Drivers Ed Exam

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A train always has the right of way, even for emergency vehicles responding to a call


When rounding a sharp curve

stay as far left as possible

Flashing red light


What percentage of traffic fatalities involve alcohol?


As an emergency vehicle approaches from ahead or behind, which should you do?

Pull to the right hand curb or edge of the road and stop

When you are approaching a driver of a car who does not dim his/her headlights on high beam, you may:

Remind the driver by blinking your high beams once

Farm equipment may drive on any NC roadway except an interstate.


Mopeds must be registered with the DMV and have a license plate on them.


Most crashes with farm equipment occur on a clear day, during daylight hours, and/or on a dry surface that is paved.


Slow down before you enter a curve


Speed limit inside city is 35 MPH and countryside is 55 MPH


The penalty for driving without proper corrective lenses is the same as driving without a license?


The two second rule helps prevent following too closely which is a leading cause of traffic crashes.


When backing a vehicle, you should not travel faster than 10 mph.


You and your passengers should keep your hands clearly visible to the officer at all times while being stopped unless the officer directs you to move them.


If you encounter a curve or need to turn on a road while traveling downhill, begin to brake earlier and approach the curve or turn more slowly than you would a curve on level roadway.


If you begin to skid

Turn the steering wheel in the direction in which the rear end of the car is skidding and reduce pressure on the gas pedal

When entering an interstate:

Use the acceleration lane until your speed matches the speed of the other vehicles

Hydroplaning is when:

Water is between the surface of the road and the tires causing them to lose contact with the road.

Never use cruise control when it is raining or after it has been raining and the roadway is still wet.


reduce speed by going down a hill

use a lower gear

What three tests must you pass to receive your permit?

written, sign, vision

Fines for littering in NC are between:


The number of passengers under 21 allowed in the car with a Level II are :


Which of the following are examples of moving violations? 1. Driving on the wrong side of the road 2. Failure to yield right of way 3. Following too closely 4. Illegal parking

1, 2, and 3 only

Passengers must be at least _____ years old to ride in the bed of a pick up truck without adult supervision.


Bicyclists under what age must wear an approved protective bicycle helmet and must be seated on a saddle seat.

16 years old

If an officer charges you with driving while impaired, you will be asked to take which of the following tests:

A chemical test of your blood or breath

The law requires a one-year driver license revocation upon conviction for: 1. Any underage person who attempts to purchase or purchases an alcoholic beverage 2. Any underage person who obtains or attempts to obtain alcoholic beverages by using or attempting to use a fraudulent driver license or other ID or another person's driver license or ID. 3. Any person who permits his or her driver license or any other ID to be used by an underage person to purchase or attempt to purchase an alcoholic beverage. 4. Any person who gives an alcoholic beverage to any underage person


Which of the following are reasons night driving is more dangerous than daytime driving? I. You cannot see as well. II. There are more impaired drivers on the road. III. Drivers tend to be tired and less alert. IV. A driver can be blinded by headlights of oncoming vehicles.

All statements are true

On a four-lane roadway without a median separation, when a school bus is stopped with the stop arm extended and red lights flashing, what should the driver do?

All traffic in both directions must stop

On a two-land roadway with a center turning lane, when a school bus is stopped with the stop arm extended and red lights flashing, what should the driver do?

All traffic in both directions must stop

On a two-lane roadway, when a school bus is stopped with the stop arm extended and red lights flashing, what should the driver do?

All traffic in both directions must stop

Crashes occur most frequently:

At intersections

A driver's license is required for which of the following? I. Sitting in the driver's seat of a car with the engine running. II, Steering a car while it is being pushed or towed by another vehicle.

Both I and II

Which of the distractions listed are also illegal for drivers under 18? I. Texting II. Using a cell phone III. Eating IV, Grooming

Both I and II

First conviction of a DWI

Carries a mandatory revocation of your driver's license for a period of one year

A driver license is required to operate a moped on a NC roadway or highway.


A motorcycle learner permit allows the person to operated a motorcycle with passengers?


Drivers less than 18 years of age may use a cell phone only for navigational purposes such as Waze or Google Maps.


Drivers over 18 years of age may use a cell phone while driving, but can only read emails or texts and cannot respond.


Which of these statements is true regarding protected left turns? I. A protected left turn is indicated by a green arrow pointing left. II. When executing a protected turn, continue to watch for oncoming vehicles turning right on red. III. When executing a protected turn, there should be no other conflicting traffic in the intersection except U turn traffic that should yield to all other traffic entering the intersection. IV. Protected turn lights are displayed for exactly 1 minute.

I and II only

Which of the following sober up a drunk person? I. Time II. Coffee III. Shower IV. Activity

I only

On a two-lane road, passing with care _____________ permitted if the skipped yellow line is in your lane.


During fog, use:

Low beam headlights

The spots where cars can disappear from the view of the truck driver are also known as:

No zones

On a four-lane roadway with a median separation, when a school bus is stopped with the stop arm extended and rid lights flashing, what should the driver do?

Only traffic following the bus must stop

Taking a long trip

Stop every 100 miles to rest and scheduling night driving to avoid traffic

A yellow skipped or broken line used as a center lane on a two-lane road indicates:

Traffic is traveling in opposite directions, passing is permitted when safe.

A white skipped or broken line used as a center lane on a two-lane road indicates:

Traffic is traveling in the same direction, passing is permitted when safe.

A flashing red light has the same meaning as a stop sign.


Bicycles and motorcycles are entitled to the full width of their lane.


Bicyclists should ride with the traffic, not facing the traffic.


Chemical test results are admissible as evidence in court.


Convictions occurring outside NC may result in your license being suspended or revoked just as if the violations occurred in NC.


The illegal blood/breath alcohol limit is:


Conviction for which of the following carries the highest number of points? 1. Reckless driving 2. Aggressive driving 3. Hit and run, property damage only 4. Passing a stopped school bus 4 only

2 and 4 only

Upon completion of a driver improvement clinic, ___________ points may be deducted from your driving record.


If you drive any vehicle more than 15 miles per hour over the speed limit while driving at a speed higher than 55 mph, your license will be revoked for at least _____________

30 days

If your BAC is over the legal limit, your driving privilege will be revoked immediately for a minimum of ___________.

30 days

With a learner permit, in the first six months, you may drive

5am - 9pm with a guardian

If you are convicted of speeding plus reckless driving on the same occasion, your license will be revoked for at least ______________

60 days

If you change your name or address, you must notify the DMV within:

60 days

If your driver license is suspended by the point system, for the first offense it may be taken for

60 days

You may be required to attend a driver improvement clinic if you accumulate _________ points against your license.


When a vehicle towing a trailer or boat stops suddenly, it may cause the trailer to _______


A driver who is involved in an accident should

make an immediate report to nearest law enforcement agency and notify insurance company

When backing a car

move at no more than 10 mph

Yellow center lines separate traffic moving in ________ direction.


Revoked liscense resotred

permission from the drivers license office in raleigh and pay a fee and reapply

Which of the following are allowed according to NC DWI laws: 1. Allow enforcement agencies to set up road blocks to check for impaired drivers. 2. Prohibit drivers from consuming any alcoholic beverages, including beer, while driving. 3. Require persons who are convicted of DWI for the second time to serve a jail sentence. 4. Require anyone convicted of DWI to obtain a substance assessment prior to the reinstatement of driving privileges.


Which of the statements regarding infant and child restraint systems is/are true? I. A child under age 8 and weighing less than 80 pounds must be properly secured in a weight appropriate child passenger restraint system. II. Children under 12 should ride in the rear seat. III. If the vehicle is equipped with active passenger-side front air bag and the vehicle has a rear seat, a child under age 5 and less than 40 pounds must e properly secured int eh rear seat unless the child seat is designated for use with a front air bag system. IV. Infants and small children must be placed in safety seats that are specially designed for them and have been crash tested.


Defenses for a blinding sun glare are: Adjust your sun visor Put on sunglasses Stop on the side of the road until you can drive safely

All of the above

Driving While Impaired can be proven in which of the following ways: 1. By proving the driver's physical or mental fitness are appreciably impaired by alcohol, drugs or a combination of both. 2. By proving the driver's blood alcohol concentration is .08 percent or more.

Both I and II

Which of the following are true when you have your permit? I. All passengers must be restrained by a seat belt. II. Only the driver and supervising driver can be in the front seat.

Both I and II

Which of the following statements are true regarding passing an emergency vehicle assisting motorists on the side of a roadway? I. On a highway with at least two lanes of traffic in the same direction you are traveling, you must move your vehicle into a lane that is not the lane nearest the parked emergency vehicle and continue moving in that direction until safely clear of the emergency vehicle. II. On a highway with only one lane of traffic in the same direction you are traveling, you must slow your speed and drive at a reduced, safe speed until completely past the emergency.

Both I and II

Which of the following statements are true regarding signaling before turning? I. Signal at least 100 feet before turning if the speed limit is less than 45 mph II. If the speed limit is more than 45 mph, signal 200 feet before turning.

Both I and II

Which of the statements are true regarding how you and passengers in your car should act as the officer approaches your vehicle during a stop? I. You and all passengers should remain seated in the vehicle. II. Place the vehicle in park, turn the engine off, roll down the windows, silence any electronic devices and radio.

Both I and II

Which of the statements are true? I. Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person's attention away from the primary task of driving. II. Distractions cause drivers to react more slowly.

Both I and II

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding a blinking yellow signal? I. A flashing yellow signal has the same meaning as a warning sign. II. A flashing yellow signal means to proceed with caution.

Both I and II...

Which group of statements are all included in correct lane changes?

Check mirrors, signal, check blind spot, change lanes, cancel signal

In order to pass Driver Education, you must complete 30 hrs in the classroom and 12 hrs behind the wheel.


It is legal to pass farm equipment in a no passing zone if the driver of the farm equipment waves you around it.


It is legal to wear a shoulder portion of the seat belt under your arm as long as your lap belt is on properly.


It is okay for a driver to answer a cell phone if it rings while you are driving.


Officers directing traffic may use a whistle or flashlight, but not both at the same time.


Passing is allowed anywhere there is not a posted sign which states "no passing zone."


When being stopped by a police officer, get your license and registration out while the officer is approaching the vehicle.


You may have your license reinstated online if you pay all the fees online.


Which of the following is true about your license/permit? I. If you drop out of school it will be revoked. II. If you are suspended for more than three days you license/permit will be revoked.

I only

Which of the following statements are true regarding fire emergencies? I. Do not drive or park closer than one block from fire trucks responding to a fire alarm II. Only pick up trucks or SUV's are allowed to drive over fire hoses since these vehicles are high off the ground

I only

Every vehicle in a funeral procession should do which of the following: I. Have headlights and hazard warning signals on II. Drive on the right side of the road III. Follow the vehicle ahead as closely as reasonable and prudent IV. Stop at every red light even if the cars in front of you go through the red lights.


Which of the following statements are true regarding what you should do when stopped by law enforcement? I. When you see emergency lights and/or hear a siren behind you, stay calm, activate your turn signal, pull the vehicle to the right and off the travel portion of the road where it is safest to do so. II. If there is not an obvious safe place to immediately stop the vehicle, turn on your emergency 4 way flashers and reduce your speed by about 10 mph to signal to the officer that you area ware of his or her presence. III. If an unmarked car is stopping you and you have a legitimate question or concern as to whether or not you are being stopped by an actual law enforcement officer, you may call 9-1-1 before pulling over. IV. Get out of your car to meet the officer as he or she approaches your vehicle.


If a driver who is less than 21 years old is convicted for an offence of driving with ANY amount of alcohol or drugs in his/her body, his/her license will be revoked for one year.


If an officer is directing traffic, always obey the officer's hand signal instead of the normal traffic signals or signs,


If you are convicted of DWI while your license is revoked for an earlier DWI conviction, the court may order your vehicle be seized and sold.


If you are involved in a crash, you must stop.


In cities 2 out of 5 people are killed in motor vheicles are pedestrians


Insurance rates are based on your driving record.


If the driver of the car in front of you has his/her left hand straight out and their forearm and hand straight up with their palm facing forward, they are signaling their intention to:

Turn right

If you are using your windshield wipers, you must also:

Turn your headlights on

If you wish to pass the car ahead on a two lane road

blow your horn to signal your intention

Which of the statements are true regarding bicycle operation on a road? 1. Bicyclists must ride on the right side of the road; stop for stop signs and red lights; and give hand signals. 2. Bicyclists may use variations of the hand signals in the DMV manual.

both 1 and 2

Which of the maximum speed limits statement is true?

d. Cities and towns 35, outside cities and towns 55, interstate 70

Passing on the right is legal on

four-lane highway with 2 lanes going in each direction and on a one way street

Pedestrians should walk on which side of the road?

the left side of the road

White center lines separate traffic moving in __________ direction.

the same

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