Criminology | Quiz #2

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Unfair and unsafe labor practices, another form of corporate crime: These happen when organizations harm employees through ________________ or maintaining workplace conditions that can result in death ___________ or __________.

Exploitation; injury or illness.

TRUE OR FALSE: Ideological Crime is also known as "enterprise crime."


TRUE OR FALSE: Migrant Smuggling is a type of human trafficking.


TRUE OR FALSE: Most occupational and corporate crimes are types of property crime.


Making deceptive or untrue claims about a product.

False advertising! (A CORPORATE CRIME).

Employees who alter balance sheets, cash flow statements, or income statements have engaged in ________________ _________ fraud, the third type of occupational fraud.

Financial Statement Fraud

Most corporate crime convictions result in ____________ rather than _____________ _________ despite the large financial and health costs to consumers, taxpayers, workers, and residents.

Fines; prison time.

Scam targeting homeowners facing foreclosure; offender takes over ownership of the home temporarily while former owners remain in the home and pay rent, which they are told will go towards a buyback of the home. The offender evicts the victims and sells the home.

Foreclosure Rescue Scams

A type of theft in which victims are deceived into giving money or property to perpetrators, including white-collar perpetrators, who have misrepresented facts.


Many occupational crimes involve some form of ___________.


An international crime consisting of specific acts of violence committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.


The movement of people and goods between nations is known as...


State crimes are illegal acts committed by ______________ and other public authorities, in violation of ___________ and ________________ law.

Governments; domestic and international law.

Offenses that have characteristics of white-collar crime but are committed by low to middle-status persons in either an occupational or non-occupational context.

Gray-Collar Crime

Some occupational crimes bring individual benefits that are ___________ necessarily financial, at least not directly. For example, the occupational offenses in _____________ and ____________ ____________ contexts often involve the use of unethical strategies for gaining or maintaining ___________ and influence (e.g., _____________ and other forms of corruption).

NOT; political and criminal justice; power; bribery.

Crime committed for personal/individual gain in the context of a legitimate occupation that is "fundamentally related to the opportunities that the occupation provides."

Occupational Crime

Contemporary scholars of elite crime recognize two forms of white-collar offending...

Occupational Crime (Individuals) AND Corporate Crime (Organizations)

Using deception to cheat clients, customers, or organizations, such as by claiming to provide goods and services never rendered or by altering weights and measures.


Corporate Environmental Offenses: These happen when businesses or organizations knowingly or negligently violate the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, federal hazardous waste laws, or other environmental protection laws. They include offenses such as _________________ _______ _______________ __________, illegal _______________ of ___________________ waste and pesticides, and illegal asbestos removal.

Emission of toxic pollutants; illegal disposal (dumping) of hazardous waste and pesticides.

Organized Crime:

Enduring, highly structured groups that engage in criminal conduct---violence, extortion, bribery, the operation of criminal industries---to make money and to obtain power/influence.

Type of Organized Crime Offense: Racketeering Definition:

Engaging in an ongoing criminal conspiracy.

Another term for entrepreneurial crime is ________________ _________________.

Enterprise Crime

Organized crime is __________________.


The lion's share (or majority) of white-collar crime, organized crime, and cybercrime is ______________ crime.


____________________ _________________ shares the elements of risk-taking and profit-making, but it relies on illegal methods for generating financial proceeds. It is, by definition, ___________________ rather than _______________ in nature.

Entrepreneurial Crime; instrumental; expressive.

____________________ ______________ include illegal timber operations, trafficking of protected marine species and wildlife, illegal fishing and fisheries, marine pollution, and hazardous waste trafficking.

Environmental Crimes

A perpetrator misappropriates assets when they use their ______________ position to ____________ from the employing organization. They might falsify expense reports, or claim they made payments to a _________________ ______________.

Occupational; steal; nonexistent vendor.

Examples of Organized Crime:

Operation of illicit businesses, such as gambling, drug trafficking, prostitution, and the sale of stolen goods.

Examples of Corruption for Monetary Gain:

Perpetrators might collude with vendors to make false payments, splitting the illicit proceeds between the vendor and themselves. Other forms include bribery (illegal gratuities) when an employee provides organizational funds to another person or organization in exchange for personal benefits or a business advantage.

_________________ and __________________ crimes are ideologically motivated, as are some forms of cybercrime.

Terrorism and Hate/Bias

What makes a crime a hate crime?

The biases were the reason for the attacks.

The largest and most lucrative criminal enterprise globally=

Trafficking in counterfeit and pirated products.

Operates across geographic boundaries using many of the strategies common to region-specific organized crime, such as public corruption, violence, and extortion.

Transnational Organized Crime (TOC)

TRUE OR FALSE: Most cybercrime is not hacktivism.


TRUE OR FALSE: Most cybercrime victimization is not reported to law enforcement.


TRUE OR FALSE: Most human trafficking is accomplished through deception and fraud.


TRUE OR FALSE: The level of expertise necessary for committing crimes varies tremendously.


TRUE OR FALSE: The vast majority of white-collar crime, organized crime, and cybercrime is entrepreneurial in nature.


Type of Organized Crime Offense: Extortion Definition:

Uses of coercion----intimidation, threats, blackmail, and/or violence-- to obtain benefits.

Hate crimes can include a range of offenses, including ______________, _______________, ______________, and ____________, as well as ______________ and conspiracies to commit these offenses.

Vandalism; assault; arson; murder

The distinction between white-collar crime and organized crime is that ____________________ crime is an aberration within the occupation setting. It is a deviation from what typically occurs, or from what SHOULD occur. In contrast, the occupational setting exists primarily to facilitate criminal profit-making in ______________ crime.

White-collar; organized.

Type of Organized Crime Offense: Money Laundering Definition:

"Cleaning dirty money." It intentionally obscures the identification of the origin, tracing, or forfeiture of assets originating from a felony. (Investment in non-cash assets, such as real estate, gold, and diamonds is a common strategy for concealing assets).

The word "ideology" refers to systems of ideas that... (a) offer an account of the existing order, usually in the form of a "_______________ __________." (b) advance a model of a ______________ ____________, meaning a vision of the "_______________ _______________." (c) explain how political change can and should be brought about--how to get from (a) to (b).

"World View"; desired future; "good society."

Three Primary Forms of Occupational Fraud:

(1) Asset Misappropriation (2) Corruption for Monetary Gain (2) Financial Statement Fraud

How does Sutherland distinguish white-collar crime from other forms of crime (i.e., "blue-collar" or street crime)?

(1) Characteristics of Offenders ("Person of respectability and high social status"). (2) The context of offending ("In the course of their occupation).

Cybercrime includes crimes against persons (e.g., _______________ and _____________), crimes against _____________ (e.g., hacking, credit card frauds, and online extortion scams), and crimes against the ___________ (e.g., cyberterrorism). It is a broad category defined by the _______________ __________ by offenders.

(Cyberstalking and cyber harassment); property; state; technology used.

Examples of State Crimes:

-Assassinations -Genocide -Crimes against humanity -Police brutality -State-sponsored terrorism -The "disappearing" of political dissidents

Examples of cyber-dependent crime enablers:

-People who operate illegal online marketplaces for malware, stolen data, specialized services, and automated hacking tools. -The programmers and coders who create malware (without using it themselves). -Those who instruct others on how to access networks illegally.

Examples of Corruption:

-Politician accepting a bribe in exchange for a favorable decision. -Police or security personnel accepting payments for looking the other way during illegal activity or otherwise violating the law to assist criminals.

Examples of Prosecutorial Misconduct:

-Presentation of false evidence -Concealing exculpatory evidence

What makes ideologically motivated crime distinct is that the crime is a tool for making a statement _______________ ____________ (rather than just lining one's pockets).

About ideology.

Criminologists differentiate between (1) "cyber-dependent criminal offenders", like individuals who phish, hijack SIM cards, and steal identities online to commit fraud, and (2) "cyber-dependent crime enablers", whose actions ____________ ____________.

Aid cybercriminals.

Criminologist Donald Cressey's Definition of Organized Crime:

An organized crime is any crime committed by a person occupying, in an established division of labor (the structure that makes it "organized"), a position designed for the commission of crimes providing that such division of labor includes at least one position for a corrupter, one position for a corruptee, and one position for an enforcer.

Deliberately inflating the appraised value of a property by a fraudulent appraiser or others altering accurate documents.

Appraisal Fraud

_____________ ______________ occurs when competitors for a contract--typically a state, federal, or local government contract--decide in advance who will submit the winning bid. This undermines the competitive bidding process and drives up the costs of goods or services to taxpayers.


Crimes committed by persons of lower social class ("street crime") in a non-occupational setting.

Blue-Collar Crime

Criminal offending committed by organizations is known as which type of crime...


Crime committed by business entities, or individuals acting on behalf of business entities, FOR ORGANIZATIONAL GAIN.

Corporate Crime

Perpetrators collude, or cooperate in secret, with others to commit crimes.

Corruption for Monetary Gain

Sutherland's Definition of White-Collar Crime:

Crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation.


Criminal actions and abuses of power by persons in positions of authority for personal gain.

Any criminal action that is facilitated using a computer and network, or a crime that targets a computer or network.


Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

Domestic Terrorism

The classification of a crime as a hate crime (also called a bias crime) is used to ________________ _____________ __________, rather than criminalize actions that would not otherwise be considered crime.

ENHANCE criminal penalties.

White-collar crime is universally depicted as _____________ crime, or "crimes in the _______________" rather than "crime in the streets."

Elite; Suites

Example: The treasurer of an organization diverting funds into a personal account. What crime?


Theft or misappropriation of money or property from an employer, business partner, or other person who entrusted the offender with money or property.


Organized crime is a continuing criminal enterprise that rationally works to profit from illicit activities that are often in ______________ _________ _________. Its continuing existence is maintained through the use of ______________, _____________, monopoly control, and/or _________________ _____ __________________ ______________.

Great public demand; force, threats, corruption of public officials.

Unauthorized access of a computer system with criminal intention.


This occurs when businesses knowingly or recklessly sell contaminated, defective, or dangerous products.

Harmful Consumer Products (A CORPORATE CRIME).

A criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.

Hate/Bias Crime

The use of threats, force, fraud, or coercion to recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, or receive persons. Exploitative labor is at the center.

Human Trafficking

A terrorist bombing an embassy as a symbol of hate toward that country is an example of what type of crime? (Hint: Entrepreneurial or Ideological)


Crimes that are driven by the offender's desire to use criminal action to express or further a worldview are _________________ motivated crimes.


Hate crime is _______________ motivated---it is intended to send a message to victims and the surrounding community that its targets are unwanted and unvalued.


Some cybercrime, namely "hacktivism," is _________________ motivated. The term hacktivism refers to the use of illegal digital strategies to make a political point and push for social change.


__________________ ________________ crime, in contrast, is driven by the offender's desire to use criminal action---often violence--- to express or further a worldview.

Ideologically Motivated Crime

White Collar-Crime Definition: Illegal or unethical acts that violate the fiduciary responsibility or public trust committed by an _________________ or ___________________, usually during the course of ______________________ occupational activity, by a person of high or _________________ social status for _____________ or ______________ gain.

Individual or organization; legitimate; respectable ; personal or organizational gain.

Type of Organized Crime Offense: Loansharking Definition:

Informal loans with exorbitant rates are extended to desperate customers, typically followed by intimidation, threats, and violence if the debtor has not paid off the loan.

When a corporate insider discloses or uses information that is not available to the public and makes stock market trades based on nonpublic information.

Insider Trading

Transnational criminal organizations exploit systems of _________________ _____________ and ______________ in carrying out their offenses, and they exist throughout the world.

International commerce and communication.

Terrorism is committed by individuals and/or groups to _______________ or coerce a civilian population, to influence the ______________ of a ____________ by intimidation or coercion, and to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.

Intimidate; policy; government

What is the primary distinction of corporate crime (from occupational crime)?

It is crime committed by and for the organization.

________________ _______________ occurs when competitors split up markets, thus gaining a monopoly over the portion of the market they control.

Market Allocation (A CORPORATE CRIME).

There is a tendency to view occupational and corporate crimes as types of property crime, as they are typically committed for ______________ gain or to avoid material loss. Nonetheless, many thousands of people are killed, injured, or made sick by illicit cost-cutting strategies and income-generating scams.


Smuggling of persons is a "form of illegal trade in which the commodity is an assisted illegal entry into a country. The smuggled person HAS SOLICITED the help of the smuggler (no force, fraud, or coercion).

Migrant Smuggling

Transnational organized crime groups engage in the manufacture, import, export, and distribution of counterfeit or ____________ goods (fraudulent imitations and reproductions that violate _____________, ______________, or _____________ laws) deceptively presented to purchasers as __________________ products.

Pirated; copyright/trademark/patent; legal.

Public officials misuse their position, to the detriment of the public's interests, to secure private benefits. This can include bribery and extortion (securing benefits through coercion).

Political Corruption

Scams that involve paying profits to investors using funds from more recent investors. The defrauded investors are unaware that the so-called profits are being drawn from other investors rather than actual sales or other legitimate sources due to deceptive financial statements.

Ponzi Schemes

Competitors collude "to raise, fix, or otherwise maintain the prices at which their goods or services are sold, thereby undermining competition and raising prices for consumers."


The motive behind organized crime: (a) Profit (b) Ideology (c) Violence (d) Revenge


Hacking and credit card frauds are what types of cybercrime?


Violations by a prosecutor, typically to influence a jury to wrongly convict a defendant or to impose a punishment that is harsher than appropriate, or to extract a guilty plea from a wrongly convicted defendant.

Prosecutorial Misconduct

More than three-fifths (62%) of FBI-reported hate crimes had a ____________/_____________/___________ bias motivation.


Violent Crimes committed by white-collar offenders trying to conceal their criminal acts, typically by targeting those who have detected and/or might disclose their offenses.

Red-Collar Crime

Type of Organized Crime Offense: Bribery Definition:

Someone, such as a public official, private employee, witness, or juror, voluntarily solicits or accepts some benefit (e.g., money, property, or services) in exchange for an act desired by the person providing the bribe. (Both parties consent, no coercion).

An act or omission of an action by actors within the state that results in violations of domestic and international law, human rights, or systematic or institutionalized harm of its or another state's population, done in the name of the state regardless of whether there is or is no self-motivation or interests at play.

State Crime

Fraud is, essentially, ____________. But unlike other ____________, the victim of fraud---tricked by the offender's lies----____________ hands over their assets.

Theft; thefts; willingly

What is the purpose of ideologically motivated crime?

To advance political and social agendas.

Cybercrime's defining feature is the ______________ that offenders use, rather than their goals, gains, or social status.


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