Cybersecurity Framework Resources & Management

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NIST SP 800-14

NIST SP 800-14 is a unique publication that provides detailed descriptions of commonly used security principles. The publication enables organizations to understand all that needs to be included in cybersecurity policies. As a result, businesses ensure to develop holistic cybersecurity programs and policies covering essential data and systems. Besides, the publications outline specific measures which companies should use to strengthen already implemented security policies. In total, the NIST SP 800-14 framework describes eight security principles with a total of 14 cybersecurity practices.


CISQ (Consortium for IT Software Quality) provides security standards that developers should maintain when developing software applications. Additionally, developers use the CISQ standards to measure the size and quality of a software program. More so, CISQ standards enable software developers to assess the risks and vulnerabilities present in a completed application or one that is under development. As a result, they can efficiently address all threats to ensure users access and use secure software applications. The vulnerabilities and exploits which the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), SANS Institute, and CWE (Common Weaknesses Enumeration) identify forms the basis upon which the CISQ standards are developed and maintained.


COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) is a cybersecurity framework that integrates a business's best aspects to its IT security, governance, and management. ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) developed and maintains the framework. The COBIT cybersecurity framework is useful for companies aiming at improving production quality and at the same time, adhere to enhanced security practices. The factors that led to the creation of the framework are the necessity to meet all stakeholder cybersecurity expectations, end to end procedure controls for enterprises, and the need to develop a single but integrated security framework.

COSO Framework

COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations) is a framework that allows organizations to identify and manage cybersecurity risks. The core points behind the development of the framework include monitoring, auditing, reporting, controlling, among others. Also, the framework consists of 17 requirements, which are categorized into five different categories. The categories are control environment, risk assessments, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring and controlling. All of the framework's components collaborate to establish sound processes for identifying and managing risks. A company using the framework routinely identifies and assess security risks at all organizational levels, thus improving its cybersecurity strategies. Also, the framework recommends communication processes for communicating information risks and security objectives up or down in an organization. The framework further allows for continuous monitoring of security events to permit prompt responses.

FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act)

FISMA (Federal Information Systems Management Act) is a framework designed for federal agencies. The compliance standard outlines a set of security requirements that government agencies can use to enhance their cybersecurity posture. The security standards aim at ascertaining that federal agencies implement adequate measures for protecting critical information systems from different types of attacks. Moreover, the framework requires vendors or third-parties interacting with a government agency to conform to the stipulated security recommendations. The main aim of the security standard is to enable federal agencies to develop and maintain highly effective cybersecurity programs. To achieve this, the standard consists of a comprehensive cybersecurity framework with nine steps for securing government operations and IT assets. These are: Categorizing information with respect to security levels Identify minimum security controls for protecting information Refine the controls by using risk assessments Document the controls and develop a security plan Implement required controls Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented controls Determine security risks to federal systems or data Authorize the use of secure information systems Continuous monitoring of implemented controls.

FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Management Protocol)

FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) is a framework designed for government agencies. The framework provides standardized guidelines that can enable federal agencies to evaluate cyber threats and risks to the different infrastructure platforms, and cloud-based services and software solutions. Furthermore, the framework permits the reuse of existing security packages and assessments across various governmental agencies. The framework is also based on the continuous monitoring of IT infrastructure and cloud products to facilitate a real-time cybersecurity program. More importantly, FedRAMP focuses on shifting from tedious, tethered, and insecure IT to more secure mobile and quick IT. The aim is to ensure federal agencies have access to modern and reliable technologies, but without compromising their security. To achieve the desired security levels, FedRAMP collaborates with cloud and cybersecurity experts involved in maintaining other security frameworks. These include NSA, DoD, NIST, GSA, OMB, and other groups in private sectors. The main goals of FedRAMP are to accelerate cloud migrations by reusing authorizations and assessments, enhance confidence in cloud security, ensure that federal agencies consistently apply recommended security practices, and to increase automation for continuous monitoring.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is one of the latest frameworks enacted to secure personally identifiable information belonging to European citizens. The regulation framework provides a set of mandatory security requirements that organizations in different parts of the world must implement. As such, it is a global framework that protects the data of all EU citizens. Non-compliance leads to huge penalties, and this has caused most companies to comply with the requirements. GDPR requirements include implementing suitable controls for restricting unauthorized access to stored data. These are access control measures such as least privilege and role-based access controls, and multi-factor authentication schemes. Organizations or websites must also acquire a data owner's consent before they can use data for reasons such as marketing or advertising. Data breaches that result from a company's inability to implement security controls amounts to non-compliance.

IASME Governance

IASME governance refers to cybersecurity standards designed to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to realize adequate information assurance. The IASME governance outlines a criterion in which a business can be certified as having implemented the relevant cybersecurity measures. The standard enables companies to demonstrate to new or existing customers their readiness in protecting business or personal data. In short, it is used to accredit a business's cybersecurity posture. The IASME governance accreditation is similar to that of an ISO 27001 certification. However, implementing and maintaining the standard comes with reduced costs, administrative overheads, and complexities. IASME standards certification includes free cybersecurity insurance for businesses operating within the UK.


NY DFS (New York Department of Financial Services) is a cybersecurity framework that covers all institutions operating under DFS registrations, charters, or licenses. The framework consists of several cybersecurity requirements that can enhance the security postures of financial organizations and the third parties they interact with for different businesses. Among others, NY DFS requires organizations to identify security threats that can affect their networks or information systems. Also, the framework necessitates companies to adopt sufficient security infrastructure for protecting all IT assets from the identified risks. Notwithstanding, organizations covered by the NY DFS must implement systems for detecting cybersecurity events.


SCAP, or Security Content Automation Protocol, is a regulation standard containing security specifications for standardizing the communication of security products and tools. The specifications aim is to standardize the processes through which security software programs communicate security issues, configuration information, and vulnerabilities. Through the standardized specifications, SCAP intends to enable a company to measure, express, and organize security data using universal criteria and formats. As such, the security software can allow a business to maintain enterprise security by utilizing processes such as verifying and installing security patches automatically. Others are testing and verifying the security configurations of implemented systems, and investigating incidences that can compromise system or network security.


The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) developed the SOC 2 framework. The framework purpose to enable organizations that collect and store personal customer information in cloud services to maintain proper security. Also, the framework provides SaaS companies with guidelines and requirements for mitigating data breach risks and for strengthening their cybersecurity postures. Also, the SOC 2 framework details the security requirements which vendors and third parties must conform. The requirements guide them in conducting both external and internal threat analysis to identify potential cybersecurity threats. SOC 2 contains a total of 61 compliance requirements, and this makes it among the most challenging frameworks to implement. The requirements include guidelines for destroying confidential information, monitoring systems for security anomalies, procedures for responding to security events, internal communication guidelines, among others.


The Health Information Trust Alliance developed the Common Security Framework for healthcare organizations. These guidelines cover any information systems that work with protected health information, whether it's at rest or in transit. Many healthcare IT systems are fragmented and cybersecurity measures are not always implemented or maintained properly. By providing concrete guidance on what to do to protect the healthcare business, more organizations can protect themselves against the constant threat of ransomware and other malware. This framework provides another way for healthcare organizations to protect themselves against attackers.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act dictates the way that healthcare organizations and those working with protected health information must secure their systems to ensure the confidentiality of that information. HIPAA's framework goes over the necessary security controls that companies must have in place to remain in compliance with the regulations. A failure to comply with these regulations can lead to fines and other consequences. HIPAA's security standards provide a vastly important security framework for an industry that is incredibly vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

ISO 27000 Series

The International Organization of Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission published this standard for information security management systems. The primary focus of this set of standards is to put managers in control of the cybersecurity measures that are in place. The audience for this set of security standards is the private sector, and this framework has several special publications available, including 800-12, 800-14, 800-26, 800-37, and 800-53. Everything from the specific security controls to guidelines on how to effectively manage IT are included in these documents. The ISO 27001 cybersecurity framework consists of international standards which recommend the requirements for managing information security management systems (ISMS). ISO 27001 observes a risk-based process that requires businesses to put in place measures for detecting security threats that impact their information systems. To address the identified threats, ISO 27001 standards recommend various controls. An organization should select proper controls that can mitigate security risks to ensure it remains protected from attacks. In total, ISO 27001 advocates a total of 114 controls, which are categorized into 14 different categories. Some of the categories include information security policies containing two controls; information security organization with seven controls that detail the responsibilities for various tasks; human resource security category with six controls for enabling employees to understand their responsibility in maintaining information security; among others. On the other hand, the ISO 27002 framework comprises of international standards that detail the controls which an organization should use to manage the security of information systems. The ISO 27002 is designed for use alongside ISO 27001, and most organizations use both to demonstrate their commitment to complying with various requirements required by different regulations. Some of the information security controls recommended in the ISO 27002 standard include policies for enhancing information security, controls such as asset inventory for managing IT assets, access controls for various business requirements and for managing user access, and operations security controls.

ANSI/ISA 62443

The International Society for Automation and the American National Standards Institute developed this security framework for Industrial Automation and Control Systems. Industrial automation is transforming many operations, especially as the Internet of Things continues to grow. The framework consists of four categories: general, component, system, and policies and procedures. The International Security Compliance Institute helps organizations see whether they are properly adhering to this framework. They created the conformity assessment program, which offers certification for IoT equipment, Commercial Off-the-shelf products, and the systems that control them. Industrial automation and control systems provide many efficient and productive systems for companies investing in tech-forward solutions. This framework allows forward-thinking companies to create security measures that accommodate a variety of connected devices in the industrial environment. Security frameworks make it possible for organizations to speed up the adoption of strong cybersecurity measures. They don't need to start from scratch when working on their security practices within their company. Some of these frameworks are mandated by the industry that they operate in, while others are voluntary to offer a security foundation.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)

The National Institute of Standards and Technology also put together a general-use framework for any entity interested in strengthening their cybersecurity. It's designed to be cost-effective and flexible so that it's usable in many industries. It has a five-step process for addressing cybersecurity risks and maintaining a secure system: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. The primary components consist of the Core, Profiles, and Implementation Tiers. The Core offers guidance to organizations wanting to get better protection for their information systems. It uses straightforward language so the business doesn't need a specialist to understand exactly what to do. The Profiles cover the company's priorities when it comes to its cybersecurity measures. It brings together the requirements, level of risk and security resources to evaluate the controls in place. The Implementation Tier helps companies establish a risk appetite and determine a budget for any cybersecurity changes that are necessary. This security framework helps elevate cybersecurity standards for many entities that are uncertain where they should start with their cyber protection. This publication is clear on the controls that should be in place and how they benefit companies that implement them

NIST SP 800-53

The National Institute of Standards and Technology established the NIST SP 800-53 requirements for most federal information systems. This publication covers the necessary controls to put in place for all entities that use or support these systems. A substantial amount of sensitive government data moves through these networks, so having clear cybersecurity measures to follow improves the security of federal agencies and the contractors that work with them. Federal agencies and contractors handle information that impacts the national security of the United States. Lax cybersecurity measures could have disastrous consequences, whether it's compromising military safety or allowing a hostile country to access plans for weapons. NIST SP 800-53 makes it far more difficult for state-funded actors to achieve their goals.

NERC 1300

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation created a set of security standards for Bulk Power System companies. Since the power infrastructure is so important to modern society, this security framework is put in a particularly influential position. A few of the measures that it covers include staying on top of new patches, ensuring proper network security administration practices, and maintaining continuity of these systems. NERC 1300 is one of the latest versions of this cybersecurity measure, which gets revisited to see whether it still applies to the modern cybersecurity landscape or if additional protections should be put in place. Losing power has a substantial impact on the public's quality of life. This framework protects these critical systems.

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)

The Payment Card Industry's Data Security Standard framework covers companies that handle credit card information in one of four ways: accepting credit cards, processing the transactions, storing this data or transmitting credit card data. By putting this security framework in place, PCI has improved the security of the complete payment process. Payment processors are essential to modern commerce and attract countless attackers. This strict security framework makes it possible for businesses to safely handle payment information and reduce the opportunities for identity theft and fraudulent transactions.

TC Cyber

The TC CYBER (Technical Committee on Cyber Security) framework was developed to improve the telecommunication standards across countries located within the European zones. The framework recommends a set of requirements for improving privacy awareness for individuals or organizations. It focuses on ensuring that organizations and individuals can enjoy high levels of privacy when using various telecommunication channels. Moreover, the framework recommends measures for enhancing communication security. Although the framework specifically addresses telecommunication privacy and security in European zones, other countries around the world also use it.

Ten Steps to Cybersecurity

The Ten Steps to Cybersecurity is an initiative by the UK's Department for Business. It provides business executives with a cybersecurity overview. The framework recognizes the importance of providing executives with knowledge of cybersecurity issues that impact business development or growth, and the various measures used to mitigate such problems. This is to enable them to make better-informed management decisions in regards to organizational cybersecurity. As such, the framework uses broad descriptions but with lesser technicalities to explain the various cyber risks, defenses, mitigation measures, and solutions, thus enabling a business to employ a company-wide approach for enhancing cybersecurity.

CIS v7

The body responsible for developing and maintaining the CIS v7 framework is the Center for Information Security (CIS). CIS v7 lists 20 actionable cybersecurity requirements meant for enhancing the security standards of all organizations. Most companies perceive the security requirements as best practices since the CIS has a credible reputation for developing baseline security programs. The framework categorizes the information security controls into three implementation groups. Implementation group 1 is for businesses that have limited cybersecurity expertise and resources. Implementation group 2 is for all organizations with moderate technical experience and resources in implementing the sub controls, whereas implementation group 3 targets companies with vast cybersecurity expertise and resources. CIS v7 stands out from the rest since it enables organizations to create budget-friendly cybersecurity programs. It also allows them to prioritize cybersecurity efforts.

NIST SP800-26

Whereas the NIST SP 800-14 framework discusses the various security principles used to secure information and IT assets, NIST SP 800-26 provides guidelines for managing IT security. Implementing security policies alone cannot enable a company to realize optimum cybersecurity since they require frequent assessments and evaluations. For example, the publication contains descriptions for conducting risk assessments and practices for managing identified risks. It is a highly useful framework that ensures organizations maintain effective cybersecurity policies. A combination of different NIST publications can ensure businesses maintain adequate cybersecurity programs.

NIST SP 800-12

he framework provides an overview of control and computer security within an organization. Also, NIST SP 800-12 focuses on the different security controls an organization can implement to achieve a strengthened cybersecurity defense. Although most of the control and security requirements were designed for federal and governmental agencies, they are highly applicable to private organizations seeking to enhance their cybersecurity programs. NIST SP 800-12 enables companies to maintain policies and programs for securing sensitive IT infrastructure and data.

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