Developmental Psychology CH 15

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Small groups called ______ range in size from two to about twelve individuals, averaging about five to six individuals.


According to Laura Carstensen, an expert in aging, older adults prefer:

close friends over new friends

Not all friendships are positive. Which of the following would not be a positive friendship trait?


The contemporary perspective on types of play emphasizes both _____ and _____ aspects of play.


Jack and Jill enjoy spending time together after school. What function of friendship does this serve?


What do children receive from peers that they don't receive from siblings?

comparison to others the same age

In terms of peer status, the ______ child is frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked.


In the social ______ model of social relations, individuals go through life imbedded in a personal network of individuals to whom they give and from whom they receive social support.


You encourage a friend to run for class officer. This is an example of which function of friendship?

ego support

Due to the effects that imaginary play has on cognitive development, Vgotsky believed that parents should ______ it.


According to Sullivan, the need for _______ intensifies during early adolescence, prompting adolescents to seek out close friends.


_______ in friendships is more common for girls; excitement among friends is more likely with boys.


Hobbies, sports, and reading are all examples of:


Clara has been diagnosed with cancer. With improvements in _______ technology, Clara can continue to lead an active and constructive life.


Janie is in ______ adulthood and able to have more leisure time due to increased paid vacation time and more available money.


Adult female friendships tend to be _______ than adult male friendships.

more intimate

Adolescents are ______ children to disclose intimate and personal information to their friends.

more likely than

_______ therapy allows children to work off frustrations and to analyze conflict and learn how to cope better.


In terms of peer status, the _____ child has social skills, gives out reinforcements, listens, and maintains lines of communication with others.


At what stage do children begin to participate in games involving simple rules of reciprocity and turn-taking?


Which attachment style has shown to positively influence peer choice?


Match the type of play with the age of occurrence:

sensorimotor= primarily confined to infancy practice= can be engaged in throughout life

In middle and late childhood, the development of which of the following provides children with information about their peers and peer relationships?

social cognition

According to longitudinal research, which of the following DECLINED in emerging adulthood, as compared to adolescence?

-Number of friendships -satisfaction and commitment in best friendships

In which of the following ways are older adults discriminated against?

-They're not hired for new jobs -They're shunned socially -They're eased out of old jobs

In which of the following ways does play encourage exploratory behavior?

-by offering incongruity -by offering complexity and uncertainty -by offering novelty and surprise

Adults who don't take annual vacations are at a greater risk for:

-death -death from coronary heart disease

Children who are aggressive with peers are at risk for what problems?

-delinquency -dropping out of school

Which of the following factors are important for successful aging?

-having an active lifestyle -having cognitive stimulation -being socially active

The benefits of social support include which of the following?

-improved mental health -an improved ability to meet one's own health-care needs -a reduction in symptoms of diseases

Which of the following are outcomes of social support for older adults?

-lower incidence of depression -decreased likelihood of being institutionalized

Personal affects of cyber bullying includes which of the following?

-lower self esteem -loneliness -fewer friendships

What are the features of cliques?

-members are usually the same age -members are usually the same sex -they average five to six individuals

Research found children in kindergarten who are rejected by their peers tend to have which of the following issues?

-more desire to avoid school -more feelings of loneliness -less classroom participation

Which of the following statements best describe the findings of research into the role of friendship in the lives of older adults?

-older individuals with close ties to friends had increased longevity -friendships were more important than family relationships in producing mental health

Which types of children's play styles have been widely studied?

-pretense/symbolic play -sensorimotor and practice play -social and constructive play

As they enter adolescence, youth typically prefer ______ than in childhood.

-relationships that are more intimate and intense -a smaller number of friends

Popular children tend to display which of the following traits?

-show enthusiasm -listen carefully -peer communication

In which of the following ways do cliques generally form?

-through shared activities -through friendships with other individuals -through a club or spots team

Which of the following are important functions of peer relationships?

-to provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family -to provide children with a source of comparison and feedback about their abilities

In terms of developmental changes in peer interaction, children's preference for same-sex peer groups increases until the age of:


Which of the social theories of aging has a more negative view of aging?

disengagement theory

From 4 to 12 years of age, the preference for playing in same-sex groups:


According to Dodge, children go through six steps in processing information about their social world.

-Decoding social cues -attribute intent -generate goals -access behavioral scripts from memory -make decisions -enact behavior

Which group of adolescents has the most leisure time?


Which of the following peer statuses best describes Connie, who is shy and has low interaction with her classmates?


Match the definition to the corresponding style of play:

Practice= involves repetitive behavior when new skills are being learned or when physical or mental mastery and coordination of skills are required for games or sports Pretense/symbolic= involves physical environment transformed into a symbol social= involves social interactions with peers constructive= combines sensorimotor and repetitive activity with symbolic representation of ideas

________ popularity status is often used to study peer status. It typically involves asking children to identify peers whom they like the best and the least.


Children show ______ for same-sex peers.

a clear preference

Alden has been disliked by his peers since kindergarten. In terms of peer status, the best description of AIden is that he is:

a rejected child

Which theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives?

activity theory

What is it called when older adults are discriminated against because of their age?


There is nothing particularly unusual about Ramon. He gets along pretty well with most of his classmates; he is liked and disliked by an equal amount of peers. In terms of peer status, Ramon can be described as a(n) _____ child.


The term ______ refers to verbal or physical behavior intended to disturb someone less powerful.


compared to cliques, ______ are larger and less personal.


________ are activities that children engage in for pleasure and that have rules. Often involve competition.


Developmentalists have distinguished five_______ statuses: popular, average, neglected, rejected, and controversial.


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