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A _______________contraction involves a shortening of muscle fibers which decreases the angle of the associated joint.

constitute malfeasance

A coach suspects that a player has a lower leg fracture due to the visible angulation of the involved bones. The coach decides to straighten out the leg and immobilize the limb in a splint. The actions of the coach:


A conscious and medically competent individual has the right to refuse treatment. T/F

a muscle can only move a load through the ROM with as much force as the muscle provides at its weakest point

A disadvantage of isotonic training is that

foreseeability of harm

A situation in which danger is apparent, or should have been apparent, resulting in an unreasonable unsafe condition is called

All of the above

Athletic trainers are employed by:


Based on the principle of ________________, if the physical demands placed on the body are within appropriate physiological limits, the body will adapt and improve its function.


Comparative negligence refers to the relative degree of negligence on the part of the professional (defendant) and the participant (plaintiff), with damages awarded on a basis proportionate to each person's carelessness T/F


During a weight training session, the coach left the room to work with some players in the gymnasium. While the coach was out of the room, an athlete sustained an injury using the equipment. The coach is at risk for:


During an afternoon football practice on a hot, humid day in August, a coach delayed a scheduled water break until the team performed a particular drill in an acceptable manner. The water break was only 15 minutes later than the scheduled time. During the water break, one of the athletes collapsed with signs of heat stroke. What type of legal liability could result from the coach's actions?

All of the Above

Duties of the team physician include... Select one:


FOOSH is the common MOI for many or most of the UE injuries seen in PA. T/F

Slightly flexed with the forearm appearing shortened

Following a elbow dislocation, the arm is typically held

Humeral Fracture

Following a fall on the upper arm, an individual is unable to move the arm and unable to supinate the forearm. Which of the following injuries should be suspected?


Following an injury, the coach is responsible for the implementation of treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning programs as developed in consultation with a physician. T/F


Good Samaritan Laws protect the employees of a fitness facility who render improper care to a client.


Having been treated by an emergency room physician, a high school athlete reports to the coach with a written note from the physician stating that he should not participate in physical activity for 2 weeks. One week later, the athlete's parent calls the coach indicating that their son has improved significantly and grants permission for him to resume practice. If the coach allows the player to return to practice, a breach of duty has been committed. T/F


If a coach fails to receive informed consent from a participant and provides treatment for a sustained injury, the actions of the coach could result in

Auxiliary Nerve

If a glenohumeral dislocation is suspected, the function of ______________ should be assessed.


If an individual signs an assumption of risk form, the coach/ fitness specialist is no longer liable for any injuries that may occur to that individual. T/F


If the desired result from a fitness program includes muscular strength, the intensity of the overload should be _________ of the individual's maximum capacity

70 to 120 degrees

In a rotator cuff strain, pain increases when the arm moves actively between what degrees of abduction?

Golgi tendon organs

In a static stretch, the action of the _______ enables a safer, more effective stretch.

Proximal clavicle

In an AC separation, the ____________ is elevated.

review preseason conditioning programs

In an athletic program, the team physician should


In assessing an on-site injury, the coach should use the same HOPS method as that used by medical professionals. T/F

All of the Above

In general, immunity associated with the Good Samaritan laws applies only when the emergency first aider acts

all of the above

In order to ensure appropriate healthcare to participants, a coach should be certified:

The final position should be held for 15-30 seconds, and repeated 2-4 times with a 30-60 second rest period between repetitions.

In performing flexibility exercises, the duration should be as follows:


In presenting information to participants, the coach is responsible for ensuring that the material is developmentally and instructionally appropriate. T/F


In some settings, the areas of injury prevention and management are relegated to the coach regardless of the individual's background. T/F


In some settings, the primary care physician will assume the responsibility for determining medical eligibility or clearing an individual for participation in activity. T/F


It is the MCP joint that is usually involved in the Boutonniere deformity. T/F

flexor digitorum profundus tendon is ruptured

Jersey finger occurs when the

Epiphysis of the proximal humerus

Little league shoulder is found at the:

committing an act that is not your responsibility to perform

Malfeasance is defined as


Management for an A/C sprain, Type I, involves cold; sling; physician referral. T/F


Most elbow dislocations occur from axial loading when failing on an outstretched hand, which results in the ulna and radius dislocating


Negligence can occur as a result of commission, but not as a result of omission. T/F


Organization that sets the areas of instruction for athletic training education programs.


Preparticipation exams should determine the general health, maturity, and fitness level of an individual, and detect those at risk for injury or those who may have conditions that may limit participation. T/F

obtain a waiver for liability related to injury

Prior to the start of the season, the coach should do all of the following except:

Can take place when full strength, range of motion, and sensation are restored in the cervical spine and extremity.

Return to play/ activity following a grade I burner


Risk management is the sole responsibility of the coach. T/F


Rotator cuff impingement involves primarily the supraspinatus muscle. T/F

Makes between 20 and 40 years of age

Ruptures of the pectoralis major muscle are almost exclusively seen in


Sport and fitness coordinators cannot release any medical information about an injured individual without that person's written consent if the person is older than 18 years of age. T/F

requires an individual to use the knowledge, skills, and abilities that conform to the standard of care for their particular specialization

Standard of care

intensity of the overload

Strength gains depend primarily on

Pulled elbow syndrome

Subluxation or dislocation of the radial head is referred to as

defines the current entry-level knowledge, skills, and abilities required for practice in the profession of athletic training

The Role Delineation Study (RD)

overload, specificity

The _________________ principle states that the body responds to a given demand with a specific and predictable adaptation.

Scaphoid or Navicular Bone

The anatomical snuff box is where the ___________ is located.


The athlete is not a part of the sports medicine team. T/F


The athlete/ physical activity participant has a minimal role in preventing injury. T/F


The brachial plexus consist of spinal nerves


The coach of a high school tennis team is preparing assumption of risk forms for distribution. The coach decides to use the same form used by the football coach. However, given tennis is not a contact sport, he removes the sentence that indicates the potential for "catastrophic injury, including brain injury, paralysis, and even death." The decision to remove that statement was appropriate. T/F


The current mission of the American College of Sports Medicine is to enhance the quality of health care provided by certified athletic trainers and to advance the athletic training profession. T/F

administration of preparticipation physical examinations

The duties of the certified athletic trainer include all but which of the following:

supervising physician

The final authority to clear an athlete for participation rests with the:

maturation and establishing good health practices

The focus of a preparticpation physical examination for a pubescent child should be


The immediate care of an acute injury could range from the implementation of standard emergency care for a life threatening condition to administering standard immediate care. T/F

Annular ligament

The ligament that stabilizes and encircles the head of the radius is the

Repetitive rotational stress

The mechanism of injury for Little League shoulder is most often ____________.

financial management

The organization and administration domain of athletic training includes each of the following except:

Board of Certification

The organization that awards the ATC credential is the

contrecoup-type injury

A ___________________ is an injury away from the actual injury site due to rotational components during acceleration.

do not interfere and encourage the player to continue coughing

A baseball player in the dugout appears to be choking and is coughing. What should be done in this situation?

Anterolateral aspect of the Humerus

A common site for Tackler's exostosis is the

hypertrophic cariomyopathy

A condition characterized by abnormal thickening of the left ventricle of the heart that develops before age and typically goes undetected during routine physical examination is termed


A danger with open fractures to the skull is the greater risk of a bacterial infection that can lead to:


A tendon begins to develop tears when it is stretched approximately 5 to 8% beyond normal length. T/F

5 to 8

A tendon begins to develop tears when it is stretched approximately ___% beyond normal length.

Colles' fracture

A wrist fracture where the radius and ulna are forced dorsally is called a


A wrong done by an individual for which the injured party seeks a remedy for damages suffered is called a


A wrong done by an individual for which the injured party seeks a remedy for damages suffered is called a

cerebral damage

Abnormal facial expressions and functioning may indicate:

Fracture to the radial head

After a fall on an outstretched arm, an individual has restricted and painful pronation and supination. What injury should be suspected?

basilar fracture

After being struck on the head, an athlete presents with Battle's sign. What injury should be suspected?

All of the above

After executing a tackle by leading with his head, a football player is down on the field. Each of the following suggest an unstable neck except:

heart attack

An adult participant in an aerobics class stops activity and reports pain radiating down the left arm, shortness of breath, and nausea. What condition should be suspected?

A flattened deltoid

An anterior glenohumeral dislocation outwardly displays

Decreased pinch and grip strength

An indidviual with carpal tunnel syndrome will likely experience

all of the above must be present

An individual can be found negligent if


Areas of education for athletic trainers include all of the following except.


As a coach, you MUST be certified as an equipment specialist in order to properly fit someone with protective equipment T/F


Axial loading of the cervical spine occurs when the neck is in a position of

Aseptic Necrosis

Because of poor blood supply to the lateral wrist area, which of the following is a complication associated with a scaphoid fracture?


Bleeding into the anterior chamber of the is termed


Can be the most important part of the injury assessment

Subdural hematoma

Delayed signs and symptoms days or even weeks after head trauma are most likely to be associated with which of the following injuries?

PIP Joint

Dislocations at the ________ are the most common hand joint dislocations.

neurologic deficits

Each of the following is a sign or symptom associated with low back pain in runners except

hot, dry skin

Each of the following signs and symptoms is indicative of shock except for

response to verbal and sensory stimuli

In emergency situations, consciousness is determined by:


In looking at pupils during an injury assessment, the unequal pupils suggest or indicate head injury or stroke. T/F

verbal and sensory stimuli

In medical situations, consciousness is determined through:


In tendons, the collagen fibers are arranged in a parallel pattern, enabling resistance of high, unidirectional tensile loads when the attached muscle contracts. T/F


Information provided by the injured person regarding their perception of the problem


Informed consent is only required in the treatment of minors. T/F


Injury to the epiphysis could result in alteration of normal growth. T/F


It is a responsibility of the coach to evaluate the status of participants prior to permitting them to engage in activity. T/F


It is best to review the Emergency Action Plan on a regular (annual or semiannual) basis. T/F


It is during the history (subjective) that you find the MOI when performing an injury assessment. T/F


It is imperative that the coach has an understanding of legal issues pertaining to injury care and management. T/F

Rapid and Jerky

Lifting an object with __________ movements increases compression and shearing forces on the spine.

retrograde amnesia

Loss of memory of events immediately preceding a head trauma is termed

tightness in the hip flexors and hamstrings

Low back pain in runners is often caused by

tilting the head slightly forward

Management for epistaxis includes:

are usually asymptomatic and self-limiting

Mild cases of scoliosis

Active range of motion

Ones ability to move an extremity throughout its ROM on their own is called

Referred pain

Pain perceived at a location remote from the site of the tissue actually causing the pain is termed


Passive movement involves joint motion performed voluntarily by the individual through contracting their muscles. T/F

post-concussion syndrome

Persistent headache, blurred vision, vertigo, memory loss, irritability, and inability to concentrate are characteristics of


Possible causes of __________________shock are insulin shock, diabetic coma, vomiting, or diarrhea.


Rehabilitation begins immediately after the injury occurs. T/F

a rapid and weak pulse

Severe hemorrhage is characterized by

All of the above

Shock can occur with injuries involving

Rapid and weak pulse

Shock is characterized by

immediate physician referral

Signs and symptoms indicative of apophysitis warrant

loss of limb function

Signs and symptoms of a first time acute dislocation include

second-degree injuries

Sprains that produce moderate discomfort, tenderness, swelling, ecchymosis, and detectable joint instability are categorized as


Tendons are equal in strength to their attached muscle. T/F


The ability of a muscle to stretch is called:

the impairment of joint range of motion

The basis for rating the severity of a contusion is


The beginning of the acute inflammatory phase is marked by:

direct pressure and elevation above the heart

The best method to control external hemorrhage is:


The best way to check a person's hydration status is to monitor the color of their urine. T/F


The distribution of force over a given area is called

to assist in holding the bones of the joint in place

The function of the joint capsule is

primary survey

The immediate assessment occurring on the field when a life-threatening injury is present is called:

Head injuries

The leading cause of loss of consciousness in a sports activity is:

near the musculotendinous junction

The most common site for injuries to the musculotendinous unit is


The primary complaint is what the injured individual believes may be the current problem. T/F

myotone, dermatone

The sensory component of a nerve root is tested using a:

that the athlete tells you about an injury

The subjective information is information...

obstructed airway

The universal distress signal indicates possible

professional counselor

This licensed mental health professional is educated and trained to provide therapy, have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours of formal education at the master's degree level, a practicum, an internship, and 2 years of post-degree experiences.

a steady blood flow of dark, bluish-red color

Venous bleeding is characterized by

how the injury occurred

What is MOI or mechanism of injury?

pupillary response to light

Which of the following is NOT considered a vital sign?

flexion - decreasing the angle of a joint

Which of the following is a correctly matched pair of terms?

Achilles tendinitis

Which of the following is an example of a chronic injury?

emphasize slow, deep, rhythmic breathing

Which of the following is an example of a pain reduction technique?

The wrist is distal to the elbow.

Which of the following is correct?


Which of the following mental skill techniques is used to enhance performance?


Which of the following terms refers to a structure on both sides of the body or body part?

Severe heat Illness

Which of the following would require an immediate summons of EMS?

severe heat illness

Which of the following would require and immediate summons of EMS?


__________________shock occurs when peripheral blood vessels dilate and an insufficient blood volume cannot supply oxygen to the vital organs.

In evaluating a head injury, which of the following techniques can be used by the coach to assess ability to concentrate?

recite three digits, and ask the individual to recite them backward

Standard of care

requires an individual to use the knowledge, skills, and abilities that conform to the standard of care for their particular specialization

requiring coaches to purchase insurance

The risk of litigation can be reduced by all of the following except:

providing appropriate supervision during activity

The sport/ physical activity participant is responsible for each of the following except:


The team approach to the delivery of healthcare allows for a comprehensive prevention, assessment, and management of an injury or illness as it utilizes the expertise of individual specialists working in conjunction with one another and the patient. T/F


The terms sports medicine and athletic training can be used interchangeably. T/F


This organization establishes standards for professionalism, education, research, and practice settings.


This organization sets the awards the ATC credentials upon passing the test.

national certification and license

To be an athletic trainer in the state Arkansas one has to be......

With normal healthy tissues followed by a brief warm-up period

Vigorous stretching of tissues should be avoided in each of the following conditions except

expressed warranty

Which of the following is a written guarantee that a product is safe for use?

Members shall pay their dues every year and report all demographics changes or updates.

Which of the following is not an ethical principle established by the NATAs Code of Ethics?


Which of the following professionals is concerned with information involving kinematics and kinetics?

The strength of a skeletal muscle is determined by the cross sectional diameter of the muscle fibers

Which of the following statements is true?

developing and implementing appropriate conditioning programs

Which of the following tasks is the duty of the coach relative to injury prevention?

Strain of pectoral major

While performing a bench press, an athlete hears a snap accompanied by immediate, marked pain and weakness in the anterior superior chest. What most likely happened to this athlete?

Ensembles d'études connexes

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