EASA part 66 module 9

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Whose responsibility is it to minimise human factors incidents in your company? · The accountable manager's · The Manager's Everyone's


What is peer group pressure? · Our behaviour influenced by our friends and colleagues. · The influence an individual has over a group of people · The influence the House of Lords have over the House of Commons

Our behavior influenced by our friends and colleagues.

The inability for the eyes to accommodate sufficiently is known as • Hypermetropia • Presbyopia • Myopia


If a person is colour blind, which colours would be most difficult to see? · Yellow and red · Red and green · Blue and red

Red and green

Which type of memory is most susceptible to interference from external influences? • Long term • Ultra short term • Short term

Short term

The memory can be aided by · mind logging · memory checking a checklist

a checklist

The ear is used to detect · acceleration · neither acceleration nor speed speed


The most common cause of myopia is · a shortened eyeball · an elongated eyeball · weak accommodation

an elongated eyeball

The scientific study of measurements of the human body is known as • anthropometrics • physiology • ergonomics


An aircraft engineer who has 'responsibility' · are liable to be called to account as being in charge or control of, or answerable for something · must be licensed on the particular type of aircraft · is in a management position within their company hierarchy

are liable to be called to account as being in charge or control of, or answerable for something

Motor programmes · are behavior subroutines · require conscious thought to engage are stored as working rules in long term memory

are stored as working rules in long term memory

The retina is situated · in front of the cornea · behind the cornea with the lens · at the back of the eye with the optic nerve

at the back of the eye with the optic nerve

Noise signals are carried to the brain by the · Eustachian nerve · sensory nerve · auditory nerve

auditory nerve

To focus on a near object, the lens of the eye must · be flattened · be thickened · be widened

be thickened

If an image formed on the retina of the eye is inverted relative to the viewers normal perception of the image, the viewer will · consciously mentally revert the image so as to make sense of his/her surroundings · become disoriented and dizzy behave and feel normal

behave and feel normal

In the eye, the cones are used mainly in · bright light levels and they give poor colour vision · low light levels and they give poor colour vision bright light to give fine detail

bright light to give fine detail

Extreme discomfort experienced by a maintenance engineer due to working in a confined space is known as • claustrophobia • agoraphobia • acrophobia


Memory which can be influenced by a persons expectations of what should have happened is · semantic · episodic · echoic


The type of memory which is most easily influenced by a person's expectations of what should have happened is the • long term memory • episodic memory • semantic memory

episodic memory

The nose · warms the air into the lungs · filters, warms and moistens the air into the lungs · filters the air into the lungs

filters, warms and moistens the air into the lungs

When someone is working in an enclosed space (such a fuel tank), another person should be outside the space in constant communication to · provide instructions to the tradesman · for safety reasons · ensure compliance with the maintenance manual

for safety reasons

Information in the long term memory · is easily transferred to the short term memory · is only available under hypnosis · is easily lost

is easily lost

An engineer who has developed his own way of performing a task · is in regular violation · should be commended for his resourcefulness is improving maintenance efficiency

is in regular violation

The Otoliths detect · both angular and linear acceleration · angular acceleration · linear acceleration

linear acceleration

The difference between what a person 'can' do and what he 'will' do is largely determined by his · motivation · education and training · physical and mental health


Learning of a routine by repeated practice is known as • motor programming • episodic memory • cognitive learning

motor programming

An aircraft maintenance engineer who wears glasses or contact lenses should • not require their duties to be restricted providing they wear their glasses/contact lenses at all times they carry out their duties • have their duties restricted accordingly. • not require their duties to be restricted providing they have frequent checks to ensure the adequacy of their glasses/contact lenses.

not require their duties to be restricted providing they have frequent checks to ensure the adequacy of their glasses/contact lenses.

Visual Acuity is the ability • to detect objects in the peripheral vision • to differentiate between different colours • of the eye to discriminate sharp detail at varying distances

of the eye to discriminate sharp detail at varying distances

The first stage in information processing is · memorizing · decision · perception


People with colour defective vision usually have difficulty differentiating between · blue and yellow · blue and green · red and green

red and green

Peripheral vision is detected by the • rods • cones • fovea


Myopia is _______ and a ______ lens is needed to correct it · short sightedness and convex · long sightedness and concave · short sightedness and concave

short sightedness and concave

The 'working memory' is • ultra short term memory • long term memory • short term memory

short term memory

The percentage of accidents attributable to aircraft maintenance and inspection causes is • now less significant due to more advanced maintenance practices • significant and rising • now less significant due to the introduction of more sophisticated aircraft

significant and rising

Detail is best sensed by the ______ and movement best sensed by the ______ · the periphery and the periphery · the periphery and fovea the fovea and periphery

the fovea and periphery

In a discussion, the person who is most likely to be agreed with is · the most argumentative person · the person who repeats the point most times · the person with the highest status

the person with the highest status

Diffusion of responsibility may occur · with certain people whether they are working in a team or alone · to an individual working as a member of a team · to an individual working alone

to an individual working as a member of a team

A person with 20/40 vision has · better eyesight than a person with 20/20 vision · worse eyesight as a person with 20/20 vision · the same eyesight as a person with 20/20 vision

worse eyesight as a person with 20/20 vision

At what distance should a person without hearing difficulties be able to hear an average conversational voice in a quiet room · 3 meters (9 feet · 2 meters (6 feet) · 1 meter (3 feet)

· 2 meters (6 feet)

Ultra short term memory has a duration of about · 2 seconds · 10 to 20 seconds · 80 - 100 milliseconds

· 2 seconds

From what age does hearing ability normally begin to decline? · 40 · 30 · 50

· 30

Presbyopia often affects the eyes of people after the age of · 70 · 40 55

· 40

The amount of light which is allowed to enter the eye can vary by a factor of · 5:1 · 500:1 · 50:1

· 5:1

Human error is a causal factor in what percentage of aviation accidents and incidents? · 60% · 25% · 80%

· 80%

What is the CAA standard for vision? · Acceptable uncorrected vision · 18/20 vision · Acceptable corrected vision

· Acceptable corrected vision

Which of the following is least associated with the study of human factors? · Ergonomics · Health and Safety Human error

· Health and Safety

What range of sound is usually impaired first with the onset of presbycusis? · Mid range sound · Low pitch sound · High pitch sound

· High pitch sound

In AWN 47, what is the standard hearing test? · The ability to hear a conversation in a quiet room at 10 metres · The ability to hear a conversation in a quiet room at 2 metres · The ability to hear a conversation in a noisy room at 2 metres

· The ability to hear a conversation in a quiet room at 2 metres

How long is the short term memory good for remembering 7 items? · Up to 30 seconds · 30 to 60 seconds · Above 60 seconds

· Up to 30 seconds

What do you do when someone is hypothermic? · Give them a drink because of dehydration · Feed them sweet things because of their diabetes · Warm them up

· Warm them up

Colour defective vision affects · almost 1 in 10 of women · more women than men · almost 1 in 10 of men

· almost 1 in 10 of men

Murphy's law is perpetuated mainly by · poor aircraft design · violations · complacency

· complacency

70 - 80% of the total focusing ability of the eye is carried out by the · iris · cornea · lens

· cornea

The incident where a 737 lost oil from both engines is a direct result of · poor design · human error · engine vibration

· human error

Most engineering related incidents are due to · installing dirty connectors · installing worn or old components · installing components incorrectly

· installing components incorrectly

Hypermetropia is the medical name for · long sightedness · deafness · short sightedness

· long sightedness

The inability for the eyes to accommodate sufficiently is known as · hypermetropia · presbyopia · myopia

· presbyopia

At lower light levels, the visual sensing is performed mainly by the · cones · fovea · rods

· rods

The 'cocktail party effect' is descriptive of · focused attention · divided attention · selective attention

· selective attention

Information in the short term memory not rehearsed will be lost in · 2 - 3 weeks · 1 - 3 months · 10 - 20 seconds

10 - 20 seconds

Information, if not rehearsed is lost in · 1 minute · 30 - 40 seconds · 10 - 20 seconds

10 - 20 seconds

How long can the aural reflex protect the ear from loud noise? • 15 seconds • 15 minutes • 5 seconds

15 minutes

Ultra short term memory has a duration of about • 80 - 100 milliseconds • 10 to 20 seconds • 2 seconds

2 seconds

At what maximum frequency does the human ear hear? · 8 kHz · 20 kHz · 16 kHz

20 kHz

The average capacity of the working memory is about · 12 chunks of information · 7 chunks of information 4 chunks of information

7 chunks of information

How many things can be stored in the short term memory? · 0 - 5 · No limit · 9 - 15

9 - 15

What is white finger? · A skin disorder caused by extensive contact with oils and solvents · A reaction when the white blood cells die and contaminate the fingers A disorder of the finger which may occur through continuous use of pneumatic tools because of reduced blood flow

A disorder of the finger which may occur through continuous use of pneumatic tools because of reduced blood flow

What is the most common cause of in-flight engine shutdown? · Foreign object damage · Improper fault isolation, inspection or test Incomplete installation

Incomplete installation

The impact of human factors and human error is most important to · It is equally important to technicians, engineers, planners and managers · technicians and engineers · planners and managers

It is equally important to technicians, engineers, planners and managers

Whose decision must be obeyed? · That of the most experienced person · That of the most forceful person That of the person with the higher status

That of the person with the higher status

What happened to contribute towards the incident in 1995 where a Boeing 737 lost oil pressure and had to divert? · Both warning indications were faulty, due to crossed connections · The boroscope inspection had been inadequate · The HP rotor drive covers of both engines had not been refitted after a boroscope inspection

The HP rotor drive covers of both engines had not been refitted after a boroscope inspection

In AWN 47 what is the recommended hearing test? · The ability to hear an average conversation voice at a distance of 6 feet · The ability to hear an average conversation voice at a distance of 10 feet · The ability to hear a certain noise at 8 feet

The ability to hear an average conversation voice at a distance of 6 feet

What part of the eye is colour sensitive? • The rods • The cones • The iris

The cones

What part of the eye controls the amount of light that is allowed to enter the eye? • The pupil • The cornea • The iris

The iris

What is meant by a 'mind set'? · You have preconceived ideas about something · You are unsure of a situation You are unwilling to change your mind about something

You are unwilling to change your mind about something

Which of the following statements best defines peer pressure? · Your girlfriend wants to go to a dance, but you have to do overtime · Your manager is telling you to hurry up and get a job finished · Your colleagues are telling you to hurry up as when you finish your job, you can all go home

Your colleagues are telling you to hurry up as when you finish your job, you can all go home

Motor programme refers to · motivational computer software · a task that becomes programmed into short term memory · a task that has been carried out so many times that it becomes automatic

a task that has been carried out so many times that it becomes automatic

It is generally true that group decisions are ___________ than the average individual decision within a group. · more prone to error · worse · better


Conductive deafness can be caused by damage to the · semi circular canals · cochlea otoliths


In the human eye most of the refraction required to bring an image into focus on the retina is accomplished by the · lens · iris · cornea


Light enters the eye through the · visual cortex · cornea · retina


A regular behavior of an individual is known as · habit · the norm culture


The pupil of the eye grows smaller · to focus the fovea · in condition of increased light · in condition of reduced light

in condition of increased light

'Risky shift' is · the name given to an inadequate shift handover · the tendency for a group of workers to arrive at a course of action which is riskier than that which any individual member might pursue · the probability of being assigned to a work task which involves some element of risk or physical danger

the tendency for a group of workers to arrive at a course of action which is riskier than that which any individual member might pursue

To ensure that a technician remains reasonably current on the aircraft types to which they hold authorizations, they are required that · they are involved in at least 6 months of actual aircraft maintenance experience in any 2 year period and they have appropriate continuation/refresher training · they have appropriate continuation/refresher training only · they are involved in at least 6 months of actual aircraft maintenance experience in any 2 year period only.

they are involved in at least 6 months of actual aircraft maintenance experience in any 2 year period and they have appropriate continuation/refresher training

Attention Getters are designed to · to gain the operators attention whilst allowing them to continue with the task in hand · to make the operator focus his/her attention fully on the task in hand to get the operators full attention

to get the operators full attention

The aim of human factors programs within an organizations is · to safeguard the health and safety of maintenance personnel by reducing accidents in the workplace · to optimize the relationship between maintenance personnel and systems with a view to improving safety, efficiency and well-being · to reduce costs by increasing efficiency, safety and quality and decreasing waste through human error

to optimize the relationship between maintenance personnel and systems with a view to improving safety, efficiency and well-being

Poking sharp objects into the ear should be avoided as it is likely to result in · conductive hearing loss · tinnitus ringing · tympanic membrane perforation

tympanic membrane perforation

A person suffering from presbyopia would normally · have defective colour vision and not be allowed to carry out maintenance work on cable looms · wear spectacles when reading or carrying out close detail work be short sighted and need to wear spectacles to see objects more than 30 cm away

wear spectacles when reading or carrying out close detail work

Accidents and engineering faults are; · significant and increasing · insignificant and increasing · insignificant and decreasing

· significant and increasing

Iconic memory · stores visual information and lasts up to 2 seconds · stores visual information and lasts up to 1/2 second · stores sounds and lasts up to 2 seconds

· stores visual information and lasts up to 1/2 second

A company's safety policy should be defined in · the Maintenance Schedule · CAP 716 · the Maintenance Organization Exposition

· the Maintenance Organization Exposition

Long term memory capacity is usually · 12 months · unlimited · 4 - 8 years

· unlimited

If a 737 had both engines serviced and lost oil from both engines in flight. This · would be a direct result of human error · can be considered an acceptable probability · can be expected to happen statistically due to the number of aircraft in service

· would be a direct result of human error

A perforated ear drum could occur if · you were subjected to intermittent noise above 25 kHz · you were subjected to continuous noise below 8 kHz you blew your nose excessively

· you were subjected to continuous noise below 8 kHz

Murphy's law can be regarded as the notion · 'If something can go wrong, it will' · 'It can never happen to me' · 'If something goes wrong I am certain to get the blame

'If something can go wrong, it will'

Where are the responsibilities of Licensed Aircraft Engineers laid down? · The Air Navigation Order · CAP 715 · AWN 3


What causes the most aircraft accidents? · Misunderstanding between ATC and pilot on approach · Communication Technical faults


What type of lens is used to overcome short sightedness? • Convex • Bi-focal • Concave


What type of lens is used to correct long sightedness? • Bi-focal • Convex • Concave


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