Crusades/Muslim WS

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Its the city where Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead.

List one reason Jerusalem is holy to Christians.

There are religious landmarks for three of the worlds biggest religions.

What do you think makes this an important city?

Church of the Holy Sepulcher -Christian Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock - Muslim Western Wall - Judaism

What important landmarks do you see? With which religion is each affiliated?

-Christians feared for the safety and property of Christians living to the East. -Christians worried about the holy land especially Jerusalem. -Travel became unsafe for Christians going to Jerusalem.

List at least three causes of the Crusades.

It is where the great temple once stood when it was the Jewish capitol in ancient times.

List one reason Jerusalem is holy to Jews.

It is where Muhammad ascended to heaven in his night journey.

List one reason Jerusalem is holy to Muslims.

-Many people killed in battle or dies from disease and hardships of travel.

Negative Impact of the Crusade on Christians

Crusaders killed and enslaved them. -They faced persecution. -Antisemitism spread, riots broke out. -Jews place in Europe worsened. -Countries expelled Jews or forced them to live in ghettos.

Negative Impact of the Crusade on Jews

-Many lost their lives in battles and massacres. -Muslims property was destroyed and stolen by crusaders.

Negative Impact of the Crusade on Muslims

-Introduced to new things (food and clothes) -Crusaders bought supplies and boosted the economy. -Knights were giving loans and making investments. -Monarchs became more powerful and weakened feudalism.

Positive Impact of the Crusade on Christians

-Muslims were exposed to new weapons and military. -Merchants earned wealth from trade with Europeans which helped fund new mosques and schools. -Muslims united together to fight their common enemy.

Positive Impact of the Crusade on Muslims

Christianity, Judaism, Islam

What religions are represented in the different quarters?

To control the city and all of the religious landmarks and tourism.

Why might people fight over this city?

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