A user can create or destroy databases and manipulate information held in them via DML. True | False
DML handles a database by interacting with tables and stored procedures or formula. True | False
DML is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data and structures of databases. True | False
Data Manipulation Language offers an effective way of adding, moving, deleting, and editing data. True | False
Data changing commands include editing, inserting data, updating data, deleting data, and reversing transactions. True | False
INSERT and UPDATE commands in SQL and DML are basically the same. True | False
The commands in data manipulation language can modify the structure of a database. True | False
MEDIUMINT using 3 bytes 17 million different options.
SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE are some examples of DML commands. True | False
The GROUP BY clause is: An SQL language A query clause An update clause A programming language
A query clause
BIGINT using 8 bytes 18 quintillion different possibilities.
TCL TCL is short name of Transaction Control Language
COMMIT - commits a transaction. ROLLBACK - rollback a transaction in case of any error occurs. SAVEPOINT - a point inside a transaction that allows rollback state to what it was at the time of the savepoint. SET TRANSACTION - specify characteristics for the transaction.
DDL DDL is short name of Data Definition Language,
CREATE - to create database and its objects like (table, index, views, store procedure, function and triggers). ALTER - alters the structure of the existing database. DROP - delete objects from the database. TRUNCATE - remove all records from a table; also, all spaces allocated for the records are removed. COMMENT - add comments to the data dictionary. RENAME - rename an object.
INSERT is part of a categorization of SQL statements called _____ Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) C++ Java
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
A computer program is the same as a computer language. True | False
DCL DCL is short name of Data Control Language
GRANT - allow users access privileges to database. REVOKE - withdraw users access privileges given by using the GRANT command.
INT means integer,
INT permits spaces of up to more than 4 billion while taking up four bytes (4 bytes) per entry. ,
How does the ORDER BY clause differ from the GROUP BY clause? It groups only the data in the column/columns specified. It orders the data in the group based on the specified column. It orders the groups based on the order that the data was entered. It organizes the data into random groups.
It orders the data in the group based on the specified column.
What happens if you leave off the ELSE clause in an SQL CASE statement and no conditions are met? NULL is returned An error is returned Zeroes are displayed Nothing
NULL is returned
The ELSE clause in a CASE statement is _____ Unimportant Required Illegal Recommended
DML DML is short name of Data Manipulation Language
SELECT - retrieve data from one or more tables. INSERT - insert data into a table. UPDATE - updates existing data within a table. DELETE - delete all records from a table. MERGE - UPSERT operation (insert or update) CALL - call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram. EXPLAIN PLAN - interpretation of the data access path. LOCK TABLE - concurrency control.
You can insert multiple rows into the table by adding _____ to the INSERT statement. SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE DELETE ... FROM ... WHERE UPDATE ... FROM ... WHERE
The GROUP By clause is always paired with _____ and must precede _____, if it is used. INSERT, SELECT DELETE, SELECT SELECT, ORDER BY ORDER BY, SELECT
SMALLINT permits blanks that fit up to 65,536 different values while only taking up two bytes per entry. 2. 2 x 8 = 16, 65,536 (2^16)
What is SSMS
SSMS is the abbreviation for SQL Server Management Studio It belongs to MS SQL
TINYINT using 1 byte 1 byte, 0 to 255 which limits you to only one byte, or 2^8 potential values
A SELECT statement can be embedded within the DELETE command to delete records based on a more specific condition other than the value of a single field. True | False
An INSERT command in DML is used to enter data into a table. True | False
DML commands include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. True | False
DML is a group of computer languages, including commands permitting users to manipulate data in a database. True | False
DML is mostly incorporated in SQL databases. True | False
Data refers to all the single items that are stored in a database. True | False
One must match the field names before inserting a table, else the system will error out. True | False
Searching a huge set of data becomes problematic if there isn't a WHERE clause present in a SELECT command. True | False
Searching through a huge set of data becomes relatively easy with the use of DML. True | False
The SELECT command is used to form queries for extracting information out of the database. True | False
Required parts of the CASE statement are: WHEN, THEN, ELSE IF, THEN, ELSE WHEN, THEN, END WHEN, THEN
[^ab] - this represents a match if character a or b does NOT appear
e.g. .. WHERE NAME LIKE [^AB]% will list all names NOT starting with 'A' or 'B' like 'Catherine', 'James' etc.
_ - this represents a single character match
e.g. ..WHERE name LIKE 'B_rt' will list names like 'Bert', 'Bart', 'Burt'.
[ab] - this represents a match if character a or b appears
e.g. ..WHERE name LIKE '[AB]%' will list 'Albert', 'Bernard'
When using the ORDER BY clause, where is it located? following the GROUP BY clause appearing after the table is indicated following the WHERE clause preceding the SELECT statement
following the GROUP BY clause
What notation must be used to end a GROUP BY clause or any SQL statement? the semicolon The ORDER BY clause the period the exclamation sign
the semicolon