DAA Lecture 1 exam

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Another name for the intertubercular groove of the humerus is the____groove


Which of the following bones meet at the pterion? (MACA) A. zygomatic B. Lacrimal C. Parietal D. Frontal

C, D

The fossa on the medial aspect of the ileum is called the _____ fossa


The lateral border of the pronator teres muscle is the_____ border of the cubital fossa


The sacroiliac joint ligament that forms the inferior border of the greater sciatic notches the_____ ligament


The sacroiliac joint ligament that forms the inferior border of the lesser sciatic notch is the____ligament


Suture joints are found only in the____


The radius articulates with which of the following carpal bones (MACA) A. Triquetrum B. Lunate C. Scaphoid D. Pisiform


The adductor tubercle can be found on the____ A. Distal, lateral aspect of the femur B. Distal, medial aspect of the femur C. Proximal, lateral aspect of the tibia D. Proximal, medial aspect of the tibia


The lateral masses of the sacrum can also be referred to as______or wings. A. Processes B. Ala C. Fossa D. Foramen


The notochord develops from which of the following? A. Endoderm B. Mesoderm C. Hypoblast D. Ectoderm


The notochord includes which of the following to thicken and form the neural plate? A. Hypoblast B. Ectoderm C. Mesoderm D. Endoderm


The ulnar notch is located on the_____aspect of the____ A. Proximal, lateral; ulna B. Distal, medial; radius C. Distal, lateral; radius D. Proximal, medial; ulna


Which of the following bones have a coracoid process? A. Humerus B. Scapula C. Radius D. Ulna


Which of the following is another term for "pivot or pulley"? A. Ginglymus B. Trocoid C. Sellar D. Ellipsoidal


Which of the following is another term for "saddle like"? A. Ginglymus B. Sellar C. Trochoid D. Ellipsoidal


Which of the following ligaments as known as the "check ligament" A. Cranial crus B. Alar ligaments C. Transverse ligament of the atlas D. Caudel crus


During a discussion, I ask you if an intra-articular disc is made of hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage you answer by saying "Dr. Jay and intra-articular disk is made of ____"


Another name for the outer layer of the joint capsule in a diarthrosis joint is called the stratum_____


The opening (or hole) in the head of the femur is known as the____ _____

Fovea Capitis

The process known as_____converts the bilaminar disc into a trilaminar disc


The technical name of the shoulder joint is the____joint


The anterior cruciate ligament attaches from the anterior aspect of the tibia to the_____ A. Lateral aspect of the lateral condyle of the femur B. Lateral aspect of the medial condyle of the femur C. Posterior medial aspect of the medial condyle of the femur D. Posterior medial aspect of the lateral condyle of the femur


The hypoglossal canal is located in the____bone A. Parietal B. Sphenoid C. Temporal D. Occipital


The radial notch is located on the ____ aspect of the_____ A. Distal, medial; radius B. Proximal, medial; ulna C. Distal, lateral; radius D. Proximal, lateral; ulna


There are how many criteria of a diarthrosis joint? A. Nine B. Seven C. Ten D. Five


Which of the following bones have a coronoid process? A. Radius B. Scapula C. Humerus D. Ulna


Which of the following ligaments is the direct continuation of the anterior longitudinal ligament? A. Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane B. Tectorial membrane C. Inferior longitudinal band D. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane


Which of the following ligaments is the direct continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament? A. Posterior atlantooccipital membrane B. Inferior longitudinal band C. Anterior atlantooccipital membrane D. Tectorial membrane


The fossa on the distal, posterior aspect of the humerus is called the____fossa


The technical name of the thumb is the_____


The articular surface of the patella is on its _____ aspect


The posterior cruciate ligament helps to prevent _____displacement of the tibia on the femur


The abbreviation PIIS stands for

Posterior inferior iliac spine

The abbreviation for PSIS stands for

Posterior superior iliac spine

The directional term used in the extremities that means closer to the point of attachment is?


The____joints occur between the costal cartilages of the adjacent ribs _____ A. Interchondral; 6 through 10 B. Interchondral; 2 through 7 C. Costochondral; 2 through 7 D. Costochondral; 6 through 10


Which of the following are terms that describe the classification of these sternoclavicular joints? (Mark all correct answers) A. Saddle B. Synovial C. Sellar D. Multiaxial


Which of the following bones undergo intramembranous ossification? (Mark all correct answers) A. Maxillary bone B. Parietal bone C. Ethmoid bone D. Frontal bone

A, B, D

Which of the following are terms that describe the classification of the temporomandibular joint? (Mark all correct answers) A. Condyloid B. Spheroid C. Saddle D. Multiaxial

A, D

Which of the following carpal bones are in the proximal row (MACA) A. Pisiform B. Scaphoid C. Hamate D. Capitate


Which of the following landmarks are found on the fibula? (Mark all correct answers) A. Lateral malleolus B. Head C. Intercondylar eminence D. Medial malleolus


Which of the following bones have a styloid process? (MACA) A. Fifth metatarsal B. Radius C. Ulna D. Humerus


Which of the following pass through the jugular foramen? (MACA) A. CN X B. CN XI C. CN IX D. Internal jugular vein


Which of the following bones form the operator foramen? (MACA) A. Ischium B. Scapula C. Ilium D. Pubic bone


All of the following bones meet at the asterion, except the_____bone? A. Sphenoid B. Occipital C. Temporal D. Parietal


In anatomic position, the palmar surface of the hand faces____ A. Anteriorly B. Dorsally C. Posteriorly D. Two of the above choices are correct


Please choose the answer that correctly place is the distal row of carpal bones from medial to lateral in anatomical position. A. Hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium B. Trapezoid, trapezium, hamate, capitate C. Cavitate, hamate, trapezoid, trapezium D. Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate


The articular surface of the sacrum that articulates with the hip bones is also referred to as the_____ surface A. Auricular B. Acetabular C. Glenoid D. Occipital


The nuchal ligament is the____continuation of the ____ligament A. Superior; supraspinous B. Inferior; interspinous C. Inferior; supraspinous D. Superior; interspinous


The vertebral ribs are_____ A. Ribs 11 and 12 (floating ribs) B. Ribs 1 through 7 (true ribs) C. Ribs 8 through 10 (false ribs) D. None of the above


Which of the following is an example of a condyloid joint? A. Radiocarpal joint B. Proximal radioulnar joint C. Inter-phalangeal joint D. Intercarpal joint


Which of the following actions are allowed by the talocrural joint?(Marco correct answers) A. Dorsiflexion B. Plantar flexion C. Inversion D. Eversion


Which of the following are examples of cartilaginous joints? (Mark all correct answers) A. Symphysis joints B. Synchondrosis joints C. Suture joints D. Gomphosis joints


Which of the following terms applies to the symphysis pubis? (Mark all correct answers) A. Amphiarthrosis B. Secondary cartilaginous C. Primary cartilaginous D. Synchondrosis


Which of the following are considered synovial joints? (Mark all correct answers) A. Costotransverse joints B. Costovertebral joints C. Interchondral joints D. Costochondral joints


Which of the following are structural classifications of joints? (Mark all correct answers) A. Cartilaginous B. Fibrous C. Synovial D. Diarthrosis


Fibrocartilage can be found in which of the following joint classifications? (Mark all correct answers) A. Symphysis B. Secondary cartilaginous C. Primary cartilaginous D. Synchondrosis


Which of the following actions are allowed by the radiocarpal joint? (Mark all correct answers) A. Extension B. Abduction C. Flexion D. Adduction


Which of the following bones undergo endochondral ossification? (Mark all correct answers) A. The sacrum B. Ribs C. The sternum D. Cervical vertebrae


Which of the following ligaments connect the fovea capitis of the femur to the transverse acetabular ligament A. Ligament of the head of the femur B. Ligamentum capitis femoris C. Ligamentum teres D. Round ligament


Which of the following are components of the cruciate ligament in the occipital axial complex? (Mark all correct answers) A. Transverse ligament of the atlas B. Caudal crus C. Alar ligaments D. Cranial crus


Which of the following are functional classifications of joints? (Mark all correct answers) A. Amphiarthrosis B. Diarthrosis C. Synovial D. Synarthrotic


Which of the following bones undergo both endochondral and intramembranous calcification? (Mark all correct answers) A. Temporal bone B. Occipital bone C. Sphenoid bone D. Mandible


Which of the following actions are allowed by a trochoid joint in the elbow region? (Mark all correct answers) A. Supination of the forearm B. Flexion of the forearm C. Pronation of the forearm D. Extension of the forearm


Which of the following are considered secondary cartilaginous joints? (Mark all correct answers) A. Xiphiaternal joint B. Interchondral joints C. Manubriosternal joint D. The articulation between rib 1 and the manubrium


Which of the following terms apply to the talocrural joint? (MACA) A. Uniaxial B. Condyloid C. Biaxial D. Ginglymus


Moving an extremity away from the trunk in the coronal plane is referred to as______


The coxal joint is the articulation between the head of the femur and the _____of the os coxae


The technical name for the articulation between the clavicle and the scapula is the_____joint


Moving an extremity toward the trunk in the coronal plane is referred to as____


The_____ligament of the radius helps to prevent dislocation and subluxation of the radial head.


The anterior cruciate ligament helps to prevent _____displacement of the tibia on the femur


The abbreviation for AIIS stands for

Anterior inferior iliac spine

The abbreviation ASIS stands for

Anterior superior iliac spine

During a DAA lab discussion, I ask you if the annulus fibrosis portion of an intervertebral disc is thicker anteriorly or posteriorly you answer by saying it's thicker_____


In medical terminology, another term for a joint is an _____


Please choose the incorrect match: A. Atlantooccipital joint = condyloid B. Zygapophyseal= saddle C. Atlantodental joint = uniaxial D. Sacroiliac joint = synovial


The posterior cruciate ligament attaches from the posterior aspect of the tibia to the_____ A. Posterior medial aspect of the medial condyle of the femur B. Lateral aspect of the medial condyle of the femur C. Lateral aspect of the lateral condyle of the femur D. Posterior medial aspect of the lateral condyle of the femur


Which of the following ligaments specifically help to prevent anterior displacement of the atlas? A. Cranial crus B. Alar ligaments C. Transverse ligament of the atlas D. Caudal crus


Which of the following is a deltoid ligament of the ankle? (Mark all correct answers) A. Anterior talofibular ligament B. Tibionavicular ligament C. Anterior tibiotalar ligament D. Calcaneofibular ligament


Which of the following is a lateral collateral ligament of the ankle (mark all correct answers) A. Posterior tibiotalar ligament B. Calcaneofibular ligament C. Posterior talofibular ligament D. Tibiocalcaneal ligament


Which of the following terms applies to the glenohumeral joint? (Mark all correct answers) A. Amphiarthrotic B. Multiaxial C. Condyloid D. Spheroid


A ____is a flat sack lined with a synovial membrane that serves as a cushion for structures that cross over a joint or bony prominence.


Which of the following are terms that describe the classification of the intravertebral joints? (Mark all correct answers) A. Primary cartilage B. Synchondrosis C. Symphysis D. Amphiarthrosis


Please choose the answer that correctly place is the proximal row of carpal bones from medial to lateral an anatomical position. A. Lunate, scaphoid, pisiform, triquetral B. Scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform C. Pisiform, triquetral, lunate, scaphoid D. Triquetral, pisiform, lunate, scaphoid


Please choose the incorrect match: A. Costochondral joints = no movement allowed B. Manubriosternal joints = symphysis joint C. Costovertebral joints = pivot joints D. Costo transverse joint = plane gliding joint


The first IVD is located between which of the following areas A. C1&C2 B. Occipital bone and C1 C. C2&C3 D. C3&C4


The greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone are separated by which of the following A. Posterior clinoid processes B. Hypophyseal fossa C. Superior orbital fissure D. Optic foramen


The part of the vertebra between the inferior and superior processes is known as the____ A. Lamina B. Pedicle C. Pars interarticularis D. Accessory process


What type of joint is present between the shafts of the tibia and fibula? A. Secondary cartilaginous B. Gomphosis C. Syndesmosis D. Primary cartilaginous


Which of the following bones have a conoid tubercle? A. Humerus B. Scapula C. Clavicle D. Ulna


Which of the following is another term for "oval like"? A. Ginglymus B. Trochoid C. Ellipsoidal D. Sellar


The technical name of the lateral condyle of the humerus is the____


The saddle joint in the wrist and hand region is the first______joint


How many total ribs articulate with the manubrium A. 8 B. 2 C. 6 D. 4


The fossa on the distal, anterior aspect of the humerus is called the_____fossa


The articulations between a tubercle of a rib and a transverse costal facet are known as _____ joints


The directional term used in the extremities that means further away from the point of attachment is?


During a discussion I ask you if the amniotic sac develops from the Epiblast or the hypoblast, you answer by saying the amniotic sac develops from the_____


True/False The head of the rib articulates with the transverse cost of facets of the thoracic vertebra.


True/False. The normal curvature in the cervical spine is known as a kyphotic curve


The only bone in the body that has trochanters is the_____


The technical name of the big toe (great toe) is the____


Another name for the "Y" ligament a Bigelow is the _____ligament


We are discussing the articulations, and I ask you if bones that make up and amphiarthrosis joint are connected to each other directly or indirectly. You answer by saying they are _____connected to each other.


Using directional terms you would say that the spinous processes of thoracic vertebra are angled posteriorly and_____


The process of bone formation from mesenchyme within a membrane sheath, and also plays a role in thickening and remodeling of long bones, is known as _____ossification


In anatomical position, the fibula is_____to the tibia


In anatomical position, the greater tubercle of the humerus is proximal and______


The medial border of the brachioradialis muscle is the _____border of the cubital fossa


The ligament that attaches to the laminae from C2 to L5 is the ______ _______

Ligamentum flavum

The large protrusion on the distal aspect of the tibia is called the medial________


While we are discussing the joints of the sternum, I ask you to tell me which sternal joint is the site of rib 2's articulation. You answer by telling me the _____joint


In anatomical position, the lesser tubercle of the humerus is proximal and______


The directional term that means closer or toward the midline is___


The ligament involved in a surgical procedure known as the "Tommy John surgery" is the____ collateral ligament of the elbow


The groove we discussed on the pubic bone is called the _____ groove


The technical name of the kneecap is____


The large fossa on the anterior aspect of the scapula is called the______fossa


The area between the epicondyles of the humerus is the_____border of the cubital fossa


Using a functional classification term, you tell me that a _____joint is defined as being immovable.


The structural classification term for diarthrotic (freely movable) joints is____


Another name for the inner layer of the joint capsule in a diarthrosis joint is the stratum____


The plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts is known as the_____plane.


The ligament (or retinaculum) that holds the tendon of the long head of biceps brachii in place within the inter-tubercular groove of the humerus is the_____ ______ligament

Transverse humeral

In lab I will ask you which carpal bone articulates with the first metacarpal bone, you answer by saying that it is the____


The technical name of the medial condyle of the humerus is the____


Another name for the semi lunar notch of the ulna is the_____notch


True/False The navicular bone in the ankle is medial to the cuboid bone.


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