Darby review #3

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A group of community dental hygienists is planning a five-year preventive dental health program for three elementary schools due to a reported high incidence of dental caries. All three schools are part of a school district whose school board approved the program but is interested in keeping expenses to a minimum. Rather than offering a dental sealant program, it was decided to fluoridate the schools' water supply and initiate a school fluoride mouthrinse program. One of the first things the dental hygienists performed was a pre-index assessment of dental caries. The results showed a mean caries rate of 5.6 teeth per child. The dental hygienists also sent a questionnaire to the parents of these children. The parental response rate was 32 percent, and it was determined from the results that most children do not see a dentist regularly and have a high intake of sugar. The recommended fluoride level of a school water supply should be how much more than the recommended fluoride level of the community water?

4.5 times greater

Subgingival calculus is usually dark in color because A.pigments from blood breakdown are usually incorporated. B.it contains a high percentage of calcium phosphate. C.its location prevents the washing action of saliva. D.light doesn't allow for subgingival illumination.

A.pigments from blood breakdown are usually incorporated

A client taking a beta adrenergic blocking agent would MOST likely NOT experience: A.tachycardia. B.bronchoconstriction. C.vasoconstriction. D.bradycardia.


Which of the following measurements represents the crestal level of healthy interproximal bone? A.2 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction B.1 mm coronal to the cementoenamel junction C.Same level as the coronal portion of the pulp chamber D.1 mm above the coronal portion of the pulp chamber

A.2 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction

A freshman college student is in the dental office for her continued-care appointment, and the dental hygienist examines five interproximal areas of decay. Currently, she has several amalgam and tooth-colored restorations and is concerned that her college lifestyle is a contributing factor. The dental hygienist recommends a 1.1 percent fluoride preparation intended to be brushed on daily. The fluoride preparation of choice is A.5000 ppm NaF. B.5000 ppm APF. C.5000 ppm stannous fluoride. D.5000 ppm monofluorophosphate.

A.5000 ppm NaF

All of the following chemical agents are recommended for instrument disinfection EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Alcohols B.Glutaraldehydes C.Chlorines D.Iodophors E.Phenolics


How can hepatitis B viruses (HBV) be spread from mother to offspring? A.At the time of delivery B.Across the placenta C.By kissing D.Via the fecal-oral route

A.At the time of delivery

Alcoholism is a chronic progressive disease that is treatable and can be arrested.Treatment of this illness implies control, not complete cure. A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is true, the second is false. D.The first statement is false, the second is true.

A.Both statements are TRUE

Implants may be used to replace missing teeth or to provide support for a prosthetic denture. The components of a dental implant include an implant fixture, a transgingival abutment post, and a fixed or removable dental prosthesis. A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is true, the second is false. D.The first statement is false, the second is true.

A.Both statements are TRUE

Naturally occurring radiation, often referred to as background radiation, constitutes the largest source of exposure to radiation. Naturally occurring radionuclides are found in soil and deposited within the human body through the inhalation of air and the ingestion of food and water. A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is true, the second is false. D.The first statement is false, the second is true.

A.Both statements are TRUE

Professional malpractice suits filed against oral health care professionals are usually in the civil category. The level of proof required to convict is called a "preponderance of evidence" A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is true, the second is false. D.The first statement is false, the second is true.

A.Both statements are TRUE

Chemotherapeutic mouthrinses are not effective in the treatment of periodontitis BECAUSE they penetrate less than 1 mm into the sulcus and cannot reach the base of the pocket. A.Both the statement and reason are correct and related. B.Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related. C.The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. D.The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct.

A.Both the statement and reason are correct and related

Dentinal hypersensitivity is generally related to which one of the following? A.Fluid flow in exposed dentinal tubules B.Bacterial penetration in dentinal tubules C.Microleakage of bacterial endotoxins D.Vertical hairline fractures in the tooth

A.Fluid flow in exposed dentinal tubules

Immunity acquired by vaccination with toxoid is referred to as A.artificially acquired passive. B.artificially acquired active. C.naturally acquired passive. D.naturally acquired active.

A.artificially acquired passive

The overall responsibility for a client's dental health is primarily the responsibility of the A.client. B.professional. C.community. D.state.


Wear facets are MOST commonly seen on the A.cusp tips and incisal edges. B.cingulum. C.cervical third. D.smooth surface toward the incisal third.

A.cusp tips and incisal edges

The teeth with the highest incidence of carious lesions in the adult dentition are A.first molars. B.second molars. C.premolars. D.canines.

A.first molars

The junctional epithelium is BEST described as A.tissue that the probe contacts at the base of the gingival sulcus. B.an extension of the alveolar bone that holds the gingiva against the tooth. C.part of the marginal gingiva. D.a portion of the gingival fiber group that consists of collagenous tissue fibers.

A.tissue that the probe contacts at the base of the gingival sulcus

Which of the following identifies the difference between subgingival and supragingival plaque biofilm? A.Supragingival plaque biofilm has more anaerobes B.Subgingival plaque biofilm has more anaerobes C.Supragingival plaque biofilm has more Gram-negative bacteria D.Supragingival and subgingival plaque biofilms are similar

B.Subgingival plaque biofilm has more anaerobes

If a dental hygienist is at risk for having his or her license revoked, he or she has a right to due process. Under due process, all of the following are acceptable EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Having an attorney present during the proceedings B.Recording the proceedings on a tape recorder C.Being provided with a clear statement of the charges D.Having the right to question opposing witnesses E.Having the right to a hearing prior to revocation

B.Recording the proceedings on a tape recorder

Which of the following measurements is used to compare the biologic effects of different types of radiation? A.RAD B.Rem C.Gy D.Roentgen


Which of the following species of Streptococcus is predominantly found on hard tissues or teeth? A.S. salivarius B.S. mutans C.S. oralis D.S. mitis

B.S. mutans

From the listed compromises to health, which is the strongest risk factor/etiologic agent for periodontitis? A.Neutrophil deficiency B.Specific bacterial pathogens C.Subgingival calculus D.Antigen-antibody reactions

B.Specific bacterial pathogens

A dental hygienist whose ethical principles include taking only necessary radiographs and maintaining equipment to prevent client injury, such as replacing worn instruments, is demonstrating what type of ethical principle? A.Autonomy B.Beneficence C.Nonmaleficence D.Justice


Treatment of periodontal disease almost always involves the use of systemic antibiotics.Intrapocket delivery is one method of delivering antibiotics systemically. A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is true, the second is false. D.The first statement is false, the second is true.

B.Both statements are FALSE

What is the mechanism by which a drug is made available to its site of action in the body? A.Absorption B.Distribution C.Metabolism D.Excretion


A dental hygienist seeking to reduce the maximal amount of client exposure to radiation should use all of the following. Which one is MOST effective in reducing client exposure to radiation? A.Lead apron B.Fast films or digital radiography C.Collimators D.Film holders

B.Fast films or digital radiography

Excessive vertical angulation during radiographic exposure results in which of the following? A.Phalangioma B.Foreshortening C.Elongation D.Overlapping


The administration of oxygen is indicated in most medical emergencies. In which of the following is oxygen NOT indicated? A.Hyperglycemia B.Hyperventilation C.Syncope D.Asthma


A client had periodontal surgery two years ago. At the most recent continued-care appointment, he presented with blunted papillae, areas of recession with root exposure, and Type III embrasure spaces. The client reports that his teeth now collect plaque, and food impaction is a common problem. Which of the following oral hygiene aids should be recommended MOST? A.Rubber-tip stimulator B.Interdental or end tufted brush C.Wooden toothpick in a holder D.Tufted dental floss

B.Interdental or end tufted brush

The upper lip develops from all of the following processes EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Medial nasal B.Lateral nasal C.Maxillary

B.Lateral nasal

Which of the following is an example of a Type IV hypersensitivity reaction? A.Bronchospasm B.Poison ivy contact dermatitis C.Penicillin-induced hemolytic anemia D.Asthmatic condition

B.Poison ivy contact dermatitis

All of the following are true regarding implant maintenance EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.One of the most important factors in the long-term success of dental implants is the health of the peri-implant tissues B.Radiographic evaluation is no longer a crucial factor regarding implant maintenance C.Maintenance therapy for dental implants is similar to maintenance therapy for periodontitis D.Meticulous self-care is of utmost importance in preventing peri-implant disease

B.Radiographic evaluation is no longer a crucial factor regarding implant maintenance

Microbial tests of bacteria taken from periodontal clients are A.performed only in a periodontal office. B.diagnostic tests used to manage periodontal diseases C.utilized only at the beginning of treatment to identify pathogens. D.of no value in the treatment of periodontal diseases.

B.diagnostic tests used to manage periodontal diseases

A possible result of vitamin D deficiency is A.night blindness. B.enamel hypoplasia. C.glossitis. D.oral leukoplakia.

B.enamel hypoplasia

The anomaly that is often mistaken as dental calculus on a radiograph but is actually a small globule of tooth structure in the roots of a molar is A.concrescence. B.enamel pearl. C.talon cusp. D.dens in dente. E.dilaceration.

B.enamel pearl

Supine hypotension in the pregnant client is resolved by A.having the client lie on her right side. B.having the client lie on her left side. C.sitting the client upright during the appointment. D.periodically having the client tilt her head backward.

B.having the client lie on her left side

An operator is polishing an amalgam and inadvertently overheats it. The overheating is MOST likely to injure A.ameloblasts. B.odontoblasts. C.lamina dura D.primary enamel cuticle.


The BEST reason to use a locally applied antimicrobial product is to A.prevent use of systemic antimicrobials. B.suppress and eliminate pathogens. C.eliminate the need for periodontal surgery. D.control placement of antimicrobial delivery.

B.suppress and eliminate pathogens

Pain associated with dentinal hypersensitivity can BEST be described as A.constant. B.transient. C.intermittent. D.severe.


It is a dental hygienist's legal and ethical responsibility to assess and document client information during the dental hygiene visit. It is the responsibility of the dental hygienist to inform the dentist if he or she is concerned about the quality of the dentist's work in a professional manner.

Both statements are TRUE

The root of the mandibular lateral incisor is slightly wider, thicker, and longer than that of the central incisor. Proximal grooves are commonly found on the root surface, giving the appearance of a double root.

Both statements are TRUE

After ingestion of fluoride, fluorapatite replaces hydroxyapatite in enamel. This process increases the resistance of enamel to tooth decay because all of the following occur EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Inhibition of bacterial activity B.Enhancement of remineralization C.Enhancement of enzyme activity D.Inhibition of acid demineralization

C. Enhancement of enzyme activity

Thiamine deficiency can cause all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Extensive damage to the nervous and cardiovascular systems. B.Loss of taste and appetite. C.Failure of bones to heal. D.Increased sensitivity and burning sensations of oral mucosa.

C. Failure of bones to heal

Which of the following terms best describes infections that occur when an organism that does not usually cause disease becomes pathogenic? A.Latent B.Cytopathic C.Resistant D.Opportunistic


Tryptophan is best described by which of the following statements? A.It is an acidic amino acid. B.It is converted to thyroid hormone. C.It is a precursor of the pineal hormone melatonin. D.It is solely glucogenic.

C.It is a precursor of the pineal hormone melatonin

During scaling, which of the following indicates a dull curet? A.Calculus is removed in large pieces B.Tactile sensitivity increases C.Lateral pressure increases D.Operator control increases

C.Lateral pressure increases

Two public health dental hygienists were asked to assess the periodontal needs of persons currently living in six homeless shelters. One study was performed to compare the periodontal status of the adult males to that of the adult females to determine any oral health differences. The total number of people living in all six shelters is 464, and after informed consent was obtained, it was decided to take a sampling of 150 persons for the study. Participant selection was performed by first placing each person who agreed to participate into a male or female category and then placing each person into one of three age groups: 18 to 30, 31 to 45, and 46 to 60. The results of this study were then compared to a similar study performed three years ago prior to state funding that allocated money to dentists who treated the state's homeless population. Which one of the following statistical tests BEST measures the strength of the relationship between periodontal disease and the gender of the homeless?

Correlational test, e.g., Pearson, rank order, Kendall's tau

The annual radiation maximum permissible dose (MPD) for occupationally exposed workers is A.0.5 mSv. B.5 mSv. C.50 mSv. D.5000 mSv.

C.50 mSv

The minimum distance the operator should stand from the tubehead while exposing films is A.2 feet. B.4 feet. C.6 feet. D.9 feet.

C.6 feet

Prior to periodontal surgery, it is important that all of the following client conditions be addressed EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Control of systemic illnesses B.Elimination of plaque-retentive restorations C.Abstinence from alcoholic beverages D.Treatment of restorative needs

C.Abstinence from alcoholic beverages

Dental plaque develops in stages. Which of the following is the correct sequence of microbial plaque formation? A.Bacteria adhere to the tooth surface; acquired pellicle forms; bacteria multiply and colonize B.Bacteria multiply and colonize; bacteria adhere to the tooth surface; acquired pellicle forms C.Acquired pellicle forms; bacteria adhere to the tooth surface; bacteria multiply and colonize D.Matrix forms; bacteria adhere to the tooth surface; acquired pellicle forms

C.Acquired pellicle forms; bacteria adhere to the tooth surface; bacteria multiply and colonize

A client was administered a local anesthetic agent and suddenly experiences edema of the tongue, pharyngeal tissue, and larynx. Which of the following conditions is the client experiencing? A.Congestive heart failure B.Asthmatic attack C.Anaphylactic reaction D.Total kidney failure

C.Anaphylactic reaction

Which term best refers to a defect present at birth? A.Genetic B.Inherited C.Congenital D.Developmental


When a conflict occurs between a client and a dental hygienist regarding recommended treatment, which of the following represents the proper sequence in resolving the conflict? A.Identify the issue, gather information, define the conflict, list alternatives, act on the ethical choice B.Gather information, define the conflict, identify the issue, list alternatives, act on the ethical choice C.Define the conflict, identify the issue, gather information, list alternatives, act on the ethical choice D.List alternatives, gather information, identify the issue, define the conflict, act on the ethical choice

C.Define the conflict, identify the issue, gather information, list alternatives, act on the ethical choice

In the bitewing technique, how should the central beam of the x-ray be directed? A.Slightly above the occlusal plane B.Slightly below the occlusal plane C.Directly through the contacts at +10 D.Directly through the contacts at -10

C.Directly through the contacts at +10

Which of the following oral bacteria are found primarily in the intestines of humans? A.Staphylococcus aureus B.Actinomyces naeslundii C.Facultative streptococci D.Pseudomonas aeruginosa

C.Facultative streptococci

A group of community dental hygienists is planning a five-year preventive dental health program for three elementary schools due to a reported high incidence of dental caries. All three schools are part of a school district whose school board approved the program but is interested in keeping expenses to a minimum. Rather than offering a dental sealant program, it was decided to fluoridate the schools' water supply and initiate a school fluoride mouthrinse program. One of the first things the dental hygienists performed was a pre-index assessment of dental caries. The results showed a mean caries rate of 5.6 teeth per child. The dental hygienists also sent a questionnaire to the parents of these children. The parental response rate was 32 percent, and it was determined from the results that most children do not see a dentist regularly and have a high intake of sugar. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate rationale for the fluoride program? A.Fluoridated water and mouthrinses are more accepted by parents. B.This type of program is most likely to improve oral-hygiene care. C.Fluoridated water and mouthrinses are highly effective in reducing future caries. D.Dental sealant programs provide secondary prevention, whereas fluoride provides primary prevention. E.Fluoridated water and mouthrinses are inexpensive and do not require health personnel to administer.

C.Fluoridated water and mouthrinses are highly effective in reducing future caries

What type of supervision authorizes dental hygiene procedures to be performed with the knowledge of said dentist, whether or not the dentist is on the premises when such procedures are being performed? A.Indirect B.Direct C.General D.Personal


Which of the following are initial bacterial colonizers of the tooth surfaces? A.Gram-positive rods B.Gram-negative rods C.Gram-positive cocci D.Gram-negative cocci

C.Gram-positive cocci

Which of the following muscles pulls the lateral borders of the tongue downward? A.Styloglossus B.Genioglossus C.Hyoglossus D.Palatoglossus


The opening of the nasolacrimal duct is located in which of the following? A.Superior meatus B.Middle meatus C.Inferior meatus D.Ethmoid bulla

C.Inferior meatus

A group of community dental hygienists is planning a five-year preventive dental health program for three elementary schools due to a reported high incidence of dental caries. All three schools are part of a school district whose school board approved the program but is interested in keeping expenses to a minimum. Rather than offering a dental sealant program, it was decided to fluoridate the schools' water supply and initiate a school fluoride mouthrinse program. One of the first things the dental hygienists performed was a pre-index assessment of dental caries. The results showed a mean caries rate of 5.6 teeth per child. The dental hygienists also sent a questionnaire to the parents of these children. The parental response rate was 32 percent, and it was determined from the results that most children do not see a dentist regularly and have a high intake of sugar. One year into the program, the dental hygienists perform a second assessment of dental caries utilizing the same index. The mean score decreased from 5.6 to 3.0 with a standard deviation of 1. Which of the following interpretations is correct? A.The most common scores are 2 and 4 B.The highest score is 4 C.Most of the scores are between 2 and 4 D.The program does not need to continue E.Planning should change to include sealants

C.Most of the scores are between 2 and 4

Which of the following is the largest, longest, and strongest of the three roots on a maxillary first molar? A.Mesiobuccal B.Distobuccal C.Palatal D.All are equal.


A client presents with pericoronitis. During treatment, the dental hygienist should plan to do all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Irrigate the area under the operculum B.Gently debride under the operculum C.Prescribe antibiotics D.Provide post-treatment oral-hygiene instructions

C.Prescribe antibiotics

Which of the following types of epithelium lines the oral cavity? A.Stratified columnar B.Simple columnar C.Stratified squamous D.Pseudo-stratified columnar

C.Stratified squamous

After initial periodontal therapy, all of the following factors are necessary in the determination of maintenance care visits EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Host response B.Adequacy of client self-care C.Success of systemic antibiotics D.Severity of the disease

C.Success of systemic antibiotics

Law is divided into two categories - civil and criminal. Civil law is defined as law established for preventing harm against society. A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is true, the second is false. D.The first statement is false, the second is true

C.The first statement is true, the second is false

When a pulp test is administered, an acutely or chronically inflamed pulp responds by varying degrees between no response and full normal response. Factors that influence a client's response to a pulp test include attitude, age, gender, emotional security, the presence of composite restoration, fatigue, and medications. A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is true, the second is false. D.The first statement is false, the second is true.

C.The first statement is true, the second is false

Alupent (metaproterenol) is frequently prescribed for clients with asthma because it is a parasympathomimetic (anticholinergic) agent with bronchoconstrictive properties. A.Both the statement and reason are correct and related. B.Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related. C.The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. D.The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct.

C.The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT

It is appropriate for the dental hygienist to include the client's financial status when designing a treatment plan because financial status is often a determinant of the differential diagnosis. A.Both the statement and reason are correct and related. B.Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related. C.The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. D.The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct.

C.The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT

Which of the following describes a facultative anaerobe? A.Utilizes sugar for energy B.Prefers or requires carbon dioxide C.Utilizes oxygen when present, and anaerobic fermentation when not present D.Cannot survive in an aerobic environment

C.Utilizes oxygen when present, and anaerobic fermentation when not present

Of the following stains, which one is MOST likely the result of a high fever as a young child? A.Green, brown, or blue hue B.Black line C.White spots or flecks D.Rough light- to dark-brown areas

C.White spots or flecks

A client whose symptoms include palpitations, dizziness, confusion, giddiness, and deep respiration is most likely experiencing A.cardiac arrhythmias. B.diabetes mellitus. C.hyperventilation. D.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


During an oral inspection, a tongue blade is used to do an initial cursory examination intraorally because A.it is less traumatic for the client than a mouth mirror. B.the client is accustomed to a physician using a tongue blade. C.it is discarded, limiting the potential of cross-contamination. D.it is easier to use than any other dental instrument.

C.it is discarded, limiting the potential of cross-contamination

The liquid used for glass ionomer cement is similar to that used for A.zinc phosphate cement. B.silicate cement. C.polycarboxylate cement. D.zinc oxide eugenol cement.

C.polycarboxylate cement

If an exudate contains a large amount of pus, it is classified as A.catarrhal. B.fibrinous. C.purulent. D.serous.


All of the following are recommended for dental implant maintenance EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Use a 0.12 percent chlorhexidine mouthrinse B.Remove detachable prosthesis at recare appointment C.Utilize a variety of plastic instrument designs D.Probe the implant within three months at time of abutment connection

D.Probe the implant within three months at time of abutment connection

All of the following are examples of retrograde cellular change EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Atrophy B.Degeneration C.Necrosis D.Hyperplasia


Which of the following teeth are considered nonsuccedaneous? A.Incisors B.Canines C.Premolar D.Molars


The orbit is formed by how many bones? A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7


Within seconds after receiving a posterior superior alveolar injection, a client's face becomes extremely distended and edematous on the injected side. Which of the following is the treatment of choice? A.Apply heat B.Administer antibiotics C.Apply pressure with a cold pack D.Administer antihistamines

D.Administer antihistamines

When a client undergoes proper nitrous oxide-oxygen analgesia (conscious sedation), which of the following symptoms occur? A.Sweating, slight nausea, increased sleepiness B.Tingling of hands and feet, increased sleepiness, amnesia C.Numbness of hands and feet, body warmth, slight nausea D.Body warmth, tingling of hands and feet, audible distant sounds

D.Body warmth, tingling of hands and feet, audible distant sounds

Adrenergic agents are used for all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Hemostasis B.Vasoconstriction C.CNS stimulation D.Bronchoconstriction


All of the following minerals are involved in the growth and formation of bones and teeth EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Phosphorous B.Calcium C.Magnesium D.Chlorine


The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes (by more than the width of a premolar) distal to the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar. What type of malocclusion does this describe? A.Class I B.Class II, division I C.Class II, division II D.Class III

D.Class III

Clinical scaling and selective polishing (extrinsic stain-removing) procedures may need to be modified for a client displaying A.Mottled enamel B.Hypercementosis C.Enamel hypoplasia D.Dentinogenesis imperfecta

D.Dentinogenesis imperfecta

A client is currently taking Elavil (amitriptyline) for depression and anxiety. She has also been diagnosed with repaired congenital heart disease with residual defects adjacent to the site of a prosthetic patch. Which of the following drugs used in dentistry is MOST likely to have an adverse effect with the Elavil? A.Percodan (oxycodone) B.Lidocaine C.Amoxicillin used for premedication against endocarditis D.Epinephrine used as a vasoconstrictor in a local anesthetic

D.Epinephrine used as a vasoconstrictor in a local anesthetic

Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Chronic bone loss B.A deficiency in iron intake C.An increased requirement for iron D.Habitual sucking of lemons

D.Habitual sucking of lemons

All of the following are reasons tobacco use should be discussed with clients EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Nicotine is absorbed by the tissues and bloodstream and travels to all body cells B.More tissue destruction will occur in the periodontal tissues, and the gingiva will become more fibrotic over time C.The dental office is an appropriate place for clients to be educated about tobacco and supported in meeting their goal of tobacco cessation D.Smokeless (spit) tobacco is a safe alternative to smoking tobacco

D.Smokeless (spit) tobacco is a safe alternative to smoking tobacco

A client develops nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea within five hours after eating food. This is most likely a case of A.Cholera B.Shigellosis C.E. coli gastroenteritis D.Staphylococcal food poisoning

D.Staphylococcal food poisoning

Vitamin A (retinol) is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin A is needed by all epithelial cells in the body, including intraoral epithelial cells. A.Both statements are TRUE. B.Both statements are FALSE. C.The first statement is TRUE, and the second statement is FALSE. D.The first statement is FALSE, and the second statement is TRUE.

D.The first statement is FALSE, and the second statement is TRUE.

Which of the following defines healing by new attachment following periodontal surgery? A.The biologic process by which the architecture and function of lost tissue is completely restored B.The reunion of the connective tissue and root that have been separated by incision or injury but not by disease C.The healing of a wound by formation of tissue that does not truly restore the original architecture or original function of the body part D.The union of a pathologically exposed root with connective tissue or epithelium

D.The union of a pathologically exposed root with connective tissue or epithelium

The hypothalamus helps to regulate all of the following physiologic actions EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Body temperature B.Hunger and satiety C.Blood osmotic pressure D.Transmission of chemical substances

D.Transmission of chemical substances

A radiolucency around the crown of an unerupted tooth is referred to as a A.primordial cyst. B.periapical granuloma. C.residual cyst. D.dentigerous cyst.

D.dentigerous cyst

The BEST reason to prescribe systemic antibiotics for treating periodontal disease is A.when isolated areas are not responding to other therapies. B.when treatment is conducted in the periodontist office. C.during initial therapy. D.in cases not responding to traditional mechanical therapies.

D.in cases not responding to traditional mechanical therapies

The key to optimal physical and manipulative properties of alginate materials is the use of A.appropriate-sized impression trays. B.addition of chemical modifiers. C.flexible bowl and stiff spatula. D.proper water to powder ratio.

D.proper water to powder ratio

The overall purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) protects individuals by A.assuring that all health care providers are licensed. B.mandating continuing education credits for dental health personnel. C.inspecting dental office technical equipment. D.serving to protect persons by ensuring a safe and healthy workplace.

D.serving to protect persons by ensuring a safe and healthy workplace

When a dental hygienist's college degree and state licensure certificates are clearly in view of the client, the client's assumption is that the dental hygienist will meet the profession's A.ethical responsibility. B.supervision mandate. C.accreditation status. D.standard of care.

D.standard of care

A protocol for the control of dental caries includes the usage of A.selected snacks from carbohydrate foods. B.15.1 percent fluoride dentifrice before bedtime with no further eating or drinking. C.alcohol-containing fluoride mouthrinse once a day. D.sugar-free chewing gum containing xylitol.

D.sugar-free chewing gum containing xylitol

Materia alba is BEST described as A.debris that is strongly attached to teeth. B.an organized group of bacterial colonies. C.invisible until disclosing solution is applied. D.unstructured mass of oral debris and bacteria.

D.unstructured mass of oral debris and bacteria

The most advantageous elastomeric materials available are the A.polysulfides. B.polysiloxanes or condensation silicones. C.polyethers. D.vinyl polysiloxanes or addition silicones.

D.vinyl polysiloxanes or addition silicones

A group of community dental hygienists is planning a five-year preventive dental health program for three elementary schools due to a reported high incidence of dental caries. All three schools are part of a school district whose school board approved the program but is interested in keeping expenses to a minimum. Rather than offering a dental sealant program, it was decided to fluoridate the schools' water supply and initiate a school fluoride mouthrinse program. One of the first things the dental hygienists performed was a pre-index assessment of dental caries. The results showed a mean caries rate of 5.6 teeth per child. The dental hygienists also sent a questionnaire to the parents of these children. The parental response rate was 32 percent, and it was determined from the results that most children do not see a dentist regularly and have a high intake of sugar. The MOST appropriate index to use to measure past and present caries experience in permanent teeth is the:


During periodontal assessment, which of the following BEST describes the rationale for walking the probe along the entire gingival sulcus?

Depth of epithelial attachment varies

A client returns for a soft-tissue assessment following periodontal debridement. At this assessment, gingival bleeding and edema are present on the mesial and lingual surfaces of tooth #19. Which of the following represents the BEST first treatment? A.Perform a pulp vitality test B.Take periapical radiographs. C.Remove residual deposit D.Provide no treatment E.Assess periodontal involvement

E.Assess periodontal involvement

The sequence of treatment for the periodontal client includes five therapy phases. Which of the following therapies represents the correct sequence of these phases? A.Assessment, surgical, nonsurgical, restorative, periodontal maintenance B.Assessment, nonsurgical, restorative, surgical, periodontal maintenance C.Assessment, nonsurgical, surgical, periodontal maintenance, restorative D.Assessment, restorative, nonsurgical, surgical, periodontal maintenance E.Assessment, nonsurgical, surgical, restorative, periodontal maintenance

E.Assessment, nonsurgical, surgical, restorative, periodontal maintenance

During which phase does chromosome replication occur? A.Metaphase B.Prophase C.Anaphase D.Telophase E.Interphase


In relation to licensure requirements, all of the following are disciplinary actions that State Dental Boards have the authority to exercise EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Reprimand-public or private B.License suspension C.License revocation D.Probation E.Jail sentence

E.Jail sentence

Which of the following five tissues is the MOST susceptible to ionizing radiation? A.Nervous B.Digestive C.Respiratory D.Endocrine E.Lymphatic


All of the following may be seen as oral manifestations of chemotherapy EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A.Xerostomia B.Mucositis C.Fungal infections D.Caries E.Trismus


Fluorosis occurs as a result of A.an inherited disorder found often in family members. B.an excess of topical fluoride treatments. C.an episode of acute toxicity from fluoride ingestion. D.utilizing an excess of fluoride rinses, toothpastes, and gels. E.chronic ingestion of fluorides from a variety of sources.

E.chronic ingestion of fluorides from a variety of sources

Ethics is defined as the philosophy of A.standard of care. B.accountability. C.tort principles. D.implied contract. E.morality.


A group of community dental hygienists is planning a five-year preventive dental health program for three elementary schools due to a reported high incidence of dental caries. All three schools are part of a school district whose school board approved the program but is interested in keeping expenses to a minimum. Rather than offering a dental sealant program, it was decided to fluoridate the schools' water supply and initiate a school fluoride mouthrinse program. One of the first things the dental hygienists performed was a pre-index assessment of dental caries. The results showed a mean caries rate of 5.6 teeth per child. The dental hygienists also sent a questionnaire to the parents of these children. The parental response rate was 32 percent, and it was determined from the results that most children do not see a dentist regularly and have a high intake of sugar. Throughout the implementation stage, the dental hygienists evaluate feedback from the program's participants, teachers, administrators, and parents. This type of evaluation is referred to as


A periapical examination reveals an inverted pear-shaped radiolucency between the roots of the maxillary lateral and canine teeth. The client is asymptomatic, and the adjacent teeth are vital. What is the correct diagnosis for this pathologic condition?

Globulomaxillary cyst

What is the BEST instrument to use for debriding a dental implant?

Plastic instrument of various working-end designs

Two public health dental hygienists were asked to assess the periodontal needs of persons currently living in six homeless shelters. One study was performed to compare the periodontal status of the adult males to that of the adult females to determine any oral health differences. The total number of people living in all six shelters is 464, and after informed consent was obtained, it was decided to take a sampling of 150 persons for the study. Participant selection was performed by first placing each person who agreed to participate into a male or female category and then placing each person into one of three age groups: 18 to 30, 31 to 45, and 46 to 60. The results of this study were then compared to a similar study performed three years ago prior to state funding that allocated money to dentists who treated the state's homeless population. The screenings revealed that 89 of the 150 people studied showed signs of periodontitis. This is an example of what statistical rate?


A group of community dental hygienists is planning a five-year preventive dental health program for three elementary schools due to a reported high incidence of dental caries. All three schools are part of a school district whose school board approved the program but is interested in keeping expenses to a minimum. Rather than offering a dental sealant program, it was decided to fluoridate the schools' water supply and initiate a school fluoride mouthrinse program. One of the first things the dental hygienists performed was a pre-index assessment of dental caries. The results showed a mean caries rate of 5.6 teeth per child. The dental hygienists also sent a questionnaire to the parents of these children. The parental response rate was 32 percent, and it was determined from the results that most children do not see a dentist regularly and have a high intake of sugar. To gain support of the teachers in all three schools, the dental hygienists decided to conduct an educational in-service at each school. Other than the dental hygienists, who else should play a key role during this in-service?

School principal and parents/guardians

A face shield replaces the need for other forms of protective eyewear. Face shields also provide the same respiratory protection as facemasks.

The first statement is true, the second is false

The American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) has an established Code of Ethics designed to assist dental hygienist in achieving high levels of professional ethical consciousness, decision making, and practice. Although the Code of Ethics encourages moral professional judgment and conduct, its intent is to oversee ethical expectations of the hygienists by the public.

The first statement is true, the second is false

A "Give Kids a Smile Day" was planned during February National Dental Health Month in the urban town of Bridgedale. Local dentists, dental hygienists, and dental hygiene students organized activities for preschool and K-6 age children. The planned activities included oral screenings, oral-hygiene instruction, oral prophylaxis, radiographs, and a toothbrush trade-in. Local politicians and a state representative were invited to attend, and newspaper coverage was expected. Two local dental health clinics and one school-based dental clinic were open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM for participation in this event. To reinforce the skills necessary for toothbrushing, it is important to have the participants

practice toothbrushing on themselves with the hygienist

Periodontal abscesses MOST commonly occur when

the gingival margin becomes firmly adapted over a debris-filled pocket

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