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Discuss the wage differences in term of race. What do you learn about the category of people of color from the data on wage by race?

-Asians tend to earn more across the board -We see wages that have nothing to do with performance (both high + low) Is this justifiable? -Transparency in these performance evaluations and salary wages helps to correct these injustices

What is surface level diversity? How does it impact team dynamics?

-Difference in easily perceived characteristics -Can lead employees to perceive one another through stereotype and assumptions EX) race, age, gender -This can lead employees to perceive one another through stereotypes and assumptions -Even though this is visible and inappropriately used to perceive one another- it is important to think about those assumptions and if they are appropriate or not.

How is diversity different from inclusion?

-Diversity and inclusion go together but they are not the same -Diversity is like being invited to the party -Inclusion is being asked to the dance - I am seen, heard, and called to be engaged - integral part of who we are - people see me as a valuable asset.

How does race shape pathways into organizations? Consider hiring and recruitment

-Estimation of performance is underestimated for those who look different and over estimated for those who look like me -Some selection tests more accurately predict race than future performance -Evaluator leniency and micro affirmation when judging others similar to them can benefit ingroup candidates/employees -Ingroup bias - lead to increased liking, over estimation of potential of similar others -Biased judgments underestimating actual ability or performance; stereotypic expectations producing inaccurate evaluations of ability or work quality and less frequent selection

What is affinity bias?

-Is the unconscious tendency to get along with others who are like us. It is easy to socialize and spend time with others who are not different. Affinity bias leads us to favor people who we feel we have a connection or similarity to. For example, attending the same college, growing up in the same town, or reminding us of ourselves or someone we know and like.

What is deep level of diversity? How does it impact team dynamics?

-More important for employees to determine similarity as people get to know one another -EX) values, personality, work preferences differences are important to discuss because they broaden our perspectives. Differences are normal and very valuable when we view it in this light. Deep diversity shows aspects of a person that you cannot see - experiences, traits, talents, challenges This provides depth to the culture of a work environment. When diversity is recognized, understood, and celebrated among a company teams thrive, and performance is higher than non-diverse teams. More diversity is better than less - teams are more productive,

Discuss the negative implication of social diversity in teams

-Negative implication of social diversity is the fact that historically, people feel more comfortable when we notice we have commonalities with someone -So, differences may bring more conflict and rough interactions that may be awkward or may feel like we are walking on eggshells. -We also may have lack of trust towards people who are different than us.

How is race related to performance evaluation at work? What do you learn about the category of people of color from the data on evaluations by race?

-Negative performance evaluations affect people of color - we are rating the same performance differently, and the wage gap illustrates this -Unfair treatment in hiring and promotions when credentials are there and when performance is there

What is intersectionality?

-No one has only ethnic or gender identity; each person experiences an individual pattern of identity structure, involving differing degrees of identity dimensions. -Intersectionality - when two of more marginalized identity statues overlap in the experiences of an individual, creating interconnected barriers and complex forms of discrimination that can be insidious, covert and compounded -For example, the barriers and challenges faced by a trans woman of color who is a refugee claimant will be compounded due to the intersecting vulnerabilities of gender identity, race, immigration status and socio-economic realities. -Social systems reinforce intersectionality and they are kept in place by powerful people, organizations and systems

Does deep level diversity have the same impact on teams' processes and performance?

-No, deep level diversity facilitates the opposite—teams with deep level diversity are able to get to know each other through discussion of non-observed characteristics (values, personality, experiences, talents, challenges) -Discussion of these character traits are important because they facilitate celebration and understanding of people different from us. -Deeply diverse teams outperform teams that are not diverse in many aspects -They are more productive, innovative, and engaged because they are able to absorb different perspectives, make better decisions to facilitate growth and more revenue.

Is the social identity category you deem most important to you, the one that others first notice about you? If not, what might be the implications of such a mismatch?

-No, the social identity categories that I deem most important are not the first thing that others notice about me. -This becomes an implication because people's perception of us is different from how we perceive ourselves- this becomes an implication because it keeps in order a homogeneous environment because we are more likely to gravitate towards others who have more commonalities to us because similarity helps groups connect. This though keeps people separate, and to facilitate inclusive, diverse environments and meaningful relationships, we must open up that door to be authentic and opened to connecting more with people who are different from us. This also turns to the fact that we have un-conscious bias towards people - unintentional perspectives because we rely on snap judgements Favoring people who are similar to ourselves only advances the corrupt system because we are not able to think of things in the light of alternative perspectives may lead to Implications: shows our unconscious bias 🡪 overestimating those in the workplace who are similar to us just based on social identity; but this gives us an. Illusion because that person may not be as good as you see them out to be (by their social identity) Unconscious bias: 1. In group/ outgroup bias: in group favoritism; out group stereotyping; out group prejudice 2. Affinity bias is what it sounds like: we gravitate toward people like ourselves in appearance, beliefs, and background—tendency to get along with others who are like us (leads us to favor people who we feel we have a connection or similarity to) 3. Attribution bias: Attribution bias is the tendency to explain a person's behaviour by referring to their character rather than any situational factor (bias affects how we assess other people and their achievements- impacts recruitment) 4. Confirmation Bias: Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information that aligns with our preconceived opinions (When we make a judgement about another person, we subconsciously look for evidence to back up our own opinions of that person. We do this because we want to believe we're right and that we've made the right assessment of a person) 5. Bias in resources allocation for diverse teams: hiring, mentoring, promotions, team dynamics and resources Attribution bias: When assessing ourselves, we tend to think our achievements are direct results of our merit and personality; while our failings are the result of external factors, including other people that adversely affected us and prevented us from doing our best. When it comes to assessing other people, however, we often think the opposite is true. We are more likely to consider the achievements of others as a result of luck or chance; and their failings as a result of their personality or behavior.

What is the difference between personal identity and social identity?

-Personal identity: build on one's sense of traits, physical attributes, skills -Social identity: based in feelings of relationship to others- function of relationships & feelings of relationship to others

Is racial discrimination common? Offer evidence to support your claim

-Race discrimination- includes unfair denials of employment or promotion, segregation of job assignments, lower pay or exclusion from information or development opportunities such as mentoring and training. -Institutional racism- denotes a system or a structure of assumptions, procedures, norms, and regulations that disadvantages a group based on color, race or ethnicity. Over 9 grand of race harrassment in the workplace

What are common categories of social identity?

-Race, gender, world view, ability status, sexual, social class, ethnicity -How everyone perceives us and how we perceive ourselves

Describe the process that leads us to form a social identity

-Social categorization 🡪 social comparison 🡪 social identity -Social categorization: dividing the social world in different categories of people is always self-relevant: you always belong to one of the groups or a third (outsider) group. This lays the basis for social identity -Social comparison: people are motivated to obtain a positive social identity through positive intergroup social comparisons -Social identity: a positive social identity serves basic needs for certainty, self-esteem, and meaning Social categories come with privilege or lack there of

How does social identity shape our own behavior in the world? How does it shape our interaction with other?

-Social identity is how everyone perceives us and how we perceive others. -The more commonalities, the more likely we are as humans to connect more with similar people. -Being open with your identity can have positive and negative effects -Choosing not to be authentic may have more costs when there are trusting people out there

How does surface level diversity relates to teams' processes? Team performance

-Surface level diversity affects how people perceive others -This may affect their interactions with members of their team if they stereotype and make assumptions on diverse team members. -Team performance may be lower in performance because these differences are not embraced and thus block the potential for interacting with diverse team members and the ability to gain new perspectives for growth & collaboration

The countries of the world different on perception of urgency and importance of diversity. Where does US stands on this matter? How does it compare to other countries in the world?

-The correlations between gender and ethnic/cultural diversity and financial performance generally hold true across geographies, though with some variations in certain regions. -Australian companies lead the way when it comes to women's share of executive roles (21%), versus the US (19%) and the UK (15%). The same holds true for board positions, with Australian companies at 30%, US companies at 26%, and UK companies at 22%, and for women at the whole company level. -These countries dominate among top performers, representing 47% of the data set but over 70% of the top quartile companies. The disparity between them is interesting given women's workforce participation is similar in all three countries. -South Africa has the highest levels of diverse representation on executive teams relative to other countries in the sample, with 16% of executive positions held by black South Africans -The US, Singapore, and the UK follow with 11 to 12% of executive roles held by ethnic/cultural minorities -A large proportion of UK companies have no ethnic minorities on their executive teams

What is the premise, strategy, advantage and disadvantages of the Connecting Diversity to Work Perspectives?

-This approach takes inclusion more seriously - we are able to realize we are all on the same team with our differences (and not despite them) -We are not the same, we are on the same team; we are different, but difference is good People are heard, consulted, and their opinions matter As a company, we want to include a diverse workforce in every aspect of our organization's life -In each department- whether that be difference in age, gender, disability, culture, or professional background When we are open to bring in people who perceive the world differences we would be enriched by different perspectives -In this approach people feel most respected, and we see diversity as a critical component for growth, learning, and creativity -Difficult to get here though - it takes time and commitment -Involves a cultural change from the top down for people to open their hearts to this type of work

What is the premise, strategy, advantage and disadvantages of the Access-and-Legitimacy Paradigm?

-This approach wants to celebrate differences, diverse employees- but I want to match these diverse employees with niche pieces of my organization - leading to no type of growth. Like recruiting someone from Argentina or brazil to work on my corporations south American market because they have unique expertise to bring to this expansion - their background gives my company a unique advantage: more knowledge of customer base, cultural values and how I can adapt my products to meet their needs. It creates nice work opportunities, but no room for growth. This company though is only interested in these diverse hires for their contributions in other ways- only for this part of my business not in the sense that there is opportunity for growth. -These employees are not invited to sit at the table for mainstream work or critical decisions - they are tailored access to what relates to those business needs -This makes people feel exploited and excluded from organizations because they cannot grow, they are only needed for that niche task

How does others' perceptions of our social identity shape our interactions with such individuals?

-regardless of how people personally view another person, they also are aware of how that person sees themselves, as well as how they are generally perceived by others -Understanding others' subjective realities can enhance empathy, cooperation, and communication and may also influence one's own opinions

Describe the ways by which gender issues are reflects in recruitment practices

44% of women would be discouraged from applying to a job if the description included the word "aggressive."

What is privilege? Define and explain how it is related to oppression

A set of unearned benefits given to people who fit into a specific social group. Society grants privilege to people because of certain aspects of their identity. Aspects of a person's identity can include race, class, gender, sexual orientation, language, geographical location, ability, and religion, to name a few. Privilege is the other side of oppression - We favor people similar to us and overestimate their potential; which means more opportunities to those apart of our privileged group (systematic pattern that is difficult to break) Privilege is related to oppression because privileges and oppressions affect each other, but they don't neglect each other Many times people think that they can't experience privilege because they also experience oppression (but they CAN co-exist) Priv. means that under the exact same set of circumstances you're in, life would be harder without your priv. You have more tailwind, not because you earned it just because it is To create a more just world, starts with acknowledging that some people go through life with fewer un-earned benefits which makes life harder Our role in making that life less hard we will make our society more just, equitable, and fair (this is hard because this is systematic, and the system reinforces injustice) Everyone realistically should

How is race related to promotion at work? Why so?

Attribution bias - associated with under estimating performance + then linking that to that person's race Ingroup bias: supervisors of different races producing different rating patterns based upon ratee race

What is attribution bias? Describe how our attributions may change when we rate our own behavior versus others' behaviors?

Attribution bias affects how we assess other people and their achievements. It can be particularly impactful during recruitment. When assessing ourselves, we tend to think our achievements are direct results of our merit and personality; while our failings are the result of external factors, including other people that adversely affected us and prevented us from doing our best. When it comes to assessing other people, however, we often think the opposite is true. We are more likely to consider the achievements of others as a result of luck or chance, and their failings as a result of their personality or behavior.

What can we do to combat unconscious bias?

Be aware Be transparent Be accountable Be open, be authentic - and bring diversity to hiring and decision making processes Learn what unconscious biases are Assess which biases are most likely to affect you Figure out where biases are likely to affect your company. Modernize your approach to hiring. Let data inform your decisions. Bring diversity into hiring decisions Speak up about bias Hold employees accountable Set diversity and inclusion goals Awareness of bias is #1

Why is gender diversity invaluable for organizations? Offer concrete evidence we discussed

Because data from studies show that gender diversity is correlated with profitability and value creation gender diverse organizations are 15% more profitable for financial performance • female board representation is positively related to boards monitoring and strategy involvement 360 evaluations on women are higher on most leadership skills (Leadership dimensions outperform men)

Why racial diversity is invaluable for organizations?

Because diversity in organizations increases the pool of available resources—such as social networks, skills, and insights—to enhance the group's ability to be creative and solve problems.

Describe the ways by which gender issue are reflected in hiring practices?

Both women and men are more likely to hire men over women When there is only one woman or person of color in a finalist pool of job candidates, that candidate stands out so much that they have essentially no chance of being hired (Johnson, Heckman, Chan, 2016)

business rationale ...What are the reasons justifying moving toward diverse organizations?

Business Rationale: -Maximize human capital and attract new talent Better cater for diverse and global markets - create a better network in those spaces to help excel in markets we are not familiar with -To produce improved quality decision making- this is because we spend more time cognitively processing information from different perspectives so adding social diversity to a group makes people believe differences of perspectives exist among them and in turn makes people work cognitively and socially harder in these environments. -Improved innovation intensity- when we hear dissent from someone who is different from us, it provokes more thought than when it comes from someone who looks like us

How does biases impact hiring? - describe the two studies we reviewed and their findings

Callbacks for whitened resumes A big gap in the number of callbacks to resumes that were non-white

The reading (and in our class discussion) we discussed three common diversity and inclusion approaches...

Common diversity and inclusion approaches: 1) The discrimination and fairness approach 2) The access and legitimacy approach 3) Connecting diversity to work perspectives approach (best one)

What is confirmation bias?

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, focus on and remember information that aligns with our preconceived opinions. When we make a judgement about another person, we subconsciously look for evidence to back up our own opinions of that person. We do this because we want to believe we're right and that we've made the right assessment of a person.

What is the definition of diversity?

Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status.

What is in group bias?

Favoring individuals who appear to be part of your own group

Define gender

Gender- Socio cultural meanings ascribed to men/women as categories Gender roles- behaviors expected of women and men in a society, organization or social unit such as a group or a family. expectations on how genders should behave - learned from age 0

What is out-group bias?

Having negative or positive thoughts about groups different from yourself

How does meritocracy ideas relate to expectancy theory?

If you work hard and make effort and show top performance, you will get more (better salary, bonus) 3 components of motivation (expectancy theory) the more I perform the better I do Instrumentality aspect of this theory 🡪 the employee believes that how they are performing is the acceptable performance to grow in their organization Why are they working as hard as their counterpart, but are not getting that better salary/ bonus. expectancy theory of motivation proposes that an individual will behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific behavior over others due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will be The Expectancy theory states that employee's motivation is an outcome of how much an individual wants a reward (Valence), the assessment that the likelihood that the effort will lead to expected performance (Expectancy) and the belief that the performance will lead to reward (Instrumentality). Meritocracy does not promote this in the real world though because not everyone is evaluated on the same basis

What is meritocracy? Is meritocracy a valid way to address injustice steaming from privilege? Why so?

In a meritocracy, everyone has the right to express their opinions and are encouraged to share them openly and often (in the workplace: If you work hard and make effort and show top performance, you will get more (better salary, bonus) This is not a valid way to address injustice stemming from privilege because we do not engineer fairness with meritocracy Meritocracy: If you work hard, you should be acknowledged and gain more salary (merit-based pattern in organizations) When we look at demographics though, it does not match - this becomes a paradox because meritocracy is clouded by discrimination do we rate someone lower because they come from a different social category? Yes, this does happen. Performance evaluations become clouded by our bias - Lower performance rating which justifies lower salaries - these ratings are because of biases that people hold regarding people who may be/ look different than them

What is the definition of managing diversity?

Managing diversity is defined as "planning and implementing organizational systems and practices to manage people so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized while its potential disadvantages are minimized"

Many firms focus on cultural fit in their hiring processes. What are the implications of such choice for D&I in organizations?

Many companies that believe they are hiring for culture fit are actually just hiring people they identify and "click" with This keeps organizations homogenous and does not truly welcome diversity and inclusion in their organization they mistake alignment between themselves and the candidate for alignment between the candidate and the organization. It's important for organizations to reevaluate and ensure that the way they screen for culture fit is giving everyone an equal chance

moral...What are the reasons justifying moving toward diverse organizations? (Be sure to be specific about moral and business rationale for diversity)

Moral Rationale: -Corporate role and responsibility to society Business should be responsible to contribute to the greater society -Mindful about social sustainability -The role of dignity when we think about recruiting, nurturing, and working with other humans (all people have the right to be recognized for their inherit dignity) -Dignity is important in our businesses and if we take dignity seriously, we may need to consider what it means for us to recruit people, mentor people, and sponsor people in our organizations.

What is the difference between racial identity and ethnic identity?

Racial identity: specific physical features we pour meaning into🡪 captured with your senses (identification based on supposed biologically based heritage group Ethnic identity: not about physical traits; it's about shared traditions, beliefs, language, values, music, dress + food - it's a sense of connection with people who see themselves and others as having a common ancestry

What is institutional racism? Offer examples that illustrate such racism

Reinforcing and amplifying race discrimination through institutional dynamics - structure or system of assumptions, procedures, norms, regulations that disadvantages a group based on color, race, or ethnicity We must dismantle systems that create the space to discriminate

What does the racial pay gap between (white/black men and women of color) demonstrate about meritocracy?

Reveals the fact that we do NOT rate behavior the same across the board We have different interpretations of the same behavior

What solutions should we consider to address POC exclusion and poor acceptance on MC campus?

Sense of community Membership Fulfilments of needs Emotional connection Influence - top down and bottom up Responsibility for others in the community

What is the premise, strategy, advantage and disadvantages of the Discrimination-and-Fairness Paradigm?

The notion that we are all the same (doesn't matter about differences because we are all the same. We want to avoid discrimination, so we do not block opportunities for diverse groups; we promote fairness, but focus on uniformity; we seek harmony among all employees—we want to bring different people, but we want them to act similarly to each other (everyone blend in) we don't create inclusion this way, though. This environment feels tolerated and not celebrated- people begin to feel like they must pretend to be someone else at work- they underperform because they feel they can't be their true self at work. This does NOT create a deep sense of belonging and inclusion

What is the paradox of meritocracy? Describe Emilio Castila's study linking performance, performance evaluations and salary

The paradox here is that meritocracy says that if you work hard, you should be acknowledged and gain more salary - that organizations use this merit-based pattern The paradox here is that meritocracy is clouded by discrimination, and when we look at demographics - we see that women and other marginalized groups of people are negatively affected- and it has nothing to do with their performance. We in fact rate the same behavior differently - so we cant call this meritocracy then because it isn't our reality when we look into organizational structures

What could be the unintended consequences of raising awareness of unconscious bias? How can we reverse this effect?

Unconscious bias can affect workplaces and organizations. It can introduce unintentional discrimination and result in poor decision-making. Unconscious Bias can be a huge setback in creating a truly diverse and inclusive workplace. It has been shown that such biases can have an impact on recruitment, mentoring and promotions. This can hamper equal opportunities for women in terms of selection and progression to a high-level management and leadership role. Re-organize structures and systems to create a truly diverse workplace: Rigorous training of the staff in a careful and considerate manner where there is an acknowledgment that these hidden biases are bound to exist, and it is natural to carry these with us is important. Anonymous resume audits, surveys of current and previous employees, and focus groups are helpful, where the discussion is framed around fairness and inclusivity. A regular diversity audit of the organization is crucial to be accountable

How does unconscious bias shape decision making processes?

Unconscious bias makes us believe we are making decisions about an individual's capabilities, professionalism, or ability to contribute based on rational details when, in reality, these are based on our personal preferences. These decisions are flawed because we have not thought of things in the light of alternative perspectives - and when you have a diverse workforce, this is how we must shift our thinking

What is unconscious bias (define)

Unconscious biases are our natural people preferences- we are hard wired to prefer people who look similar, sound similar, and have similar interests These preferences bypass our normal, rational and logical thinking. We use these processes very effectively (intuition) but the categories we use to sort people may not be logical, modern, or legal.

Define racial discrimination

Unfair denials of employment, promotion, discrimination of pay, segregation of job assignments, exclusion from mentoring/ training

What could be the consequences (intended or unintended) of becoming aware of ones' privilege?

Unintended: Privileged people are more likely to be in positions of power; Intended: Priv. people can USE their positions to benefit people like themselves

Why is it important to study diversity management?

Workforces are becoming more and more diverse, and we must make sure the way we design our teams is conductive to feel a deep dense of inclusion because everyone is deserving of it

Discuss the solutions that can help address the paradox of meritocracy

We must: -Be aware -Be transparent: if I rate someone low on the evaluation, I must have a reason and justification why -Be accountable: we want to be in position where everyone in organization can shape their organization and teams to ensure we are not systematically discriminating against others. If organizations were in reality all about meritocracy, everyone, no matter one's identity and characteristics, would be given the same opportunities. But, in practice this behavior is not perceived the same among different groups of people. We must be more aware of this because then we can put ourselves in a position where we can shape others in our organization to be change leaders.

Describe the current state of women at work and at top positions. Does this patter relate to gender roles? How so?

Women represent 47% of our population (starting out marginalized) 25% of all employed women have jobs involving traditional women work On average 80% of these women only earn 11.30 an hour Women are under-represented in our world in every dimension Only 3 supreme court justices In US today are women 27% of US senate are women 27.9% US house representative 8.1% CEOS of 5000 largest US Companies Women in management positions: 38% of all mangers in the US are women 32% are US white women Remain underrepresented at the top of corporations globally In the business world, women make up 5% of Fortune 1000 CEOs, and only a handful of them are women of color.

What can be done to improve recruitment of women?

Women won't apply for the job unless they hit 100% criteria - but this may be the reason why women aren't getting the job either - apply for the job in order to get the job On average, males feel more confident and are better at processing rejection

How bias impact teams? (Consider conflict and resources of homogenous and heterogenous teams)

bias will cloud your vision and perception of other people and situations, and prevent you from being able to make good, objective decisions. One of the ways that it's detrimental to companies is the impact it has in the hiring process and promoting people inside an organization Bias unconsciously pushes us to build teams with members sharing the same characteristics and viewpoints.

Define gender roles how are they seeded and how do they impact the workforce?

indoctrinated and forced to show up as to create structure for our society and how we expect people to perform and show up in the workplace - very broadly speaking this impacts the workforce because people begin over estimating people in their "in" groups

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