Decaf Nectar of the Gods

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American participation in the Second World War had which of the following major effects on the home front? A. a movement of women into factory work B. the breakdown of racial segregation in the South C. the growth of isolationism in the Midwest D. the introduction of a system of national health insurance E. a decline in farm income


Colonial cities functioned primarily as A. mercantile centers for collecting agricultural goods and distributing imported manufactured goods B. places where most poor immigrants settled and worked as independent artisans C. centers where large scale financial and banking operations were conducted D. places to which wage earners commuted from numerous surrounding communities E. centers of light manufacturing


In addition to the cotton gin, Eli Whitney's major contribution to American technology was his A. introduction of interchangeable parts B. development of the first practical locomotive C. invention of the mechanical reaper D. installation of the first textile mill E. development of steam power


Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast of the United States in early 1942 were sent to internment camps on the alleged grounds that they A. were a potential threat to the security of the US B. refused to take a loyalty oath C. wished to return to Japan in great numbers D. were instrumental in arranging the attack on Pearl Harbor E. worked with German and Italian groups to weaken American resolve


Of the following, the most threatening problem for the Union from 1861 through 1863 was A. possible British recognition of the Confederacy B. Spanish intervention in Santo Domingo C. French objections to the Union blockade D. British insistence on the abolition of slavery E. British objections to the Union position on "continuous voyage"


The primary function of the war boards during the First World War was to A. increase cooperation among business, labor, and government B. encourage the breakup of monopolies C. nationalize the banking industry D. limit the influence of social scientists on government policy E. minimize the tax burden on the lower classes


This drawing above has been cited as evidence of the nineteenth-century middle-class view of the A. home as a refuse from the world rather than as a productive unit B. declining influence of women in the family structure C. economic value of children to families D. importance of religious education E. widening role of women in society


Which of the following was true of the Continental Congress in its drafting of the Articles of Confederation? A. It was cautious about giving the new government powers it had just denied Parliament B. It gave Congress the exclusive right to issue currency C. It gave the national court system the power to review both national and state law D. It gave Congress control of interstate commerce E. It rejected the arguments of men like Samuel Adams and Richards Henry Lee who feared strong governments


During the Great Depression, "Hoovervilles" were A. government relocation camps for indigent workers B. model communities established by the Hoover administration C. shantytowns of unemployed and homeless people D. soup kitchens financed under New Deal legislation E. work projects established by the Hoover administration to revitalize the economy


For American farming, the years 1921 to 1929 were a period of A. increase in the size of the farm population B. rapid inflation in the price of farmland C. low prices for agricultural products D. increased government subsidization E. increase in the number of small family-owned farms


The announced purpose of the Marshall Plan was to A. stabilize world currencies B. promote advanced technology for use in the military defense of Western Europe C. reduce the dependence of the European economy on overseas empires D. maintain the US position as the world's leading creditor nation E. aid the economic recovery of war-torn Europe


The argument between Great Britain and its American colonies during the 1760's and 1770's over "virtual representation" concerned A. patterns of legislative apportionment in the colonial assemblies B. Parliament's ability to reflect colonial interests C. the lack of colonial participation in negotiating the Treaty of Paris D. the increasing use of juryless admirality courts in the colonies E. the representation of "free men of color" in colonial assemblies


The major purpose of England's mercantilist policy was to A. protect the infant industries of England's young colonies B. increase England's prosperity C. discourage other European powers from colonizing North America D. reduce the need for an overseas empire E. open the Atlantic to free trade


The opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 was important because it A. established the role of the federal government in internal improvements B. strengthened the ties between the eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions C. made the invention of the steamboat economically viable D. spurred innovation in the railroad industry E. was the last major canal project before the Civil War


Which of the following best characterizes the goals of Martin Luther King Jr.? A. A peaceful separation of black people into powerful economic and political groups B. A peaceful integration of the races in all areas of society C. Federal compensation to black people for past political and legal injustices D. A church-centered black community removed from the oppression of white people E. Constant and, if necessary, violent political and social action to achieve long-sought justice


Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty"? A. Congress has the power to decide where slavery shall and shall not exist B. The settlers in the territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there C. Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves D. The American people shall decide where slavery will exist through a national plebiscite E. individual states have the right to reject congressional decisions pertaining to slavery


All of the following are true of railroad expansion in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT that it a. opened new territories to commercial agriculture b. accelerated the growth of some older cities and created new ones c. was financed by private corporations without government assistance d. led to new managerial forms and techniques e. was often capitalized beyond what was needed


The map above shows the United States immediately following the A. passage of the Northwest Ordinance B. negotiations of the Adams-Onis Treaty C. passage of the Missouri Compromise D. settlement of the Mexican War E. passage of the Compromise of 1850


Which of the following best accounts for the fact that Slavic immigrants in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries settled principally in midwestern cities like Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Chicago? A. The immigrants' ability to speak English was a serious obstacle to securing work on the East Coast B. Housing was better and food cheaper in the newer cities of the Midwest C. Midwestern steel, meatpacking, and other mass production industries offered many unskilled jobs D. Immigration authorities subsidized rail fares for westward migrants E. Ethnic and religious prejudice was less widespread in the Midwest than in eastern cities


Which of the following statements is correct about the rise of Senator Joseph R. McCarty to national prominence? A. He was the first Republican to emphasize the dangers of communism at home and abroad B. His careful investigations led to the conviction of hundreds of active subversives to whom the Truman administration had turned a blind eye C. He effectively played on the fears of Americans that communists had infiltrated the State Department and other federal agencies D. He used the televised Army-McCarty hearings to his advantaged E. He received strong support from President Eisenhower


During the War for Independence, the principal reason the American government sought diplomatic recognition from foreign powers was to A. rally all the states behind a common cause B. convince the British of the justice of the American cause C. make it easier to levy taxes on the citizens of the several states D. facilitate the purchase of arms and borrowing of money from other nation E. allow Von Steuben, Lafayette, and other Europeans to join the American army


In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had A. a better-developed transportation system B. a better-educated white population C. less interest in evangelical religion D. fewer European immigrants E. more cities


The Black Codes passed in a number of southern states after the Civil War were intended to A. close public schools to the children of former slaves B. promote the return of former slaves to Africa C. enable black citizens to vote in federal elections D. place limits on the socioeconomic opportunities open to black people E. further the integration of southern society


The rough map above was used by Thomas Jefferson to A. plot American military strategy during the Revolution B. give Lewis and Clark their instructions for exploration of the Mississippi C. plan a system of frontier fortifications D. begin planning the division of federal lands into new states E. organize voluntary militia during the Black Hawk War


Which of the following was most responsible for the change shown between 1938 and 1942 on the chart above? (number of unemployment people drops) A. the illness and death of unemployed workers B. a redefinition of unemployment by the US Census Bureau C. Legislation of the second New Deal D. Industrial mobilization related the Second World War E. a global economic boom following the Great Depression


Why did Congressional Reconstruction end in 1877? A. The freed slaves had been successfully integrated into Southern society B. The treaty ending the Civil War had set such a time limit C. Most of the politically active Black people had left the South for Northern cities D. The Republican and Democratic parties effected a compromise agreement after the 1876 presidential election E. The United States needed the troops stationed in the South to confront the French in Mexico


A Maryland master placed the following newspaper advertisement in 1772 after Harry, his slave, had run away: "He has been seen about the Negro Quarters in Patuxent ... (proceeds to talk about how the slave has friends/relatives in local areas)" Which of the following statements about conditions under slavery is best supported by the passage above? A. Slaves had no opportunity to develop their own culture and society


In 1962, which of the following contributed most directly to a crisis in Soviet-American relations over Cuba? A. Cuban attacks on the US naval base at Guantanamo B. The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion C. Cuban support for leftist guerrilla movements in Latin America D. Cuban withdrawal from the Organization of American States E. The discovery of Soviet missile sites in Cuba


Joseph Pulitzer achieved fame and wealth as a A. radio commentator B. political cartoonist C. photographer D. film producer E. newspaper publisher


The call for the "immediate and uncompensated emancipation of the slaves" is associated with the position of A. the Free Soil Party B. the evangelical churches in both the North and the South C. Abraham Lincoln in his debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Freeport, Illinois D. John Quincy Adams in his demands for repeal of the "gag rule" E. William Lloyd Garrison in 'The Liberator'


The dramatic increase in the South's slave labor force between 1810 and 1860 was due to A. an increase in the African slave trade B. the importation of slaves from the West Indies C. an increase in the severity of fugitive slave laws D. the acquisition of Louisiana E. the natural population increase of American-born slaves


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