CRAAP test
Web site addresses:
.edu--college/university (GOOD) .gov--U.S. gov. site (GOOD) .com--commercial site .org--organization .mil--U.S. military site (GOOD) .net--network or computers school (GOOD)
For: medicine, science, business, technology, and most social sciences the currency of the info. is CRUCIAL. No info. used should be older than:
3 years
CRAAP test stands for
C:currency R:relevance A:author A:accuracy P:purpose
how effectively the website communicates the info. to its intended audience (i.e.: general user? enthusiast? professional?). What does the website assume about the audience in terms of knowledge of and familiarity with the topic?
if there is no name (author or company name) on a website RED FLAG--don't use. Identify the author(s) by looking at a person--credentials, ed., position, expertise, etc. Organization--leaders, mission, "parent".
is not a negative term it means that one has a certain perspective or point of view
reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the info. content. Where was the info. coming from--a author experiment/observation or expert testimony? Spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors. Plagiarism?
timeliness of the web page. (Gathered? Posted? Last revised?) Is the link functional and up to date? Is there evidence of newly added info. (i.e: "updates" or links).
why the site was created--enlighten, inform, promote an ideology. Bias? Tone? Is the site for profit?
writing style. is conveyed via word choice