(DEP4164) Chapter 17

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68. In adolescence, friendships tend to be A. intense. B. casual. C. competitive. D. conflicted.

A. intense.

47. The pregnancy rate for girls ages 15 to 19 has fallen most sharply among A. Whites. B. African Americans. C. Hispanics. D. Asians.

B. African Americans.

59. According to research cited in your textbook, which of the following is 16-year-old Kevin and his father most likely to argue about? A. Religion B. Chores C. Politics D. Values

B. Chores

7. The theoretical concept of the search for identity as a healthy part of normal human development can be attributed to A. Sigmund Freud. B. Erik Erikson. C. James Marcia. D. David Elkind.

B. Erik Erikson.

104. The influence of peer groups is strongest in early adolescence.


105. Programs that address environmental risk factors have had success in preventing juvenile delinquency.


95. Pledges to maintain virginity have shown little to no impact on sexual behavior other than to decrease the likelihood to take precautions during sex.


48. Approximately what percentage of teenage pregnancies is unintended? A. 90 percent B. 80 percent C. 70 percent D. 60 percent

A. 90 percent

46. Which of the following statements regarding teenage pregnancies is FALSE? A. About two-thirds of the pregnancies end in abortions. B. More than half of pregnant teens have their babies and plan to raise them independently. C. Teenage birthrates are the lowest in decades. D. Most teenage pregnancies are unintended.

A. About two-thirds of the pregnancies end in abortions.

41. The most common STI in adolescents is A. HPV. B. AIDS. C. chlamydia. D. herpes.


42. The STI with the most direct link to cancer is A. HPV. B. AIDS. C. chlamydia. D. herpes.


56. _____ Americans tend to maintain more intimate family relationships and less intense peer relations than do white teenagers. A. Chinese B. African C. Mexican D. Arab

B. African

75. Which of the following criteria has NOT been repeatedly mentioned as a marker of emerging adulthood? A. Moving away from home B. Learning to involve others in decision-making C. Becoming financially self-supporting D. Having children

B. Learning to involve others in decision-making

65. When children enter adolescence, their relationships with their siblings typically change in which of the following ways? A. They spend more time together than before. B. They become more distant. C. They have more need for emotional gratification from the sibling bond. D. They fight more.

B. They become more distant.

18. Strong commitment after an active search of choices is known as A. individuation. B. identity achievement. C. autonomy. D. moratorium resolution.

B. identity achievement.

44. More than _____ percent of teenage girls have been pregnant at least once before the age of 20. A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50

C. 40

35. Recent research suggests that a homosexual orientation may be the result of which of the following? A. Disturbed family relationships B. Environmental influences C. Anatomical differences in the brain D. Teratogens

C. Anatomical differences in the brain

40. Approximately ___ percent of sexually active teenagers use some type of contraception most of the time. A. 30 B. 50 C. 70 D. 90

D. 90

31. Diego has explored his identity and understands and accepts his ethnicity. Which ethnic identity status characterizes Diego? A. Diffuse B. Foreclosed C. Moratorium D. Achieved

D. Achieved

60. Most arguments between young teenagers and their parents are about A. drugs. B. sexual activity. C. career choices. D. chores and school work.

D. chores and school work.

36. Teenagers who are gay or lesbian A. fear strong disapproval or disruption in the family. B. often feel isolated in a hostile environment. C. may be subject to prejudice and violence. D. experience all of the above.

D. experience all of the above.

54. Larson's research on how adolescents spend their time indicates the increasing importance of A. parents. B. teachers. C. siblings. D. peers.

D. peers.

23. Russell, age 17, seems to have no real concern for his future. He knows that soon he must decide on college, but he is rather passive and vague about his goals for the future. Which of the following is Russell's identity status? A. Achievement B. Foreclosure C. Diffusion D. Moratorium

C. Diffusion

29. Which of the following statements regarding gender differences in self-esteem is FALSE? A. Overall, men and boys have higher self-esteem than women and girls. B. Female self-esteem seems to be linked to striving for individual achievement. C. Gender differences in self-esteem are small. D. Both females and males tend to gain self-esteem as they age.

B. Female self-esteem seems to be linked to striving for individual achievement.

55. Which of the following statements regarding adolescents and family relationships is FALSE? A. As adolescents age, their feelings about contact with parents becomes more positive. B. Mexican American girls tend to become closer to their parents during puberty. C. African American teenagers maintain more intimate family relationships than white teenagers do. D. High school students spend more of their free time with friends than with family.

B. Mexican American girls tend to become closer to their parents during puberty.

58. Everyday living seems like a battle at the Davidson house. With three teenagers at home, what is likely to be at the root of the conflict between the Davidson adolescents and their parents? A. Contradictory values on major issues B. Tension between dependency on parents and the need to be independent C. Wide mood swings D. Drug use

B. Tension between dependency on parents and the need to be independent

61. Family conflict is most frequent during _____ adolescence and most intense in _____ adolescence. A. early; late B. early; mid C. mid; late D. late; early

B. early; mid

16. According to Marcia, adolescents who make commitments for their future based on plans that were made by others are in a state of A. moratorium. B. foreclosure. C. achievement. D. commitment.

B. foreclosure.

34. Physical attraction toward others of the same sex is referred to as A. heterosexual. B. homosexual. C. bisexual. D. transsexual.

B. homosexual.

2. According to Erik Erikson, the primary risk of adolescence is A. illness. B. identity confusion. C. cliquish behavior. D. premature sexual activity.

B. identity confusion.

6. Twenty-eight-year-old Mary has worked at the same bookstore since she was 19 and has now begun to question both her choice of occupation and the direction of her life. According to Erikson, this appears to be a manifestation of A. retrenchment. B. identity confusion. C. regression. D. ego inferiority.

B. identity confusion.

64. Which of the following statements about the effect of economic stress on families is correct? A. Economic stress negatively affects children in single-parent families, but children in two-parent families tend to be buffered from its effects. B. Children of unemployed single mothers usually excel in school as a way of forgetting about their mother's problems. C. Children of unemployed single parents are less negatively affected if their mothers have strong, supportive kinship networks. D. All of the above are true.

C. Children of unemployed single parents are less negatively affected if their mothers have strong, supportive kinship networks.

12. In Erikson's theory, which virtue arises from the crisis of identity versus identity confusion? A. Purpose B. Hope C. Fidelity D. Competence

C. Fidelity

30. Elaine has begun to explore her ethnicity but is confused about what it means to her. According to research, Elaine is in which stage of ethnic identity? A. Diffused B. Foreclosed C. Moratorium D. Achieved

C. Moratorium

51. Which of the following statements regarding teenage mothers and their children is FALSE? A. Teenage mothers are likely to drop out of school and have repeated pregnancies. B. Teenage unwed mothers and their families are likely to suffer financial hardship. C. Teenage mothers are likely to give birth to low-birth-weight babies regardless of socioeconomic status. D. Teenage mothers with proper prenatal care are not likely to give birth to low-birth-weight babies.

C. Teenage mothers are likely to give birth to low-birth-weight babies regardless of socioeconomic status.

33. Sexual orientation becomes a pressing issue during A. middle childhood. B. the phallic stage. C. adolescence. D. young adulthood.

C. adolescence.

52. A pattern of emotional turmoil that can involve conflict with family, alienation from adult society, reckless behavior, and rejection of adult values is called A. puberty. B. adolescent egocentrism. C. adolescent rebellion. D. identity formation.

C. adolescent rebellion.

43. The most common curable STI is A. HPV. B. AIDS. C. chlamydia. D. herpes.

C. chlamydia.

4. Thirteen-year-old Latrell is pondering his own talents, interests, and needs, as well as his place in society. According to Erikson, this struggle represents the psychosocial crisis of A. autonomy versus shame and doubt. B. industry versus inferiority. C. identity versus identity confusion. D. intimacy versus isolation.

C. identity versus identity confusion.

63. When parents demonstrate an authoritative parenting style, teenagers A. have lower self-esteem. B. suffer declines in emotional health. C. tend to become more self-confident and competent. D. evaluate their own conduct negatively.

C. tend to become more self-confident and competent.

14. James Marcia's research on identity in adolescence is based on the theory of A. Sigmund Freud. B. Carol Gilligan. C. Lawrence Kohlberg. D. Erik Erikson.

D. Erik Erikson.

15. Which of the following is NOT one of Marcia's four identity statuses? A. Achievement B. Foreclosure C. Moratorium D. Fidelity

D. Fidelity

8. Which of the following items is NOT one of the major issues to be resolved in forming an identity? A. Occupation B. Values C. Sexual identity D. Physical health

D. Physical health

49. A California study found that teenage mothers are likely to have been exposed to A. emotional abuse. B. sexual abuse. C. parental divorce. D. all of the above.

D. all of the above.

69. Friendships in adolescence are likely to be more intimate, loyal, and supportive than those in middle childhood because teenagers A. spend so much time talking to one another on the telephone. B. find in their friends the intimacy they lack at home. C. are more egocentric and therefore better able to understand their friends' feelings and point of view. D. are better able to express and share their feelings because of advances in cognitive and emotional development.

D. are better able to express and share their feelings because of advances in cognitive and emotional development.

21. Renaldo is a high school student trying to decide which college to attend. If he goes to Alfred University, he will major in music and become a teacher. If he goes to Kent State, he will study architecture and become an urban planner. According to James Marcia, Renaldo is in a period of A. commitment. B. diffusion. C. fidelity. D. crisis.

D. crisis.

37. The faculty at a large urban high school are developing a program that will help students avoid "risky" sexual behavior. They have learned from research that adolescents who _____ are most at risk for pregnancy and STIs. A. do not use contraceptives B. have multiple partners C. begin sexual activity early D. engage in all of the above

D. engage in all of the above

62. An adolescent struggle for personal identity is called A. independence. B. dependence. C. rebellion. D. individuation.

D. individuation.

26. Michael, a high school senior, is going to college but he cannot decide on a major and a career. He has considered political science, education, and criminal justice but thinks there may be other possibilities he will discover once he is in college. Michael plans to keep his options open for a year or two before he makes a decision. According to Marcia, Michael's identity status is A. achievement. B. diffusion. C. foreclosure. D. moratorium.

D. moratorium.

1. The search for identity begins in adolescence and ends when A. a theory of self has been achieved. B. intimacy is achieved. C. a person reaches adulthood. D. none of these; the search for identity is lifelong.

D. none of these; the search for identity is lifelong.

88. Identity formation includes attitudes about religion. Research indicates that 84 percent of U.S. teens believe in God, and over half say religion is important to them.


89. According to Marcia's theory, developing an identity requires both crisis and commitment.


91. Ethnic identity status is the same as Marcia's more global theory of identity status: diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement.


92. Celebrating Kwanzaa is an example of cultural socialization.


98. Teen pregnancy and birthrates in the United States have declined in recent years.


3. According to Erikson, the conflict of adolescence is A. industry versus inferiority. B. identity versus identity confusion. C. identity versus inferiority. D. industry versus identity confusion.

B. identity versus identity confusion.

76. Since the 1990s surveys of emerging adulthood, Americans have repeatedly come up with three top criteria for adulthood. Which of the following is NOT one of those criteria? A. Accepting responsibility for oneself B. Making independent decisions C. Becoming financially independent D. Moving out of their parent's house

D. Moving out of their parent's house

72. Which of the following is a potential warning sign for early-onset delinquency? A. Parent child hostility B. Peer deviance C. Lack of social support D. All of the above are true.

D. All of the above are true.

17. Shelly has always been told that she is good with children. Both of her parents are teachers, and Shelly has never questioned their expectation that she will also become a teacher. What is Shelly's identity status? A. Achievement B. Diffusion C. Moratorium D. Foreclosure

D. Foreclosure

19. About half of all late adolescents are in which of Marcia's identity statuses? A. Moratorium or achievement B. Diffusion or Moratorium C. Achievement or foreclosure D. Foreclosure or diffusion

D. Foreclosure or diffusion

13. The concept of "identity statuses" is associated with A. Sigmund Freud. B. Carol Gilligan. C. Erik Erikson. D. James Marcia.

D. James Marcia.

28. Which of the following statements regarding gender differences in identity formation is correct? A. Individual differences may be more important than gender differences. B. Gilligan proposes that a large part of female identity achievement is based on the ability to achieve a separate identity. C. Erikson states that women must achieve identity before they achieve intimacy. D. All of the above are true.

A. Individual differences may be more important than gender differences.

11. Which of the following most closely matches Erikson's concept of fidelity? A. Loyalty B. Acceptance of parental values C. Mature intimacy D. Courage and strength

A. Loyalty

10. Which of the following statements about adolescent males' development of identity and intimacy most closely reflects Erikson's theory? A. Mature intimacy cannot occur until after the development of a stable identity. B. Typically, identity development precedes mature intimacy, but the reverse also occurs fairly frequently. C. Mature intimacy and identity development occur at the same time for males. D. The development of identity and mature intimacy are separate processes; the timing of one has no relationship to the timing of the other.

A. Mature intimacy cannot occur until after the development of a stable identity.

25. An adolescent who is in crisis and is actively searching and considering alternatives is in which of Marcia's identity statuses? A. Moratorium B. Foreclosure C. Commitment D. Diffusion

A. Moratorium

57. "Parents and teenagers do not like each other and do not get along well with each other." This statement expresses A. a prevalent but mistaken myth about personal relationships in adolescence. B. a notion that is well supported by research. C. the opinions of most U.S. teenagers. D. James Marcia's concept of identity foreclosure.

A. a prevalent but mistaken myth about personal relationships in adolescence.

5. Teenagers' cliquish behavior and intolerance of differences represents what Erikson refers to as A. defenses against identity confusion. B. forms of regression. C. defensive behavior. D. signs of the "virtue of fidelity."

A. defenses against identity confusion.

32. Juanita has done little to explore her ethnicity and does not clearly understand the issues involved. Her ethnic identity status is A. diffused. B. foreclosed. C. moratorium. D. achieved.

A. diffused.

71. The strongest influence on aggressive antisocial behavior, accounting for over 60 percent of the variance is A. genes. B. parenting. C. peers. D. media

A. genes.

70. As young people get older and more experienced in romantic relationships, A. romantic interactions become more intense. B. fulfillment of romantic roles becomes less important. C. insecurity escalates. D. they rely on a wider social network for emotional support.

A. romantic interactions become more intense.

45. The decline in teenage pregnancy and birth rates during the 1990s is most likely due to A. the increased use of contraceptives. B. an increase in the number of gay and lesbian teenagers. C. a growing problem with infertility. D. none of these; the rates have not declined.

A. the increased use of contraceptives.

9. The psychological moratorium is what Erikson referred to as a A. time-out period during which adolescents search for commitments. B. period comparable to Freud's latency period. C. cooling-off period in the generational conflict between adolescents and their parents. D. period during which adolescents develop mature intimacy.

A. time-out period during which adolescents search for commitments.

67. A structured group of friends is called a A. group. B. clique. C. crowd. D. dyadic.

B. clique.

20. Marcia defines _____ as a period of conscious decision-making during adolescence. A. identity status B. crisis C. commitment D. identity confusion

B. crisis

73. In terms of Bronfenbrenner's ecological model, effective early interventions and delinquency-prevention programs operate on the _____ level and the _____ level. A. microsystem; macrosystem B. mesosystem; exosystem C. microsystem; exosystem D. mesosystem; macrosystem

B. mesosystem; exosystem

38. According to one study, sexual risk-taking can best be reduced by A. economic status. B. parental relationships. C. self-regulation. D. age of first sexual activity.

B. parental relationships.

27. Carol Gilligan found that females define their identity in terms of A. imagination. B. personal relationships. C. competition. D. independence from parents.

B. personal relationships.

66. The influence of peers is _____ in early adolescence and _____ during middle and late adolescence. A. weakest; increases B. strongest; declines C. unimportant; essential D. strongest; increases

B. strongest; declines

74. Researchers analyzing the long-term effects of some early childhood intervention programs have found that adolescents who had taken part in these programs as children A. were just as likely to get in trouble with the law as were children who did not participate in such programs. B. were less likely to get in trouble with the law. C. had lower self-esteem. D. had few aspirations for the future.

B. were less likely to get in trouble with the law.

24. Amanda's mother and grandfather are doctors who attended Yale University. It is expected that Amanda will follow in their footsteps, but she is struggling with making her decision. She is no longer certain of what she wants to do and is progressively more troubled with the pressure that her family is exerting on her. According to James Marcia, which of the following terms best describes Amanda's identity status? A. Foreclosure B. Achievement C. Moratorium D. Diffusion

C. Moratorium

53. Research suggests that _____ adolescents display classic adolescent rebellion. A. virtually all B. approximately 75 percent of C. approximately 20 percent of D. approximately 5 percent of

C. approximately 20 percent of

22. Which of the following terms does Marcia use to describe a personal investment in an occupation or a system of beliefs? A. fidelity B. crisis C. commitment D. identity

C. commitment

50. Unwed teenage mothers and their children are likely to suffer financial hardship because A. child support laws are spottily enforced. B. adolescent fathers often have poor school performance and limited financial resources. C. court-ordered payments are inadequate. D. of all of the above.

D. of all of the above.

39. Counselors who work with students at high schools know that the most important predictor for early sexual activity is A. intense sexual desire. B. love. C. curiosity. D. peer group norms supporting sexual activity.

D. peer group norms supporting sexual activity.

101. Conflict with parents tends to increase sharply over the teenage years, peaking in late adolescence.


102. Authoritarian parenting styles are most closely related to positive outcomes in emerging adulthood.


103. Economic stress is primarily a factor in teen relationships with their families only in single-parent homes.


90. Erikson and Gilligan argue that for boys, identity and intimacy develop together.


93. Sexual orientation appears to be primarily environmental.


94. Teenage sexual activity is much more prevalent than in the past.


96. Herpes is the most common STI in adolescence.


97. STIs are more likely to be detected in boys than in girls.


99. Full-scale adolescent rebellion is the norm for most teens in the United States.


100. Adolescents may spend an increasing amount of time with peers but parents still are close and influential.


87. According to Erikson, the focus of adolescence is identity versus confusion.


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