Earth Science Final

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Compared with our sun, the star Betelgeuse is...? A Smaller, hotter and less luminous B Smaller, cooler, and more luminous C Larger, hotter and less luminous D Larger, cooler and more luminous


Composed of mainly hydrogen, helium and methane causing the planet to appear blue: A Neptune B Venus C Saturn D Jupiter


If the amount of greenhouse gasses were to increase for a very long time, the atmosphere on Earth would become most like the atmosphere of which planet? A Mercury B Venus C Jupiter D Saturn


If the cloud base is .8 km above the ground and the air temperature at ground level is 36* C, what is the dew point? A 28* C B 30* C C 32* C D 26* C


If the dew point is 22* C and the air temperature is 30* C how high would the cloud base be? A 2.5 km B 1.5 km C 2 km D 1 km


If the water vapor content of air remains constant, lowering air temperature causes a...? A Temperature inversion B Decrease in relative humidity C Increase in evaporation D Increase in relative humidity


In 1800 this scientist discovered this type of EM wave when an experiment measuring the temperature changes between the colors of the spectrum. A William Herschel B Heinrich Hertz C Sir Issac Newton D Albert Einstein


The diagram below represents a cross section of air masses and frontal surfaces along line AB. The dashed line represents precipitation. Which graph shows the correct chart? A 4 B 2 C 3 D 1


The diagram below represents folded and faulted rock layers cut by an igneous intrusion. What is the relative age of the intrusion? A Older than rock unit A and older than the fault B Younger than rock B and older than the fault C Older than rock unit C and younger than the fault D Younger than rock unit D and younger than the fault

3* C

The diagram below shows a dry - bulb and wet - bulb temperature reading for a parcel of air? A 3* C B -5* C C 27* C D 10* C


The diagram below shows the apparent path of a projectile fired from Earths North Pole towards a target located at 45* North Latitude The apparent curving of the projectile path is caused mainly by what? A Gravitational forces B Convection of currents C Earths rotation D Prevailing winds


The diagram below shows the percentage of sun light reflected by different earth surfaces when the sun is directly overhead, which surface reflects the least sunlight? A Forest B Beach C Ocean D Snow


The diagrams below represent Earths tilt on its axis on 4 different dates. The shaded portion represents the nighttime side of earth. Which diagram best represents the day on which the longest duration of isolation occurs in NC? A 2 B 4 C 3 D 1


The difference between the amount of heat energy lost by cup A and the amount of heat energy gained by cup B could be decreased by...? A Replacing the 20 cm aluminum bar with a 10 cm aluminum bar B Using more water in cup A C Using metal cups instead of insulated cups D Lowering the room temperature to 10* C


The difference in the brightness of two stars with the same surface temperature is attributable to their...? A Densities B Colors C Ages D Sizes


Which graph best represents the temperatures that would be shown by thermometers 1 and 2 at station A? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which graph best shows the general relationship between altitude and temperature in the troposphere? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which graph best shows the relationship between atmospheric pressure and water vapor content at Earths surface? A 2 B 1 C 4 D 3


Which graph best shows the relative ages of the rock units along the line A - F in the diagram above? A A B B C C D D


Which graph represents the relationship between the number of sunspots and the amount of magnetic activity in the Sun?


Which graph shows the general relationship between altitude and temperature in the troposphere? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which sequence lists the Jovian planets in order of increasing mass? A Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus B Uranus Neptune Saturn Jupiter C Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune D Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter


Which star is cooler and many times brighter than the Earth's sun? A Barnard's star B Betelgeuse C Rigel D Sirius


Which statement best explains why the amount of heat energy gained by cup B is less than the amount of heat energy lost by cup A? A Water heats more slowly than it cools B The aluminum bar is losing some heat to the air C The thermometer in cup A generated heat energy D Heat energy flows from heat sinks to heat sources


Which statement correctly describes the type of eclipse that was occurring and the position on Earth where this Eclipse was observed? A Solar eclipse observed from position B B Lunar eclipse observed from position A C Lunar eclipse observed from position B D Solar eclipse observed from position A


Which station model represents a location that is currently receiving some form of precipitation? A 2 B 4 C 1 D 3


Which station received the least intense light energy? A A B B C C D D


Which table correctly identifies the type of heat transfer at A, B and C? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which table correctly indicated the name of the weather instrument and the weather variable that it measures? A B C D


Which term is used to describe clouds of middle height? A Alto B Cumulus C Cirrus D Stratus


Which timeline most accurately indicates when this sequence of events in Earth's history occurred? A 4 B 1 C 2 D 3


Which type of front was located just south of New York city on December 9th? A Cold B Stationary C Warm D Occluded


Which type of sand surface would most likely absorb the most radiation? A Dark - colored smooth surface B Dark - colored rough surface C Light - colored smooth surface D Light - colored rough surface


Which type of spectrum is associated with the radiation of most stars? A Absorption spectrum B Emission spectrum C Discontinuous spectrum D Continuous spectrum


Which waves contain the least amount of energy? A Gamma B Microwave C Visible D Radio


Which weather condition was reported at Dallas when air temperature was equal to the dew point? A Rain B Drizzle C Thunderstorm D Fog


Which weather map symbols best represent air mass X and the frontal boundary shown on the map? A cT B mP C mT D cP


Why is Mars called the Red planet? A It is close to the Sun B Large amounts of Iron oxide C Harsh Temperatures D Carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere


Why is there no contact metamorphism indicated between rock unit L and rock unit F? A The intrusion was not hot enough to metamorphose rock unit F B Rock unit F was deposited after the intrusion of rock unit L C The contact metamorphism within rock unit F eroded away D Conglomerate does not metamorphose


X - Rays measure more than a mountain range? T F


One wave or cycle per second is called Hertz? T F


Our galaxy is called the...? A Local group B Orion C Andromeda D Milky Way


When does the autumnal equinox occur in the Southern Hemisphere? A June 21 B March 21 C September 21 D December 21

B (layer A)

Which rock unit was formed most recently? A F B A C M D L


A star with a surface temperature of 20,000 C and above would appear to be...? A Blue B Red C Yellow D White


As energy from the heat source interacts with its surroundings, it is being absorbed and...? A Reflected only B Scattered only C Refracted only D Reflected, Refracted, and scattered


A Hertzsprung - Russel Diagram shows the relationship between...? A Absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude B Temperature and Luminosity C Parallax and temperature D Apparent magnitude and parallax


A _________ spectrum is produced when white light is passed though a comparatively cool gas A Continuous spectrum B Dark line spectrum C Bright line spectrum


As a weather balloon released from the surface of earth rises through the troposphere the instruments it carries will usually indicate that...? A Temperature, atmospheric pressure, and concentration of water vapor decrease B Temperature decreases but atmospheric pressure and concentration of water vapor increase C Temperature increases but atmospheric pressure and concentration of water vapor decrease D Temperature, atmospheric pressure and concentration of water vapor increase


A comet's tail always points...? A Away from the sun B Towards the Sun C Sideways D Downwards


A high pressure center is generally characterized by...? A Warm wet weather B Warm dry weather C Cool dry weather D Cool wet weather


A hot incandescent gas produces a continuous spectrum when looking at it through a spectroscope? T F


A low cloud that blankets the sky and often generates precipitation is called a...? A Cirrostratus cloud B Nimbostratus cloud C Alto Stratus cloud D Cirrus Cloud


A meteor that is brighter than Venus is called a what? A Dirty Snowball B Fireball C Meteorite D None of these


A reflecting telescope produces an image using a _____? A Mirror B Lens C Prism D Antenna


A refracting telescope produces an image using....? A Mirror B Spectroscope C Lens D Prism


A rough dark - colored surface will most likely absorb the greatest amount of incoming solar radiation? T F


A sample of wood found in an ancient tomb contains 25 percent of its original Carbon - 14. The age of this wood sample is approximately...? A 2800 years B 5700 years C 11,400 years D 17,100 years


A star is said to be born when...? A A protostar reaches a temperature high enough for nuclear fusion to begin B A red Giant collapses on itself and becomes a black hole C Pressure within a protostar becomes so great that a supernova occurs D A dark cool interstellar cloud begins to contract


About 95% of these EM waves are absorbed by the ozone in the atmosphere. Which EM waves are these? A X - Rays B Ultraviolet C Infrared D Visible


According to Earth Science reference tables, which radioactive element would be best for determining the age of a 25,000 year old rock sample containing organic remains? A Uranium - 238 B Carbon - 14 C Potassium - 40 D Rubidium - 87


According to figure II, the temperature difference between the black container and the shiny container after 5 min of heating was...? A 30*C B 25* C C 5* C D 4* C


According to the graph, which statement best describes the decay of the radioactive element? A there is the greatest loss in mass B The rate of decay is greatest between 150 x 10^9 and 250 x 10^9 C The same number of atoms of radioactive material decay during each half life D The actual mass of radioactive material that decays in each half life decreases with time


After Hydrogen has been exhausted in the Star's core, the next element to be used is...? A Carbon B Helium C Nitrogen D Oxygen


Air temperature, humidity, type and amount of precipitation, air pressure, and the speed and direction of the wind are the most important measurable properties of weather and climate? T F


All weather takes place in the mesosphere? T F


An object reflects all wavelengths of light. What color does it appear to be? A Black B Red C Blue D White


An observer sees a crescent phase of the moon as shown below. At which position is the moon when this crescent phase is observed? A Position 2 B Position 8 C Position 6 D Position 4


Anything linger than hours or days is considered weather? T F


As the earth revolves around the sun the Earths axis ______ A Changes angles and points in different directions B Changes angles, but points in the same direction C Remains at the same angle, pointed in the same direction D Remains at the same angle but points in different directions


As the moons phase changes from first quarter to last quarter, the visible portion of the moon as observed from earth will...? A Decrease, then increase B Decrease only C Increase only D Increase, then decrease


Astronomers are interested in searching for and studying gamma rays because __________? A They discover new laws of physics B They understand Gamma - Ray bursts C They explain Dark matter D All of these


At the start of the investigation, which could be considered a heat source? A The water in calorimeter A B The water in calorimeter B C The air surrounding the calorimeters D The metal bar between the calorimeter


At what rate did the air temperature inside the black container rise in the first 10 minutes? A 1.5* C/min B 2.6* C/min C 3.6* C/min D 4.5 C/min


At what time did the air most likely have the greatest capacity to hold water vapor? A 5 a.m B 5 p.m C 10 a.m D 10 p.m


At what time during this spring day were the air temperature and dew point closest? A 6 a.m B Noon C 1 a.m D 6 p.m


At which latitude were these apparent Sun paths most likely observed? A 36* B 0* C 43* D 90*


At which location is wind speed greatest? A B B D C A D C


At which two positions of the moon is an eclipse of the Sun or Moon possible? A 3 and 7 B 4 and 8 C 2 and 6 D 1 and 5


Auroras are created in the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere? T F


Based upon the pattern above, which diagram best represents the correct position of the comet's tail at a location relative to the sun? A B C D


Compared to the surface temperature and luminosity of massive stars in the main sequence, the smaller stars in the main sequence are...? A Hotter and less luminous B Hotter and more Luminous C Cooler and less luminous D Cooler and more luminous


Carbon - 14 is NOT used to determine the age of geological objects and events because of its...? A Resistance to weathering B Inorganic origin C Relatively short half - life D Abundance ingenous rocks


Close spacing of isobars on a weather map is a good indicator of...? A Low visibility B High air temperatures C High wind velocity D Low dewpoint temperatures


Compared to other groups of stars, the group that has relatively low luminosity and relatively low temperatures is the...? A Red Dwarfs B White Dwarfs C Red Giants D Blue Super giants


Compared to the air over the ocean, the air over the land has a...? A Higher temperature and lower barometric pressure B Lower temperature and lower barometric pressure C Lower temperature and higher barometric pressure D Higher temperature and higher barometric pressure


Compared to the orbit of the Jovian planets, the orbit of Halley's comet is...? A Less elliptical with a shorter distance between its foci B Less elliptical with a greater distance between its foci C More elliptical with a shorter distance between its foci D More elliptical with a greater distance between its foci


Compared to the other planets in our solar system, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune have...? A Shorter periods of rotation B Shorter periods of revolution C Greater eccentricities D Greater densities


During the 12 minutes of heating, the black container and the shiny container both...? A Received the same amount of energy B Radiated the same amount of energy C Absorbed the same amount of energy D Reflected the same amount of energy


During which process does water gain the most heat energy? A Condensation B Freezing C Evaporation D Melting


Earth is farthest from the Sun in July T F


Earth receives energy from the sun through what method of heat transfer? A Conduction B Convection C Radiation D None of the above


Earths surface winds generally blow from regions of higher...? A Latitudes toward regions of lower latitude B Air temperature toward regions of lower air temperature C Air pressure toward regions of lower air pressure D Elevations toward regions of lower elevations


Electromagnetic waves have nothing in common with ocean waves? T F


Europa is smaller than earth? T F


If stormy weather is approaching, the pressure tendency would probably be...? A Steady B Rising C Falling D None of these


Frontal wedging occurs when sloping terrains such as mountains, act as barriers to flow of air T F


Heinrich Hertz and Marconi were the first to discover Radio Waves? T F


Highs are usually associated with stormy weather? T F


Hot material from neat the radiative rises, cools at the suns surface, and then plunges back downward to the radiative zone. This takes place where on the sun? A Radiative Zone B Chromosphere C Convective Zone D Photosphere


How does the frequency of infrared waves compare to the frequencies of visible light? A Infrared waves have higher frequency B Infrared waves have lower frequency C Infrared waves have the same frequency D Infrared waves have no frequency


How long does it take mercury to revolve around the sun? A 17 days B 88 days C 2 weeks D 24 hours


How many degrees does the altitude of the Sun change from December 21 to June 21? A 43* B 47* C 66.5* D 74*


How old is a fossil that has radioactively decayed through 4 half - lives of Carbon - 14? A 22,800 years B 5,700 years C 28,500 years D 17,100 years


Identify the planet in our solar system that is closest in diameter to Callisto A Venus B Mars C Mercury D Earth


If Saturn was put in a bathtub it would float? T F


If a loop of the sun's magnetic field snaps and it breaks it creates a _______? A Prominence B Solar Flares C Solar Wind D Sunspots


If all of the heat lost by cup A were gained by cup B, what would be the highest possible temperature of the water in cup B? A 19*C B 31* C C 50* C D 80* C


In 1851, the French physicist Jean Foucault constructed a large pendulum that always changed the direction of swing at the same rate in a clockwise direction. According to Foucault, this change in direction was what? A Earths revolution around the sun B Moons rotation on its axis C Moons revolution around the earth D Earths rotation on its axis


In North Carolina, summer is warmer than winter because summer in North Carolina has A More hours of daylight and receives high angle isolation B More hours of daylight and receives low angle isolation C Fewer hours of daylight and receives low angle isolation D Fewer hours of daylight, and receives high angle isolation


In thermonuclear fusion within the sun, hydrogen atoms have their protons stripped from them by high pressure and temperature. These protons are...? A gaining mass from heating up B Splitting apart to form helium atoms C Burning to produce light D Joining to form helium atoms


In what type of rocks would geologists most likely find evidence of past life forms? A Metamorphic rocks B Igneous rocks C Volcanic rocks D Sedimentary rocks


In which diagram is the observer experiencing the greatest intensity of isolation? A 3 B 1 C 2 D 4


In which direction did the high - pressure center move from December 8th, 2009 to December 9th, 2009? A Northeast B Southeast C Northwest D Southwest


In which direction is air pressure exerted? A Upward B Downward C Sideways D All of the above

C (as in area A)

In which rock layer is there no evidence of local contact metamorphism? (why) A H B E C A D J


In which two temperature zones of the atmosphere does the temperature increase with increasing altitude? A Troposphere and Stratosphere B Troposphere and Mesosphere C Stratosphere and Thermosphere D Mesosphere and Thermosphere


Index fossils allow geologists to _____? A Match rocks of the same age in different regions B Identify organisms that did not leave fossil evidence behind C Determine why some organisms became extinct D Determine the exact age of rocks


It can be inferred from this table that the cities at high latitudes have...? A Lower average yearly temperatures because these cities receive insolation at a higher angle during the year B Lower average yearly temperatures because these cities receive insolation at a lower angle during the year C Higher average yearly temperatures because these cities receive insolation at a higher angle during the year D Higher average yearly temperatures because these cities receive insolation at a lower angle during the year


Jupiter has a stripped and banded appearance, this is caused by...? A Ammonia B Cyclonic storm C Winds D None of the above


Jupiter is known as a denser planet than earth? T F


Jupiter's great Red spot is believed to be a what? A Volcanic area B Large desert C Cyclonic storm D Zone of high ammonia concentration


Letter A in the diagram above A Chromosphere B Photosphere C Radiation Zone D Corona


Letter C represents which layer of the sun? A Radiation Zone B Chromosphere C Corona D Photosphere


Letter D represents which layer of the sun? A Corona B Photosphere C Chromosphere D Radiation Zone


Light has the properties of...? A Particles only B Waves only C Both particles and waves D Neither particles nor waves


Light is made up of particles called photons, but it also behaves as...? A Wave energy B Heat energy C Sound energy D Electric energy


Name two changes in state that require the addition of latent potential energy? A Condensation, freezing B Condensation, Vaporization C Freezing, Melting D Melting, Vaporization


Line B on the graph represents data from which weather instrument? A Thermometer B Aneometer C Barometer D Psychrometer


Mercury has no moons? T F


Most important weather phenomena occur in the...? A Stratosphere B Mesosphere C Troposphere D Thermosphere


Most of the energy from the light sources was transferred to the sand by process of...? A Conduction B Convection C Radiation D Transpiration


NASA's orbiting _______ Observatory detects X - Rays created by objects spread far across space such as this supernova explosion that occurred 10,000 light years from earth A Hubble B Chandra C Fermi Gamma - Ray Telescope D Radio


NASA's orbiting ___________ observatory detects X - Rays created by objects spread far across space such as this supernova explosion that occurred 10,000 light years from earth. A Hubble B Chandra C Fermi Gamma - Ray Space Telescope D Radio


Of all the animals listed, which is more abundant today than any time in the past? A birds B Dinosaurs C Horses D Insects


Of all the mass in the solar system, the sun contains about what percentage? A 99 percent B 80 percent C 50 percent D 75 percent


Of the four weather maps below, which one best shows the direction of surface winds within this regional pressure field? A 1 B 4 C 2 D 3


One group that became extinct was the..? A Frogs and Toads B Crocodiles C Birds D Dinosaurs


Ozone is concentrated in the...? A Troposphere B Stratosphere C Mesosphere D Ionsophere


Ozone is concentrated in the? A Troposphere B Stratosphere C Mesosphere D Ionsophere


Saturn's nickname is "icy ring"? T F


Shorter wavelengths correspond to more energetic waves? T F


Snow - covered surfaces have a low albedo? T F


Some electromagnetic wavelengths are very long and measured in meters many are tine and are measured in billions of nano meters? T F


Some electromagnetic wavelengths are very long and measured in meters many are tiny and measured in nano meters? T F


Spectroscopes are used to...? A Combine all light on the EM spectrum B Disperse, or separate white light from a star into a very wide spectrum of colors C Separate X - Ray waves into different wavelengths D None of these choices


Spectroscopes are used to...? A Combine all light on the Electromagnetic spectrum B Disperse, or separate , white light from a star into a very wide spectrum C Separate X - ray waves into different wavelengths D None of these choices


Standard sea level pressure in millibars is...? A 980.5 B 1000 C 1013.2 D 750.1


Stars of which color have the coolest surface temperature? A Red B Orange C Yellow D Blue


Suns spend 90% of their lifespan as Giants? T F


Surface winds within this low pressure system are most likely flowing...? A Toward the center in a counterclockwise pattern B Away from the center in a counterclockwise pattern C Away from the center in a clockwise pattern D Toward the center in a clockwise pattern


The EM spectrum is the foundation of the information age? T F


The Earth is 73 million miles from the sun T F


The Jovian planets contain a large percentage of the gasses: A Nitrogen and Argon B Hydrogen and Helium C Oxygen and nitrogen D Hydrogen and oxygen


The diagram above represents possible stages in the life cycle in stars. Which star has the greatest probability of producing a supernova explosion? A Barnard Star B Betelgeuse C Procyon B D Sun


The Sky generally looks blue because it contains particles of nitrogen and oxygen which are...? A Just the right size to scatter energy with the wavelength of light B Low in the sky and allow light to travel through more of the atmosphere C Composed of only the longer red and yellow wave lengths D None of these


The Sun's spectral class is listed as M? T F


The air above the candle is heated and rises. Which table correctly identifies the type of heat transfer within the rising air and the change in air density above the burning candle? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


The altitude the path of the sun at 36* N Latitude on March 21 is a result of...? A The northern hemisphere being tilted towards the sun at 23 1/2* B The Northern hemisphere being tilted away from the sun at 23 1/2* C The sun radiating energy equally at both hemispheres D The southern hemisphere being tilted towards the sun at 23 1/2*


The characteristics of air masses depend chiefly upon the...? A Barometric pressure of the air mass B Surface over which the air mass was formed C Rotation of earth D Wind velocity within the air mass


The color blue light falls at the _________ nm measurement of the EM spectrum (use ES reference guide) A 4.0 x 10^-7 B 5.0 x 10^-7 C 5.5 x 10^-7 D 7.0 x 10^-7


The color red light falls at the ________________mm measurement on the EM spectrum A 4.0 x 10^-7 B 5.0 x 10^-7 C 5.5 x 106-7 D 7.0 x 10^-7


The conditions that appear in the atmosphere at 20 km are? A Temperature increasing to -45 Pressure decreasing to 10^-1 Water Vapor 0 g/m3 B Temperature increasing to -15 Pressure decreasing to 10^-1 Water vapor 10 g/m3 C Temperature decreasing to -90 Pressure increasing to 10^-2 Water Vapor 5 g/m3 D Temperature no change Pressure decreasing to 10^-1 Water vapor 20 g/m3


The conditions that appear in the atmosphere at 80 km are...? A Temperature in increasing to -45 Pressure decreasing to 10^-1 Water vapor 0 g/m3 B Temperature increasing to -15 Pressure decreasing to 10^-1 Water Vapor 10 g/m3 C Temperature decreasing to -90 pressure increasing to 10^-1 water vapor does not exist D Temperature 90 Pressure 0 water vapor does not exist


The cross section below shows a weather front. The large arrow shows the direction of the movement for the cool air mass. Which type of weather front is shown? A Warm front B Occluded front C Cold front D Stationary front


The energy of a photon is related to its _______ (use the E=hv formula) A Rate of movement B Mass C Wavelength D Size


The force exerted by the weight of air above is called...? A Convergence B Air pressure C The Coriolis effect D Divergence


The form of oxygen that combines three oxygen atoms into each molecule is called...? A Argon B Thermopause C Chlorofluorocarbon D Ozone


The formation of the solar system from a huge cloud of dust gasses is the what? A Protoplanet theory B Nebular theory C Planetesimal Theory D Solar theory


The geologic cross section above shows bedrock layers A through D. Line XY is a fault. The fault most likely occurred after what? A Layer A formed, but before layer B formed B Layer B formed, but before layer C formed C Layer C formed, but before layer D formed D All bedrock layers were formed


The graph below shows the average concentration of ozone in Earth's atmosphere over Arizona during 4 months of the year. Which layer of earths atmosphere contains the greatest concentration of ozone? A Troposphere B Stratosphere C Mesosphere D Thermosphere


The graph below shows the general relationship between latitude and the duration of insolation on a particular day of the year A March 21 B December 21 C September 21 D June 21


The graph indicated that years having the greatest number of sunspots occur ...? A In a cyclic pattern, repeating every 11 years B In a cyclic pattern, repeating every 6 years C Randomly and unpredictably D Precisely at the beginning of each decade


The heat source in figure 1 is transferring its energy primarily by...? A Refraction B Radiation C Convection D Conduction


The leeward side of a mountain are referred to as the rain shadow deserts? T F


The mesosphere is believed to be the lid on weather? T F


The name applies to large quantities of interstellar dust and gas is? A Supernova B Dark matter C Nebula D Comet


The passage of a cold front most recently influenced the weather of which two cities? A Detroit and Cincinnati B Kansas city and Minneapolis C Las Vegas and Salt Lake city D Chicago and Boise


The planet of Venus contains unusual volcanoes called what? A Arachnoids B Lava Domes C Charatides D Destramites


The planet with the greatest Temperatures is...? A Earth B Venus C Mars D Mercury


The present is the key to the past. This statement rephrases the ____? A Principle of cross - cutting relationships B Law of gravity C Principle of originally horizontally D Principle of uniformitarianism


The reaction below represents an energy - producing process. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Helium + Energy The reaction represents how energy is produced...? A In the sun by fusion B When waster condenses in Earth's atmosphere C From the movement of crustal plates D During Nuclear decay


The region where the trade winds meet is also called the doldrums? T F


The star Algol is estimated to have approximately the same luminosity as the star Aldebaran and approximately the same temperature as the star Rigel. Algol is best classified as? A Main sequence star B Red Giant star C White dwarf star D Red Dwarf star


The stratosphere is important because it contains nitrogen, which blocks ultraviolet radiation from the sun? T F


The sub polar low is...? A A zone where polar easterlies and the westerlies converge B The forward edge of the Antarctic ice cap C A zone where the trade winds meet D The boundary zone between frozen and liquid


The sun is a yellow star with a surface temperature of about 5200* C? T F


The sun produces more yellow light than any other light because of it's size? T F


The surface wind zones that flow from the subtropics toward the equator are called the westerlies? T F


The telescope that uses lenses to bring visible light to a focus is a reflecting telescope? T F


The thunderstorm occurred between 11 pm and 12 midnight was most likely the result of...? A The arrival of a cold front B An increase in the difference between air temperature and dew point C The arrival of a warm front D An increase in both air temperature and dew point


The time required for the moon to complete one cycle of phases is about one A Year B Month C Day D Week


The tropopause is...? A The boundary tropical and polar air masses B The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere C The layer of high ozone concentration D The boundary between Earths surface and atmosphere


The typical incandescent bulb light bulb produces a ________? A Absorption emission B Emission spectrum C Discontinuous spectrum D Continuous spectrum


The unit of frequency is the hertz which is defined in general as occurrences or counts per second? T F


The weather characteristics of air mass result primarily from its...? A Size and shape B Geographic origin C Direction of movement D Rate of movement


These waves are created by the hottest, most violent, and most energetic objects and events in the universe A Gamma B X - Ray C UV Rays D Infrared


These waves are used in Doppler radar which is widely used for short term localized weather forecasting and what you see on TV weather news. A Radio B X - Ray C Gamma D Microwave


This Jovian planet has liquid metallic hydrogen on its surface due to its extreme pressures: A Jupiter B Saturn C Neptune D Uranus


This air mass originating over Mexico is classified as...? A Continental tropical B Maritime Polar C Continental Polar D Maritime Tropical


When air is cooled to its dew point, the relative humidity is 100% T F


Unless a series of sedimentary rock layers has been overturned, the bottom rock layer usually is what? A The oldest B The finest texture C Contains Fossils D Contains the greatest variety of materials


Until 2006, Pluto was considered to be one of the nine planets, now Pluto is considered to be a what...? A Moon B Comet C Asteroid D Dwarf Planet


Using the Doppler effect, astronomers can determine a star's...? A Temperature B Chemical Composition C Movement toward or away from earth D Age


Various weather conditions at Raleigh Airport in North Carolina are shown on the station model below. What were the barometric pressure and weather conditions at the airport at the time of the observation? A 1014.6 mb of pressure and a clear sky B 914.6 mb of pressure and a clear sky C 1014.6 mb of pressure and smog D 914.6 pressure and smog


Venus is known as Earths twin? T F


When do the sun's rays strike latitude 23.5*S at an angle of 90* degrees? A June 21 B March 21 C September 21 D December 21


Wavelength is defined as the distance between...? A The crests of a wave B The beginning and ends of two successive waves C The crest of one wave and the trough of another D Successive crests of a wave


Whale bones have been found in North Carolina. What period of the geological timescale did these Whales exist? Use the Earth Science Reference guide to help you (no). A Triassic B Jurassic C Cretaceous D Tertiary


What advantage do space telescopes have over telescopes used on Earth? A They are much cheaper to build B They are not affected by Earth's atmosphere C They do not need lenses or mirrors to gather light D They last longer


What causes heat, or the transfer of energy from one object to another...? A Differences in pressure B Differences in temperature C High albedos D Low albedos


What determines an objects color? A The color of an object is based on the light it reflects B The color of an object is based on the light it absorbs C The color of an object is based on the light it transmits D The color of an object is based on molecular bonds


What determines an objects color? A The color of the object is based on the light it reflects B The color of an object is based off of the light it absorbs C The color of an object is based off of the light it transmits D The color of an object is based on molecular bonds


What do all electromagnetic waves have in common? A Wavelengths B Frequency C Energy D Speed


What information does a star's spectrum offer about the star? A Size B Chemical composition C Age D None of the above


What is a possible age of igneous rock E? A 12 Million years old B 1.5 Million years old C 40 million years old D 28 million years old


What is the amplitude of a wave? A Its width B Its length C Its height D Its rest position


What is the average distance in millions of kilometers, from the Sun to the asteroid belt? A 129 B 189 C 503 D 857


What is the best inference that can be made concerning the movement of galaxies of A, B, and C A Galaxy a is moving away from Earth, but galaxies B and C are moving toward Earth B Galaxy B is moving away from Earth, but Galaxies A and C are moving toward Earth C Galaxies A B and C are all moving towards Earth D Galaxies A B and C are all moving away from Earth


What is the dewpoint when the dry bulb temperature is 24*C and the wet bulb temperature is 21* C? A 21* C B 20* C C 16* C D 18* C


What is the half life of the element? A 60 x 10^9 B 20 x 10^9 C 125 x 10^9 D 180 x 10^9


What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere? A Thermosphere B Troposphere C Stratosphere D Mesosphere


What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? A Oxygen B Nitrogen C Carbon Dioxide D Hydrogen


What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? A Oxygen B Nitrogen C Carbon Dioxide D Hydrogen


What is the name of the lunar phase at E? A 3rd quarter B 1st quarter C New moon D Full moon


What is the name of the lunar phase letter H? A Crescent B Gibbous C 1st quarter D 3rd quarter


What is the relative humidity if the dry bulb temperature is 22*C and the wet bulb temperature is 17*C


What is true about warm, saturated air? A It contains more water vapor than cold air B It contains the same amount of water vapor as cold air C It contains less water vapor than cold air D It does not contain any water vapor


What part of the comet contains the most mass? A Nucleus B Ion Tail C Cloud D Comet's don't have mass


What was the barometer pressure for location X on December 8th? A 1008 mb B 1012 mb C 1004 mb D 1016 mb


What will be the final stage in the suns life cycle? A White dwarf B Red Giant C Blue Super giant D Black dwarf


When 35 percent of original radioactive material is left, the sample will be approximately how many years old? A 100 x 10^9 B 60 x 10^9 C 180 x 10^9 D 5 x 10^9


When Earth is the farthest from the Sun it is said to be in aphelion position T F


When two temperatures read nearly the same on a psychrometer, you can conclude that...? A A change in temperature is likely B Your instrument reading is accurate C The dew point temperature is very low D The air has relatively high humidity


When two temperatures read nearly the same on a psycrometer, you can conclude that...? A Your instrument reading is accurate B The air has a high relative humidity C The dew point is very low D A change in temperature is likely


When was the oldest known fossil in North Carolina discovered in what Era? A Paleozoic B Cenozoic C Late Proterozoic D Mesozoic


Where is the sun located in the Milky way? A Within one of the spiral arms B At the exact center of the galactic nucleus C In the galactic halo D At the tip of one of the spiral arms


Which Apollo mission landed the first man on the moon? A Apollo 10 B Apollo 11 C Apollo 12 D Apollo 17


Which Saturn moon has a substantial and dense atmosphere? A Io B Miranda C Titan D Europa


Which change most likely caused the decrease in relative humidity between 6:00 a.m and 3:00 p.m.? A The rate of evaporation increased B The dewpoint increased C The moisture content of the air increased D The air temperature increased


Which characteristic of the granite intrusion provides the most evidence that it solidified deep underground? A Coarse texture B Light Color C Very hard D Felsic Composition


Which characteristic of the planets in our solar system is represented by X? A Mass B Density C Eccentricity of Orbit D Period of rotation


Which cloud type is best described as sheets or layers that cover much of or all the of the sky? A Stratus B Cumulus C Alto D Cirrus


Which clouds are often associated with Thunder and lightning? A Altostratus B Cumulonimbus C Nimbostratus D Cirrostratus


Which clouds are often associated with thunder and lightning? A Nimbostratus B Altostratus C Cumulonimbus D Cirrostratus


Which conclusion can be made by comparing the standard spectrum to the spectrum produced by this distant star? A The Stars spectral lines have shifted toward the ultraviolet end of the spectrum and the star is moving towards earth B The stars spectral lines have shifted toward the Ultraviolet end of the spectrum and the star is moving away from earth C The stars spectral lines have shifted toward the infrared end of the spectrum and the star is moving toward earth D The stars spectral lines have shifted towards the infrared end of the spectrum and the star is moving away from earth


Which diagram best represents how greenhouse gases in our atmosphere trap heat energy? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which diagram best represents the best apparent path of the sun on June 21st in NC? A 4 B 1 C 3 D 2


Which diagram has arrows that show the direction of airflow that occurs when the candle is burning? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which era immediately follows the Precambrian? A Mesozoic B Paleozoic C Tertiary D Cenozoic


Which event occurred most recently? A Deposition of rock layer A B Erosion of rock layer J C Deposition of rock layer G D Erosion of rock layer F


Which event occurred sometime after the formation of the unconformity? A Deposition of the sediments that formed rock Unit 8 B Tilting of rock unit 5 C Intrusion of rock unit 7 D Formation of rock unit 3


Which gas is present in the atmosphere of Venus, Earth, and Mars but is not present in the atmosphere of Jupiter? A Argon B Methane C Hydrogen D Water Vapor


Which graph best illustrates the average temperatures of the planets in the solar system? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which graph best represents the relationship between the angle of insolation and the intensity of insolation? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which graph best represents the relationship between the maximum altitude of the Sun and the time of year in NC? A 3 B 2 C 1 D 4 (screwed up graphs missing just memorize this question)


Which graph best represents the relationship between time and the temperature of the water in cup A? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which graph best represents the relative wavelengths of the different forms of electromagnetic energy? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which inference about rock units D, E and H can best be supported by evidence in the cross section? A They contain mostly sand sized sediment B They were altered by contact metamorphism C They were deposited as horizontal layers and were later tilted D They contain both land and marine fossils


Which information shown on the weather maps best indicated that wind speeds in New York State were greater on December 9th than on December 8th? A The isobars were closer together on December 9th B The air pressure over New York state was higher on December 9th C The air pressure over New York State was lower on December 9th D The fronts were closer together on December 9th


Which jar would be associated with hot air and high pressure? A neither B B C A


Which list shows stars in order of increasing temperature? A Barnard's star, Polaris, Sirius, Rigel B Aldebaran, the Sun, Rigel, Procyon C Rigel, Polaris, Aldebaran, Barnard's star D Procyon B, Alpha Centuri, Polaris, Betelgeuse


Which location on the graph represents a star with an average brightness and temperature? A A B B C C D D


Which magnitude would be associated with the brightest star? A -15 B 10 C 5 D -5


Which map best represents the surface wind pattern around Northern hemisphere high pressure and low pressure centers? A 4 B 2 C 1 D 3


Which map best shows the general surface wind pattern around the high - pressure system on December 8th? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which motion causes the moon to show phases when viewed from Earth? A Revolution of the Earth B Rotation of the Moon C Rotation of Earth D Revolution of the Moon


Which of Jupiter's moons are volcanic-ally active, with its surface covered in Lava lakes? A Ganymede B Titan C Europa D Io


Which of the above has the highest density? A B B D C C D A


Which of the above has the highest temperature? A D B B C C D A


Which of the following colors has the longest wavelength? A Blue B Green C Red D Orange


Which of the following indicated that the universe is expanding? A Red shift of distant galaxies B Red shift of the galaxies in the local group C Blue shift of distant galaxies D Blue shift of the milky way


Which of the following is NOT a terrestrial planet? A Mercury B Earth C Mars D Jupiter


Which of the following is NOT an era of the Phanerozoic Eon? A Hadean B Mesozoic C Paleozoic D Cenozoic


Which of the following is a unit for wavelength? A Joules B Hertz C Seconds D Meters


Which of the following is considered to be a boundary between two different air masses? A Warm front B Neither warm front nor cold front C Both warm front and cold front D Cold front


Which of the following is not a type of Galaxy? A Nebular B Irregular C Spiral D Elliptical


Which of the following is not considered a form of electromagnetic radiation? A Radio waves B Gamma rays C Sound waves D Visible light


Which of the following is true? A Land heats less rapidly than water B Land heats more rapidly than water C Land reaches higher temperatures than water D Both B and C


Which of the following refers to the temperature to which air would have to be cooled to reach saturation? A Adiabatic rate B Relative point C Dew point D Vapor


Which pie graph correctly shows the percentage of elements by volume in Earths troposphere? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which pie graph correctly shows the percentage of elements by volume in earth's troposphere? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4


Which planet has a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere and high surface temperatures? A Venus B Earth C Mars D Mercury


Which planet has an atmosphere composed of primarily CO2, and a period of rotation greater than its period of revolution? A Venus B Mercury C Earth D Mars


Which planet has the fastest rotational period? A Saturn B Jupiter C Uranus D Neptune


Which planet is associated with the Great Dark spot? A Neptune B Jupiter C Mars D Saturn


Which planet is only second to the moon in brilliance in the night sky? A Mercury B Mars C Jupiter D Venus


Which planets axis of rotation lies nearly parallel with the plane of its orbit? A Mercury B Earth C Uranus D Saturn


Which process releases 2260 joules of heat energy per gram of water into the environment? A Melting B Freezing C Condensation D Evaporation


Which process required the most absorption of energy by water? A Melting 1 gram of ice B Condensing 1 gram of water vapor C Vaporizing 1 gram of liquid water D Freezing 1 gram of liquid water


Which radioactive isotope disintegrates to lead (Pb^206)? A Uranium - 238 B Carbon - 14 C Potassium - 40 D Rubidium - 87

D (as in element A has the shortest half life)

Which radioactive substance shown on the graph below as the shortest half life? (why) A D B B C C D A


Which region is most of the united states located in? A Polar B Mid - Latitudes C Tropics D None of these


Which rock layer most likely was deposited directly on an erosional surface? A H B C C E D A

D (rock layer B)

Which rock layer provides the best evidence for crustal movement? A E B C C H D B

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