Database exam 3

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A query creates a Cartesian join between one table with 5 records and another with 20 records. How many records are displayed in the results - 25 - 15 - 100 - 4


In Microsoft Access, what do you need to decrypt an Encrypted database - Backup software - A password - An administrator account - 128-Bit decryption software

A password

A ________ is a field that contains unique data for each record in the table but is not used as the primary key field for security or other reasons - Alternate key - Secondary key - Associate key - Backup key

Alternate Key

Which of the following is a database-as-a-service product - SQL server - Amazon relational Database Service - Oracle - Apache Database Service

Amazon relational database service

In object-oriented technologies, what is a class - A characteristic of an object - A collection of data types - Something an object can do - An object that functions as a blueprint for more objects

An object that functions as a blueprint for more objects

What is the primary focus of the latest emerging careers in the database industry - Compliance management - Analysis of internal, external, and big data - Installation and training of enterprise database management systems - Management and security of internal, transactional data

Analysis of internal, external, and big data

Which of the following is not a database policy area that database administrators typically are responsible for - Granting access privileges - Creating and testing a disaster recovery plan - Analyzing sales and expenses - Setting up proper database security

Analyzing sales and expenses

Which of the following is not a high-level programming language - C++ - PHP - Java - Assembler


In an entity-relationship model (ERM), what information appears in ovals - Attributes - Relationships - Entities - Dependencies


what technique is used to identify the person who is attempting to access the DBMS - Encryption - Synchronization - Viewing - Authentication


Because __________ read and write files as as communicate with a centralized database, they run on a server - Back-end technologies - Browsers - Front-end technologies - Client applications

Back-end technologies

Which of the following is not a common security feature used by database management systems - Encryption - Authentication - Backward recovery - Authorization

Backward recovery

A _______ is a special data type for complex data such graphics, drawings, photographs, video, and sound - Online analytical processing (OLAP) - Binary large object (BLOB) - Special complex object (SCOB) - Extensible data schema (XSD)

Binary large object (BLOB)

Which of the following does a data analyst typically work with - Database maintenance - Government regulations - Data compliance issues - Business transactions

Business transactions

Google searches and social media postings that direct traffic to a website are known as _________ - Sessions - Bounces - Channels - Conversions


In Database Design Language (DBDL), which items do you underline - Columns that make up the primary key - Columns that make up the foreign key - Table names - Data types

Columns that make up the primary key

In an entity-relationship model (ERM) for a many to many relationship what do you call the middle entity that links two other tables - Composite entity - Consolidated entity - Secondary entity - Linking entity

Composite entity

How might you resolve an inappropriate Cartesian join - Connect the two tables through a third junction table - Convert the join type to a RIGHT join - Convert the join type to a LEFT join - Change the query to an update query

Connect the two tables through a third junction table

The acronym CRUD stands for - Catalog, report, user, data - Commit, recover, undo, and decrypt - Credentials, read-only, unique, double - Create, read, update, and delete

Create, read, update, and delete

Which of the following. is a type of E-R diagram - Database design language (DBDL) - Access Database Documenter - Crow's foot notation - Entity tree notation

Crow's foot notation

A __________ is a one-page grouping of key performance indicators (KPIs) that allow decision makers to evaluate and act on important data - Stylesheet - Dashboard - Snapshot - Box-and-whisker chart


A _________ completes the statistical and graphical analysis of internal data such as sales figures and operational expenses to help an organization make faster and better decisions - Data analyst - Data archivist - Task-oriented DBA - Database operations manager

Data analyst

Which of the following is one of the most identifiable entry-level database industry job titles - Database visualization expert - Application DBA - Data analyst - Chief security

Data analyst

Which of the following is information that the Access Database Documenter does not provide - All objects in the database - Data in each field - Fields in each table - Relationships between tables

Data in each field

Which concept of a DBMS means that you change the database structure without requiring you to change the programs that access the database - Data integrity constraints - Key integrity constraints - Field independence - Data independence

Data independence

What type of constraints help to ensure the accuracy and consistency of field values - Key integrity constraints - Referential constraints - Data integrity constraints - Security constraints

Data integrity constraints

Which of the following is a valid reason for creating a one-to-one relationship between two tables - The tables are rarely updated - One table would otherwise not participate in a relationship - The tables create a Cartesian join - The data needs to be imported from separate sources

Data needs to be imported from separate sources

A ___________ analyzes massive sets of internal, external, and big data to help an organization make faster and better decisions - Data visualizer - System DBA - Data scientist - Application DBA

Data scientist

Which of the following database professionals uses programming algorithms and applies statistics to analyze large sets of data - data scientist - Data entry technician - Data modeler - Application DBA

Data scientist

Which of the following database professionals would focus on how large-scale research produces better products - Data scientist - Data visualization expert - Database operations manager - Data archivist

Data scientist

Which type of data integrity constraint States that the value entered for any field should be consistent with the data type for that field - Format - Secondary - Data type - Legal value

Data type

Which of the following database professionals most likely helps others understand patterns in data in formats other than lists, summarized reports, and other statistical presentations - Data visualization expert - Data scientist - Data modeler - Business analyst

Data visualization expert

Which of the following is not a typical qualification for a data scientist - Strong data modeling skills - Data visualization skills - Experience with big data technologies - Advanced degree in computer science

Data visualization skills

__________ refers to the hardware and software an organization needs to address the analytical requirements of users without detracting from traditional operations - Data warehouse architecture - Encapsulation - Local area network - Fat client architecture

Data warehouse architecture

Which of the following is generally not considered a traditional business operations for all sizes of business - Payroll - Accounts receivable - Billing - Data warehousing

Data warehousing

Which of the following database professionals most likely uses SQL to summarize and analyze data to extract trends, insights, and knowledge - Database analyst - System DBA - Database architect - Task-oriented DBA

Database analyst

Which of the following is typically not a requirement for a successful career as a database administrator - Successful business experience - Industry certifications - Direct contact with customers - Educational credentials

Direct contact with customers

A ________ is a single logical database that is physically divided among computers at several sites on a network - Back-end database - Distributed database - Virtual database - Cloud database

Distributed database

Which of the following does not describe the data in a data warehouse - Nonvolatile - Dynamic - Integrated - Subject-oriented


To support data independence, you should _________ in an SQL SELECT command - Explicitly list all the required fields - Use the * wildcard to represent all fields - Only list fields from a single table - Avoid using more than five fields

Explicitly list all the required fields

Which fields should you index in a table - Fields that are commonly used for sorting - Fields that contain sensitive data - Every field - Fields that are not part of a relationship

Fields that are commonly used for sorting

What can you create in Access to show data in a single record and all its related records - Related user views - one-to-one relationship - Form and subform - Lookup reports

Form and subform

Which of the following is not a common service provided by a database management system - Update and retrieve data - Provide catalog services - Recover data - Format user views, forms, and reports

Format user views, forms, and reports

A _________ is a set of standards, development tools, and software libraries that help programmers develop software solutions faster and with more consistency - Data warehouse - Management information system (MIS) - Framework - Fat client


Which of the following demostrates the concept of a distributed database - Git - CRUD - ACID - LAMP


Which of the following types of NoSQL database systems are commonly used for artificial intelligence (AI) applications - Graph database - Document database mangement system - Wide column store - Key/value database

Graph database

_________ are actions that are performed on resources or files at the server - HTTP methods - Solutions stacks - SQL scripts - SQL keywords

HTTP methods

___________ is an open source distributed processing framework for managing and processing very large sets of data - GLAPPR - Python - Hadoop - SQL server


Which of the following is a technology that data scientists use to store and analyze big data - Wordpress - Hadoop - XQuery - SQLite


Which of the following laws does not govern data access, retention, and destruction - Health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA) - Hatch act - Presidential records act - Sarbones-Oxley (SOX) action

Hatch act

During which process do you typically create an entity-relationship diagram - Information-level design - Maintenance - Physical-level design - Troubleshooting user views

Information-level design

Which Access feature restricts a field to a special format for entering data - Input Mask - Lookup properties - Validation text property - Object dependencies

Input mask

What is a goal of a distributed database - It should allow access to only a handful of trusted users - It should feel and work like a single database to users - It should provide an open architecture that organizations can customize as needed - It should automatically normalize data

It should feel and work like a single database to users

___________ is a format for storing and transporting data often used when data is sent from a server to a webpage - Element markup language (EML) - Uniform resource locator (URL) - Javascript object notation (JSON) - Unified modeling language (UML)

Javascript object notation (JSON)

Because you cannot directly create a many-to-many relationship between two tables, what must you create to link the tables together - Cartesian join - entity-relationship diagram - secondary table - junction table

Junction table

JSON data is shared in _________ - Opening and closing tags - Comma-separated notation - Key/value pairs - Data schemas

Key/value pairs

Which go the following statements is true about selecting a DBMS - Large businesses are unlikely to switch from one DBMS to another because they have already made significant investments in their systems - It is common for most organizations to conduct an independent analysis to to compare DBMSs on an annual basis - Businesses often convert the majority of their data from one DBMS to another, even if they have been using one system for years - An important consideration when selecting a DBMS is that it supports COBAL

Large businesses are unlikely to switch from one DBMS to another because they have already made significant investments in their systems

Which of the following fields would you most likely index but set index's unique property to no - EmployeeID - LastName - OfficeNumber - StreetAddress


If you want to constrain a Bonus field to values, 250, 500, and 750, what type of constraint should you apply - Integrity - Legal values - Fieldname - Expression

Legal values

Which properties do you set to display a list of possible values that are helpful when you enter or update data in a foreign key fields - Lookup properties - Indexed properties - Subdatasheet properties - Foreign Key List properties

Lookup Properties

Which of the following Access features provides a drop-down list of values for a field - Subdatasheet - Subform - Relationship report - Lookup field

Lookup field

In a database catalog, ________ includes information about the relationships, views, indexes, and properties - An after image - Metadata - A transaction - Authentication


What do you call the predication that the number of transistors on a chip is likely to double every two years - Moore's law - Open architecture law - Hopper's theorem - Ruby on Rails

Moore's law

Which of the following is not one of the top five database certifications - Microsoft SQL Server database certification - Oracle Certified professional, MySQL database administrator - IBM certified database administrator ---DB2 - MySQL certified database analyst

MySQL certified database analyst

Which of the following is not a type of NoSQL database system - OLAP database - Wide column store - Document database management system - Graph database

OLAP database

In an OODBMS a __________ is a set of related attributes along with the actions that are associated with the set of attributes - Data type - Object - Key/value pair - Level


In a database for a health care clinic, a medical specialty is listed once in the Specialties table, but each speciality may be linked too many doctors in the Doctors table. What type of relationship do the Specialties and Doctors tables have - One to one - Many to many - Many to one - One to many

One to many

What type of relationship do two tables have when their primary keys match - Many-to-many - One-to-one - Many-to-one - One-to-many


A _________ is a duplicate of a single, shared database to balance the workload amount CPUs - Sandbox - Parallel database system - Archived database system - Test system

Parallel database system

What do data scientists typically look for as they analyze data - Patterns and trends - Mathematical errors - Missing data - Database performance indicators

Patterns and trends

Which of the following database professionals is most likely to manage indexes - Data mideler - Database operations manager - Performance analyst - Database architect

Performance analyst

Building the entities, attributes, constraints and relationships in a particular RDBMS is called - Conceptual design - Entity relationship diagram - Physical-level design - Information-level design

Physical-level design

Which of the following is not true about the database industry - Traditional data management and more recent data analysis positions are both in high demand - New certifications on emerging database technologies are constantly being developed - Positions as a database analyst or data scientist continue to grow, but not other database fields - Most job outlook articles predict that the database industry will continue with high growth

Positions as a data analyst or data scientist continue to grow, but not other database fields

Which of the following items is not identified in relational database design documentation - Attributes needed for each normalized entity - Possible user views for each entity - Primary key field for each entity - Proper one-to-many relationships between the entities

Possible user views for each entity

Which of the following is not a common data file format that database management systems use to export data - Comma-separated values (CSV) - Excel workbook (XLSX) - Open database connectivity (ODBC) - Powerpoint presentation (PPTX)

Powerpoint Presentation (PPTX)

What do key integrity constraints consist of - Primary key and foreign key constraints - Primary key and alternative key constraints - Authorization permissions - Smart card limitations

Primary key and foreign key constraints

The hardware, software, and database that users and regular applications the company use is called the __________ - Test system - Sandbox - Cold site - Production system

Production system

Which of the following SQL statements rescinds privileges for user kcchen05 to create constraints and delete data in the Customers table - REVOKE REFERENCES, DELETE ON Customers TO kchen05; - RESCIND REFERENCES, DELETE ON Customers TO kchen05; - REVOKE ALL ON Customers TO kchen05; - REVOKE CONSTRAINTS, DELETE ON Customers TO kchen05;


_________ is the process of returning a database that has encountered a problem to a state known to be correct - Isolating - Recovery - Committing - Cataloging


A one-to-many relationship with ________ means that a record in the parent table must be established before a related record in the child table can be entered - Referential integrity - Alternate keys - Cardinality - Access restrictions

Referential integrity

Which of the following Access tools shows the database schema - Navigation pane - Object Dependencies pane - Relationship report - System catalog

Relationship report

The E-R model (ERM) represents entities, attributes, and - Relationships - Views - Indexes - Properties


Which of the following is not of Codd's 12 rules for distributed databases - Reliance on a central site - Continuous operation - Hardware independence - Location transparency

Reliance on a central site

What do you call the log of all database maintenance, with information such as dates, license keys, and issues or updates - Data warehouse - Archive - Cloud backup - Run-book


Which of the following is generally not considered a source of big data - Social media posts - Sales transactions - Online reviews - Comments on blogs

Sales transactions

A _______ represents a field or combination of fields that may not be unique, but is commonly used for retrieval and thus should be indexed - Alternate key - Secondary key - Indexed key - Combo key

Secondary key

In the following Database Design Language (DBDL) notation, what does SK stand for mployees (EmpID, LastName, FirstName, SSN, DeptNum) AK SSNSK LastName, FirstName FK DeptNum à Departments - SQL key - Subkey - Secondary key - Start key

Secondary key

Which of the following is an authentication tool in which information used to identify a user is stored on a physical card - Biometrics - Smart card - Sign-in - Password

Smart card

Git and Github operate on what type of distributed database model - Snapshot - Master-slave - Object-oriented - Client/server


A ________ contains software components that are well documented and have a proven track records of working well together - Enterprise-level system - Solution stack - HTTP method - web app

Solution stack

Which of the following is not a technology that a data warehouse administrator typically manages - Extract, transform, load (ETL) - Online analytical processing (OLAP) - Business intelligence (BI) - Spyware/malware detection software (SMDS)

Spyware/ malware detection software (SWDS)

What type of excel chart would you create to compare the relative amount of sales between different categories of products within different regions as proportionally sized rings - Pie chart - Waterfall chart - Sunburst chart - Radar chart

Sunburst chart

What do you call applying and reconciling updates from various copies of a database with the master copy - Replication - Synchronization - Authentication - Atomicity


In an entity-relationship model (ERM), what does a diamond represent - The "many" part of the relationship - The "one" part of the relationship - The relationship - An entity

The relationship

What is the purpose of an index - To improve database performance when queries request a sort order for records - To store unique data for each record in the table - To identify primary, secondary, and alternate keys - To show which database objects depend on each other

To improve database performance when request a sort order for records

Which of the following does a DBMS log typically not include for each transaction - Transaction ID - User responsible for the transaction - After image - Before image

User responsible for the transaction

Which of the following is information that Access system catalogs do not maintain - Users, user groups, and privileges - Properties of the relationships between tables - Tables and fields included in the database - Indexed fields

Users, user groups, and privileges

In cloud computing, although many clients share the same resources, a company's systems operate as if they were running on their own distributed system because of __________ - Embedded analytics - Abstraction - Crowdsourcing - Virtualization


How does Access handle concurrent updates - Through time timestamping - Restricting the database to one user at a time - With record-level locking - with file-level locking

With record-level locking

Which of the following is a language for querying web-based documents and similarly strutted data repositories - XQuery - Extensible schema definition (XSD) - XSL Transformations (XSLT) - Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)


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