DSA Overview Class

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What is the minimum reinforcement requirements at intersections of walls with floors, columns, and footing?

#4 @ 12" o.c. for each layer of wall reinforcement 1905A.1.8

What is the tolerance for rebar placement in masonry, when the distance from the outside face of the wall to the center of the rebar is less than 8"

+/- 1/2" TMS 602-13 3.4B.11

In a Group E occupancy, a corridor should have a fire resistant rating of ____________ hour?

1 (Table 1018.1)

Where pipes pass through footings, pipe sleeves shall provide a minimum of _________________" clearance all around?

1 1809A.14

What is the max slot for a slotted washer at a foundation anchor bolt?

1 3/4" SDPWS

When an air gap is required for indirect waste, what is the minimum size of the air gap?

1" (801.1)

Pendant mounted light fixtures penetrating suspended ceilings must be ________________" clear at penetration. Light fixture must be braced at the level of the suspended ceiling.

1" (IR 16-9)

In unobstructed construction, the distance between the sprinkler deflector and the ceiling shall be a m minimum of _____________" and maximum ____________" ?

1" 12" (

How much clearance is required all around a riser pipe penetration for a 3" diameter pipe?

1" Page 13-12 of NFPA 13

What is the max size anchor bolt diameter in a 12" masonry wall?

1" (2106A.1.1)

What are the welding inspectors duties?

1) Identify steel and verify conformance 2) Check material, equipment, details of construction, welding procedures, and welds. 3)Make systematic record of all welds (I.D marks of welders, list of defective welds, manner of correction) (1705A.2.2.5)

A cable, raceway, luminaire, or box, installed in exposed or concealed locations under metal-corrugated sheet roof decking, shall be installed and supported so there is not less than ____________" measured from the lowest surface of the roof decking to the top of the cable, raceway, or box.

1-1/2" 300.4 (E) ADD LUMINAIRES UNDER SECTION 410.10 F

In both exposed and concealed locations, where a cable- or raceway-type wiring method is installed through bored holes in joists, rafters, or wood members, holes shall be bored so that the edge of the hole is not less than ____________" from the nearest edge of the wood member.

1-1/4" (300.4)

When is waiver of continuous batch plant allowed?

1. Batch plant certification acceptable to DSA 2. Single story light framed buildings and isolated equipment foundations where deep foundations are not used (1705A.3.3.1)

Sewer and water lines are not allowed in the same trench, unless?

1. Bottom of water one 12" above sewer 2. Water pipe on solid shelf 12" min horizontal from sewer (720.0)

When should rebar lap splices and developmental lengths be increased?

1. Closely spaced parallel bars 2. Tight edge distance 3. More than 12" concrete cast below bar (increase 1.3) 4. Lightweight aggregate (ACI 318 12.14.2) written in

Design of electrical raceways for lateral forces is not required when?

1. Trapeze assemblies support the raceway and total weight is less than 10 lbs/ft 2. Raceways are supported by hangers 12" or less long. (1616A.1.23)

What is the required depth of a water heater drainage pan?

1.5" (507.4 plumbing code)

How do you pressure test hydronic lines?

1.5x the operating pressure but not less than 100psi 30mins (1205.2)

What is the minimum slope allowed for a building 10" building sewer line?

1/16" (.5%) 718.0

Fire and smoke dampers shall be permanently identified on the exterior by a label with letter not less than ___________"?

1/2 (605.5)

Changes in level greater than ___________ shall be ramped?

1/2" (11B-303.5)

A wet pipe fire sprinkler system shall have pressure relief valve not less than __________ in size to operate at 175 psi or 10psi in excess of the maximum working pressure?

1/2" (

For foundation anchor bolts, 3x3x.229" plate washers are required to extend within ____________" max of edge of sill plate on the sheathed side.

1/2" SDPWS

Holes for bolts shall be a minimum of ________ to a maximum of ___________ larger than the bolt diameter?

1/32" - 1/16" (NDS

Fuel gas piping aboveground shall be sloped _________"/15ft to prevent traps?

1/4" (1210.2.2 Plumbing)

Installations within or behind a surface of concrete, tile, gypsum, plaster, or other noncombustible material, including boxes employing a flush-type cover or faceplate, shall be made so that the front edge of the box, plaster ring, extension ring, or listed extender will not be set back of the finished surface more than _________".

1/4" (314.20)

Accessible routes shall not have vertical changes in level of more than ___________"

1/4" 11B-303.2

_____________" diameter screw eye with full thread emebedment (1-1/2" min) shall be used to attach splay wire to joist or rafter?

1/4" IR25.2-13 Appendix A, Sheet 4.35 Written on 1616A.1.20

What is the required slope of horizontal drainage piping?

1/4"/ft or 2% (708 plumbing code)

What is the minimum slope for condensate waste?

1/8"/ft (814.2)

When testing identified reinforcing bars with mill certs, 1 tensile and bend test shall be done per ____________ tons of rebar size?

10 1913A.2

The max length of pipe under the building shall not exceed ______________' as measured from the outside edge of the building to the center of the vertical pipe?

10 Page 13-12 of NFPA 13

Vent terminals through an outside wall of a building and discharge flue gases perpendicular to an adjacent wall shall be located not less than _________' horizontally from an operable opening in an adjacent building?

10' (802.8.5)

When equipment is installed on the roof, a guard rail is required if equipment is with ________ of a roof edge?

10' (CBC 1013.6)

Vent shall terminate _______________' minimum or _______________' above openable window?

10' 3' (906.0)

Exit sign placement shall be such that no point in an exit access corridor or exit passageway is more than ____ feet or the listed viewing distance for the sign, whichever is less, from the nearest visible exit sign?

100 (1011.1)

Cleanouts are required for each _______________' of piping?

100' (707.4)

For outdoor combustion air, one opening shall commence within __________" of the top of the enclosure and one opening shall commence within ___________" of the bottom of the enclosure?

12 12 (701.5)

What is the minimum size conduit body (LB) required for #4 AWG conductors within a 2" conduit?

12" 6x the largest conduit diameter per 314.28

Mechanical joints on fire riser piping are not allowed within ______________" below bottom of footing?

12" Page 13-12 of NFPA 13

Handicap van parking spaces shall be ___________x__________?

12x18 (11B502.2)

Marking of fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers, and smoke partitions shall be located within _____________' of the end of each wall and at intervals not exceeding ____________'.

15 30 (703.7)

What is the max spacing of vertical bars at stacked bond masonry walls?

16" oc (2104A.

For heat sensing detector where beams project more than _________ below the ceiling and are more than _________' on center, each bay shall be treated as a separate area?

18' 8' (

Project construction documents typically require _________________% max moisture content of wood at fabrication

19% (2303.1.8.2)

What is the max slope of a stepped footing?

1:2 1809A.3

The running slope of an accessible route walking surface shall not be steeper than _______:________?

1:20 11B-403.3

Fuel gas piping must be purged outdoors when operating gas pressure > _______psi?

2 (1213.6.1)

Each plumbing fixture trap must have a liquid seal between __________ to ___________" in height?

2 to 4" (1005.0)

A concrete encased electrode shall have a minimum of ___________" of concrete cover?

2" (250.52 (A)(3))

Gas vents > 12" and within 8' from a vertical wall must terminate __________' minimum above the highest point where they terminate through the roof and _________' minimum higher than above any portion of a building with 10' horizontally?

2' 2' (802.6.2)

Masonry prism testing is required when f'm is greater than _____________psi?

2,000 (2105A.2.2.2)

How many safety wires are required for a suspended light fixture that weighs 40 lbs?

2-#12 wires (1616A.1.20)

What is the length of a 8d common nail?

2-1/2" (Appendix A of SDPWS)

What is the required height of working space required in front of electrical equipment?

2.0m (6.5') or the height of the equipment, whichever is greater. (110.26)

Type I hoods shall be constructed of __________GA stainless steel?

20 (508.3)

An expansion index greater than ____________ is a characteristic of expansive soil?

20 1803A.5.3

Valve serving a fire hydrant shall be within ___________' max upstream

20' Page 13-12 of NFPA 13

Air moving systems supplying air > __________ CFM must be equipped with an automatic shutoff?

2000 (608.0)

Flexible sprinkler line couplings shall be installed within ______________" of expansion joints?

24 ( NFPA 13)

Flexible couplings are required with ____________" of the top and bottom of all risers?

24" (NFPA

What is the minimum cover requirement for PVC conduit located under a parking lot?

24" (Table 300.5)

Materials exposed in ducts or plenums must be noncombustible, or have flame spread index ____________max?

25 (602.2)

Power actuated fasteners can be used in steel when the load on the fastener is less than or equal to _____________________lbs?

250 (1616A)

Pole supported luminaries require handhole a minimum of _______x________"?

2x4" (410.30 B)

Fastener used to attach splay wire to joist or rafter should be installed above mid-depth of member but _______________max from roof?

3" IR25.2-13 Appendix A, Sheet 4.35

Heat sensing fire detector in a sloped ceiling shall be within ________' of the peak?

3' (

The minimum required working space in front of panel boards, switchboards, disconnects and motor controllers with a voltage of 277/480 volts, located in front of a CMU wall, shall have a depth of?

3.5' Table 110.26(A)(1) states that concrete, brick, or tile walls shall be considered grounded, so this is condition #2.

Clearance under the bottom of a door shall be _____________" max?

3/4" (1008.1.2) DSA presentation

Rod hangers greater than __________________" diameter must be detailed to prevent inelastic bending of the rod?

3/8" (1616A.1.24)

Fire walls shall extend from the foundation to a termination point at least ___________" above both adjacent roofs?

30" (706.6)

For service accessibility of mechanical equipment, what is the required depth, width, and height of working space?

30" (CMC 304.)

Doors shall provide a clear width of ________"

32" (1008.1.1)

3/16" weep holes at ______________" max spacing are required for all masonry veneer?

33 TMS 402

There shall be no projections into the required clear opening width lower than _________" AFF or ground?

34" (1008.1.1.1)

Refrigeration equipment must have an unobstructed readily accessible opening and passageway not less than _________x__________

36"x80" (1105.3)

For rigid PVC there should be a maximum of _______________ degrees in bends between pull points?

360 (CEC 352.26)

Pendant mounted light fixtures must be able to move ___________ in horizontal plane.

360 degrees (IR 16-9 section 1)

Where raceways contain ___________ AWG or larger insulated circuit conductors, and these conductors enter a cabinet, a box, an enclosure, or a raceway, the conductors shall be protected by an identified fitting providing a smoothly rounded insulating surface, unless the conductors are separated from the fitting or raceway by identified insulating material that is securely fastened in place.

4 (300.4 G)

How many turns are required for a splay (bracing) wire?

4 tight turns wishing 1-1/2" (1616A.1.20)

Fire sprinklers shall be located a minimum of __________" from walls?

4" (

What is the minimum slump for deep foundation pours?

4" 1808A.8.1

Openings in roofs adjacent to fire walls shall not be located within ___________' of the fire wall?

4' (706.6)

Obstruction in excess of __________' shall be protected by an upright sprinkler?

4' (

What is the required depth of working space for equipment from 601 to 1,000 volts under condition 2?

4' (Table 110.26(A)(1)

What is the minimum psi for shotcrete?

4,000 1910A.1

The pre-drilled hole for the threaded part of lag screw going into wood with G<0.5, shall be drilled at _____________% to ______________% shank diameter?

40 to 70 (11.1.4)

A type I Hood exhaust system that terminates through the roof shall have its fan discharge not less than ___________" away from the roof surface?

40" (510.9.1)

Pendant light fixtures must be able to swing freely _______________ from vertical without hitting anything, or bracing is required. Adjacent fixtures must be separated by a distance equal to _______________ min the length of the pendant or bracing is required.

45 degrees 1.5X (IR 16-9) Written in chapter 16

The clear width for accessible sidewalks and walks shall be ___________"?

48 (11B-403.5.1)

Manual pull station shall be mounted __________" max AFF to top of box?

48" (17.14.5)

Where access to a public way is cannot be provided, a safe dispersal area shall be provided. The area shall be of a size to accommodate at least ___________sq. ft per person

5 (1027.5)

What is the max length for a flexible air duct connector?

5' (603.5 mechanical)

Panic hardware is required when serving occupant loads > or = ___________?

50 (1008.1.10)

Doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel where serving a room or area containing an occupant load of _____________ or more persons or a Group H occupancy?

50 (1008.1.2)

In a Group E occupancy, two exit access doorways from any space shall be provided where occupancy is ________ or greater?

50 (1015.1)

The disconnect location should be within sight from equipment. The specified equipment is to be visible and not more than ________' from the other?

50 (DSA presentation, cant find answer)

When testing post installed anchors, the test frequency for non structural anchors should be _______________%

50 1905A.5

No additional restraints are required if sprinkler branch lines are supported by rods less than or equal to ___________"?

6 (9.3.6)

Fire sprinkler spacing shall not be less than ___________'?

6 (NFPA 13

A feeder supplying an air conditioner is installed in a non-metallic raceway. The conductors are protected with a 110amp overcurrent protection device. The minimum required ground conductor is ____________AWG

6 (Question from DSA presentation. Cant find answer in CEC)

What is the minimum clearance from grade between wood and slab on grade at shower or toilet rooms with more than 2 plumbing fixtures?

6" minimum (2304.

Appliance shut off valves for fuel gas piping shall be installed within ______ of the appliance it serves?

6' (1212.5)

Ramps that change direction shall have a clear landing of __________x________" minimum in the direction of downward travel from the upper ramp run?

72x60" (11B405.7.4)

Door closer and door stops shall be permitted to be ____________" AFF or ground?

78 (1008.1.1.1)

For raceways containing conductors of 4 AWG or larger, the minimum dimensions of pull or junction boxes installed in a raceway or cable run shall, in straight pulls, the length of the box or conduit body shall not be less than __________ times the metric designator (trade size) of the largest raceway.

8 (314.28)

Environmental air ducts shall have filters that provide at least a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of __________?

8 (503.3)

What is the minimum clearance from grade for wood supported by exterior foundation walls?

8" minimum (2304.11.2.2)

"van accessible" signs shall be __________" above the floor when in accessible routes and circulation paths?

80" (11B-502.6)

How many #12 AWG conductors are allowed in a 4" x 1-1/2" square metal box?

9 (Table 314.16A)

Trenches parallel to footings shall not be below a plane having a downward 1:2 slope starting ________________" above the bottom of the footing, and not closer than _____________".

9 18 1809A.14

For trenches running parallel to footing, how is the zone of influence measured?

9" above B.O.F, then at a 1:2 negative slope. (1809A.14)

Which of these is false? A. Overcurrent protection devices are not required to be identified with their interrupting rating if more than 5,000 amps B. Overcurrent protection devices shall be installed where a conductor receives its supply C. Overcurrent protection devices are required to be marked with their voltage ratings.

A (Section 240.83)

Why is 19% max moisture content required during fabrication?

Bolts values reduced up to 60% and nails 75% (NDS Table 11.3.3)

Raceways exposed to different temperatures shall be sealed to prevent _______________

Condensation (300.7 A)

What type of nails should be used on tile roofing?

Copper, brass, or stainless steel CBC 1507.3.7

M.E.P. hangers and support information should be found where?

DSA approved plans (slide 19)

True or False: The spacing between masonry unit surfaces and reinforcement must be 1/2" minimum?

False- 1 bar diameter (2104A.

True or False: Horizontal rebar must be placed in bond beam units with 1/2" min. grout cover above the steel for each grout pour?

False- 1" minimum (2104A.5.1. 2.1)

True of False: Prior to grouting, the grout space shall be cleaned to ensure the max permitted mortar projections are 3/8"?

False- 1/4" max (2104A.5.1)

True of False: When f'm greater than 2,000 psi is specified, compliance can only be provided by unit strength method and core shear testing?

False- Prism test required (2105A.2.2.2)

True of False: For high lift grout, title 24 always requires bottom course to be inverted bond beam?

False-only when clean outs are not at every cell (2104A.

During wood construction, what is considered fabrication?

Fastener installation (2303.1.8.2)

What items of a wood structural panel shall be verified?

Grade Thickness Span Rating Exposure Rating

Fasteners, nuts, and washers at preservative treated & fire retardant treated wood shall be what type?

Hot-dipped, zinc-coated galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze or copper. (2304.9.5.1)

When are "hook type" (J hook) anchor sill bolts acceptable?

Interior, non-shear walls (ACI 318 Appendix D2 written in)

Each glulam member must be market by whom?

Manufacturer Special inspector (1705A.5.4)

Can exhaust duct systems pass through fire walls or fire partitions?

No (510.0)

Can a flexible air duct penetrate a wall, floor, ceiling or fire rated assembly?

No (603.5 Mechanical)

Is a starter wall required for DSA masonry?

No, but it is recommended

Can the disconnect for a roof top air conditioning unit be installed in an electrical room on the first floor where the disconnect is lockable?

No, the disconnect has to be readily accessible from the A/C unit. (440.14)

Moveable equipment must be anchored if ______________________?

Permanently attached to building utility services (elec, gas, water) 1616A.1.18

What needs to be done when nails tend to split wood?

Pre-bore (NDS

Sill plates should be made from what type of wood u.n.o?

Preservative-treated (PT) Douglas Fir.

The clearance hole for the shank of a lag screw shall be what size?

Same diameter as the shank diameter. (11.1.4)

All phase conductors and, where used, the grounded conductor and all equipment grounding conductors shall be grouped ____________.

Together 300.20 A

True or false; Fire alarm circuits are required to be identified to prevent unintentional signals on fire alarm circuits during testing and servicing of other systems?

True (760.30 Electrical)

Plumbing drainage and venting systems must be tested. How do you test with water? With Air?

Water=10' head for 15 mins Air=5psi for 15 mins (not for plastic)

When is the performance test for ground-fault protection of equipment required?

When first installed on site (Question on DSA presentation)

What is the required width of working space required in front of electrical equipment?

Width of equipment or 30", whichever is greater. (110.26)

Do all holes and notches in wood need to be detailed on DSA approved drawings?

Yes (Slide 60)

Are welding procedure specifications required for all welds?

Yes 1705A.2.2.1) (Slide 12)

For foundation anchor bolts, is a standard cut washer is also required when plate washer has a slotted hole?


Exposed plumbing pipes under accessible lavoratory and sinks shall be protected against?

contact (402.7 plumbing code)

Ferrous metal raceways and enclosures for grounding electrode conductors shall be electrically ________________?

continuous (250.64 E)

Every room or space that is an assembly occupancy shall have the occupant load of the room or space ____ in a conspicuous place.

posted (1004.3)

Vents are required for each plumbing fixture ____________?

trap (901.1)

Indirect waste piping >5' and <15' shall be directly ______________?

trapped (803.0)

Each pane of glass shall bear the manufacturers mark. The mark must specify _________ and thickness of glass or glazing material.

type (2403.1)

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