Speech Exam 2

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Introduction of an Outline should include:

- Attention getting device - Statement of purpose and thesis - Preview of speech

Patterns for arranging Main Ideas

- Chronological - Spatial - Categorical - Cause and Effect - Problem Solution - Comparison and Contrast


- Ensure complete coverage of topic - Choose best organizational strategy - Check organizational pattern

Research involves making strategic choices on:

- How much general background reading to do - What issues in your speech will require specific supporting material - How much supporting material is necessary

Types of Supporting Material

- Personal Experience - Common Knowledge - Direct Observation - Documents - Examples - Statistics (According to..) - Testimony (Someone elses experience, summarizing)

3 Reasons to be able to follow a speech

- Recall - Active Listening - Personal Identification

Tools for Locating Supporting Material

- Search Engines - Electronic Databases - Catalogs - Indexes (Newspapers, magazines)

Characteristics of the Main Idea

- Simplicity - Discreteness - Parallel Structure - Balance - Coherence - Completeness

How to choose the Organizational Pattern

- Subject - Purpose - Audience - Culture

Conclusion part of Outline should include:

- Summary of outline - Action desired from audience - Closure device

Reason to Research : 3 Basic Goals

- To develop and strengthen expertise on the topic - To find supporting evidence - To make ideas clear, understandable and perminent to the audience

To help determine what choices to make, ask yourself 3 questions:

- What will the audience expect - What claims might listeners be expected to accept without evidence - Will examples or statistics be more likely to lead the audience to accept my thesis

Sources of Supporting Material

-Periodicals -Newspapers -Books -Reference Works -Government Publications -Interviews -Other Material found online

Presentation Outline

A brief outline, containing only key word, phrases, used as a memory aid during delivery

Preparation Outline

A detailed outline, written in complete sentences, used to develop a clear organizational structure during preparation of the speech - Indicates the hierarchy of importance of ideas ex. I. Main idea A. supporting B. supporting - Topic, Thesis, Complete Sentence (One sentence at a time)


A display of the organizational pattern of speech

Primacy Effect

A tendency for what is presented first to be best remembered

Recency Effect

A tendency for what is presented last to be best


All ideas that are on the same level of importance are designated by the same symbol type, and level of indentation


Arranged by place or position

Main Idea

Claims that address the issues in the thesis statement; the primary divisions of the speech -main ideas come from your thesis, specific purpose, and patterns in the research

Logically Independent

Does not require the truth of any other claim or statement as a condition of its own truth


Each element of the outline should only express one idea -if you subdivide a category, there must be more than one subdivision


Each main idea becomes a major divisions of speech


Organized by the passage of time


Supporting materials for a main idea goes underneath the main idea, in a subordinate symbol - order: Capital Roman Numeral (I,II,III), Capital Letter (A,B,C)


The process of looking for and discovering support materials for the speech

Logically Dependent Idea

cannot stand on its own but requires that same other claim or statement be true


the selection of ideas and materials and their arrangement in a discernible and effective pattern

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