Developmental Psych #3

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Which of the following statements is an accurate portrayal of a 10-year-old social comparison?

"I'm good at spelling but there are three kids in my class who are better than me."

What is the correlation in IQ scores for monozygotic (MZ) twins?


At what age do children perform on memory tests for sequences of numbers similarly to adults?


IN most countries what is the age when people first receive the right to vote?

18 years old

Children in middle childhood report being "very happy" ____ of the time, a far higher percentage than for _____.

28%; adolescents or adults

In a study of college students at six sites around the country, what percentage of young women reported viewing Internet pornography?


A variety of studies have shown that the proportion of adolescents who report experiencing depressed mood within the past 6 months is about ____. In contrast, the rate of major depressive disorder among adolescents is ____.

35%; less than 10%

How much has tuition increased from 1982 to 2007 even when taking into account inflation?


At age 8, what percentage of African American girls have begun to develop breasts or pubic hair or both?


Prior to 1800, approximately how many children in the United States attended school?


What percentage of Americans will move back into their parents' home at least once during emerging adulthood?


What percentage of adolescents in economically developing countries attend secondary school?


Your mother and father are examining treatment facilities for your younger sister, who has just been diagnosed with bulimia. What is the likelihood that she will improve with hospital treatment?


Female circumcision in adolescence remains common in Africa, with rates of more than ____ in many countries and above ____ in Mali, Egypt, Somalia, and Djibouti.

70%; 90%

Schlegel and Barry (1991) analyzed information on adolescent development across 186 traditional cultures and found that what percentage had puberty rites for girls?


In a study of college students at six sites around the country, what percentage of young men reported viewing Internet pornography?


What percentage of mothers retain custody of their children after divorce?


Who developed the concept of multiple intelligences?

Howard Gardner

How would a child in middle childhood describe him- or herself?

I am not very good at hitting the ball in baseball.

____ is a person's capacity for acquiring knowledge, reasoning, and solving problems.


What does IQ represent?

Intelligence quotient

Your sister constantly worries about your nephew, who is currently a toddler. She knows that this is a time of important physical and behavioral development and worries that every bump, bruise, or sniffle could negatively affect his future health and well being. What can you tell her as your nephew approaches middle childhood?

It is the safest and healthiest time of life.

Your sister's female roommate has never engaged in premarital sexual intercourse because it is very much discouraged in her culture. Which of these countries is she most likely from?


Hearing improves in middle childhood because the tube in the inner ear that is often the site of ear infections in toddlerhood and early childhood has now matured to be longer and narrower than it was before. How does this help with ear infections?

Less bacteria-containing fluid flows from the mouth to the ear.

_____ of parents of obese children view their children as overweight.

Less than 50%

You are a female college student in the late 1960s who participated in a study that asked you to evaluate the quality of several articles written by professionals in a variety of fields. Some of the articles were in stereotypically female fields and some were in stereotypically male fields. Even though the articles were exactly the same, some of them were stated to have been authored by men while others were authored by women. After the study was completed, you were able to view the results. What where they?

Males were rated higher in all fields.

In part, why do children in middle childhood improve their emotional self-regulation?

Neurologically they are more mature

____ are culturally based markers that signify an individual's departure from childhood and his or her entrance into adolescence.

Puberty rituals

What is the term for the phenomenon defined as "good outcomes in spite of serious threats to adaptation and development?"


Who developed the triarchic theory of intelligence?

Robert Sternberg

____ promoted emotional closeness for young women, whereas for young men ____ was/were usually the basis of feeling emotional closeness.

Self-disclosure; shared activities

____ is how persons view themselves in relation to others with regard to status, abilities, or achievements.

Social comparison

Many stepfathers and stepchildren eventually form harmonious, close relationships. How does this happen?

The stepfather acts warmly and openly to his stepchildren and does not immediately try to assert stern authority.

The site of chemical events triggering puberty, the hypothalamus is ____.

a bean-sized structure located in the lower part of the brain

In regards to the timing of the onset of puberty, which of the following is more at risk for a depressed mood, negative body image, eating disorders, substance use, delinquency, aggressive behavior, and school problems?

a girl who experiences early-onset puberty

Beyond the development of mnemonic devices and a greater capacity for selective attention, adolescents' long-term memory is also enhanced by ____.

a greater amount of experience and knowledge of the world

Which adolescents are more likely than others to exhibit formal operational thought?

adolescents who have had coursework in math and science

What two advances occur during middle childhood in information processing abilities?

attention and memory

Your sister-in-law is amazed at her 9-year-old son. She can remember when her son was not able to sit and listen to a story for very long and now he is able to listen intently and remember the story in very good detail. What two advances occur during middle childhood in information processing abilities that assist with his newly developed abilities?

attention and memory

What is the most common cause of injury in middle childhood?

automobile accidents

A child who can speak two languages is considered ____, whereas a child who can speak more than two is considered ____.

bilingual; multilingual

Pubertal changes begin when a threshold of ____.

body fat is reached

Your Chinese neighbor relocated to the United States several years ago before his children were adolescents. He told you that there were many reasons why he wanted to move his family to the United States, but one reason had to do with his children's education during high school. He stated that high schools in Eastern countries like China, Japan, and South Korea train their students ____.

by rote learning

As described by Piaget, the child who attempts to solve the pendulum task by trial and error is closer to ____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operations

The overall conclusion of several longitudinal studies shows that self-esteem slightly ____ in early adolescence, then slightly ____ through late adolescence and emerging adulthood.

declines' rises

Peng and Nisbett (1999) conducted studies comparing Chinese and American college students. They found that Chinese students were more likely than the Americans to prefer ____.

dialectical proverbs containing contradictions

According to Basseches, what type of thinking develops in emerging adulthood that involves a growing awareness that problems often have no clear solution and two opposing strategies or points of view may each have some merit?

dialectical thought

Erik Erikson's term ____ is what James Marcia has termed ____.

diffusion; foreclosure

In middle childhood children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and ____.

disregarding what is irrelevant

Reading a book and listening to music at the same time is an example of ____.

divided attention

Tertiary education is best described as any kind of ____.

education or training program beyond secondary school

Cardiac output peaks in which of the following time periods of life?

emerging adulthood

Your 17-year-old niece is very careful not to get involved with any types of substances and has no friends who engage in substance use of any kind. Her brother, who is 8 years older than she is, had a serious substance abuse problem during his high school years. What type of self is your niece concerned about?

feared self

What do critics call female circumcision?

female genital mutilation

Tuition rates were ____ in 2007 than they were in 1982 in both public and private colleges and universities.

four times higher

Sleep researchers have established that people vary in their morningness and eveningness. These preferences change with age due to ____.

growth hormone levels

In many Asian countries it is believed that educational success is derived mainly from ____; in contrast, American culture tend to believe that educational success is due mainly to ____.

hard work; innate ability

One striking difference in gender expectations in traditional cultures is that for boys, manhood is something that ____.

has to be achieved

Carlos can be best described as a resilient adolescent. Against all odds, he has graduated from high school and is enrolled in college. He comes from a lower socioeconomic status and a harsh neighborhood, and he is the first in his family to graduate from high school and attend college. Which of the following are three protective factors we can assume Carlos possesses?

high intelligence, warm but controlling parents, and a social network of caring adults

what is the term for fear and hatred of homosexuals?


In Erik Erikson's theory of development, each stage of life has a central crisis, and in adolescence the crisis is ____.

identity versus identity confusion

For many emerging adults in Western countries the question of work and career revolves around ____.

identity: "What do I really want to do?"

Taliba is a teenager with a pimple on her nose. Feeling self-conscious, she is sure everyone is staring at her when in fact no one has noticed. Out of embarrassment she pretends she is sick and calls her mom to pick her up from school. Which of the following best describes Taliba's cognitive experience?

imaginary audience

According to Piaget, cognitive advances at each stage are reflected not just in the answers children devise for problems, but ____.

in their explanations for how they arrived at the solution

Which of the following best describes the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa?

inability to maintain body weight at least 85% of normal for height, fear of gaining weight, and distorted body image

What is defined as the degree to which two people share personal knowledge, thoughts, and feelings?


Which of the following types of intelligence is consistent with the understanding of self?


In Vygotsky's view ____ always takes place via a social process, through the interactions between someone who possesses ____ and someone who is in the process of obtaining it.

learning; knowledge

Compared to their counterparts in traditional cultures, how religious are adolescents and emerging adults from industrialized societies? Individuals from industrial societies are ____.

less religious

When he was 6 years old, Perry used to chase his older brother, Marcus, in the backyard, but got winded sooner than Marcus did. Now that Perry is a 9-year-old, he can run faster and longer than ever before and has less trouble keeping up with Marcus's pace. This is a result of increased ____ in middle childhood.

lung capacity

You are reading a story about an Aboriginal Native in Australia who rejected his ethnic culture to assimilate into the majority culture and is living in Melbourne. However, he is having difficulty in his new role since he is not being fully accepted by members of the majority culture. According to Phinney, what ethnic identity status has the character in this story taken?


What is one explanation for the dramatic rise in the typical ages of entering marriage and parenthood today in developing countries?

marriage is not necessary for sexual relationships

What is the name of memory strategies that adolescents use more frequently than younger children that involves organizing information into coherent patterns?

mnemonic devices

Writing a chapter outline, making notes in the margins, organizing information into categories, underlining key passages, and so on are all examples of ____.

mnemonic devies

Which of the following best describes rejected children?

most often disliked and rarely liked by other children

Which of the following is a leading cause of death for emerging adults?

motor vehicle injuries

Your sister is happy that your niece loves to read and she reads constantly. What is a potential problem that can occur as a function of reading?


You are going to go grocery shopping. To help you remember the items that you need to purchase, you put those items into clusters or categories that are similar. What memory strategy are you using?


Internationally, children ages 6 to 10 are considered to be ____ if their BMI exceeds 18 and ____ if their BMI exceeds 21.

overweight; obese

Jean Piaget used the ____ to illustrate and measure children's and adolescent's entrance into hypothetical-deductive reasoning.

pendulum problem

Marco is a teenager and is arguing with his father about borrowing the car for Friday night. Out of frustration Marco states, "Dad, you don't know what it feels like to be a teenager. You have no clue what about what I'm going through, and how not having a car on Friday night is going to kill my social life. I swear, no one will be drinking at the party. Why don't you believe me?" Which of the following best describes the cognitive limitation Marco is experiencing?

personal fable

People who demonstrate the capacity for formal operations tend to use it selectively, for ____.

problems and situations in which they have the most experience and knowledge

Researchers have described four categories of social status. Which children were the ones who were the most often "disliked" and rarely "liked"?


Victims of bullying are most often ____ children who are ____ and ____.

rejected-withdrawn; low in self-esteem; low in social skills

Studies using fMRI have discovered that the brains of children with ADHD have ____.

restricted blood flow to the frontal cortex

You are in class listening to the instructor, but the students on both sides of you are having separate quiet conversations. Even though these conversations are distracting, you are able to maintain your focus and attention on the lecture. What skill are you utilizing?

selective attention

The actual self as defined by scholars is an adolescent's ____.


What is the term that is used to describe a person's overall sense of worth and well-being?


Amalyeh and her college roommate, Caitlin, have a lot in common. They both were very active in athletics in high school and not only play on intramural teams now, but watch quite a bit of sports on television together. Even though Amalyeh spends a lot of time with Caitlin, she rarely tells her much about herself in terms of what she is thinking. As an emerging adult, how does Amalyeh likely feel about this?

she would prefer more self-disclosure and shared activities.

According to the text, what component of the memory system is limited such that the more information that is contained in the system, the less effectively new information can be added?

short-term memory

what is a male's first ejaculation referred to as?


The phonics approach advocates ____.

teaching children by breaking down words into their component sounds and then putting the sounds together into words

In Asia, which of the following is the most cited criterion as a marker of adulthood?

the capacity to support one's parents financially

There is widespread support among scholars for the proposition that the stage of formal operations constitutes a universal human potential, but ____.

the form it takes depends on the kinds of cognitive requirements people in that culture face

Your 14-year-old nephew just walked in the door from school and told you that he is not going to go back to school. You ask why and he tells you that everyone laughed at him because he dropped his tray full of food as he sitting down during lunch. Although you tried to help, he was inconsolable. Why? Your nephew was experiencing what David Elkind regarded as ____.

the imaginary audience

In India many children are fluent in which of the following languages?

their local language, Hindi, and English

Outbursts of crying and anger are fairly frequent in the early years of life. What happens to these behaviors by middle childhood?

they decline substantially

In what cultures is self-critisism a virtue and high self-esteem a character fault?

traditional Japanese culture

Which of the following fine motor tasks is within the appropriate developmental age range for a 6-year-old?

writing the letters of the alphabet, their name, and numbers from 1 to 10

Ellie is an eight-year-old girl who lives in a Western country in a large metropolitan area. If one were to compare Ellie to her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother in regards to the onset of puberty, one would predict that Ellie will experience puberty ____ others did in her family lineage.

younger than

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