Cyber Crimes Exam

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A ____________ does not need user activity to make copies of itself and spread. A. Worm B. Virus C. Trojan horse D. Both A & B E. All of the above


Human dignity requires a. non-disclosure b. make choices free from coercion c. make own choices to reveal personal information to public d. both b and c e. all of the above


The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 amended which law? A. Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (1968) B. Privacy Act (1974) C. Cable Communications Privacy Act (1984) D. Privacy Protection Act (1980) E. None of the above.


The standard of proof in a civil trial is: A. Preponderance of evidence B. Beyond a reasonable doubt C. Clear and convincing evidence D. Both A & C E. All of the above


__________ is based on targeted surveillance and affects only a limited number of individuals during specific periods of time. A. Data Preservation B. Data retention C. Content Data D. Non-content Data E. None of the above


"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation". Which Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is this? A. Fourth B. Fifth C. Sixth D. Eighth E. None of the above


7. An employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy in the contents of his or her locker at a workplace, if a. the lock on the locker was provided by an employer b. the lock on the locker was provided by the employee c. a policy for searching lockers existed in the company d. both a and c e. All of the above


Eyewitness testimony is an example of: A. Physical evidence B. Direct evidence C. Demonstrative evidence D. Hearsay evidence E. None of the above.


_______ are spoken words in a conversation or the words written in a message. A. Non-content data B. Content data C. Traffic data D. Location data E. None of the above


_________ was implemented to reduce the chilling effect that searches and seizures had on publishers. A. Privacy Act (1974) B. Privacy Protection Act (1980) C. Telecommunications Act (1996) D. Electronic Freedom of Information Act (1996) E. None of the above.


The ________ states that forensic tools, techniques, procedures and evidence are admissible in court only if they have a "general acceptance" within the scientific community. A. Daubert Standard B. Coppolino Standard C. Frye Standard D. None of the above E. All of the above.


The _________ is designed to protect children from exposure to indecent material. A. Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act (1998) B. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (1998) C. Communications Decency Act (1996) D. Communications Act (1934) E. None of the above


The four distinct steps in the computer forensics process are as follows: A. acquisition, identification, extraction, & presentation B. acknowledgement, identification, extraction & presentation C. Acquisition, identification, evaluation, & presentation. D. Identification, acquisition, evaluation, & presentation. E. None of the above.


With the _____________ exception, an investigator can seize evidence without a search warrant if the destruction of evidence is imminent. a. plain view doctrine b. border search doctrine c. exigent circumstances d. open fields e. none of the above


_____ consists of data about a communication. A. Non-content data B. Content data C. Traffic data D. Location data E. None of the above


_________ is any kind of writing, video or sound recording material whose authenticity needs to be established if introduced as evidence in a court of law. A.Testimonial B.Demonstrative C.Documentary D. Direct E. None of the above.


Certain exceptions to the exclusionary rule include _______________. a. the good faith exception b. the inevitable discovery exception c. the legal exception d. both a and b e. all of the above


Hacking occurs when an individual... A. Seeks to gain unauthorized access to a computer system in order to commit another crime such as destroying information contained in that system. B. Maliciously sabotages a computer C. Seeks to disrupt a computer network. D. Gains unauthorized access to a system. E. All of the above


Online pharmacies have been criticized because they... A. Require customers to obtain valid prescriptions from licensed physicians before ordering drugs online B. Verify that a licensed physician actually has issued the prescription to the patient before they dispense any drugs C. Are covered by a comprehensive regulatory scheme. D. Often do not require a prescription for the purchase of controlled substances. E. All of the above


Prosecutors and agents—not in any way related to the case at hand—that are tasked with reviewing privileged documents are known as a. taint teams b. special masters c. filter teams d. both a and c e. none of the above


Public investigations are conducted by: A. Government agencies B. LE agencies C. Citizens D. Both A & C E. All of the above


The ______________ amended existing legislation to remove any unnecessary burdens in criminal investigations. A.Electronic Communications Privacy Act (1986) B. Communications Assistance for LE Act (1994) C. Cable Communications Privacy Act (1984) D. USA Patriot Act (2001) E. None of the above


To be considered a cyber-crime, computers must be... A. An incidental aspect to the crime B. The target of the crime C. The tool used to commit the crime D. Both B & C E. All of the above


Under the Fourth Amendment, search warrants must: a. be supported by probable cause b. have the objects of the search described with sufficient particularity c. include a search protocol d. both a and b e. all of the above


Which law requires government agencies to perform privacy impact assessments? A. Privacy Act (1974) B. Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act (1988) C. Freedom of Information Act (1966) D. e-Government Act (2002) E. None of the above


Which of the following crimes would not have been possible without the use of computer technology & the Internet? A. Hacking B. Extortion C. Malware D. Both A & C E. All of the above


Which of the following describes cyber-crime? A. It helps perpetrators expend less effort than committing traditional crime. B. It is committed on a far broader scale than traditional crime. C. It has reduced the speed with which criminal activities are conducted. D. Both A & B E. All of the above


Which of the following is malware: A. Virus B. Spyware C. Denial of service attack D. Both A & B E. All of the above


_______________ occur when a perpetrator seeks to gain control over multiple computers and then uses these computers to launch an attack against a specific target or targets. A. Virus attacks B. Worm attacks C. Denial of Service attacks D. DDoS attacks E. None of the above


6. To be valid, the warrant must specifically state the crime (or crimes) being investigated, the location to be searched, and the items to be seized. a. the crime (or crimes) being investigated b. the location to be searched c. the items to be seized d. both b and c e. all of the above


Certain exceptions may justify the search of a computer without a warrant, including ______________________________________. a. consent b. search incident to arrest c. plain view d. border searches e. all of the above


Computer forensics investigations focus on violations of: A. Civil B. Criminal C. Administrative D. Both A & B E. All of the above


Computer hijacking occurs when an individual takes control over a computer(s), with a ______________. A. Virus B. Worm C. Trojan horse D. Spyware E. Bot code


Factors that may affect the feasibility of on-site and off-site computer searches include: A.The configuration of the software and hardware B. The overall size and complexity of the computer system C. The technical demands of the search D. Both B & C E. All of the above.


Investigations of administrative law violations can occur through the use of: A. Inspections B. Searches & seizures C. Subpoenas D. Both A & C E. All of the above


Privacy is a multivalent social and legal concept, where the definitions of privacy have ranged from ___________________. a. the right to be let alone b. the capacity to keep certain things secret c. the right to control other individuals' access to oneself d. the right to control other individuals' access to information about oneself e. all of the above


Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002... A. defines the types of records that must be recorded and for how long B. deals with falsification and destruction of data C. holds executives directly responsible for problems D. defines e-mails as corporate documents E. All of the above


The computer is used as a tool to commit which of the following crimes: A. Copyright infringement B. Embezzlement C. Cyber-harassment D. Phishing E. All of the above


Traffic data includes: A. Telephone numbers B. Customer information C. Dialed numbers D. None of the above E. All of the above


Who can consent to a search if they have authority over the property a. wife b. roommate c. son-in-law/daughter-in-law d. boyfriend/girlfriend e. all of the above


All evidence that was obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment generally inadmissible in court. T/F?


An example of physical evidence is motive to commit a crime. T/F?


Computer forensics is a branch of forensics that is limited to computers. T/F?


Extortion occurs when an employee of a company transfers, without authorization, some of the company's financial assets to his or her own bank account. T/F?


Public order crimes cannot be committed online. T/F?


The Fourth Amendment applies to searches conducted by private individuals, businesses, and nongovernmental agencies. T/F?


A victim of a criminal act can sue the perpetrator for damages in civil court. T/F?


Individuals can purchase controlled substances and prescription drugs online without a medical examination. T/F?


The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994 is intended to make sure that new technologies will not hamper law enforcement agencies' ability to conduct surveillance when they have the legal authority to do so. T/F?


The Fourth Amendment provides everyone in the United States (e.g., citizens, noncitizens, illegal immigrants, foreign nationals visiting the United States for work or education) with the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. T/F?


When it was passed in 1984, the Cable Communications Privacy Act contained provisions that severely hindered criminal investigations. T/F?


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