Crime and Punishment - characterization

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Luzhin's formal name

Peter Petrovich

Katerina's oldest daughter from her first marriage


foils - Raskolnikov & Razumikhin

While Raskolnikov is careless and lacks ambition, Razhumikhin is full of ambition and tries to give Raskolnikov this same ambition by offering him a job. While Raskolnikov is a poor, ungrateful friend, Razumikhin is a supportive friend who cares for Raskolnikov.

junior police officer


Raskolnikov's doctor


What does Svidrigailov represent?

human nature in its most honest and raw forms (an awarness of his own ugliness and a picture of what mankind can become if we let our morals go)

What does Lebezyatnikov represent?

new progessive ideas that were popular at the time amognst young intellecutalls

What is a monomaniac? Who is an example of this?

one who has a pathological obsessions with one idea or subject / Raskolnikov

Dunya's weakness


What does Luzhin represent?


What is the meaning of Razumikhin's name? How is this significant?

to bring reason / because he will become a savior figure for Raskolnikov

What is the meaning of Raskolnikov's name? How is this significant?

to split / because he has a dual personality (gives money to the Marmeladov family, yet robs and kills)

What does Razumikhin represent?


What does Sonya represent?


year of publication


pawnbroker's name (first and last)

Alyona Ivanovna

Lebezyatnikov's first name


Dunya's formal name


compare and contrast - Raskolnikov & Dunya

Compare: They both care for their family and are willing to make sacrifices to support their families even if it means making a wrong decision. Both are blunt and stubborn. Contrast: Raskolnikov is mentally ill and bipolar, while Dunya is not. She is rational, while Raskolnikov loses his head.

compare and contrast - Raskolnikov & Svidrigailov

Compare: They both want Dunya to break off her engagement to Luzhin. They both had a wife or fiancé who died. They both are mentally unstable and see ghosts and have bizaree dreams. Contrast: Svidrigailov is upfront with his wretchedness. He understands and acknowledges the ugliness of his soul; however, Raskolnikov has failed to see the error of his ways. They want Dunya to break off her engagement for different reasons. Svidrigailov wants to take advantange of Dunya, while Raskolnikov wants to save her from a potentially destructive marriage.

Razumikhin's first name


What action symbolizes the similarity between Dunya and Sonya? How are they similar?

Dunya bowing to Sonya (similar in how they sacrifice themeselves to men for the sake of their families)


Fyodor Dostoevsky

How does Svidrigailov play to Dunya's weakness?

He calls her a frightened child. This leads Dunya to inviting him up to her room.

Marmeladov's wife


pawnbroker's sister's name (first and last)

Lizaveta Ivanovna

Sonya's last name


Raskolnikov's servant




Raskolnikov's mother's first name


Raskolnikov's first name



St. Petersburg, Russia

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