Disney Final

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How is Mulan's life saved by a male human character?

Her life is spared by General Li when it's discovered that she's a woman.

What did the disney Director base much of the film on?

His daughter and her therapy sessions

What was one way Saving Mr. Banks attempted to make Walt Disney and his actions towards P.L. Travers seem more honorable?

It downplays how Walt got the rights to make the film, doesn't show years of pushing and false promises.

What was one specific way Walt Disney (the man) attempted to control his employees?

It's alleged he hired the mafia to scare his employees to keep them from unionizing

What is one specific way masculinity is portrayed as a more positive trait than femininity in Mulan?

Men are protectors of the nation and heros

The term _________________ means societal expectations for normal and appropriate behavior for women and men.


Which of these film characters directly assisted with the death of the villain?

Prince Philip

Why is what happened with ray's story in the film different from other aides in Disney films?

Ray dies side kicks don't usually die

Why does Joy multiply Riley's "boyfriend" in her mind/memories

She trys to use him as a ladder

What is one way Riley puts herself in danger?

She walks around a large city alone with out anyone knowing where she is.

After what film did Walt vow to never again make a film based on a fairy tale?

Sleeping beauty

Which film was re-released to help raise revenue for World War II.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

___________'s story ends that with the ironic moral that "those whom fortune favors, find good luck even in their sleep."


What is a example of Disney stereotyping the Cajun people in the Bayou in the film?

Cajun people are all portrayed as poor and unintelligent

Even though Tiana is proclaimed to be the 'first african American princess' she spends the majority of the time as a frog whereas what other character in the film is set up as a princess and why?

Charlotte is white, dresses as a princess, and her father is King of Mardi Gras

Which of these films had the most amount of words spoken by female characters?

Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan

Which of these aides from Beauty and the Beast displayed more analytical qualities and worried a great deal of the time?


Sleeping Beauty was released in what decade which could be a partial reason it was unsuccessful.


What is a key difference between Geppetto in the original story and Disney's version?

The Disney version makes Geppetto more attentive and fatherly.

Which of these films is not considered a part of the Disney Renaissance?

The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Princess and the frog, Aladdin

Which of these Disney films has a more balanced cast of male and female characters?

The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Lion King

What is 'colorblind racism" in relation to The Princess and the Frog according to the article's author?

The article said disney didn't make a black princess but made a princess that had

What is one specific way Ariel is sexualized in The Little Mermaid?

The mermaids were seashell bras

What is a specific example of the mother and father portraying stereotypical gender roles

The mothers primary emotion is sadness which matches the passive wife stereotype while the husbands is anger which fits with aggression associated with masculinity.

What is an example of the sacred and profane being blended in Disney parks

The parks are sacred and the underground staff area is profane

What is an example of Disney having "religious" text that establishes rules and outlines for behavior?

The rule book for employees or the signs in front of different parts of the parks with rules

Why did the printing press make fairy tales less accessible to those with lower class status?

The upper class were the only ones that could read and afford new books.

Why is Mulan's representation of religious beliefs a form of Orientalism

There are caricatures of chinese religious deities and practices in the film.

How are "hidden Mickeys" used in the Disney parks

They entertain customers waiting at the park

Why did the placement of "North American Indians" in the Sliding Scale of Humanity attempt to portray them as inferior?

They were placed at the bottom meaning they where furthest from humanity while white people were on the top.

Why does Tiana finally agree to kiss the talking frog the first time?

Tiana thinks she'll be able to get her restaurant if the frog becomes a wealthy prince and helps fund it

What was problematic with the portrayal of Uncle Reamus in Song of the South?

Uncle Reamus's character makes light of the harsh realities of African American's lives.

What is one way Disney fans "communicate with their deities" at Disney parks

the get autograph books signed by the characters

How are the Disney parks secifically connected to ideas about pilgrimages in religious belief

people go to the parks even when they can barely afford to, they'll go multiple times a year

Why is Riley's lead emotion in the early years of her life Joy?

she had a good childhood and hadn't experienced a hard situation till moving

Why does the destruction of Goofbal Island mark a change in Riley's personality?

she is become less child like as she ages and struggles to overcome negative emotions surrounding moving

Which scene in The Lion King is symbolic of Temptation in the Biblical narrative?

simba traveling outside of the pride lands after Scar tempts him.

For every one female character in Toy Story, there are approximately_____ male characters.


In the early film _____________, Disney portrays Africans as cannibals and savages

Trader Mickey

What is one important way the Sea King and Triton are different in relation to their parenting?

Triton is a more concerned and loving father, who eventually supports his daughter

Early oral fairy tales were meant to have both adults and children as the audience.


In the Nineties, male protagonists in action films were largely self-destructive and often behaved that way because of their pasts


Nala would be considered an active aide to Simba


The Mulan character Yao represents the more stereotypical jealous woman.


The country of France was a leader in teaching morals and a catalyst for change for early written fairy tales


The term hegemony is when one group claims and attempts to enforce leadership and dominance over another group.


What us the father's lead emotion


What is one specific way a female character in Toy Story comes to the aid of Woody?

Bo peep isn't as mean to Woody as the other toys after Woody knocks buzz out of the window.

What is a specific example of Germany attempting to destroy Christianity in Education for Death?

Burning of bible and churches

Which actor said that the original author absolutely hated their character?

Dick Van Dyke

What is the issue with Disney trying to teach certain morals in its films

Disney claims to be a moral guide but allows sexist, racist, and homophobic things to happen in their films which is hypocritical.

Unlike most Disney films that do not give us an exact time and location of the film, how do audiences know that the princess and the frog takes places in new orleans during the twenties?

Disney shows time and place by discussing the location and TIME

What is one way live-action female actors on the Disney channel do not accurately represent adolescence?

Disney's live actions actresses tend to be older than the characters they portayed.

Lampwick in Disney's Pinocchio helps lead him out of the dangerous Pleasure Island and would be considered an active aid.


Readers of the original tale learn about the Beast's curse in the beginning to make them empathize with him more as the story continued.


Walt took ideas from the Columbian Exposition to help him with planning Magic Kingdom in Disneyland.


Disney's Little Mermaid was the most time-intensive concerning its animation since the film______.


Why is the portrayal of the Coachman in Disney's Pinocchio a negative stereotype?

He is a negative stereotype of a European ethnicity. HE is seen as a greedy child trafficker.

How does the character of Dr. Facilier negatively portray the religion of Voodoo?

He is immoral and greedy so he makes those who practice look bad.

Besides kidnapping her, what is one other way the Beast is abusive towards Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast?

He starved her when she refused to have dinner with him.

The term___________ means to extend a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or economic, military, and cultural influence.


What was one specific way the ballad of Hua Mulan differed from the Disney film Mulan?

In the ballad Mulan was accepted when it was discovered she was a woman.

How is the statue of Walt and Mickey in the Magic Kingdom treated special.

It and the area around are always clean and watched

How does the film with Riley's emotions play into stereotypes about connections to bodt types and personalities

Joy is then and feminine, saddness is small and isnt in shape, fear is lanky, anger is stout

In which Disney film do we see fun being made of repressive gender roles?


The original Disney version/early planning of _________ focused on the female protagonist falling in love with a British prince.


The main Disney character in Education for Death was__________?

None, Goofy, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse

Why does Bing Bong's death symbolize Riley's transition into adolescence.

Riley has to give up childlike coping mechanisms like imaginary friends.

Why does the family have to move to Snafrancisco

Riley's dad's job is in San Fran

Even though he is male, what is one way Scar has traits of the stereotypical villainous female character besides being the antagonist?

Scar is physically weaker than the protagonist

How do the employee handbooks in the seventies feed into the ideas that Walt had about women.

The handbook had several images of a man staring at a woman minding her business.

What does society begin to focus on more as women's status is raised according to the Feminine Beauty Ideal Theory?

The higher a woman's social status the more focus is put on her femininity.

Why would certain minorities take issue with Disney's portrayal of the hyenas in The Lion King?

The hyenas are all darker looking and could be seen as giving a negative portayal

How is religion used in maintaining one's group's control over another in imperialist movements

The imperial power will convert the oppressed and minimizes or demonize the native religion.

How does the sea have more matriarchal qualities than the patriarchal world on land in The Little Mermaid?

The land is more patriarchal because on land Ariel has to get by without a voice.

The fairy tale_____________ can be traced to its original author and many believe was a type of love letter to another man.

The little mermaid

What is an example of gender performativity in Mulan?

The men in the training sequence becoming strong fighters.

What was the main reason Naveen first came to New Orleans?

he was out of money his family cut him off and he's looking to find wealth

How does the character of naveen represents racial inbetweenness

his race is never discussed so the audience knowns hes 'brown' because both of his parent appear to be of the same race

Pocahontas Religious Beliefs

•Animism: All living things have a soul •Value the earth and exploiting it is wrong •Exaggeration of this with Grandmother Willow. Indigenous people do not believe their deities are exemplified correctly in film such as a funny, elderly women in a tree •Disney included Mother's Spirit is the swirling wind throughout the film but not acknowledged •Originally there was Old Man River (Disney believed they needed a male deity/spiritual advisor)and no Mother Willow •Why is it Disney's representations of religious figures in films are only included in those that are non-Christian?•Having Mother Willow as a caricature(silly, cartoonish, primarily concerned with "matchmaking") would be similar to having a caricature/cartoon version of Jesus or God trying to get two people to get together

Nana and Lilo

•Appearances of female characters different •Relationship between sisters •Struggles (personal, economic, family) •Queen Liliuokalani and "Aloha 'Oe"


•Gary Goldman Lawsuit •Ignores the complexities of racism, privilege, and hierarchy Yet is trying to send some type of message about them •Introduction of drugs impact the predators(the minority) and cause them to attack the prey (the majority) •There is a reason others are prejudice against others and sometimes it might be valid???•Implies also that everyone experiences prejudice on equal grounds

Lilo and Stich

•Idea based on Dumbo •Originally Stitch was a failed book character based in Kansas •Hawaii was suffering severe economic hardship (Tourist Gaze) •Ohana idea came from a tour guide •Plot revolves on family, especially sisters

Pocahontas Criticisms

•Kisses between Smith and Pocahontas are far more sexual than other Disney characters. She is also the aggressor as times and very sexualized such as appearance. •Other Disney films, you never see a female lead acting like this as well as many women of color in Disney films are far more sexualized than other leads. •Disney's film focuses on the romantic relationship and overall also highlights European civility and superiority (John Smith's control) •Use of the term "Savages" by both groups BUT that term is usually associated with Indigenous People so constant reminder of them being "savages." •Depiction of the Powhatans and English- notice how there is little difference in the Powhatans' faces and bodies opposed to English diversity. Also, Powhatans are usually bathed in red light but English more brightly lit.

Pocahontas Criticisms 1

•This is from the series "Adam Ruins Everything" and is a cartoon but the points are supported by scholarly research. •Remember that for many Americans (especially children) the Disney version is what they know about Pocahontas. •If you google "Pocahontas," Disney's version comes up first •False account of what happened. •Reality: Smith only mentioned Pocahontas in his accounts/diaries when he saw her in England after she was forced to marry John Rolfe and traveled to England with the British royalty speaking accolades about her "exoticism" and "return from savagery." •Age difference (she was approximately 9-11yrs old and John Smith was 27yrs old) , her intelligence and high status in the tribe would have made this whole relationship with Smith impossible. Now we know he was a liar and exaggerated his interactions with her .•Pocahontas is forced to marry Rolfe after she spent months imprisoned. Rolfe promised that she would return to her homeland after they went to England but she died right before she was able to go •By the way-John Smith had at least three other accounts of an "Indian Princess" in the "New World" and India saving him once he fled North America as well as added more women from the Powhatan tribe that loved him.

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