Driver's Ed Kansas test

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If you are over 21 years old, BAC of ____ or higher is illegal


how close can you park to a fire hydrant;

15 feet

what should your speed be in a roundabout

15 to 20 mph

How many feet should u park from a Crosswalk at an intersection

20 feet

In a school zone or business the speed limit is

20 mph

a class c drivers license

26 thousand and 1 pounds

How many feet should you park from a stop sign or Traffic signal?

30 feet

When you cannot see any farther than 100 feet due to weather you cannot go any faster than

30 mph

To find out more about the gauges on your car, the best source of information is your A) owners manual B) dealership C) parents

A) owners manual

The Traditional mirror settings:

Can be adjusted by leaning your Head to the left or right until it touches the driver side window and the rear fender is just visible

All drivers must use their headlights 45 minutes after sunset to 45 minutes before sunrise.


If a child is under the age of 6 and weighing less than 60 lbs., the child must be put in an approved safety seat in the front seat of a vehicle.


To prevent a fatigue related crash while driving

Find a safe parking area to take a 15 to 20 minute nap

when you turn on windshield wipers its required

Headlights are required to be on when wipers are in use or visibility is less than 500 feet, as well as 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise

Safety belts

Must be worn at all times

If a pedestrian is crossing in the middle of the street not at a crosswalk even if it's illegal you:

Must stop for them

A yellow dashed line on your side of the roadway only means

Passing is permitted on your side

If your vehicle has antilock braking system and you need to stop quickly:

Press on the break pedal as hard as you can

When you hear a siren or see a vehicle approaching with flashing lights:

Pull over to the curb or edge of the road and stop to allow the Emergency vehicle to pass

To prevent yourself from becoming an aggressive driver:

Relax and concentrate on driving

When approaching animals that are standing near the roadway:

Slow down and use caution

If you are driving in a tier or suddenly goes flat

Slow down gradually and do not break

If you are driving and you need to use your cell phone it is best to

Stop in a safe parking area and then make the call

Air bags are designated to provide protection over and above what the seatbelt provides.


Do not solely rely on the sideview mirrors to give you the complete picture of the road, since all cars have blind spots. The driver should look over their shoulder before starting the maneuver.


In most cases, the law requires you to have an emission test every two years at the time of reg. or at the time of sale.


The heat caused by friction of moving engine parts and the explosion of gasoline in the cylinders is removed through the vehicle's cooling system.


The purpose of anti-lock brake systems is to prevent the brakes from becoming locked.


The signals are the light devices that allow you to inform other drivers on the roadway what your intentions are.


The steering wheel is connected to and controls the wheels by the axle.


You are required by law to have a windshield in place, free of obstructions and without need of repair.


You should signal in the last 100 ft. before turning, unless traffic conditions indicate you should signal earlier.


If a truck or bus needs to make a right turn and you are also turning

Wait until the truck or bus turns before turning right

When parking your vehicle facing uphill with a curb

Your wheels should be turned away from the curb

Where should you place a child under 12 years old in a vehicle equipped with airbags

back seat

a narrow 10 degree area that a driver can focus on is

central vision

In making a right turn from a four-lane divided highway:

enter the right lane well in advance of the turn and make a tight turn into the right lane of the cross street.

When driving at night and a vehicle comes towards you with their highbeams on:

flash your headlights once quickly

people who use weed make more mistakes and:

have issues getting used to glare and get in trouble more

For left turns on a four-lane divided high way you should:

move near the center line or traffic divider and turn from the inside lane in a way that you will not swing wide and will enter the cross street just to the right of the center line

Do not make a "U" turn on a curve:

near the top of a hill or anywhere you cannot be seen by other drivers for at least 500 feet. Obey local ordinances and regulatory signs regarding such turns

if your going straight through A roundabout what do you do?

no signal is needed while approaching however signal right before u exit

what lane should you be in to go straight on at a roundabout

no signal will be required on approach as it is the second exit you requite, check your mirrors and apply a left signal as u pass exit 1

if your parking up hill with a curb what do you do

put ur wheels away from it

if you parking with a curb with do u do

put ur wheels towards it

The most dangerous time for slick roads in rain is

shortly after the rain begins and there is a thin layer of water on the roads.

if you intend to turn left on a roundabout what do u do?

signal left while approaching once you have traveled 3/4 of the way around the roundabout signal right to take the exit

if you intend to turn right on a roundabout what should you do

signal right well approaching until you have exited

before you start the car make sure:

the parking break is on

to turn left on a roundabout you should

to turn left use the left most lane and signal for a left turn

what must you do when u turn right at a roundabout

to turn right use the right most lane and signal for a right turn

the safest way to change directions in a turnabout

turn right and go around the block it avoids most left turns across traffic

Regulatory signs are:


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