Driving Section 5

Réussis tes devoirs et examens dès maintenant avec Quizwiz!

1. If a law enforcement officer stops a vehicle for a violation and finds a front seat passenger, 17 years of age or younger not wearing a safety belt, who will be charged with the seat belt violation?

A seat belt violation will be charged to the driver when a person un- der 18 is not restrained by a safety belt or a child restraint device.

2. To what ages does the Child Restraint Law apply?

All Children 5 Years Of Age Or Young- er Must Use A Restraint Device When Riding In A Motor Vehicle.

3. What is the maximum speed lim it in a residential area if there is no speed limit sign?

Business or Residential Area 30

13. What should you do if you drive past the exit on an interstate highway where you wanted to get off?

Continue on to the next exit and get then get back on the highway and exit at the correct exit.

11. What is the recommended safe following distance?

Keep a minimum following distance of three to four seconds with an additional second for any unusual weather or traffic conditions.

8. When may you drive in the left lane of a road with four or more lanes with two-way traffic?

On a two-lane highway, you are allowed to drive on the left half of the roadway when it is safe to pass and passing is al- lowed.

4. What is the maximum speed limit on an interstate highway on a clear day? In a rural area?

Rural Interstate 70* Limited Access Highways 70

5. When you are driving too slowly, can you be issued a ticket?

When driv- ing slower than the flow of traffic, keep right so others may safely pass. You can be issued a ticket for driving too slowly.

12. Which way should you turn your wheels when parking facing uphill where there is a curb? Which way should you turn them where there is not a curb?

When parking on hills: • Turn your wheels so that if your car starts to move, it will roll away from traffic or into the curb. Study the diagram provided. • Set the parking brake. • Place automatic gear shift in park. Shift manual gears to reverse (downhill) or first (uphill). • Turn vehicle off.

10. Where is it unlawful to overtake and pass?

You may not pass on a two-lane road with traffic moving in opposite directions under these conditions: • Where you see a "DO NOT PASS" or "NO PASSING ZONE" sign. The prohibition of passing in a no-Pass- ing zone does not apply when an ob- struction exists making it necessary to drive to the left of the center of the highway [s 316.0875(3) F.S.]. Thus, when a cyclist is traveling so slowly as to constitute an "obstruction," a motorist may cross the center line in a no-passing zone if the way is clear to do so, i.e., when it can be seen that oncoming traffic is far enough away the pass may be completed before coming within 200 feet of an oncom- ing vehicle. • Where a solid yellow line is painted on your side of the center line. • On hills or curves, and at intersections. • Within 100 feet of a bridge, viaduct, tunnel, or railroad crossing. Vio- lators may be arrested or issued a ticket.

6. If you approach a red light and a traffic officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, what should you do?

You must follow any lawful order or direction of (1) any law enforcement officer or (2) any fireman at the scene of a fire who is directing traffic. If a law enforcement officer is directing traffic where there are signal lights, obey the officer - not the signals.

16. Within how many feet of an oncoming vehicle should you dim your bright headlights?

• Don't use high-beam headlights within 500 feet of oncoming vehicles.

17. When driving in the rain, fog, or smoke in the daytime, what lights do you turn use?

• Drive with lights on low beam. High beams will only be reflected back off the fog and actually impair visibility even more. Your lights help other drivers see your vehicle, so be sure they all work. Keep your windshield and headlights clean, to reduce the glare and increase visibility.

15. When approaching another vehicle from the rear at night, within how many feet must you dim your bright headlights?

• If you are behind other vehicles, use low beams when you are within 300 feet of the vehicle ahead.

14. At what times should you use your headlights?

• Use your headlights (low beam or high beam) between the hours of sunset and sunrise.

9. After passing a vehicle, you must return to the right side of the road before coming within how many feet of an oncoming vehicle?

• You must return to the right side of the road before coming within 200 feet of any vehicle coming from the opposite direction.

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