D.G weeks 33-36

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Sudan is the country with the largest land area on which continent?

flood control, power

What are some reasons people build dams?

Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, The Arctic circle, and the Antarctic circle

What four lines form borders for the middle latitudes?

It shows average temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind and speed

What is a climograph?

a low-lying tract of land with no connection to outside water

What is a polder?

a funnel shaped, destructive vortex

What is a tornado?

a river and all of it's tributaries

What is a watershed?


What is the capital of Australia?

Pyongyang, North Korea

What is the capital of North Korea?


What is the capital of the country on the Adriatic Sea that has France, Switzerland, and Austria on its northern border?

Cairo, Egypt

What is the capital of the country that is bordered by Libya, Sudan, and Israel?

Riyadth, Saudi Arabia

What is the capital of the country with the largest land area on the Arabian Peninsula?

Columbo, Sri Lanka

What is the capital of the island nation southeast of India?

Brussels, Belgium

What is the name of the capital of Belgium?

Caspian Sea

What is the name of the large inland body of water that touches Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan?

Physical features

When people speak of topography, do they mean physical features, bridges, cities, or canals?

above the north eastern part of Russia

Where is the Chuckchi sea?


Which Canadian city is furthest east: Edmonton, Winnipeg, Regina, or Vancouver?

Suez Canal

Which canal joins the Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of Suez?

Bern, Switzerland

Which capital city is further east, Bern, Switzerland or Paris, France?

Mumbai, India

Which city is farther south: Havana, Cuba or Mumbai, India?


Which country claims Greenland?


Which country is due north of Niger and Chad?


Which has the longer coastline on the Atlantic ocean, Benin or Mauritania?

Lake Winnipeg

Which lake in Manitoba shares its name with the provincial capital?

Alaska, because at some points in the year the sun shines day and night

Which state is sometimes called the "Land of the Midnight Sun"? Why is it called that?


Excluding Canada and Mexico, which country is closest to the United States?

Central time

In which time zone is eastern Nebraska located?


Is Baffin bay northeast or southeast of Hudson bay?

The Mississippi River

On which river is St, Louis, Missouri located?

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