Cultural Competency in Health Promotion 2

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secondary conditions (chapter 10)

-bowel/bladder problems -fatigue -injury -mental health & depression -overweight & obesity -pain -pressure sores/ulcers

community health (chapter 8)

-health status of a defined group of people & the actions & conditions to promote, protect & preserve their health communication &.. -the ability to influence the public agenda, advocate for policies & programs, promote positive changes, improve health care delivery, & create supportive partnerships

basic (chapter 9)

-reading & understanding information in short commonplace prose texts (210-264) -reading & understanding info in simple documents (205-249) -locating easily identifiable quantitative info & using it to solve simple, 1 step problems when the math operation is specified or easily inferred (235-289)

intermediate (chapter 9)

-reading & understanding moderately dense, less commonplace prose texts as well as summarizing, making simple inferences, determining cause & effect, & recognizing the author's purpose (265-339) -locating info in dense, complex documents & making simple inferences about the info (250-334) -locating less familiar quantitative info & using it to solve problems when the math operation is not specified/easily inferred (290-349)

proficient (chapter 9)

-reading lengthy, complex, abstract prose texts as well as synthesizing info & making complex inferences (340-500) -integrating, synthesizing, & analyzing multiple pieces of information located in complex documents (335-500) -locating more abstract quantitative info & using it to solve multiple step problems when the math operations are not easily inferred & the problems are more complex

law (week 13 Lecture 12)

-rules that are subject to the enforcement of power of a gov entity -structures, norms, & rules that a society uses to resolve disputes between members of the society -the enterprise of subjecting human conduct to the governance of rules

Developing and Pretesting (chapter 8)

... Concepts, Messages, and Materials stage 2 of communication model ask someone in target population to pretest some of the material to determine appropriateness & relevance target pop are also the ones to help you develop the material

concept analysis (chapter 10)

... of 'health promotion for people w/ ID' represents a starting point that provides useful insights & a better understanding of how this concept is currently being used in the literature

translation services (chapter 8)

1.) legally binding docu. & signage 2.)health edu materials 3.) public awareness materials & campaigns 4.)ethnic media in lang other than English

Health Communication Program Cycle (chapter 8)

1.) planning & strategy development 2.)developing & pretesting concepts, messages, & materials 3.)implementing the program 4.) assessing effectiveness & making refinements

National Prevention Strategy (chapter 9)

2011 increasing life expectancy &; -building healthy & safe environments (accessible, built environment, neighborhood) -expanding quality preventive services (affordable care act) -empowering people to make choices (given accurate & understandable info) -eliminating health disparities, using prevention strategies, that use appropriate health literacy levels

Older Americans Act (of 1965) (chapter 10)

A U.S. law that guarantees certain benefits to elderly citizens, including healthcare, retirement income, and protection against abuse.

ethnogerontology (chapter 10)

Anthropology of aging - cross cultural and comparative - focus on successful aging

Making Refinements (chapter 8)

Assessing Effectiveness and ... stage 4 of the communication model *important* want to have concrete evidence did it actually meet the goals & objectives set in the beginning, need to be able to evaluate to determine the effectiveness if you do a pre/post-test & you don't see a difference, means you need to go back to stage 1 & make revisions to program to increase effectiveness

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (chapter 8)


c (chapter 8)

Health educators should place emphasis on what national standard on culturally and linguistically appropriate services? a.) principal standard b.) governance, leadership, & workforce c.) communication & language assistance d.) engagement, continuous improvement, & accountability

false (chapter 8)

Health risk communication is a one-way process from health educator to intended audience. true/false

a (chapter 8)

In regard to personal space in the US, most people feel comfortable with a _____________________ radius of public space a.) 3 foot b.) 5 foot c.) 1 foot

c (chapter 8)

In the communication model, what may be a barrier to effective communication a.) the sender not using a clear voice b.) not paying attention to nonverbal behavior c.) all listed answers are correct d.) the message is to lengthy

true (chapter 8)

Marketing techniques and strategies must frequently be revised when marketing to multiple cultures. true/false

National adult literacy survey (of 1993) (chapter 9)

NALS seminal national initiative designed to measure Americans' literacy at 3 levels---> prose literacy, document literacy, quanitiative literacy

c (chapter 8)

What is NOT a factor when communicating across cultures about health and disease? a.) degree of health literacy b.) level of knowledge about health & disease c.) place of employment d.) attitudes towards health

b (chapter 8)

What is a common way to interpret and express the spoken word in many cultural rituals? a.) poetry b.) songs & dances c.) posters d.) paintings

a (chapter 8)

What would be an example of a health educator serving a client at the macro-level? a.) working w/ the American Diabetes Association b.) working w/ client & spouse c.) working w/ client & family members d.) working w/ client alone

intellectual disability (ID) (chapter 10)

a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning & adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social & practical skills

prose literacy (chapter 9)

a person can look at a short piece of text to get a small piece of uncomplicated information

coming out (chapter 11)

a process, acknowledge that they are not exclusively heterosexual may involve 2 phases; coming out to self then to others may occur over short intense period/gradually over time, influenced by their comfort level both internal & external influences

The Last Drag (chapter 11)

a study that was 6wks, 7 session group education & support intervention tailored to LGBT smokers 60% of participants were smoke free at the end of the study 40% remained smoke free 6 mos. later

literacy (chapter 9)

ability to comprehend written & oral messages & includes ability to apply received information to mundane activities

document literacy (chapter 9)

ability to search, comprehend, and use info from noncontinuous text like a bus schedule

educator mechanisms (chapter 10)

academic staff training, champions, institutional support managerial commitment & learning outcomes

LGBT (chapter 11)

acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender

below basic (chapter 9)

adults at this level range from being nonliterate in English to having these abilities; -locating easily identifiable information in short, commonplace prose texts (0-209) -locating easily identifiable information & following written instructions in simple documents (0-204) -locating numbers & using them to perform simple quantitative operations when the mathematical information is very concrete & familiar (0-234)

ally (chapter 11)

advocates for & supports members of a community who are different from their own, confronts homophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, & heterosexual privilege

health promotion (chapter 10)

any planned combo of educational, political, environmental, regulatory/organizational mechanisms that support the actions & conditions of living conducive to the health of individuals, groups, communities

ID (intellectual disability) (chapter 10)

attributes characterizing health promotion -supporting a healthy lifestyle --->do thru motivation & support -providing health education --->use role play & skill building activities -involving supporters --->volunteers, community members -being person-centered --->carefully assess needs

ageism (chapter 10)

based on neg assumptions about the expected biological slowdowns that occur w/ advancing age neg stereotypes & discrimination based on age

heterosexism (chapter 11)

belief that heterosexuality is the only 'natural' sexuality & is inherently healthier than/superior to other types of sexuality

intersex (chapter 11)

born w/ some combo of both male & female genitalia

geriatrics (chapter 10)

branch of medicine dealing with older individuals and their medical problems

culture (chapter 9)

bridging health literacy & ____________________ -differentiate among cultural, race, & ethnicity -avoid stereotypes -be cognizant of lang preference -understand what translation & interpretation are -incorporate CLAS standards -avoid jargon -ascertain acculturation levels -use narratives

environmental mechanisms (chapter 10)

built environment, facilities, space design (WHO)

celestial (chapter 8)

caused by God or a higher being

demonic (chapter 8)

caused by a demon

phytogenic (chapter 8)

caused by a plant

miasmic (chapter 8)

caused by an organism

sexual identity (chapter 11)

chosen mode of self presentation based on social identity, sexual behavior/both person may choose to publicly identify w/ a term that does not strictly conform to their sexual behavior

cultural knowledge (chapter 8)

comes through dialogue intersubjective ask patient about what are some important things to know about them that should be considered

language barrier (chapter 8)

communication &... -effective communication (listening & speaking skills) & ensuring patient confidentiality

personal health (chapter 8)

communication &... -health risk communication

marketing techniques (chapter 8)

communication &... -identify target audience & pilot test materials ex. billboards, direct mail, email, etc. -->does it make you want to take action?

working culture mechanisms (chapter 10)

communications strategies, conflict resolution policies, shared decision, making progresses

heart (chapter 9)

comprehend (might not accept though) the differences & similarities between & among people

ethnogeriatrics (chapter 10)

cross-cultural geriatric care that recognizes cultural differences in response to health and disease --> intersection of the studies of aging, ethnicity, & health

health literacy (chapter 9)

degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, & understand basic health info & services needed to make appropriate health decisions

health literacy (demographic characteristics) (chapter 9)

demographic characteristics -women had higher than men -white & asian/pacific islanders have higher than other minorities -hispanics have lowest of all minorities -avg increases w/ each level of educational attainment -adults living below poverty level have lower avg

healthy aging (chapter 10)

development & maintenance of optimal physical, mental, & social well being & overall functional health among older adults

health promotion model (chapter 10)

disease prevention & delaying disability help reach optimal health level most holistic health care model --> meaning you can provide someone better

66% (2/3) (chapter 9)

diseases that cause what percentage + of all deaths a year -heart disease -cancer -stroke -chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -diabetes

performers (chapter 11)

dress & act like opposite sex for entertainment ex. drag is fun/play, where for others it might be part of their identity, some identify as transgender but most do not

gender dysphoria (chapter 11)

emotional distress that can result from a marked incongruence between one's experienced/expressed gender & assigned gender

legislation (week 13 Lecture 12)

enacts laws congress

executive (week 13 Lecture 12)

enforces laws president, agencies

homophobia (chapter 11)

fear/hatred of lesbian, gay, transgender person

transphobia (chapter 11)

fear/hatred of transgender/transsexual individuals

concept analysis (chapter 10)

findings 1.) health promotion activities--> both in research & practice (have to be better adapted to the target individual) 2.) research focus needs to be expanded to other health aspects such as avoiding stress/learning about stress relief techniques 3.) include the perspectives of people w/ ID in health promotion research ---> how do they comprehend life & health? --->what is their perception of a high quality of life?

social model (chapter 10)

focuses on an individual's ability to function w/ the support of family & community absence of disease

institutional support mechanisms (chapter 10)

governmental process, structural protocols, common operating resources, personnel policies, & supportive management practice

bisexual (chapter 11)

has sexual & emotional orientation towards people of both sexes

d (chapter 10)

higher percentage of older populations in these states besides 1, which is wrong? a.) California b.) Florida c.) New York d.) Arizona e.) Texas f.) Ohio g.) Illinois

cultural identity (chapter 8)

identity of a group/culture/of an individual as far as one is influenced by one's belonging to a group/culture

hands (chapter 9)

implement skills & knowledge to work effectively w/ those who are different 1 of 3 components of cultural competence

sexual orientation (chapter 11)

includes behavior (activity), attraction (desire), & identity (personal & social)

communication model (chapter 8)

includes; 1.) the message 2.) communication 3.) sender (teller/speaker) of the message 4.) receiver (listener/audience) of the message

below basic (chapter 9)

indicates no more than the most simple & concrete skills

intermediate (chapter 9)

indicates skills necessary to perform moderate challenging literacy activities

proficient (chapter 9)

indicates skills necessary to perform more complex & challenging literacy activities

basic (chapter 9)

indicates skills necessary to perform simple & everyday literacy activities

transsexual (chapter 11)

individual whose gender identity is that of the biologically opposite sex, may/may not have had sex reassignment surgery, may experience gender dysphoria

policy (week 13 Lecture 12)

influence of this includes; vaccinations (required for school entry of kids) motor vehicle safety workplace safety environmental safety safer & healthier foods

interprofessional collaboration (chapter 10)

innovative strategy where 2/more professionals learn about, from, & w/ each other to enable effective collaboration & improve health outcomes as well as better response to the health needs of those they service as practitioners

judicial (week 13 Lecture 12)

interprets laws in resolving disputes court system

older adults (chapter 10)

issues this population face -loss of independence -loss of economic/social position -changes in marital status -changes involving loss of fam members & friends -challenges to healthy aging; --> higher prevalence of chronic diseases --> limited transportation --> limited house options --> personal care

policy (week 13 Lecture 12)

law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive or voluntary practice of governments & other institutions

curricular mechanisms (chapter 10)

logistics & scheduling, programming content, compulsory attendance, shared objectives, adult learning principles, & contextual learning assessment

b (chapter 9)

low health literacy associated with what? which is true? a.) less hospitalizations b.) greater use of emergency care c.) higher receipt mammography screening d.) getting influenza vaccine

gender benders (androgynous) (chapter 11)

many consider categories to be constraining & may exhibit both male & female characteristics masculine 'butch' lesbians & efferminate 'queens' men & many gender expressions in between

nonverbal communication (chapter 8)

may be more trusted than words ex. body language conveys message more so than through words

transgender umbrella (chapter 11)

on left side has; transsexual & cross dresser on right side has; performers & intersex on bottom has; gender benders/androgynous

queer (chapter 11)

once derogatory term used for gays & lesbians now being used w/ a sense of pride by LGBT members especially among younger members

homosexual (chapter 11)

outdated term used mainly for diagnostic purposes, meaning same sexual

90% (chapter 9)

percent of Americans lack the literacy to truly understand strategies below basic- 14% basic- 22% intermediate- 53% proficient- 12%

transgender (chapter 11)

person whose gender identity is not congruent w/ their biological sex term sometimes used as an umbrella term encompassing transsexuals & cross dressers

History (chapter 8)

perspectives on communication across cultures -misunderstanding & mistrust has led to conflicts -when nation goes to war, majority of ppl able the ppl of the other nations w/ single label -persons within cultures need to be viewed both as wholes & made up of their own diverse parts

communication strategy (chapter 8)

plans/methods for communicating info related to a specific issue, event, situation, or audience

ID (intellectual disability) (chapter 10)

primary health conditions; -epilepsy & mobility & sensory difficulties secondary health conditions; -obesity -bone fractures -poor oral health -constipation & gastroesophageal reflux -poorer health outcomes related to health disparities

intercultural communication (chapter 8)

process of communication between/among ppl of difference cultures proficiency--> empowers individual/group in the decision making processes of bother person & community health

Administration on Aging (chapter 10)

published a toolkit that addresses 4 areas; -assessments -identifying community resources -tailoring services -program evaluation

health literacy (chapter 10)

recommended strategies when it comes to older adults improving this -create a shame free atmosphere -create an environment conducive to learning & good communication -make spoken info concrete & concise -incorporate social activities into health education & promotion programs -using a geragogy model of teaching

paralanguage (chapter 8)

refers to language without words ex. looks, rate, inflections, body language, facial expressions

proxemics (chapter 8)

refers to the perception & use of personal & interpersonal space ex. close talkers, being too close & invading one's space

centerarians (chapter 10)

represent a new age of cohort of older adults experiencing increase life expectancy

Plain Writing Act (of 2010) (chapter 9)

requires all levels of the federal gov to develop written materials in easy to understand language

cultural competence (chapter 9)

requires individuals & organizations have a clearly, defined, congruent set of values, principles & demonstrate behaviors, attitudes, policies, structures & practices that enable them to work effectively cross-culturally

a (chapter 11)

smoking prevalence is higher in the LBGT community especially among.... a.) bisexuals b.) gays c.) lesbians d.) transgenders

gender identity (chapter 11)

social construct person's sense of self as being male/female may not match biological sex

questioning (chapter 11)

someone who isn't sure of their gender identity/sexual orientation/both

Planning and Strategy Development (chapter 8)

stage 1 of communication model conducts needs assessment, be appropriate & actually address needs of population

Implementing the Program (chapter 8)

stage 3 of the communication model always remember diversity

CLAS (chapter 8)

standards include; -lang assistance services needed to be provided -person must be informed that these services are available -those providing lang assistance must be competent -health related material must be in the groups' preferred lang

10th Amendment (week 13 Lecture 12)

states have the power to accept or modify federal laws most public health activities are carried out at the state & local levels

effective communication (chapter 8)

strategies to incorporate Cultural & Linguistic Competence in Health Education has to be intentional, targeted--> pop able to understand message --> take message & be able to act on message --> make decisions on their health knowledge attitude beliefs values traditions need an understanding of; population, their communication, preferences, how to frame message=how might they react

crossdressers (chapter 11)

take on mannerisms of the opposite gender but are often heterosexual tend to be heterosexual men

quantitative literacy (chapter 9)

the ability to understand numbers in context

cultural competence (chapter 9)

this and health literacy -health literacy must be understood in the context of race, culture, & language -cultural background encompasses communication patterns, behavior, language preference, customs & beliefs, & self care -numerous health literacy tools are available to determine patient health literacy levels -Plain Writing Act of 2010

c (chapter 11)

this subgroup tends to be overweight because they might relate differently to, not accept, not internalize mainstream notions of ideal beauty & thinness a.) bisexuals b.) gays c.) lesbians d.) transgenders

b (chapter 11)

this subgroup tends to have eating disorders and occur later in life (21 yrs old vs 17 yrs old) a.) bisexuals b.) gays c.) lesbians d.) transgenders & can lead to kidney damage, heart disorders, dental damage

true (chapter 10)

true/false adults age 65+ are expected to reach 74.4 million by 2040 & 92 million by 2060

false (they are becoming more diverse) (chapter 10)

true/false older Americans are becoming less racially & ethnically diverse

true (week 13 Lecture 12)

true/false persons charged w/ creating the policy & executing practice may not necessarily understand the experiences & beliefs of marginalized populations

false (they do need to be evaluated to make sure it protects ALL) (week 13 Lecture 12)

true/false policies don't need to be evaluated because they were created with the intention of creating the most benefits for the majority of people

true (week 13 Lecture 12)

true/false public health is intimately related to social justice some policies unintentionally further disadvantage pre-exisiting marginalized populations

primary (chapter 9)

type of prevention that is a key domain for health educators

head (chapter 9)

understand people think, believe, behave, perceive & understand 1 of 3 components of cultural competence

Mixed Methods (chapter 8)

using qualitative (one on one interviews, open ended questions, etc.) methods, & quantitative

gay (chapter 11)

usually men whose primary emotional & sexual attractions to men, also used to refer to a homosexual person of either sex

medical model (chapter 10)

views health care as a sickness requires a diagnosis, a treatment plan & rehabilitation to meet needs of patients seeking medical treatment

c (chapter 8)

what is NOT a stage in the Health Communication Process published by the National Cancer Institute? a.) assessing effectiveness b.) implementing the program c.) budget planning d.) planning & strategy development

b (chapter 8)

what term refers to the perception & use of personal space? a.) nonverbal behavior b.) proxemics c.) paralanguage d.) verbal communication

c (chapter 9)

which is false ---> health literacy impact, who is at risk? a.) older adults b.) racial & ethnic minorities c.) people with a high school degree or GED d.) people in low-income levels e.) non native English speakers f.) people with comprised health status

lesbian (chapter 11)

women whose primary emotional & sexual attraction is to other women

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