CS 3332 Final

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Most users choose to allow alerts and other interruptions on their mobile devices while they work. Which of the following BEST shows understanding for testing on the mobile device?

A MobileApp test environment must be able to simulate alerts and conditions.

Which of the following is NOT part of making the interface consistent?

Allow the user to provide input into screen design so that they relate to the finished application.

Statistical software quality assurance involves which of the following?

An attempt is made to trace each errors and defect to its underlying cause.

Fill in the blank. An ___________ is a transformation that is imposed on the design of an entire system.

Architectural Style

What model is derived from the following three sources: Information about the domain, specific requirements model elements, and the availability of architectural styles.

Architectural model

In component design elaboration requires which of the following elements to be described in detail?

Attributes, Interfaces, Operations

Which of the following testing techniques requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational when called?

Black-box testing.

Within the context of component-level design for object-oriented systems, ___________ implies that a component or class encapsulates only attributes and operations that are closely related to the class or component itself.


Functional independence is assessed using two qualitative criteria: _______________ and ____________.

Cohesion and coupling

Which of the following explanation BEST describes error/defect collection and analysis?

Collects and analyzes error and defect data to better understand how errors are introduced and what software engineering activities are best suited to eliminating them.

The generic process framework includes which of the following five (5) activities?

Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction, Deployment

When an object-oriented software engineering approach is chosen, which of the following statements is correct?

Component-level design focuses on the elaboration of problem domain specific classes and the definition and refinement of infrastructure classes contained in the requirements model.

From the following, select the BEST answer for the following: What are the positives for using the spiral model?

Continuous customer involvement

Which of the following taken from the cost of quality discussion BEST matches the following statement: Costs incurred in the pursuit of quality or in performing quality-related activities and the downstream costs of lack of quality

Cost of quality

In order to evaluate a first interactive prototype, which of the following methods would NOT be used?

Critical evaluations

Which of the following BEST describes the smoke testing "integration risk is minimized" benefit?

Daily smoke tests show up early incompatibilities, reducing future scheduling issues.

Quality attributes for architectural design assessment include:


The waterfall model is considered the oldest model for software development. What is considered this models greatest weakness?

It can be difficult to completely determine all aspect of the start of the project which can cause an ill-designed or failed end project.

What could be a major threat of using social media when developing software?

It can be hard to maintain security and privacy when using social media.

Creating internationalized interfaces can be Challenging. Which of the following would BEST help with the design aspects of creating appropriate-looking interfaces for a global audience?

Localization features.

The maintenance phase is defined by which of the following?

Maintenance activities that are needed to keep software operational after it has been accepted an delivered in the end user environment.

What is the difference between a UML actor and UML profile?

A UML actor models an entity that interacts with a system object and a UML profile provides a way of extending an exiting model to other domains or platforms.

What is a component within the software engineering context?

A component is a modular building block for computer software.

What is meant by the term "Understand the Problem" when related to software engineering?

A concerted effort should be made to understand the problem before a software solution is developed.

Which of the following is NOT considered a criteria for good design in software engineering?

A design should be totally self-contained; that is, the software should fit fully within one module.

What is meant by the term "Linear sequential model"?

A model that works in a sequential method throughout the software development cycle but cannot return to any previous phase.

What is the difference between a passive state and an active state in UML state diagrams?

A passive state is simply the current values assigned to an object's attributes whereas an active state of an object indicates the status of the object as it undergoes a continuing transformation or processing.

What would be the typical definition of a "Stakeholder"?

A stakeholder has some vested interest in the outcome of the software project which can be financially, or workplace invested.

Which of the following is NOT a principle of agility?

Ability to measure outcomes

Fill in the Blank. At the highest level of _____________, a solution is stated in broad terms using the language of the problem environment.


A data abstraction is a named collection of data that does which of the following?

Describes a data object.

Which of the following is NOT part of the agile review process?

Developers use documentation to review tasks.

Which of the following statements best fits the definition of the design stage of software development?

During design you make decisions that will ultimately affect the success of software construction and the ease with which software can be maintained.

Which of the following answers is NOT correct when considering adding value for both the producer and user using a software product?

Easier to create linkages with other software.

Which of the following is NOT part of the "requirements definition" for software engineering?

Educate your stakeholders to the technical terms that will be used throughout the project to avoid confusion.

Which of the following is NOT part of the SQA tasks?

Educates the development group in compliance issues.

Which of the following could not be potential class?

Enter Website

Fill in the blank. Test-case design for equivalence partitioning is based on an evaluation of ____________ for an input condition.

Equivalence classes.

Which of the following is NOT part of the error finding categories from black-box testing?

Errors in user input.

Looking at the impact of management actions, which of the following answers matches BEST to the following statement: A software team is rarely given the luxury of providing an estimate for a project before delivery dates are established and an overall budget is specified.

Estimation Decisions

Which of the following is NOT a representation of software architecture?

Evaluate what parts of the design meet standards previously determined.

Which of the following statements is the BEST to answer the following question: Requirements gathering necessitates a collaborative approach of sharing information. Why is this such a difficult aspect of the project development?

Every person involved in the project will bring their own viewpoint. Dealing with the different personalities, their way of expressing themselves and their expectation can cause conflict. Working to deescalate conflict but still achieve the desired outcome can take skill.

Which is the Best answer for deciding which of the following needs to be assessed during unit testing?

Execution paths.

How does the UML model use "sequence diagrams"?

For behavioral modeling

Which of the following provides the BEST explanation about user experience design?

Identifies user needs, customers' business goals, and the interaction design.

Estimating the resources need for project is a difficult issue and if incorrectly determined could lead to which of the following?

Incorrect estimations lead to project scope being incorrect leading to possible underfunding or lack of available resources when needed.

The importance of computer software has grown overtime. What is considered to be the major driving force behind this change?

Indispensable or all aspects of life, persona and professional.

The term ___________- is used to connote structures that lead to better organization, labeling, navigation, and searching of content objects.

Information architecture

Fill in the blank to this question. The _________ encompasses the data that flows into the system, the data that flows out of the system, and the data stores that collect and organize the data that are maintained permanently.

Information domain

General Motors once had a software project that used the "follow the sun" development method. This means that when a team in one time zone was finished for the day, it would pass the project to the next time zone to continue development. This happened three times each day so the project development never stopped. Each location had its own group team but were also part of the wider international gourp team. What would be the hardest part of this development process for each group.

Making sure that details were clearly communicated to the follow-on group in order ton continue with the project.

Mantei describes seven factors that should be considered when planning the structure of software engineering teams. Which of the following NOT part of those ideals?

Marketing of the finish program.

Fill in the Blanks. Many software engineers believe that software processes and activities should be assessed using ____________ (metrics).

Numeric Measures of software analytics

What is meant by the term "the use of navigation controls, menus, icons, and aesthetics should be consistent throughout" the application?

On Microsoft applications it is commonly known the X means to close the application. This is being consistent across all of its platforms.

Fault-based testing within an object-oriented system is BEST used for which of the following:

Operations and classes that are critical or suspect.

Which of the following is a positive for using scrum?

Owner sets priorities.

Which of the following statements is NOT part of project management techniques?

Planning can be subverted by poor business decisions and questionable project management actions.

Which of the following is NOT one of Dijkstra's constrained logical constructs


Fill in the blanks. The ______ backlog is a prioritized list of product requirements or features that provide business value for the customer whereas the ________ is the subset of product backlog items selected by the product team to be completed as the code increment during the current active sprint.

Product and spirit

Looking at the elements of software quality assurance. which of the following is NOT part of the group?


Which of the following is NOT part of the smoke testing (integration testing approach)?

Project development stops for the testing to take place.

What is meant by the term "umbrella activity" in the software engineering context?

Provides software teams with a means of managing progress, quality, change, and risk.

Which of the following answers match the understanding of the transcendental view of quality?

Quality is something you immediately recognize but cannot explicitly define.

Fill in the blank. Using ____________ would be the re-execution of some subset of tests already conducted to ensure that no change has occurred from change made from further development.

Regression testing

Which of the following statements BEST describes what requirements engineering means?

Requirements engineering is the term for the broad spectrum of tasks and techniques that lead to an understanding ore requirements.

Indicate the umbrella activities that would be applied across the entire software engineering process.

Risk Management Software Quality Assurance Project Tracking Formal Technical Reviews

Fill in the blank. The team should encourage a _______ by periodically reflecting on its approach to software engineering.

Sense of improvement

In the context of object-oriented software engineering, a component contains which of the following?

Set of collaborating classes.

From the following select the BEST definition of architectural decisions.

Software architectural practice focuses on architectural views that represent and document the needs of various stakeholders.

Which of the following statements BEST describes software architecture?

Software architecture alludes to the overall structure of the software and the ways in which that structure provides conceptual integrity for a system.

From the following which would be the BEST definition to explain software?

Software is a logical element of the system.

Fill in the blanks. ______________ is defined as the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified time-period in a specified environment.

Software reliability

Which of the following is NOT a common architectural review technique?

Structured reasoning

Which of the following would NOT be used to describe the architectural style?

Structured view

Which of the following is NOT part of the validation testing stage?

Testing begins before finishing the integration testing in order to validate it.

A regression test suite contains three different classes of test cases. Which of the following is NOT part of the test suite?

Tests that look at how the software engineer is interacting with the software.

Which of the following BEST explains the use of the UML activity diagrams?

The UML activity diagram supplements the use case by providing a graphical representation of the flow interaction within a specific scenario.

The agile process is BEST characterized by which of the following?

The ability to adapt to a changing business environment as part of the normal development structure.

The Prototyping model is popular method for software development. What makes it so popular?

The ability to design and create a working model while the customer can review, which can be used to test against and provides a vehicle for constructive criticism.

The IEEE defines software engineering as:

The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software.

Which of the following is NOT part of depth-first integration testing?

The control level path is incorporated first.

Looking at the cost of quality, which of the following are NOT considered part of internal failure costs?

The cost of data collection and metrics evaluation.

Looking at review metrics and their use, which of the following answer BEST matches the following question: Preparation effort, Ep

The effort (in person-hours) required to review a work product prior to the actual review meeting.

Looking at review metrics and their use, which of the following answer BEST matches the following question: Rework effort, Er

The effort (in person-hours) that is dedicated to the correction of the errors uncovered during the review.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the term "elaboration" in relation to software engineering?

The elaboration task focuses on developing a refined requirements model that identifies various aspects of software function, behavior, and information.

Use cases within the software engineering project tells a story about how the end user interacts with the system. What would be the first step in developing a use case?

The first step would be to define the actors.

Which statement BEST describes an "analysis model"?

The intent of the analysis model is to provide a description of the required informational, functional, and behavioral domains for a computer-based system.

Which of the following would NOT be considered an essential part of the GO-NoGo decision making to continue with the prototype development.

The project must be delivered at any cost.

Using the review guidelines for conducting formal technical reviews, which of the following BEST matches: Set an agenda and maintain it.

The review leader is chartered with the responsibility for maintaining the meeting schedule and should not be afraid to nudge people when drift sets in.

Which of the following is the BEST answer for explaining the role of an independent test group?

The role is to remove inherent problems associated with letting the builder test what has been built.

Using the review guidelines for conducting formal technical reviews, which of the following BEST matches: Conduct meaningful training for all reviewers.

The training should stress both process-related issues and the human psychological side of reviews.

In what way does the unified process model differ from other models?

The unified process recognizes the importance of communication and streamlined methods for describing the customer's view of a system.

Which of the following is NOT part of WebApp content testing's three objectives?

To find pragmatic errors within the program codes.

In the following statement true or false (choose one which is correct)? Making good decisions while defining the software architecture is critical to the success of a software product.

True. If the decision making process is faulty or not full investigated, the finished product is likely to be of lower quality and more expensive.

What types of errors are missed by black-box testing and can be uncovered by white box testing?

Typographical errors

Which of the following is NOT part of the testing strategies used for testing mobile applications?

User-interface testing.

Fill in the blanks. ___________ refers to the set of tasks that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function whereas _________ refers to a different set of tasks that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements.

Verification, validation.

A formal technical review summary report would typically include which of the following questions?

What were the findings and conclusions?

Of the following statements, which is the BEST answer to the following question: What might cause a situation to occur where it becomes necessary to negotiate the requirements of the software engineering activites?

Where the original requirements were incorrectly conceived or where changes during the development process cause a change to be needed in order to proceed.

Within a scrum, a sprint is a short time-boxed period of time. Which of the following would you classify as a "sprint"?

Work that takes place within a relatively short time frame.

Is it reasonable to say that a project can be made by having the right people in the software team?

Yes, the right people will form a strong cohesive team that will be able to work well together.

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