CS361Chapter 2

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A base class or parent class.

Abstract Data Type

A data type defined by an implementation-independent specification.


A derived class or child class.


A statement or proposition that is regarded as being accepted or self-evidently true.


A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction.

Communication relationships

Actors and use cases communicate when information is exchanged between them.

Use case participating actors

Actors interacting with the use case.

Extend relationships

Alternate means for reducing complexity in the use case model.

Nested state machines

Alternative to internal transition.


An entity that interacts with a system.

Sequence Diagram

An interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one another and their order.


Attribute used as a key.

External behavior

Behavior described by use cases.

Use cases

Describe the behavior of the system from an actors point of view.

Class diagrams

Describe the structure of a system in terms of classes and objects.

State Machine Diagram

Describes the dynamic behavior of an individual object as a number of states and transition between these states.

Functional Model

Describes the functionality of the system from the users point of view, represented in UML with use case diagrams.

Use case flow of events

Describes the sequence of interactions of the use case, which are to be numbered for reference.


Each end of an association class can be labeled by a set of integers indicating the number of links that can legitimately originate from an instance of the class.


Instance of a class


Means for dealing with complexity.


Mechanism by which the sending object requests the execution of an operation in the receiving object.

State machine

Notation for describing the sequence of states an object goes through in response to external events.


Organized set of communicating parts.


Process of demonstrating that relevant details have been incorrectly represented or note represented at all.


Relationship between classes.

Communication diagram

Represents same information as sequence diagram but instead numbers the interactions.

State Machine Diagrams

Represents the behavior of nontrivial objects.


Special case of association in which there is hierarchy but doesn't imply ownership. May only have one-to-many or many-to-many multiplicity.

System Model

The set of all models built during development.

Internal transition

Transition that doesn't leave the state.


When actors and use cases exchange information.

Event Class

Abstraction representing a kind of event for which the system has a common response.


Abstractions that specify the common structure or behavior of a set of objects.

Object-oriented Analysis

Concerned with modeling the application domain.

Object-oriented Design

Concerned with modeling the solution domain.

Control nodes

Coordinate control flow in an activity diagram. The main control nodes are: decisions, fork nodes, and join nodes.


Entities that encapsulate state and behavior.

Swim lanes (activity partitions)

Grouping of activities to denote the object or subsystem that implements the actions.

Interaction diagram

Patterns of communication among a set of interacting objects. Two types are sequence diagrams and communication diagrams.


Relevant occurrence in the system.

Object Model

Represented in UML with class diagrams, describes the structure of the system in terms of objects, attributes, operations, and associations.

Dynamic Model

Represented in UML with interaction diagrams, state machine diagrams, and activity diagrams, describe the internal behavior of the system.

Application Domain

Represents all aspects of the users problems.

Join nodes

Represents concurrency. Denotes the synchronization of multiple threads and their merging of the flow of control into a single thread.

Class Diagrams

Represents the static structure of a systems in terms of objects, their attributes, operations, and relationships.

Use case quality retirements

Requirements that are not related to the functionality of the system (e.g. performance, implementation, and hardware).

Implementation Decisions

Selection and customization of ADT.

UML activity diagrams

Sequencing and coordination of lower level behaviors.

Qualified association

The relationship between a class and its qualifier and the larger set of related objects.

Include relationships

Two use cases are related if one of them includes the second in its flow of events.


Uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language.

Use case name

Unique across the system so developers can unambiguously refer to the use case.

Use Case Diagram

Used during requirements elicitation and analysis to represent functionality of the system. Use cases focus on the behavior of the system from an external point of view.

Interaction Diagram

Used to formalize the dynamic behavior of the system and to visualize the communication among objects.

Multiplicity types

one-to-one association, one-to-many association, and many-to-many association.


A concept when a class is defined, any subclass defined can inherit the definitions of one or more general classes.


A future state an object can move to and the conditions associated with the change of state.

Data Type

Abstraction in the context of a programming language.


Branches in the control flow.

Association class

Class symbol that contains attributes and operations and is connected to the association symbol with a dashed line.


Complexity of models dealt with by grouping related elements.


Conditions that never change.


Connection between two objects.

Class Diagram

Describe the structure of the system. Describe the system in terms of objects, classes, attributes, operations, and their associations.

Use Case

Describes a function provided by the system, that yields a visible result from an actor.

Activity Diagram

Describes the behavior of a system in terms of activities.

Use case exit conditions

Describes the conditions satisfied after the completion of the use case.

Use case entry conditions

Describes the conditions that need to be satisfied before the use case is initiated.


Determination of symmetrical or asymmetrical associations.


Distinguish among multiple associations originating from a class. Roles clarify the purpose of the association.


Extension mechanism that allows developers to classify model elements in UML.

Activity Diagrams

Flow diagrams used to represent data flow or control flow through a system.


Fundamental units of processing that can take a set of inputs, produce a set of outputs, and change the state of a system.


Graphical or textual rules for representing views.


Instance of a use case describing a set of concrete actions.


Methods applied to instances of classes.


Modeling elements that represent the execution of a set of operations.

Solution Domain

Modeling space for all possible systems.

Textual description of use cases template

Name, participating actors, entry conditions, flow of events, exit conditions, and quality retirements.


Named slot in the instance where a value is stored.

Participating Objects

Objects involved in a use case.

Sequence diagram

Objects participating in interaction horizontally and time vertically.


Part of a system.


Particular set of values for an object.

Fork nodes

Represents concurrency. Splitting of the flow on control into multiple threads.

Use Case Diagrams

Represents the functionality of a system from the users point of view.

Interaction Diagrams

Represents the systems behavior in terms of interactions among a set of objects.


Rule attached to UML model element restricting its semantics.


Set of values that are members of the data type. A specific realization of an object.


Specify object behaviors.


Subset of a model to make it understandable.


Technique to reduce multiplicity through the use of keys.


The field concerned with mathematical study of the meaning of programming languages.

Inheritance relationships

Third mechanism for reducing complexity of a model. One use case can specialize a more general one.

Scenario template

Three fields: name, participating actor of instances, and the flow of events.


When an inheritance relationship serves only to model shared attributes and operations, and the generalization is not meant to be instantiated.

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