s the Army and this group patrolled the borders of Mexico

Texas Rangers

The Navy SEALs Underwater Demolition Teams was prominent in

The Korean War

Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge was appointed as the first director of

The Office of Homeland Security

Team from the FBI, CIA, and the NSA work in a secure location known as

The Remote Operation center (ROC)

Enhanced interrogation techniques were at odds with American values, our constitution and case law and

The third Geneva Convention

A national study found that majority of local and state police agencies have conducted terrorism threat assessments since 9/11.


Almost every state has a statewide fusion center


Anti-terrorism programs have a proactive component of engaging in activities that are intended to prevent an attack or reduce the losses cause by one and a reactive component of managing the aftermath of an attack


Civil defense in the early 1900s had a dual use, it was part of the national security effort and responded to national disasters


Counterterrorism is offensive in nature and involves taking the fight to the enemy


Cyber terrorism can include severe economic loss


Cybersecurity is one area still having significant changes according to the 2013 National Preparedness Report


DHS has over 178,000 employees and an appropriated budget of $29.28 billion


Every US Attroney's office has substantial responsibility for combating domestic and international terrorism


FEMA came up with the idea of the "Waffle House Index" as a measure of severity of an incident. For Example if a waffle house is up and running then the disaster is green.


Fusion centers assist police executives in making better-informed decisions especially during emergencies or critical incidents.


Information must be analyzed for it to become a source of intelligence


Military action against terrorists are referred to as low intensity conflict


Most military counterterrorism operations are carried out by units within the JSOC


NIMS is both standardized and flexible


Operation Eagle Claw failed to rescue the hostages from Iran


Pre-9/11, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan and had a substantial HUMINT collection capability of 20,000 spies and over 100,000 informants.


Rangers are all volunteers


Standing for hours, using falsified documents, and isolation for up to 30 days are Category 2 techniques of enhanced interrogation


Terrorism metrics can be an indication of how we are doing in the global war on terrorism if carefully selected, defined, and measured


The CIA intentionally misled the Congress and the public about the success of the brutal interrogation program


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aids in responding to CBRNE attacks and deals with pandemics


The FBI, CIA, and NSA have overlapping missions of cyber defense, and cyber offense activities


The Joint Counterterrorism Assessment Team is composed of public safety personnel. Its role is to inform public safety personnel in an effort to better identify, respond to, mitigate, and prevent the next terrorist attack against the homeland


The Military Commissions Act of 2006 allows the president to determine who is an enemy combatant and if determined to be an enemy combatant the detainee can be held indefinitely without being charged


The National Preparedness Goal requires the whole community to be prepared for all types of disasters and emergencies


The Office of Civil Defense was abolished after WWII and the federal Civil Defense Administration was created


The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 set forth the provision that federal troops could not be used in a policing action within a state


The US Customs Service is the oldest federal agency


The US Delta Force is so secret the US Government routinely denies its existence


The US Secret Service was established to deal with currency counterfeiting during the American Civil War


The US coast guard is one of the five US armed services that is not housed in the Department of Defense, it was in the department of transportation but in 2003 it was transferred into DHS


The command and management component of NIMS is responsible for providing effective incident management and coordination and includes the Incident Command System, the Multi-Agency Coordination group, and Public Information


The creation of the office of the director of national intelligence centralized all intelligence information gathered from many different intelligence agencies.


The failure to provide timely, accurate, and specific intelligence information to law enforcement agencies was one of the findings of the Gilmore Commission.


The freedom of religion clause within the 1st Amendment has been tested under the Patriot Act and allowed for large intelligence gathering and investigative practices of surveillance or "fishing expeditions" of mosques


The intelligence cycle was developed with the goal to create universal process to integrate both law enforcement and national security intelligence agendas


The national preparedness system is a 6 step process that is continually changing and evolving to address current and future needs


The severity continuum answers the question "How hard did we get hit?"


The three major categories of threats/hazards are natural, technological, and accident and terrorist/human caused


The word SEALs means SEa, Air, and Land


There is no effective emergency response to an extinction event


Those designated as an enemy combatant are not obligated to have the protections of the 5th and 8th amendments


Tunnels from Mexico into the US are fairly prevalent and allow for the smuggling of people and drugs into our country and some tunnels are very sophisticated having light, ventilation, and rail systems


Usama Bin Laden was killed at his compound in Pakistan by Navy SEALs


When the Aim Shinrikyo released sarin on the Tokyo subway this was the first instance if a terrorist group using chemical warfare


counterintelligence is used by the US to disrupt the activities and operations of the terrorist groups.


mutual aid societies provided assistance "to their own"


The Lodge Act in 1960 is associated with this military branch

US Army Special Forces Green Berets

Which agency did not transfer into the Customs and Border Protection agency

US Coast Guard

This agency is responsible for many counterterrorism actions by the military

US Special Forces Command

Which of the following aided in blurring the lines between the FBI's focus on crime within the US and the CIA which was to focus on foreign crime outside of the US borders?

USA Patriot Act

This agency's mission is to provide fully capable Special Operations Forces to defend the US and it's interest and to synchronize global military operations against terrorist networks


The definition of terrorism was expanded in the reauthorized PATRIOT Act in 2006. Which of the following was NOT added to the definition?

Using air missiles against civilians

The US Army Special Forces were heavily involved in the

Vietnam War

From a national perspective emergency management ultimately grew out of


The office of civilian defense which coordinated the protection of civilians during air raids stemmed from this war


This state was the first state to offer unemployment compensation


The severity continuum is

a front end tool

A deficiency in the US government that was quickly identified following the 9/11 attacks was

a lack of funds

When president clinton ordered missile strikes on terrorist sites in Sudan and Afghanistan in reaction to the bombing of American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania this is an example of

a raid

In order to turn information into intelligence it must be


Which of the following is NOT a typical source of which intelligence is collected?


On the severity continuum, a major earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands of people, leaving millions homeless, and requires national and international responses and aid, is considered this level on the severity continuum


NORTHCOM directs the US Dept of Defense's homeland security efforts and the planning, organizing, and execution of military support to

civil authorities

Reducing the flow of terrorist recruits by providing them with alternative futures is an example of


Antiterrorism is

defensive in nature

Which of the following is NOT one of the five missions of DHS

developing weapons

A US drone that attacked a convoy in Yemen killing an important al-Queda figure is an example of

direct action

The highest severity level on the severity continuum is

extinction event

The state and local law enforcement agencies role in antiterrorism are the front line

eyes and ears

These centers blend the power of information technology with the terrorism prevention and crime fighting

fusion centers

Hurricane Katrina was considered a

major disaster

When the humanitarian law project worked to advise the workers' party of Kurdistan, a designated terrorist group, on how to file human rights violations with the US this is a violation of

material supports

The Ebola Outbreak in the US is an example of this category of threats/hazards


After Iraq invaded Kuwait when the US and our allies returned to Irawseeking Sadam Hussein and to gain control over the country this was an example of

open warfare

Investigations are reactive and intelligence is


Which of the following is part of the six steps of the intelligence cycle?


The goal of emergency management is to

save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property and environment

Which of the following is NOT one of the three wars being waged along America's Souther border?

sex crimes

Which of the following is NOT related to characteristics of investigations?

sources are confidential and closed

Snowden claimed the key difference between him and Bradley Manning was

that he carefully evaluated every single document disclosed to ensure that each was legitimately in the public interest.

The concept of mutually assured destruction was used primarily in

the Cold War Era

The US and its allies waged war on the Taliban and Al-Queda, overthrowing the Taliban from the government in Afghanistan because

the Taliban would not hand over Usama Bin Laden

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Bradley Manning and the information he leaked?

the information leaked was not important and didn't cause any damage

FEMA's Center for Domestic Preparedness is responsible for

training state and local agencies on WMD and is the nation's premier all-hazards training facility

The number of deaths and injuries, the number of people displaced and evacuated, the number of homes and business that are damaged and the financial losses and expenditures are all

ways to gauge the severity of an accident

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