CRJU 215 Exam II

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Ways police are held accountable

- Internal Affairs Unit - A branch of a police department that receives and investigates complaints alleging violation of rules and policies on the part of officers - Civilian Review Board - citizen's committee formed to investigate complaints against the police - Standards and Accreditation - require police actions meet nationally recognized standard (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies - Civil Liability )Lawsuits - citizens can bring lawsuit when they have evidence that police officials or agencies have violated their federal constitutional rights

What are at least six characteristics of the police subculture?

- Leads officers to feel that they need to act as though they can handle anything; - It emphasizes individual strength and independence, - Encourages personnel to maintain a façade of invincibility - Do not encourage police officers to talk about their problems. - Avoid talking about their deepest wounds or fears. - Officers seem to forget or ignore their own humanity.

What problems (mention at least five) does this subculture cause?

- Officers' unresolved trauma and pain might lead to depression, anxiety, aggression, and reliance on self-destructive coping mechanisms, such as heavy drinking and other substance abuse. - Lack of wellness among officers can drive increases in sick leave usage, insubordination, suicides, lawsuits, and citizen complaints - Officers internalize this attitude long into their careers, and it may lead them to conceal or ignore their inner pain or feeling - Law enforcement officers may not know how to deal with emotional pain - Potential risk that these injuries can cause police officers to be deemed unfit for duty

What can be done to change police subculture?

- Personnel must have easy access to wellness resources, but, more important, the attitudes surrounding these programs need to improve. - Officers must not fear they will be punished or denied their next promotion if they receive therapeutic counseling or - both officers and administrators need to acknowledge and expose the problem. - Then, officers could be more honest with themselves and others about their pain and discomfort; this would allow personnel to examine, rather than suppress, their feelings.


- The police function of providing assistance to the public, usually in matters unrelated to crime (Providing first aid, rescuing animals)

Police abuses and corruption

- Use of force - applications of force against individuals of police officers that violate either departmental policies or constitutional rights by exceeding the level of force permissible and necessary in a given situation - Corruption - Police officers' violations of law and departmental policy for personal gain or to help their family and friends - "meat eaters"(actively seek to use power for personal gain - proactive) v. "grass eaters: (accept payoffs, make take gifts or bribes)

Order maintenance

- the police function of preventing behavior that disturbs or threatens the public peace or involves face-to-face conflict between two or more people. In such situations, the police exercise discretion in deciding whether a law has been broken. (Domestic quarrel, a nosy drunk, loud music at night, a tavern brawl)

Degree of discretion

-1) The nature of the crime: the less serious a crime is to the public, the more freedom officers have to ignore it. 2.) The relationship between the alleged criminal and the victim: The closer the personal relationship the more variable the use of discretion 3.) The relationship between the police and the criminal or victim: A polite complaint will be taken more seriously than a hostile one 4.) Race/ethnicity, age, gender, class: Some officers may be more likely to investigate behavior and strictly enforce the law against minority, young, poor, men while being more lenient to the elderly, whites, and affluent women 5.) Departmental policy: the policies of the police promote more or less discretion

Working personality

A set of emotional and behavioral characteristics developed by members of an occupational group in response to the work situation and environmental influences. Two elements of police work define the working personality of the police: 1.) The threat of the danger (being surrounded by risks creates tension in officer's lives and this concern with danger may affect the interactions with citizens and suspects) 2.) The need to establish and maintain one's authority (Police must establish authority through their actions

Police Morality

Law enforcement have a high sense of morality and it contributes to tension between police and citizens. (since it crudely categorizes individuals and justifies insensitive treatment of some community members) Three aspects of modern policing creates dilemmas that officers' morality helps to overcome: o The contradiction between the goal of preventing crime and the officer's inability to do so o The fact that officers must use their discretion to "handle" situations in ways that do not strictly follow procedures o The fact that they invariably act against at least one citizen's interest often with recourse to coercive force that can maim or kill

When is this subculture learned?

Officers become indoctrinated into this subculture and the accompanying mind-set early in their careers, usually during the field-training program that they begin immediately after graduating from the police academy.

Police Isolation

Police officers' suspicion of and isolation from the public may stem in part from their belief that the public is hostile to them. Isolation is made worse when many officers interact with public during times of conflict, emotion, and crisis.

Law enforcement

The police function of controlling crime by intervening in situations in which the law has clearly been violated and the police need to identify and apprehend the guilty person (Burglary situation)

Hegemonic masculinity

is defined as: working in the paid labor force; subordinating women; heterosexism; having uncontrollable sexuality, authority, control, independence, and the capacity for using violence; and competitive individualism.

Implementing the Mandate

the catching of the lawbreakers - most important function of police

Job stress

the work environment and police subculture contribute to the stress felt by officers. 1. external stress - produced by real threats and danger 2. organization stress - the nature of work in a paramilitary structure 3. personal stress- social isolation, officer's gender or racial status 4. operational stress - reflects the total effects of dealing with offenders

Who are the police?

•Certain requirements for a career in law enforcement -Education beyond high school is increasingly being required •Underrepresentation of minorities

Police responsibilities

•Order maintenance •Law enforcement •Service •Implementing the mandate

Police Abuses

•Police brutality and racial bias - use of force is more inclined for minorities: mostly Black •Police brutality and gender bias - usually use of force men

Nature of Police Work

•Rely to a certain extent on the public •Large degree of discretion

Gender Differences/Similarities in Policing

•Research indicates that women officers are just as capable as men •Mixed results regarding use of force •Positive characteristics -1) Calming influence and more support from citizens -2) Woman may be more valuable in investigating specific types of crimes (sexual assault and domestic violence) or dealing with certain kinds of victims and witnesses 3.) empathy and different viewpoint

What is the police subculture?

•Subcultural values are learned through socialization' - helps define the "cop's world" and each officer's role in it, and police develop shared values that affect their views of human behavior and their role in society -1) Working personality -2) Police morality -3) Police isolation -4) Job stress

Summary of Policing People and Issues

•Women and minorities are underrepresented in policing •The hardships associated with police work can adversely affect police officers and foster an insular subculture •The degree of discretion and independence police are afforded can lead to abuses of their authority •Police subculture assists in furthering abuses of authority and can be detrimental to the well-being of officers

Policing issues

 Blacks and Latinos are more likely to experience the use of police force in general.  Women are less likely to be victims of police brutality than men. However, women are more likely than men to be subject to police sexual violence

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