describing feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety, shock and confusion

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stunned, taken aback

amazed; so suprised or shocked that you are unable to think clearly (=benommen, fassungslos)


annoyed for a long period after someting that you consider unfair has happened (=nachtragend)


anxious and worried, especially when also silent (=angespannt)

enraged, infuriated

caused to feel or show that you feel very angry (=aufgebracht, wütend)


confused and nervous because of trying to do too many things at the same time or because of not knowing what to do next (=nervös werden)


confused or disturbed by something that has happened, so that you are unable to respond to it quickly or to continue what you were doing


easily offended or upset; sensitive and likely to get angry suddenly (=empfindlich, zickig)

petrified, terrified

extremely frightened (=versteinert, starr vor Angst)


extremely suprised or shocked (=erstaunt)

astounded, astonished, flabbergasted

extremely suprised or shocked (=erstaunt, verblüfft)

distraught, distressed

extremely unhappy and upset because of something terrible that has happened, especially when showing this by crying (=verstört, verzweifelt)


extremely unhappy and upset because of something terrible that has happened, that affects you personally (am Boden zerstört)


fairly angry -->adults talking to children (=ärgerlich, böse)


fairly unhappy because of something unexpected that has happened (=bestürzt)


feeling stressed and anxious because of pressure, having too many things to do (=gestresst)

wound up

having got into a very anxious or stressed state because of something that has happened (=aufgewühlt)

worked up

having got into a very worried or nervous state because of something that has happened (=aufgekratzt)


nervous after previously having been confident or relaxed, because something has happened to make you lose confidence or courage (=aus der Fassung gebracht, entnervt)


nervous and anxious about something that is going to happen in the future because you think it is going to be unpleasant for you (=besorgt)


nervous and therefore easily annoyed or upset (=kribbelig, nervös)


nervous and worried, especially when having previously been calm (=aufgewühlt, aufgeregt)

dejected, despondent, dispirited, downcast

sad and depressed and not feeling hopeful about the future (=entmutigt, niedergeschlagen)


so suprised and shocked, and possibly also angry, tat you are unable to speak (=sprachlos)

bemused, bewildered

totally confused and unable to think clearly (=verwirrt)


very angry -->describing other people (=wütend, zornig)

baffled, perplexed

very confused and totally unable to understand solve or answer something (=perplex)

appalled, horrified

very shocked because of something you consider totally unacceptable or disgusting (=erschüttert, entsetzt)


very shocked, and possibly also upset or angry, because of something that you consider morally wrong (=empört)

bothered, concerned

worried (=beunruhigt)

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