CS 407 Exam 2

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summary of data types and example visualization techniques associated with each

1-D linear includes linear data types such as source code or documents and the associated visualization techniques include tag and word clouds. 2-D space data includes geographic maps or layouts and associated visualization techniques include GIS systems such as Google Maps. 3-D Volume data is real world objects such as molecules and buildings and the associated visualization techniques include simulations and modeling. Multi-dimensional data can include excel sheets or anything that cannot be expressed as a 3-D data set and the associated visualization techniques include parallel coordinate plots. Temporal data is similar to the previous mentioned data except it includes time references and the associated visualization techniques include Google Finance and programs that show the changes in time in the data. Tree data represents data that is all connected to each other and the associated visualization techniques are tree maps and degree of interest trees.

three challenges data visualization researchers face when trying to build an interface

1. Importing and cleaning data: This difficulty is also called data wrangling and can be an issue when a researcher is trying to decide how to organize data, especially when data might be missing or abnormal. One solution could be assigning a number of different people to work with the different areas of data that are hard to organize. 2. Viewing big data: It can be extremely hard to manage large volumes of data. One solution for this issue is called data abstraction and partitions or clusters individual data points into smaller and more manageable numbers. 3. Supporting casual viewers: This is a recent issue because data visualization used to only be utilized by scientists, engineers and people with training, but now there are more casual users that are viewing data in their everyday life. One solution for this is creating interfaces that are friendly for all types of users by giving tutorials and references for all users.

find the problems in each of the following error messages produced by a source code compiler

1. SYNTAX ERROR: The error message is extremely unspecific because it doesn't tell you the exact syntax error you made or where to find it. A better message would be "Unmatched left parenthesis." 2. INCORRECTLY FORMED RHS OF EXPRESSION. BAILING OUT ON LINE 6: This can be extremely overwhelming for a user; the message has violent terminology and doesn't offer any guidance. A better message would be "Right-hand-side of expression on line 6 not formed correctly. Please fix and try again." 3. ILLEGAL OPERATION. PROCESS KILLED!!!: This message combines 1 and 2 in that it is both unspecific and overwhelming to the user. A better message would be "Cannot use == in this type of operation. Fix and run again."

7 dimensions of the Model of Coordinated Action (MoCA) model

1. Synchronicity: The text makes the important note that most synchronous actions online are both synchronous and asynchronous; for example, when a user is messaging back and forth with someone that can be considered synchronous until the other user stops responding right away which makes the action more asynchronous. I believe that this dimension can help a collaboration succeed in that it supports a user's need to work on their own time while also allowing multiple users to work together on one project. 2. Physical Distribution: This can be seen in video-conferencing when a user in Canada would be able to speak to another user across the world in real-time. This dimension allows for a better finished project that is more diverse. 3. Scale: The scale of a collaboration involves the number of participants; an interface like Facebook for example has a huge scale because it allows all people off the world to collaborate on its interface. The scale is important for success because it determines how many people can collaborate on your project and can allow for more or less input. 4. Number of Communities of Practice: This dimension is the idea that when you bring in a number of people from differing backgrounds in to work on the same projects, there is a need for each community to adapt to each other. This can be seen in a multi-national company that might need to account for the fact that its employees can practice a wide range of beliefs that would affect how they work together. 5. Nascence: This refers to the survivability of different groups. An interface like LinkedIn can be expected to be around for a while because its users are constantly updating it and communicating on it. This dimension is important in the success of a project because it involves the motivation and interest in the project. 6. Planned Permanence: This refers to the idea that some actions could take a while to complete while some are brief. These actions could include a government crisis response which could take weeks or months or a small class project that lasts for day. It is important to think about this dimension when planning a project because it could require more or less planning depending on the planned permanence. 7. Turnover: This dimension is how fast users leave, enter or update a group. This could be a discussion board that doesn't require registration or a server of school teachers. For whoever is controlling the project, it is important to put turnover into perspective of the actions that they want performed and when they want them performed.

List five guidelines for using color and give an example of each.

1. Use color conservatively: Programmers can accidently use too much color or inappropriate color combinations which can be difficult to read and counterproductive 2. Limit the number of colors: It is recommended that designers limit the number of colors on their interface to between 4 and 7 3. Ensure that the color coding supports the task: Color coding can be used to highlight important information in a list, but it is important to link between the users' tasks and the color coding. 4. Design for monochrome first: It is recommended to first design your interface in black and white so you can make sure the content is logically patterned. This is helpful in viewing your interface and making changes 5. Be consistent in color coding: It is important that all color-coded tasks or alerts have a consistent color throughout your interface. For example, if one error message is displayed in red then do so for all error messages.

six categories of principles that reveal the complexity of the designer's task

1. elegance and simplicity 2. scale, contrast and proportion 3. organization and visual structure 4. module and program 5. image and representation 6. style

framework to clarify user interfaces for textual search

1. formulation: provide access to appropriate sources in library or collection 2. Initiation of action: include explicit actions initiated by buttons with consistent labels 3. review of results: present explanatory messages and results 4. refinement: use messages to guide users in progressive refinement 5. use: allow queries, perimeter settings and results to be saved and annotated

Three factors that influence users' expectations and attitudes regarding response time

1. previous experiences 2. individual personality differences 3. task differences

Produce a definition of data visualization

Data visualization is the idea of viewing data as a picture or graph that the user can manipulate to fit what they're specifically looking for. It caters to the perceptual abilities of humans because it gives humans the ability to organize the data however they see fit. Most humans are able to scan through data more quickly and accurately if they can see it and connect the data to the picture representation of it. Data visualization also gives the user options to organize data based on preferences.

Differentiate the roles of face-to-face encounters and collaborative interfaces. Explain the limitations and benefits of each type of communication.

Face-to-face encounters are extremely crucial for any thriving relationship or workplace. There are a number of aspects of face-to-face encounters that cannot be duplicated in collaborative interfaces. These include the need for people to see a physical body when establishing trust in an important relationship, motivation in the form of a physical driving force when completing a project, social and nonverbal cues, and no interruptions. The limitations of face-to-face include needing people's physical bodies to be there to communicate and the limitations that come along with that. Collaborative interfaces are beneficial in that they provide the ability for a wide range of users to connect all across the world to work on projects. With a collaborative interface, projects can be worked on without the need for constant face-to-face interaction making processes run faster. Collaborative interfaces can also be limiting in the face that the user's abilities might be handicapped by the software they are using. It could also cause issues in the areas of trust and relationship-building.

List a few common mistakes of web-based display of information

One common mistake is overloading the pages with too much material which can confuse and irritate the user. Another mistake could be burying information too deep on a website or providing awkward navigation. Mistakes can be made when it comes to the size of the text, the color combinations used and not making links obvious.

List a few reasons for using animation in display design

One reason for using animation in display design is to create an attractive look and feel. Another reason is to guide the user to different elements on the screen. Animations can be a helpful tool for a designer to explain a process to user or to keep the user oriented during transition periods.

Explain how an interface designer can protect users of a collaborative interface from hostile or malicious behavior.

One type of malicious behavior is called "trolling" which is when people intentionally violate group norms by posting inflammatory comments that poke, prod, and antagonize other community members. One way that collaborative interfaces can protect against this is moderation; they can provide a moderator that can look at inappropriate comments and remove them from the interface. Collaborative interfaces can also enact policies and norms that can be posted throughout their interface to show the user what they are agreeing to when using their interface.

Describe a taxonomy of interactive dynamics that combine the analysis task with the practical operations that users need in their visualization tools of interactive dynamics that results in task types for data visualization

Tasks are categorized into three different areas which are data and view specification, view manipulation and process and provenance. Data and view specification deals with how the user wants the data to be seen in order to gain information insight from it. The different task types that fall under data and view specification include visualizing data, filtering out data, sorting items and deriving values. View manipulation deals with the user being able to change how the data is viewed to gain different perspectives. The different task types that fall under view manipulation include selecting items, navigating to examine patterns, coordinating views for exploration and organizing multiple windows. Process and provenance deals with the tasks that come after the data is organized. These task types are recording analysis histories, annotating patterns, sharing views and guiding users through tasks.

Describe some guidelines that can be used to avoid falling into the trap of implementing anthropomorphic characteristics into an interface.

There are a number of guidelines for implementing anthropomorphic characteristics into an interface. It is important to be cautious in presenting computers as people, whether synthesized or cartoon. Studies have shown that a number of these computerized people have failed due to the user getting increased anxiety and reduced performance. It is also important to provide user-centered overviews for orientation and closure. Most interfaces with anthropomorphic characteristics are new and not normal for the user; it is up to the designer to make sure their user understands their interface.

Explain the strategy commonly used for searching multimedia archives. List the limitations associated with this strategy

collaborative tagging, keywords, meta data

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