Digestive Quiz Webquest

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What is the mixture called in the stomach


What is found in feces

Chyme not absorbed or digested, water, mucus, electrolytes, and bacteria , 75% water

What do rugae secrete

Gastric juices

What is the function of liver

It plays a huge role in carbohydrate metabolism by helping maintain concentration of blood glucose within the normal range. The liver also controls lipid metabolism by oxidizing fatty acids at an especially high rate, synthesizes lipoproteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol. It also converts portions of carbohydrates and protein molecules into fat molecules. The blood transports fats synthesized in the liver to adipose tissue for storage. Some vital liver functions include protein metabolism as well. This includes deaminating amino acids,forming urea, synthesizing plasma proteins such as clotting factors, and converting certain amino acids into other amino acids. The liver also stores glycogen, vitamin A,D, B12, iron and blood. The liver's goal during digestion is to produce and secrete bile.

Where is amylase found

It's made in the salivary gland and the pancreas and it works in the small intestine,

Where is lipase found

Pancreas and small intestine

Why is pancreatic juice so Important

Pancreatic juice is very important because it contains enzymes that break down and digest carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids. The important enzymes include trypsin, chymotryosin, carboxpeptidase, lipase, and amylase. Pancreatic juice is also alkaline in nature because of the bicarbonate ions , so it helps to neutralize the acidic gastric juice from the stomach. The pancreas itself is vital to digestion, but also the pancreatic juice that is released through the pancreatic duct into the duodenum is essential because it makes sure the food is properly broken down by enzymes.

What is mechanical digestion

Physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces

What are stomach folds called


Where are carbohydrates primarily digested

Small intestine

Where are proteins primarily digested


What is absorption

Taking digested food into the blood stream,digested food molecules pass through the wall and into our bloodstream, assimilating substances into cells or across the tissues and organs through diffusion or osmosis

What is chemical digestion

The chemicals in food being broken down by enzymes or the break of food into enzymes,

What is the function of the gallbladder

The gallbladder is a sac like organ associated with the liver that stores and concentrates bile. It stores bile between meals, concentrates bile by reabsorbing water, and contracts to release bile into the small intestine.

How do gastric juices affect the pH

The pH of the stomach varies but it's usually between 1.5- 3.5. This level rises when food enters the stomach but it lowers throughout the process of digestion because of the acid and enzymes with some mixture of other chemicals. The gastric juice has mucus, hydchkoric acid, and other enzymes like pepsin.

What is the function of saliva

This fluid moistens food particles, helps bind them, and begins the chemical digestion of carbohydrates. Saliva is also a solvent. It helps dissolve foods so that they can be tasted. It also helps cleanse the mouth and teeth. Also bicarbonate ions in the saliva help buffer acid in the mouth which keeps the pH near neutral. It protects the teeth from acids in the foods.

What is the alimentary canal

about 8 meters long and it's a tubular part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. It winds through the body digesting and absorbing food stuff.

What are the functions of the large intestine

absorption of waste & salts; storage of waste; secretion of mucus; absorption of vitamin K, The large intestine absorbs ingested water and electrolytes remaining in the alimentary canal. It also reabsorbs and recycles water and remnants of digestive secretions. Additionally, it also forms and stores feces.

What are accessory organs?

aid in digestion physically and produce secretions that breakdown food stuff in the tract., The organs provide enzymes and other chemicals to break down food. The organs do not have direct contact with the food/ waste products.

What is segmentation

alternating contraction and relaxation of circular muscle fibers that mix intestinal contents, swing back and forth the food

What is lipase

an enzyme that breaks down lipids(fats) , fat-digesting enzyme, it breaks triglyceride molecules into fatty acids and monoglycerides, breaks down dietary fats

What is pepsin

an enzyme that breaks down proteins, protein-splitting enzyme that the gastric glands secrete in the stomach , begins the digestion of all types of dietary protein into polypeptides, smaller amino acids) most active in an acidic environment, protein digester in the stomach

What is amylase

an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugar, it's a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme , the pancreatic amylase splits molecules of starch or glycogen into disaccharides , smaller carbohydrate molecules, pancreatic amylase produce glucose

What are the two main functions of the digestive system

digestion and absorption, Digestion is the process of breaking down food into components the body can absorb. It consists of two types of processes, mechanical digestion and chemical digestion, and absorption , Absorption is the process in which substances pass into the bloodstream , where they can circulate throughout the body. Absorption occurs mainly in the small intestine. Any remaining matter of food not digested passes into the large intestine and passes out of the body in the process of elimination.

What are the three parts of the small intestine

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

What is defecation

elimination of feces from the body

What are the functions of the small intestine

extends from the phyloric sphincter to the beginning of the large intestine or you may also know it as extending from the stomach to the cecum. It receives secretions from the pancreas and liver. It also completes digestion of the nutrients in chyme, absorbs the products of digestion, and transports the remaining residue to the large intestine. It just aids in further digesting food by taking care of the secretion or digestive enzymes, absorption of nutrients into the blood stream, and minerals from food.

Where is the location of the submandibular glands

floor of the mouth on the inside surface of the mandible.

What is bile

fluid secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It is a yellowish-green liquid that is continuously secreted from hepatic cells. Bile contains water, bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, and electrolytes. Bile helps with digestion. It breaks down fats into fatty acids that is taken into the body by the digestive tract.

Where is the location of the parotid glands

found anterior to and somewhat inferior to the ears between the skin of the cheeks and the massater muscles.

Where is the location or the sublingual glands

found in the floor of the mouth inferior to the tongue.

What is the function of the villi

increase the surface area available for the absorption of nutrients and other digested products.

Where does defecation occur

large intestine, it propels feces through the rectum for elimination

Where does segmentation occur?

large intestine, the ringlike contractions cut the chyme into segments and move it back and forth, segmentation also slows the movement of chyme through the small intestine, the peristaltic waves propel chyme through the small intestine , waves are usually weak and after some distance stop propelling)

What is a bolus

mass of food or liquid mixed with saliva causing a sticky ball to form, that enters the esophagus during swallowing

What organs are part of the alimentary canal

mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine , and anal canal.

Where does mechanical digestion occur?

mouth, stomach, small intestine (mouth , the teeth crush, grind, and break food into smaller pieces

Where does chemical digestion occur?

mouth, stomach, small intestine (stomach, enzymes break down food into smaller nutrients the body can absorb)

What is the role of the pharynx?

muscular propulsion of materials into the esophagus, swallowing , important passageways, and their muscular walls function in swallowing. In the pharynx the act of swallowing takes place as a reflex and partly under voluntary control. The pharynx has 3 subdivisions. The most superior is the nasopharynx is involved in breathing and speech. The oropharynx and laryngopharynx are used for both breathing and digestion. The epiglottis is located at the bottom of the oropharynx and serves as a guide to make sure food enters where it's suppose to.

What are the three pairs of salivary glands

parotid glands, submandibular glands, sublingual glands

What is the purpose of the mouth

receives the food and begins digestion by mechanically breaking up solid particles into smaller pieces and mixing them with saliva. This is called mastication. While this is happening, enzymes in the saliva in the mouth begin by breaking food down in a form the body can take in. The teeth in the mouth assist by performing a grinding function to physically break down the food. The tongue and palate moves the food around and helps with mixing the food with saliva and bringing the food into the pharynx and esophagus.

How does food move through the esophagus?

rings of muscles squeeze food down the esophagus (peristalsis), Food is chewed and mixed with saliva in the mouth. Then the food is moved from the mouth to the pharynx. Then the upper esophageal sphincter opens so that the food can enter the esophagus where waves of muscular contractions , called peristalsis , propel the food downward. The food then passes through the lower esophageal sphincter and moves into the stomach.

What are the accessory organs

salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

Where are lipids primarily digested

small intestine

Where does absorption take place?

small intestine where walls are densely folded and most absorption occurs here in the walls of the small intestine due to the fact it has increased surface area where the absorption of nutrients and other materials takes place)

Where is pepsin found

stomach and small intestine (stomach)

What is the role of the esophagus?

to carry food, liquids, and saliva from the mouth to the stomach, connects the pharynx and stomach. It is made of muscles that contract to move food to the stomach. The esophagus has sphincters that relax to allow food to pass to the stomach. When not in use they contract so food and stomach acid do not flow back up the esophagus.

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