Early 1800 Unit Test

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What is the purpose of Treasury Department?

Collect taxes and spend the governments money

Who invented the first steamship?

Robert Fulton

Judiciary Act of 1789

created the Supreme Court and federal and circuit courts

What were Hamilton's three economic changes?

- paid off nation's debts -proposed establishing a national bank -issue paper money

-signed in 1819 by U.S. and Spain -Florida was given to the U.S. by Spain -set-out boundary of U.S. Louisiana territory with that of Spanish Mexico

Adams-Onis Treaty

Who ran the Treasury Department?

Alexander Hamilton

Who was one of the founders of the federalist party who was killed in a duel?

Alexander Hamilton

-Pres. Jackson tried to decrease the power of the Second National Bank of the U.S. which he saw as a tool of the wealthy -he withdrew U.S. money from the bank and placed the money in state banks

Bank of U.S. policies

Who was in charge of the state department when it was founded?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the president who made the Louisiana Purchase?

Thomas Jefferson

in 1838 when Cherokee Indians were forcibly removed from mostly Georgia by the U.S. Army who escorted them to the Indian Territory (25% died from starvation and exposure)

Trail of Tears

ended the War of 1812 in Dec. 1814 as everything stayed the same

Treaty of Ghent

men in Congress who wanted war with the British


-formed in the 1830s against Andrew Jackson and the Democrats

Whig Party

in 1794 when farmers in western Pennsylvania refused to pay the tax on whiskey and attacked tax collector; gov't troops led by Pres. Washington put down the rebellion

Whiskeys Rebellion

Who ran for president in 1840 ?

William Henry Harrison

In 1797 when three French gov't officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats to make a peace agreement with them over an undeclared war between the two countries

XYZ affairs

-in 1803 when the Supreme Court took the power of judicial review which allowed it to declare laws unconstitutional (thus, null and void)

importance of Marbury vs. Madison

when an office holder gives jobs to their political supporters for their work in helping them get elected

spoils system

Judiciary Act of 1789

state court decisions could be appealed to federal courts over Constitutional issues


when U.S. sailors were forced into the British navy

Who ran the department of war?

Henry Knox

when more men (who did not own property) were granted voting rights in the 1820s -democracy was expanded to the common man and wanted to give them a greater say in government

Jacksonian Democracy

Who was the president during the war of 1812?

James Madison

Who was president from 1817-1825 during the era of good feelings?

James Monroe

-When these two states said they had the right to nullify federal laws because they were unconstitutional

virginia and kentucky resolutions

Causes of the war of 1812?

-impressment of U.S. sailors -British arming the Indians to fight against American settlers

-added in 1804 to Constitution -this was created because the 1800 presidential electoral college election was a tie between Jefferson and his vice-presidential candidate Aaron Burr making the House of Representatives having to vote for president -made the electoral college cast separate votes for president and vice-president -allowed presidential candidate to thus pick their vice-presidential candidate

12 amendment

-raised the residency required for U.S. citizenship from 5 to 14 years -allowed the president of the U.S. to jail any undesirable alien (immigrant) -created fines and jail for anyone hindering the operation of the gov't or who used "false, scandalous, or malicious statements" against the gov't -laws were meant to hurt Dem.-Rep. Party supporters

Alien and Sedition Acts

-establish a protective tariff -recharter (recreate) the national bank -sponsor and build internal improvements (canals, roads, bridges, railroads) for trade and travel throughout the country

American system - 3 parts

in Jan. 1915, the last battle of the War of 1812 won by the U.S. (the war was actually over by then but the peace treaty did not arrive for another month later)

Battle of New Orleans

-Federalist Party died out (they had opposed the war) -more industry and manufacturing started in U.S. -we stayed independent (yeah USA!!!)

Consequences of the war of 1812

-fixed the U.S. and British Canadian border at the 49th parallel -U.S. and British would jointly occupy the Oregon Territory out west for 10 years

Convention of 1818

What is the purpose of the Department of War?

Defend the US

Who invented the cotton gin to take seeds out of the cotton?

Eli Whitney

Which party (antifederalist or federalist) was for loose constructionism?


What was the purpose of the state department?

Foreign affairs

Who was the first president of the USA?

George Washington

1830 law that stated all Indians who lived east of the Mississippi River should have to move west of the Mississippi River and settle in the Indian Territory (Oklahoma today)

Indian Removal Act

-between U.S. and Britain in 1794 -British agreed to give up their forts east of Mississippi river near the Great Lakes

Jays Treaty

Who was the second president?

John Adams

Who won the election of 1824 in the house of representatives?

John Quincy Adams

Who was the first vice president to become president?

John Tyler

-made by Pres. Jefferson in 1803 as we bought the land from France for $15 million -sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore it in 1804

Louisiana Purchase

Who was president only for four years because of the Panic of 1837?

Martin Van Buren

-in 1820 when Missouri wanted to be a slave state it was balanced off with Maine as a free state (and which was broken off of Massachusetts) to keep the balance of power in the U.S. Senate between free and slave states -also drew boundary at 36°30' north latitude in Louisiana Territory -above that line there could be no slavery, below the line there could be slavery

Missouri Compromise of 1820

-stated by Pres. Monroe in 1923 that European nations should not interfere in the western hemisphere or attempt to create new colonies -said U.S. would stay out of European affairs and not bother their colonies

Monroe Doctrine

North or South ? industry (textile mills) shipping and trade few slaves more towns and cities


-when South Carolina said it would nullify (cancel) federal laws from 1828 and 1832 which increases import taxes -Pres. Jackson threatened to send in the U.S. Army and it was agreed that the import taxes would be lowered over time

Nullification Crisis of 1832

-economic depression that started in 1837 which led to 33% unemployment -was caused by state banks printing more money than they had backed by gold and silver

Panic of 1837

-between U.S. and Spain in 1795 - Spain gave up all land claims east of Mississippi River except Florida -boundary set at 31st parallel between Spanish Florida and U.S. -U.S. traders allowed to use Mississippi River and port of New Orleans

Pinkey's treaty

What did Washington decide to do when the French and British were at war?

Remain neutral

North or South? Slaves Cash crops (cotton) Rural


First Three government departments

State department Treasury department Department of war

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