Density and specific gravity & specific volume.

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Problem 2: If 250 ml of alcohol weight 204 g, what is its density?

=204 g /250 ml =0.816g/ml

Problem 1: if 15 ml of ammonia weight 20 g, what is its density?

Density= mass/ volume = 20 g / 15 ml =1.33 g/ml

specific gravity triangle***

Mass (g) / specific gravity (no unit) X volume (ml) Mass= sp gr X volume Sp qr= mass/ volume Volume= mass/ sp gr

Density is defined as the

Mass per unit volume; it has a unit kg/m3 (g/ml) =mass/volume

Problem 5: What is the weight in grams of 250 millilitres of light liquid petrolatum having a 0.81?

Mass= specific gravity X volume =0.81 X 240 =194.4 g

Write the definitions of specific gravity and specific volume and law of them?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of another substance taken as a standard (water), both having the same temperature. Specific gravity=Weight of the substance/Weight of an equal volume of water Specific Volume: is the ratio of the volume of a substance to the volume of an equal weight of another substance taken as a standard, both having the same temperature. no units. Specific volume=Volume of the substance/Volume of an equal weight of water Specific gravity and specific volume are reciprocals.

Problem 4: What is the specific gravity of an alcohol it has 1000 ml and 543 g?

Specific gravity= mass (g)/ volume (ml) =543 g/ 1000 ml =0.543 "no unit" لا تكتبون نو يونت بالاختبار؛ Important*** If come (Kg)instead of (g) ›you must convert (ml) to (L), and vice versa

Problem 3: If you have 10 millilitres of oil it's about 9 g, what is specific gravity?

Specific gravity= mass per volume "the same as density" =9 g/ 10 ml =0.9 "no unit"

Problem 6: A modified Ringer's Irrigation has the following formula Sodium chloride 8.6 g Potassium chloride 0.5g Calcium chloride 0.33 g PEG 3350 65 g Water for injection (ad) 1000 ml Assuming that 980 ml of water is used in preparing the solution, "calculate the specific gravity of this irrigation solution?

Specific gravity= mass/ volume 980ml of water the same number in grams (1ml of water= 1 g) Weights of all ingredients= 8.6 +0.5+0.33+65+980 (g)= 1054.43 =1054.43/1000 = 1.05443 (ad) هنا بمعنى اقسم الناتج النهائي من الوزن على 1000

Problem8: Calculate the amount of each ingredient needed to make 240 ml of Peppermint Spirit? Peppermint Oil.................100 ml Alcohol..............................1000 ml

القانون لازم يكتب،... 100X240/1100 =21.81 ml 100X240/1100 =218.18ml


كيف بنعرف original من Needed هو نفس قانون required على original Required amount of weight or volume/ original amount of weight or volume —— Original: 1-ad دايم جمع المواد بحاله اذا مافيه كلمه اذا فيه كلمة ad الرقم الي جنبه نحطه.2 Needed (required) هي قيمة المادة مضروبه بالقيمة الموجودة بالسؤال

Problem 7: Calculate the quantity of each ingredient needed to prepare 1000 g of the following ointment. R/ Coal tar ..............................5 parts Zinc oxide ...........................10 parts Hydrophilic ointment........50 parts

نجمع 50+ 10+5=65 Required weight or volume/ total number of part. Coal tar=5*1000/65. =76.92g Zinc oxide=10*1000/65 =153.84g Hydrophilic ointment=50*1000/65 =769.23g

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