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In the decades following the French Revolution and Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo (1815) a new movement called ??? began to flourish in France.


what art movement did Delacroix belong to?


in liberty leading the people what does Delacroix depict

an event from the July revolution of 1830 an event that replaced the abdicated King Charles X with Louis Phillipe I

His own words show his intense preoccu-pation with a purely pictorial world (quote)

"Those things which are the most real to me are the illusions which I create with my painting. The rest is merely a shifting sand."

Delacroix wrote that Ingres's paintings suffered from an ??

"absence of heart, of soul, [and] of mind"

The women's adorned bodies, wrapped in heavy blankets and multiple layers of vibrant garb (the leftmost woman is particularly bottom-heavy) suggest a sluggishness that subscribes to the ??stereotype.

"lazy native"

Delacroix because the expedition took place during an early stage of French expansionism in Africa = Delacroix was part of an imperialist adventure we could say that this was an expedition organized under the famous ?? motto.

"white man's burden"

The Women of Algiers in their Apartment (1834) presents a ?? view of the harem, featuring three women and their black servant surrounded by the familiar assortment of Oriental objects and furnishings.

"white man's burden"

Two mutually reinforcing myths about the harem were constantly evoked. They were..

(1) that the harem was the opulent quarters of the Turkish palace where a plethora of female concubines and slaves anxiously awaited the return of their master-husband, the Sultan. (2) a prison in a Muslim household where women were subject to their husband's absolute control against their will

what is described in the eight canto of Dante's Inferno which describes?

Dante and Virgil being ferried by Phlegyas across the source of the river Styx

Why did the critics find the painting Scenes from the Massacre at Chios difficult to assess?

- there are imposing figures dominating the foreground but the title gave no help in identifying the figures or which was most important - the bodies are fragmented and obscured - the paints viscosity changes, thin in some areas thick in others

The Death of Sardanapalus was Delacroix's largest canvas to date, measuring 3-95 by 4.95 meters , approximately ??? feet

12 by 16

The Salon of 1827-28 was a particularly ambitious occasion for Delacroix, who submitted no less than ?? works, of which ? were ultimately hung. Th

13, 9

when was Delacroix born


Eugène Delacroix, The Barque of Dante date


The Barque of Dante was submitted to the Salon in


In the ramifying cultural debates of the time, however, the role played by the criticism of the Salon was vital but partial. As is often observed, these discussions did not begin in ? and they did not end then, either


debate between the "romantics" and "classicists" marked the Salon of ??


As a consequence of the Salon of ???, in which both The Death of Sardanapalus and The Apotheosis of Homer were shown, the classic-romantic conflict was clearly defined, as were the leaders of each school.


The Death of Sardanapalus date


Delacroix's Death of Sardanapalus was controversial and polarizing at its exhibition at the Paris Salon of ??


Liberty Leading the People date


date of Delacroix's travels to North Africa


Eugène Delacroix, Women of Algiers in Their Apartment, date


Later hailed as one of the landmarks of French Romanticism, The Death of Sardanapalus was criticized in its 1828 Salon debut, was not sold until ??, and remained largely unseen until it was finally acquired by the Louvre in 1921



19th century artistic movement that appealed to emotion rather than reason

how old was Delacroix when The Barque of Dante was painted?



A term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures. (European construction of the Orient that served to support colonial interests)

Delacroix further claimed that individuality, a sense of imagination, and a "vivid expression of thought"-traits he found essential to the classical tradition-were also missing from Ingres's art and, in general, were either undercut or destroyed by the ??/


"harem" derives from the Arabic word pronounced "haram," which means ???


1834, the year in which Delacroix completed and exhibited Women of Algiers in the Paris Salon also marked the official military colonization of ??, which set a precedent for the later domination over other parts of North Africa


The Death of Sardanapalus is based on the tale of Sardanapalus, the last king of ??


Liberty develops from the protective ??? and the consolatrice motif


Drawn from the Italian Renaissance poet Dante's Divine Comedy, the Barque of Dante painting depicts,

Dante guided into Hell by the Roman poet Virgil as stormy seas and demonic figures attack their boat

French to conquer Algeria in 1830 = the culmination of the aims of the Napoleonic campaign in ???


despite appearing as an imperialist instrument upon first glance, Women of Algiers complicates the typical voyeurism in the works of his contemporaries, namely ??


Delacroix first encountered the tale in 1821 in a play about Sardanapalus by the romantic English poet???

Lord Byron

The figures and drama, recalling ?? and ??, marked the Delacroix as part of the new modern style that would soon be called Romantic.

Michaelangelo and Rubens

Curiously, Eugene Delacroix shirked association with


As early as 1821, Delacroix had decided against competing for the ?? (and by implication against an academic career), and soon after expressed his desire to be an independent painter

Prix de Rome

The bright, loosely painted, and emotional Chios painting connected Delacroix with the term "??" for the first tim


Delacroix's main entry to the Salon exhibition of 1824?

Scenes from the Massacres at Chios

Romantics did not reject the value of reason; they regarded the emotions as equally important to human experience. ??? were all characteristic of the romantic cast of mind.

Sentimentality, nostalgia, melancholy, and longing

Conversely, Ingres's ??, which was hung in the same room as The Death of Sardanapalus, appeared to be testimonial to classicism, as the artist had intended

The Apotheosis of Homer

Delacroix's first painting presented in the annual Paris Salon exhibition____ reflected Géricault's dramatic approach and all of Delacroix's studies in the Louvre

The Barque of Dante (1822)

Death of Sardanapalus: The style of this painting, even more than that of ??? stood in marked contrast to all that was associated with classicism, and it was thoroughly criticized for its "lack of taste, of grace and of 'noblesse,' of order, 'good' drawing and of finish."

The Massacre at Chios

Delacroix was selected because he was also known for his history paintings of the Orient. The most famous example is ??? (1824), which captured the tragedy and terror of the Ottoman military attack and slaughter of the inhabitants of Chois during the Greek War of Independence in 1822

The Massacre at Chios

The Barque of Dante was submitted to the Salon in 1822, and makes clear acknowledgement of its debt to Géricault's painting ??

The Raft of the Medusa

which Ingres painting displays myriad partly and fully exposed female bodies twisted in a way that evokes internal sexual frustration that yearns for the West's penetration

The Turkish Bath (1862)

In Guérin's studio, Delacroix met the painter ??? who would have an important influence on Delacroix's first major canvas_____???

Théodore Géricault, The Barque of Dante.

When he was seventeen, Delacroix entered the studio of the conservative painter Pierre-Narcisse Guérin and, as importantly, he began to study in the Louvre, copying the paintings of ___, ___, and ____ with other young painters.

Veronese, Titian and Rubens

what is Liberty wearing? why is it important?

a Phrygian cap, a classical signifier of freedom

The reaction of the Salon was mixed. The public thronged to see the work. The adherents of the neoclassical regime were outraged but the public was ready for??

a change from the cold formalities of David

Delacroix was dissatisfied with the modern linear style for several rea- sons. He objected to David and Ingres, and the schools they spawned, be- cause he believed their art and teachings had contributed to ???

a false notion of classicism and had led to a misguided use of the antique

where is the painting the women of Algiers set?

a harem (space reserved for women in a muslim household)

Liberty Leading the People (1830). Although Delacroix completed this painting during same year in which the event occurred, it is, at its core,??? what kind of painting

a history painting.

it is clear that Liberty Leading the People has more than one hero: Liberty and ??

all those who sacrificed their lives for the com ing of a new age

Liberty serves as ???

an allegory

European Orientalists often painted the harem as a site of debauchery to evoke the falsity of Islam, understood as the???. They conflated what they deemed the "backwards" customs of polygamy and segregation of women with Islam itself

anti-religion of Christianity

"les immobiles"

art critics who were opponents of change, of whom more open minded commentators despaired

Critics of the time found Scenes from the Massacres at Chios notoriously difficult to ??


Women of Algiers is essential in assessing the concept of Orientalist art as machinery for the colonial engine because in comparison to other contemporary works, it was hailed as "___" and even "scientific"


the massacre at Chios was placed in contrast to the still potent Neoclassical tradition of the great Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) and his school-a tradition that valued ???

balance, restraint, and "correct" drawing

Instead, Delacroix saw himself as a painter who ???? not as someone who wanted to overturn it.

carried on the tradition of French painting at its best

Delacroix realized that marble and bronze required and allowed for only a limited range of expressive effects, hence figures were bound to be restricted in their actions and to convey a certain ??


In Chios Delacroix uses what ?? to elicit an emotional response from the viewer.

color and brushwork

The voyeuristic view in Orientalist painting spoke to the "masculine" European desire to trespass into the secret realm of the harem and ???

conquer the women sexually and psychologically.

the death of Sardanapalus: as described in the salon catalogue the Assyrian king Sardanapalus is besieged in his palace and seated on top of a bed on his pyre he gives the order to his eunuchs and palace officers to do what?

cut the throats of his women, his pages, even his horses and favourite dogs. none of the objects that served his pleasure were to survive hi,

Like most forms of Romantic art, nineteenth-century French Romanticism ???. Artists explored diverse subjects and worked in varied styles so there is no single form of French Romanticism.

defies easy definitions

Orientalist paintings were understood as ? of a location and its inhabitants


the harem is problematic because it is more reflective of European's sexual fantasies of "Oriental" women than of ??

domestic realities of the regions it supposedly depicted

Modern scholarship on his Women of Algiers in Their Apartment (1834) is nearly united in agreeing that this picture embraces a fantasy of ?? that shared much in common with the ideologies informing the conquest and colonization of Algeria.


Delacroix was further annoyed by the contemporary fervor for imitating the appearance of Greek and Roman art. He believed that this practice had significantly harmed painting, specifically by promoting talents that were ??/

empty, and lacking both feeling and conCEPTION

The classical artist was the one who internalized the purpose and sense of ancient art. For Delacroix this meant-having the ability to render "the language of the passions" in a manner that combined grandeur and forcefulness with grace and ease and that was not ???. This means that classicism could not be equated with a single style.

excessive or unnatural.

Delacroix, however, never regarded himself as the head of the romantic school and did not accept the contemporary definitions of romantic and classic.9 It is explicit in his writings that he disagreed with the simplistic separation of these two schools, which he regarded as a ??

false dichotomy

the painting of women in the Algiers was very much a painting of a western ?


Unike his several battle scenes or many other anecdotal pieces, there are surprisingly ?? figures in Liberty Guiding the People. The participants are distinguished by their costumes.


Who was Etienne-Jean Delecluze?

former student of Jacques-Louis David, later his biographer and long term art critic for the Journal des Debates

In contrast to the woman in Ingres' Grande Odalisque (1814) whose body is completely naked as women usually were in French Orientalist painting, with her back to the viewer to intensify the notion of the voyeuristic view, the women in Women of Algiers are all ??

fully clothed

why was Delecluze one of the more notorious nineteenth century art critics?

he was very resistant to change and innovation, tender of the Davididan flame, an example of "les immbolies"

The ostentation of the subject as well, with its connections to both ancient history and contemporary poetry, placed The Death of Sardanapalus squarely within the prestigious realm of ??? (what type of painting)

history painting

Delacroix depicted the "Orient" as a world that was everything France (as it envisioned itself - a champion of Western culture and progress) was not, relying more on ?? than fact.


as an attitude, romanticism may be seen as an effort to glorify the self by way of appealing to ??

intuition and the senses

in the 1827-28 salon the death of Sardanapalus parked controversy because of?? (what qualities of the painting)

its irregular composition and unrestrained colour rather than the overt sensuality and violence of its subject

What gives the painting Liberty Leading the People the grandeur of a history painting or of earlier religious altarpieces

its size 8'6 x 10'10

Romanticism was a pan-European movement that had its roots in

mid-eighteenth century England

As an artistic style, Romanticism was a reaction against the neoclassical quest for ??? Romantics favored the free expression of the imagination and the liberation of the emotions.

order and intellectual control

In fact, they seem so ?? that they appear to sink into the ground (see figure 6). Their hefty bodies mark a departure from the idealized, erotic female figure, disturbing some critics who remarked that the picture was "impoverished by its reality."


Delacroix thought that an artist's style had to be realized according to his own ?? so as not to undermine his ability to reproduce nature sincerely and with deep feeling. This was a pri- mary cause for his objection to modern schools that encouraged uniformity of style and adherence to a linear aesthetic exclusively.


early critics criticised Liberty Leading the people for its __character


The Romantics reacted against the ?? of Enlightenment culture and the ?? of growing industrialism.

rationalism, impersonality

Delacroix was far from being a realist and was was condemned by the con- servatives for his lack of ?


allegory, in this painting Liberty is a device intended to??

reveal a moral/political idea of Liberty

Executed on an almost heroic scale, the painting the Barque of Dante was the first work of Delacroix's to be...

shown to the public

Delacroix cherished Rubens as one of the greatest classicists of all time. "Rubens," wrote Delacroix, "is more Homeric than some of the ancients. He had a similar genius. The ??? is everything."


the male is said to be ?? by his misfortune."


in preference to aesthetic objectivity and formalism, romantics chose ???. They also cultivated a taste for the exotic, the ecstatic, and the fantastic.

subjectivity and the spontaneous outpouring of feeling

Initially associated with literature and music, Romanticism was in part a response to the rationality of the Enlightenment and the transformation of everyday life brought about by ???

the Industrial Revolution

what does the painting Scenes from the Massacres at Chios depict?

the aftermath of a bloody episode of the Greek War of Independence (1821-27)

The black slave's drawing of the curtain fits into the narrative of the dramatic unveiling of the harem, reserved for the Muslim male, but now subject to ??

the colonizer's gaze.

Despite the fact that the barque of Dante was decidedly breaking away from the accepted classical style Delxacroix did chose as his subject ??

the eight canto of Dante's Inferno

Women of Algiers contains several elements of the typical harem as portrayed by European painters. The room is flooded with Oriental objects, such as ??? and the familiar patterns associated with the Oriental style embedded in the rugs and furniture.

the hookah and glass vases

Delacroix thought that Ingres also copied the appearance of ancient art, and the linear style of Raphael in particular, in his pursuit of classicism while failing to incorporate ??? into his painting

the philosophy of ancient art

the very vehemence with which The Death of Sardanapalus was criticized signaled ??

the power of the painting

. The picture thus functions on two levels—as a glorification of freedom and as a recognition of ???

the price that must be paid for it

Delecluze was full of praise for just one aspect of the Scene from the Massacre at Chios, which was?

the recumbent male

Delacroix had planned the painting to represent ??? who rallied around Liberty?

the salient types of the French nation

The Gazette de France declared the death of Sardanapalus ??? . Other critics declared it "ridiculous," and "an error of painting

the worst painting in the Salon

Delecluze valorised the injured male figure beyond all other elements in the composition, going as far as to credit him with the ability to ???

to resolve Delacroix's other side muddled painting

his facial expression," observed Delecluze "beautiful in itself, seems in some way to be the explanation of the rest of the composition which is...

too confused."

Massacres at Chios is an eloquent painting to explore when it comes to Delacroix's commitment to romanticism. The subject was ?? and ???,

topical and exotic

According to Delacroix, a painter's method of execution, whether linear or painterly, could not be used to judge his relationship to ???

tradition and classicism

The public welcomed the ??? that the Romantic movement was offering

turbulence and drama

Toussaint sees the various participants in Liberty leading the people as types - calling the representation a

veritable sociology

in contrast to the seclusion portrayed in Orientalist paintings, many women in rural North Africa ??? as an additional source of family income and did not always wear the veil as it might impede their manual labor.16 However, the banality of the harem in Orientalist art gave the false impression that these illusory spaces were real and prevalent. 17

worked outside their homes

describe the different characters in the Liberty painting

young man with a top hat (elite) , the workers in their aprons (lower class) , the Swiss Guard defending the regime (soldier) , the man in the Bonapartist cocked hat (dandy)

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