Davies ABD Images

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B. evaluate the hypoechoic areas with color and spectral doppler

considering the image below, which of the following would be most likely to confirm the findings? A. roll the patient into a RLD position B. evaluate the hypoechoic areas with color and spectral doppler C. have the patient drink 48oz of water and rescan D. have the patient preform valsalva E. scan the patient during both inspiration and expiration


identify the anatomy labeled "C" A. aorta B. portal vein C. SMV D. IMV E. IVC

C. left renal vein

identify the anatomy labeled "D" A. common hepatic artery B. splenic artery C. left renal vein D. left renal artery E. inferior mesenteric artery


identify the anatomy labeled A A. CBD B. common hepatic duct C. lt gastric artery D. GDA E. common HA


identify the anatomy of label B? A. CBD B. common hepatic duct C. lt gastric artery D. GDA E. common HA

C. mirror image of a liver cyst

identify the etiology of the structure indicated by the small arrows on this image A. cystic mass in the right lung B. loculated pleural effusion C. mirror image of a liver cyst D. ectopic location of the GB E. pleural abscess

A. stomach

identify the structure labeled "C" in this image A. stomach B. duodenum C. pancreas D. gastroesophageal junction E. crus of the diaphragm

E. splenic vein

identify the structure labeled D A. LRV B. RRV C. IMV D. pancreatic duct E. splenic vein

D. lt gastric artery and CA

identify the vessels labeled "A" and "B" A. common HA and SMA B. proper HA and CA C. rt gastric artery and CA D. lt gastric artery and CA E. proper HA and SPLA

C. middle hepatic vein

identify vessel "A" A. rt hepatic vein B. lt hepatic vein C. middle hepatic vein D. MPV E. lt portal vein

B. lt hepatic vein

identify vessel B A. rt hepatic vein B. lt hepatic vein C. middle hepatic vein D. main portal vein E. lt portal vein

D. psoas muscle

in the image below, what does the letter B represent? A. rib B. lumbar spine C. qudratus lumborum muscle D. psoas muscle E. obturator internus muscle

A. cirrhosis

in this image below, the surface of the liver is indicative of what? A. cirrhosis B. metastatic disease C. hepatitis D. fatty infiltration E. hydatid disease


the letter D represents which of the following structures? A. RRA B. LRA C. SMA D. CA E. RRV

B. splenic and retroperitoneal varices

this 49 y/o male presented with a clinical history of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. In the transverse image below, multiple hypoechoic structures are seen at the splenic hilum and between the kidney and spleen. what is the most likely etiology of these structures? A. multiple aneurysms of the splenic artery B. splenic and retroperitoneal varices C. loculated ascites D. polycystic kidney disease E. fluid filled loops of bowel

C. air within the collecting system

this image of the left kidney is obtained on an extremely ill, febrile, 55 y/o diabetic female with severe left flank pain. what pathology is present within the left kidney? A. staghorn calculi B. ureteral stone C. air within the collecting system D. RCC E. angiomyolipoma

C. colon

this image was obtained from the LUQ of a patient with abd pain and bloating. what is the structure seen anterior and inferior to the left kidney? A. small intestine B. stomach C. colon D. retroperitoneal fibrosis E. lymphadenopathy

C. pancreatic head pseudocyst

this image was obtained in a 48 year old male referred for an abdominal ultrasound bc of an abnormal LFT. which of the following best describes the findings? A. ectopic location of the GB B. pancreatic head carcinoma C. pancreatic head pseudocyst D. fluid in the duodenum E. peripancreatic lymphadenopathy

E. splenic cysts

this patient was referred for an ultrasound bc of epigastric pain and tenderness. this image was obtained from the LUQ. which of the following describes the ultrasound findings? A. pleural effusion B. splenomegaly C. ascites D. splenic metastases E. splenic cysts

E. posterior segment of right lobe

this solitary bright echogenic mass is an incidental finding. which of the following correctly describes its position within the liver? A. medial left lobe B. lateral left lobe C. caudate lobe D. anterior segment of right lobe E. posterior segment of right lobe

C. qudratus lumborum muscle

this trans image was obtained in a 49 year old male with hematuria. what structure is represented by letter A? A. rib B. lumbar spine C. qudratus lumborum muscle D. psoas muscle E. obturator internus muscle

D. AAA and horseshoe kidney

this trans image was obtained in the mid abdomen of a 57 year old male with lower back pain. which of the following correctly describes the sonographic findings? A. leaking AAA with hematoma B. AAA and para aortic lymphadenopathy C. inflammatory AAA D. AAA and horseshoe kidney E. AAA with retroperitoneal fibrosis

B. lymphadenopathy

this trans image was obtained with the patient in a right oblique position and the transducer placed of the the spleen. what abnormality is present? A. small bowel obstruction B. lymphadenopathy C. polycystic kidney disease D. accessory spleen E. hydronephrosis

E. all of the above

this view is useful in the evaluation of what abnormality? A. renal artery stenosis B. multiple renal arteries C. aortic aneurysm D. IVC thrombus E. all of the above

C. reverb artifact

what is the arrow pointing to? A. mirror image artifact B. comet tail artifact C. reverb artifact D. excessive gain E. side lobe artifact

A. hemangioma

what is the most likely etiology of the liver mass in this image? A. hemangioma B. HCC C. FNH D. granuloma E. abscess

A. diaphragmatic crura

what linear structure is seen on each side adjacent to the aorta and proximal to the vessels labeled C and D? A. diaphragmatic crura B. adrenal glands C. esophageal gastric junction D. normal para aortic lymphnodes E. quadratus lumborum muscle

C. body of the pancreas

what organ lies immediately anterior to the structure labeled D? A. stomach B. duodenum C. body of the pancreas D. uncinate process E. spleen

A. pleural effusion

what pathology is present in this image in the LUQ? A. pleural effusion B. splenomegaly C. ascites D. splenic metastases E. splenic cysts

C. microlithiasis

what pathology is present in this image of the right and left testicles? A. spermatocele B. seminoma C. microlithiasis D. metastic disease E. orchitis

C. renal calculi

what pathology is seen in this image of the left kidney? A. angiomyolipoma B. RCC C. renal calculi D. left adrenal pheochromocytoma E. there is no pathology demonstrated in this image

B. liver

what soft tissue organ is seen at the anterior aspect of this image? A. spleen B. liver C. right kidney D. left kidney E. pancreas

D. hyperechoic

what term best describes this lower pole renal mass? A. hypoechoic B. anechoic C. isoechoic D. hyperechoic E. none of the above

B. heterogeneous

what term best describes this upper pole renal mass? A. homogeneous B. heterogeneous C. isoechoic D. anechoic E. hypoechoic

A. portal vein

what vessel is labeled "A" in this intercostal view of the liver? A. portal vein B. rt hepatic vein C. middle hepatic vein D. lt hepatic vein E. rt hepatic artery

A. angiomyolipoma

which of the following is most consistent with the sonographic appearance of this renal mass? A. angiomyolipoma B. staghorn calculus C. lymphomatous involvement D. complex renal cyst E. transitional cell tumor


which vessel is located superior to the vessel labeled E? A. SMA B. IMA C. CA D. LRV E. RRA

D. fusiform

you are asked to perform a follow up study on a patient with a known AAA. which of the following terms correctly describes this aneurysm? A. pseudoaneurysm B. saccular C. dissecting D. fusiform E. dumbbell

D. ascites and hydronephrosis

you have completed an ultrasound on a 57 year old female with vague symptoms of abdominal pain and fullness. which of the following correctly describes the pathology demonstrated in this image form the RUQ? A. PKD B. ascites and multicystic dysplastic kidney C. ascites and simple cortical cysts D. ascites and hydronephrosis E. pleural effusion and renal tumor

D. diaphragmatic crura

you have obtained these images on a 27 year old female. the small arrows are pointing to what? A. esophageal gastric junction B. left adrenal gland C. right adrenal gland D. diaphragmatic crura E LRV

B. dilated common bile duct

you have obtained this image from the RUQ of a patient with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. what pathology is present? A. gallstones B. dilated common bile duct C. portal vein thrombosis D. pneumobilia E. pancreatic pseudocyst

A. rectus sheath hematoma

you have obtained this image from the mid abdoment of a parient with a history of severe sneezing and a palpable abdominal mass. what pathology is present in this image? A. rectus sheath hematoma B. aortic aneurysm C. lymphadenopathy D. bowel tumor E. abdominal hernia

D. right ureteral jet

you have obtained this image of the urinary bladder in a patient with a suspected right ureteral obstruction. what is represented on this image? A. transitional cell carcinoma involving the bladder B. endometriosis of the urinary bladder C. left ureteral jet D. right ureteral jet E. foley catheter within the urinary bladder

B. epididymal cyst

you have obtained this image while performing a scrotal ultrasound on a patient with a history of a palpable right scrotal mass. what pathology is present? A. seminoma B. epididymal cyst C. epididymitis D. orchitis E. hydrocele

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